
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived intestinal organoids are valuable tools for researching developmental biology and personalized therapies, but their closed topology and relative immature state limit applications. Here, we use organ-on-chip technology to develop a hiPSC-derived intestinal barrier with apical and basolateral access in a more physiological in vitro microenvironment. To replicate growth factor gradients along the crypt-villus axis, we locally expose the cells to expansion and differentiation media. In these conditions, intestinal epithelial cells self-organize into villus-like folds with physiological barrier integrity, and myofibroblasts and neurons emerge and form a subepithelial tissue in the bottom channel. The growth factor gradients efficiently balance dividing and mature cell types and induce an intestinal epithelial composition, including absorptive and secretory lineages, resembling the composition of the human small intestine. This well-characterized hiPSC-derived intestine-on-chip system can facilitate personalized studies on physiological processes and therapy development in the human small intestine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microphysiological systems (MPSs) are promising in vitro technologies for physiologically relevant predictions of the human absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) properties of drug candidates. However, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a common material used in MPSs, can both adsorb and absorb small molecules, thereby compromising experimental results. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using the PDMS-based Emulate gut-on-chip to determine the first-pass intestinal drug clearance. In cell-free PDMS organ-chips, we assessed the loss of 17 drugs, among which testosterone was selected as a model compound for further study based on its substantial ad- and absorptions to organ chips and its extensive first-pass intestinal metabolism with well-characterized metabolites. A gut-on-chip model consisting of epithelial Caco-2 cells and primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) was established. The barrier integrity of the model was tested with reference compounds and inhibition of drug efflux. Concentration-time profiles of testosterone were measured in cell-free organ chips and in gut-on-chip models. A method to deduce the metabolic clearance was provided. Our results demonstrate that metabolic clearance can be determined with PDMS-based MPSs despite substantial compound loss to the chip. Overall, this study offers a practical protocol to experimentally assess ADME properties in PDMS-based MPSs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic digestive disorders are of increasing incidence worldwide with expensive treatments and no available cure. Available therapeutic schemes mainly rely on symptom relief, with large degrees of variability in patients\' response to such treatments, underlining the need for new therapeutic strategies. There are strong indications that the gut microbiota\'s contribution seems to be a key modulator of disease activity and patients\' treatment responses. Hence, efforts have been devoted to understanding host-microbe interactions and the mechanisms underpinning such variability. Animal models, being the gold standard, provide valuable mechanistic insights into host-microbe interactions. However, they are not exempt from limitations prompting the development of alternative methods. Emerging microfluidic technologies and gut-on-chip models were shown to mirror the main features of gut physiology and disease state, reflect microbiota modification, and include functional readouts for studying host responses. In this commentary, we discuss the relevance of animal models in understanding host-microbe interactions and how gut-on-chip technology holds promises for addressing patient variability in responses to chronic digestive disease treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring the gastrointestinal role of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is difficult because of its volatility and the absence of a precisely controllable model system for manipulating the gut environment. Hayes et al. address this issue by engineering Escherichia coli to titrate H2S levels in a gas-impermeable gut-on-chip device.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory bowel disease causes a major burden to patients and healthcare systems, raising the need to develop effective therapies. Technological advances in cell culture, allied with ethical issues, have propelled in vitro models as essential tools to study disease aetiology, its progression, and possible therapies. Several cell-based in vitro models of intestinal inflammation have been used, varying in their complexity and methodology to induce inflammation. Immortalized cell lines are extensively used due to their long-term survival, in contrast to primary cultures that are short-lived but patient-specific. Recently, organoids and organ-chips have demonstrated great potential by being physiologically more relevant. This review aims to shed light on the intricate nature of intestinal inflammation and cover recent works that report cell-based in vitro models of human intestinal inflammation, encompassing diverse approaches and outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, relapsing gastrointestinal condition. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn\'s disease are types of inflammatory bowel disease. Over many decades, the disease has been a topic of study, with experts still trying to figure out its cause and pathology. Researchers have established many in vivo animal models, in vitro cell lines, and ex vivo systems to understand its cause ultimately and adequately identify a therapy. However, in vivo animal models cannot be regarded as good models for studying IBD since they cannot completely simulate the disease. Furthermore, because species differences are a crucial subject of concern, in vitro cell lines and ex vivo systems can be employed to recreate the condition properly. In vitro models serve as the starting point for biological and medical research. Ex vivo and in vitro models for replicating gut physiology have been developed. This review aims to present a clear understanding of several in vitro and ex vivo models of IBD and provide insights into their benefits and limits and their value in understanding intestinal physiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intestinal mucus is a biological barrier that supports the intestinal microbiota growth and filters molecules. To perform these functions, mucus possesses optimized microstructure and viscoelastic properties and it is steadily replenished thus flowing along the gut. The available in vitro intestinal mucus models are useful tools in investigating the microbiota-human cells interaction, and are used as matrices for bacterial culture or as static component of microfluidic devices like gut-on-chips. The aim of this work is to engineer an in vitro mucus models (I-Bac3Gel) addressing in a single system physiological viscoelastic properties (i.e., 2-200 Pa), 3D structure and suitability for dynamic bacterial culture. Homogeneously crosslinked alginate hydrogels are optimized in composition to obtain target viscoelastic and microstructural properties. Then, rheological tests are exploited to assess a priori the hydrogels capability to withstand the flow dynamic condition. We experimentally assess the suitability of I-Bac3Gels in the evolving field of microfluidics by applying a dynamic flow to a bacterial-loaded mucus model and by monitoring E. coli growth and survival. The engineered models represent a step forward in the modelling of the mucus, since they can answer to different urgent needs such as a 3D structure, bioinspired properties and compatibility with dynamic system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most prevalent cancers affecting humans, with a complex genetic and environmental aetiology. Unlike cancers with known environmental, heritable, or sex-linked causes, sporadic CRC is hard to foresee and has no molecular biomarkers of risk in clinical use. One in twenty CRC cases presents with an established heritable component. The remaining cases are sporadic and associated with partially obscure genetic, epigenetic, regenerative, microbiological, dietary, and lifestyle factors. To tackle this complexity, we should improve the practice of colonoscopy, which is recommended uniformly beyond a certain age, to include an assessment of biomarkers indicative of individual CRC risk. Ideally, such biomarkers will be causal to the disease and potentially modifiable upon dietary or therapeutic interventions. Multi-omics analysis, including transcriptional, epigenetic as well as metagenomic, and metabolomic profiles, are urgently required to provide data for risk analyses. The aim of this article is to provide a perspective on the multifactorial derailment of homeostasis leading to the initiation of CRC, which may be explored via multi-omics and Gut-on-Chip analysis to identify much-needed predictive biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a growing interest to understand if and how the gut microbiome is causally linked to the pathogenesis and/or progression of diseases. While in vitro cell line models are commonly used for studying specific aspects of the host-microbe interaction, gnotobiotic murine models are considered the preferred platform for studying causality in microbiome research. Nevertheless, findings from animal studies provide limited opportunity for delineating various areas of interest to the human gut microbiome research. Gut-on-chips are biomimetics recapitulating intestinal physiology which enable investigation of bidirectional effects of the host and microbiome. We posit that they could advance causal and ecological gut microbiome research in three major areas: (i) diet-microbiome and drug-microbiome interaction; (ii) microbiome-targeted therapeutics pharmacoecology; and (iii) mechanistic studies of gut microbiome and microbiome-targeted intervention in extraintestinal pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organ-on-chip (OoC) technology is full of engineering and biological challenges, but it has the potential to revolutionize the Next-Generation Risk Assessment of novel ingredients for consumer products and chemicals. A successful incorporation of OoC technology into the Next-Generation Risk Assessment toolbox depends on the robustness of the microfluidic devices and the organ tissue models used. Recent advances in standardized device manufacturing, organ tissue cultivation and growth protocols offer the ability to bridge the gaps towards the implementation of organ-on-chip technology. Next-Generation Risk Assessment is an exposure-led and hypothesis-driven tiered approach to risk assessment using detailed human exposure information and the application of appropriate new (non-animal) toxicological testing approaches. Organ-on-chip presents a promising in vitro approach by combining human cell culturing with dynamic microfluidics to improve physiological emulation. Here, we critically review commercial organ-on-chip devices, as well as recent tissue culture model studies of the skin, intestinal barrier and liver as the main metabolic organ to be used on-chip for Next-Generation Risk Assessment. Finally, microfluidically linked tissue combinations such as skin-liver and intestine-liver in organ-on-chip devices are reviewed as they form a relevant aspect for advancing toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic studies. We point to recent achievements and challenges to overcome, to advance non-animal, human-relevant safety studies.





