gut content

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents the observations of predation by the grouper Epinephelus quoyanus on sea turtle hatchlings in Chagar Hutang bay, Redang Island, Malaysia. Two of the eight collected specimens had hatchlings in their guts, whereas the remaining specimens had empty stomachs. This field report provides an in-depth understanding of the E. quoyanus diet and new insights into its feeding behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macroinvertebrate predators such as backswimmers (Heteroptera: Notonectidae), dragonflies (Odonata: Aeshnidae), and predatory diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) naturally inhabit aquatic ecosystems. Some aquatic ecosystems inhabited by these macroinvertebrate predator taxa equally form malaria vector larval habitats. The presence of these predators in malaria vector larval habitats can negatively impact on development, adult body size, fecundity, and longevity of the malaria vectors, which form important determinants of their fitness and future vectorial capacity. These potential negative impacts caused by aquatic macroinvertebrate predators on malaria vectors warrant their consideration as biocontrol agents in an integrated program to combat malaria. However, the use of these macroinvertebrate predators in malaria biocontrol is currently constrained by technical bottlenecks linked to their generalist predatory tendencies and often long life cycles, demanding complex rearing systems. We reviewed the literature on the use of aquatic macroinvertebrate predators for biocontrol of malaria vectors from the An. gambiae s.l. complex. The available information from laboratory and semi-field studies has shown that aquatic macroinvertebrates have the potential to consume large numbers of mosquito larvae and could thus offer an additional approaches in integrated malaria vector management strategies. The growing number of semi-field structures available in East and West Africa provides an opportunity to conduct ecological experimental studies to reconsider the potential of using aquatic macroinvertebrate predators as a biocontrol tool. To achieve a more sustainable approach to controlling malaria vector populations, additional, non-chemical interventions could provide a more sustainable approach, in comparison with the failing chemical control tools, and should be urgently considered for integration with the current mosquito vector control campaigns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Dung beetles provide many important ecosystem services, including dung decomposition, pathogen control, soil aeration, and secondary seed dispersal. Yet, the biology of most dung beetles remains unknown. Natural diets are poorly studied, partly because previous research has focused on choice or attraction experiments using few, easily accessible dung types from zoo animals, farm animals, or humans. This way, many links within natural food webs have certainly been missed. In this work, we aimed to establish a protocol to analyze the natural diets of dung beetles using DNA gut barcoding.
    UNASSIGNED: First, the feasibility of gut-content DNA extraction and amplification of 12s rDNA from six different mammal dung types was tested in the laboratory. We then applied the method to beetles caught in pitfall traps in Ecuador and Germany by using 12s rDNA primers. For a subset of the dung beetles caught in the Ecuador sampling, we also used 16s rDNA primers to see if these would improve the number of species we could identify. We predicted the likelihood of amplifying DNA using gut fullness, DNA concentration, PCR primer, collection method, and beetle species as predictor variables in a dominance analysis. Based on the gut barcodes, we generated a dung beetle-mammal network for both field sites (Ecuador and Germany) and analyzed the levels of network specificity.
    UNASSIGNED: We successfully amplified mammal DNA from dung beetle gut contents for 128 specimens, which included such prominent species as Panthera onca (jaguar) and Puma concolor (puma). The overall success rate of DNA amplification was 53%. The best predictors for amplification success were gut fullness and DNA concentration, suggesting the success rate can be increased by focusing on beetles with a full gut. The mammal dung-dung beetle networks differed from purely random network models and showed a moderate degree of network specialization (H2\': Ecuador = 0.49; Germany = 0.41).
    UNASSIGNED: We here present a reliable method of extracting and amplifying gut-content DNA from dung beetles. Identifying mammal dung via DNA reference libraries, we created mammal dung-dung beetle trophic networks. This has benefits over previous methods because we inventoried the natural mammal dung resources of dung beetles instead of using artificial mammal baits. Our results revealed higher levels of specialization than expected and more rodent DNA than expected in Germany, suggesting that the presented method provides more detailed insights into mammal dung-dung beetle networks. In addition, the method could have applications for mammal monitoring in many ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In order to understand the distribution of microorganisms and various antibiotic resistance genes in the aquaculture area of Changli County, Qinhuangdao, high-throughput sequencing technology was used in this study. We utilized 16S rDNA gene sequencing and metagenome sequencing methods to analyze the seawater, sediment, and gut contents of the local fish Synechogobius hasta in the aquaculture area in spring. The results showed that Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidota were the dominant bacteria in seawater; and Proteobacteria, Crenarchaeota, Acidobacter, and Actinobaciota were rich in the sediment; whereas Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidota were in relatively high abundance in fish gut contents. The microbial diversity of sediment samples was the most abundant, followed by seawater samples, and the microbial diversity of fish intestinal contents was the lowest. Moreover, the microbial diversity of similar samples was relatively similar, and the microbial diversity of different types of samples was quite different. For samples at different sites, there were significant differences between seawater samples at each site, and there were small differences between sediment samples at each site, and some sediment sample groups did not have significant differences in microbial composition. In all sample groups, five β-lactam antibiotic resistance genes (blaOXA-325, cepS, blaCARB-20, blaOXA-55, and blaTRU-1) and four aminoglycoside antibiotic resistance genes[aac(6\')-IIb, amrA, aac(6\')-Ie-aph(2″)-Ia, and aph(3\')-Vc] were detected. There was also a certain correlation between antibiotic resistance genes and microbial communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human settlements within the Antarctic continent have caused significant coastal pollution by littering plastic. The present study assessed the potential presence of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of the Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus, endemic to the polar region, and in the sub-Antarctic fish Harpagifer bispinis. H. antarcticus. A total of 358 microfibers of multiple colors were found in 89 % of H. antarcticus and 73 % of H. bispinis gastrointestinal track. A Micro-FTIR analysis characterized a sub-group (n = 42) of microfibers. It revealed that most of the fibers were cellulose (69 %). Manmade fibers such as microplastics polyethylene terephtalate, acrylics, and semisynthetic/natural cellulosic fibers were present in the fish samples. All the microfibers extracted were textile fibers of blue, black, red, green, and violet color. Our results suggest that laundry greywater discharges of human settlements near coastal waters in Antarctica are a major source of these pollutants in the Antarctic fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Food webs summarise trophic interactions of the biotic components within an ecosystem, which can influence nutrient dynamics and energy flows, ultimately affecting ecosystem functions and services. Food webs represent the hypothesised trophic links between predators and prey and can be presented as empirical food webs, in which the relative strength/importance of the respective links are quantified. Some common methods used in food web research include gut content analysis (GCA) and stable isotope analysis (SIA). We combine both methods to construct empirical food web models as a basis for monitoring and studying ecosystem-level outcomes of natural (e.g. species turnover in fish assemblage) and intentional environmental change (e.g. biomanipulation).
    UNASSIGNED: We present 12 food webs from tropical reservoir communities in Singapore and summarise the topology of each with widely-used network indices (e.g. connectance, link density). Each reservoir was surveyed over 4-6 sampling occasions, during which, representative animal groups (i.e. fish species and taxonomic/functional groups of zooplankton and benthic macroinvertebrates) and all likely sources of primary production (i.e. macrophytes, periphyton, phytoplankton and riparian terrestrial plants) were collected. We analysed gut content in fishes and bulk isotope (d13C and d15N) profiles of all animals (i.e. fishes and invertebrates) and plants collected. Both sets of information were used to estimate the relative strength of trophic relationships using Bayesian mixing models. We document our protocol here, alongside a script in the R programming language for executing data management/analyses/visualisation procedures used in our study. These data can be used to glean insights into trends in inter- and intra-specific or guild interactions in analogous freshwater lake habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) is a vector of \'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum\' (Lso), the pathogen that causes potato zebra chip. Zebra chip incidence varies regionally, perhaps because of geographic differences in species of noncrop hosts available to the vector and in susceptibility of those hosts to Lso. Native and introduced species of Lycium (Solanales: Solanaceae) are important noncrop hosts of B. cockerelli in some regions of North America. Susceptibility of native Lycium species to Lso is uncertain. We investigated the use of two native species of Lycium by B. cockerelli in South Texas and tested whether they are susceptible to Lso. Bactericera cockerelli adults and nymphs were collected frequently from L. berlandieri Dunal and L. carolinianum Walter. Greenhouse assays confirmed that B. cockerelli develops on both species and showed that Lso infects L. carolinianum. Molecular gut content analysis provided evidence that B. cockerelli adults disperse between potato and Lycium. These results demonstrate that L. berlandieri and L. carolinianum are likely noncrop sources of potato-colonizing B. cockerelli in South Texas and that L. carolinianum is a potential source of Lso-infected psyllids. We also routinely collected the congeneric psyllid, Bactericera dorsalis (Crawford), from both Lycium species. These records are the first for this psyllid in Texas. Bactericera dorsalis completed development on both native Lycium species, albeit with high rates of mortality on L. berlandieri. B. dorsalis acquired and transmitted Lso on L. carolinianum under greenhouse conditions but did not transmit Lso to potato. These results document a previously unknown vector of Lso.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The oldest animals appear in the fossil record among Ediacara biota communities. They prelude animal-dominated ecosystems of the Phanerozoic and may hold clues to the appearance of modern animal phyla in the Cambrian explosion. However, little is known about the phylogeny of the Ediacaran organisms and even less about their diet and feeding behavior.1,2,3 An exception is mollusc-like Kimberella, for which a fossilized gut, feeding traces, and even potential coprolites have been found.4,5 By contrast, Ediacaran organic-walled tubes, such as Sabellidites and Calyptrina, are thought to belong to tube worms comparable with modern Siboglinidae that have no gut but gain their nutrition from symbiotic bacteria.6,7 Here, we examine the gut contents of Ediacaran animals using biomarker molecules. We show that 558-million-year (Ma)-old tube worm-like Calyptrina and mollusc-like Kimberella possessed a gut and shared a diet of green algae and bacteria. Despite their ancient age, sterol metabolism within the gut of both organisms was already comparable to extant invertebrates.8Dickinsonia, one of the key Ediacaran animals, show no traces of dietary molecules, indicating a different feeding mode and possible external digestion analogous to modern Placozoa. Lipid biomarkers uncover a range of feeding strategies in Ediacaran communities, highlighting true eumetazoan physiology of some Ediacaran animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil organisms drive major ecosystem functions by mineralising carbon and releasing nutrients during decomposition processes, which supports plant growth, aboveground biodiversity and, ultimately, human nutrition. Soil ecologists often operate with functional groups to infer the effects of individual taxa on ecosystem functions and services. Simultaneous assessment of the functional roles of multiple taxa is possible using food-web reconstructions, but our knowledge of the feeding habits of many taxa is insufficient and often based on limited evidence. Over the last two decades, molecular, biochemical and isotopic tools have improved our understanding of the feeding habits of various soil organisms, yet this knowledge is still to be synthesised into a common functional framework. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of the feeding habits of consumers in soil, including protists, micro-, meso- and macrofauna (invertebrates), and soil-associated vertebrates. We have integrated existing functional group classifications with findings gained with novel methods and compiled an overarching classification across taxa focusing on key universal traits such as food resource preferences, body masses, microhabitat specialisation, protection and hunting mechanisms. Our summary highlights various strands of evidence that many functional groups commonly used in soil ecology and food-web models are feeding on multiple types of food resources. In many cases, omnivory is observed down to the species level of taxonomic resolution, challenging realism of traditional soil food-web models based on distinct resource-based energy channels. Novel methods, such as stable isotope, fatty acid and DNA gut content analyses, have revealed previously hidden facets of trophic relationships of soil consumers, such as food assimilation, multichannel feeding across trophic levels, hidden trophic niche differentiation and the importance of alternative food/prey, as well as energy transfers across ecosystem compartments. Wider adoption of such tools and the development of open interoperable platforms that assemble morphological, ecological and trophic data as traits of soil taxa will enable the refinement and expansion of the multifunctional classification of consumers in soil. The compiled multifunctional classification of soil-associated consumers will serve as a reference for ecologists working with biodiversity changes and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships, making soil food-web research more accessible and reproducible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies have indicated that Galleria mellonella larvae ingest polyethylene films and the degradation mechanism could inspire biotechnological exploitation for degrading plastic to eliminate global pollution from plastic waste. In this study, we tested the chemical compositions of masticated and ingested different plastic types by G. mellonella. High throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene was used to characterize the alteration of the microbial communities derived from salivary glands, gut contents and whole G. mellonella larvae. Our results indicated that G. mellonella is able to masticate polyethylene (PE), expanded polystyrene (EPS) and polypropylene (PP) and convert it to small particles with very large and chemically modified surfaces. The characteristics of the polymer affect the rate of damage. Formation of functional carbonyl groups on the appearance of oxidized metabolic intermediates of polyolefins in the frass samples observed. We found that the mastication of EPS, PP or PE could significantly alter the microbial composition in the gut content while it did not appear to influence the salivary glands microbial community. Representatives of Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Enterobacter grew with the PE diet while mastication of polystyrene and polypropylene increased the abundance of Enterococcus. The evaluation of bacterial communities in whole larvae confirmed the obtained result and additionally showed that the abundance of Paenibacillus, Corynebacterium and Commamonadaceae increased by Styrofoam (EPS) consumption.





