
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The social system of animals involves a complex interplay between physiology, natural history, and the environment. Long relied upon discrete categorizations of \"social\" and \"solitary\" inhibit our capacity to understand species and their interactions with the world around them. Here, we use a globally distributed camera trapping dataset to test the drivers of aggregating into groups in a species complex (martens and relatives, family Mustelidae, Order Carnivora) assumed to be obligately solitary. We use a simple quantification, the probability of being detected in a group, that was applied across our globally derived camera trap dataset. Using a series of binomial generalized mixed-effects models applied to a dataset of 16,483 independent detections across 17 countries on four continents we test explicit hypotheses about potential drivers of group formation. We observe a wide range of probabilities of being detected in groups within the solitary model system, with the probability of aggregating in groups varying by more than an order of magnitude. We demonstrate that a species\' context-dependent proclivity toward aggregating in groups is underpinned by a range of resource-related factors, primarily the distribution of resources, with increasing patchiness of resources facilitating group formation, as well as interactions between environmental conditions (resource constancy/winter severity) and physiology (energy storage capabilities). The wide variation in propensities to aggregate with conspecifics observed here highlights how continued failure to recognize complexities in the social behaviors of apparently solitary species limits our understanding not only of the individual species but also the causes and consequences of group formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How interactions between individuals contribute to the emergence of complex societies is a major question in behavioural ecology. Nonetheless, little remains known about the type of immediate social structure (i.e. social network) that emerges from relationships that maximize beneficial interactions (e.g. social attraction towards informed individuals) and minimize costly relationships (e.g. social avoidance of infected group mates). We developed an agent-based model where individuals vary in the degree to which individuals signal benefits versus costs to others and, on this basis, choose with whom to interact depending on simple rules of social attraction (e.g. access to the highest benefits) and social avoidance (e.g. avoiding the highest costs). Our main findings demonstrate that the accumulation of individual decisions to avoid interactions with highly costly individuals, but that are to some extent homogeneously beneficial, leads to more modular networks. On the contrary, individuals favouring interactions with highly beneficial individuals, but that are to some extent homogeneously costly, lead to less modular networks. Interestingly, statistical models also indicate that when individuals have multiple potentially beneficial partners to interact with, and no interaction cost exists, this also leads to more modular networks. Yet, the degree of modularity is contingent upon the variability in benefit levels held by individuals. We discuss the emergence of modularity in the systems and their consequences for understanding social trade-offs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the evolution of menopause presents a long-standing scientific challenge1,2,3-why should females cease ovulation prior to the end of their natural lifespan? In human societies, intergenerational resource transfers, for example, food sharing and caregiving, are thought to have played a key role in the evolution of menopause, providing a pathway by which postreproductive females can boost the fitness of their kin.4,5,6 To date however, other late-life contributions that postreproductive females may provide their kin have not been well studied. Here, we test the hypothesis that postreproductive female resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) provide social support to their offspring by reducing the socially inflicted injuries they experience. We found that socially inflicted injuries, as quantified by tooth rake marks, are lower for male offspring in the presence of their postreproductive mother. In contrast, we find no evidence that postreproductive mothers reduce rake marking in their daughters. Similarly, we find no evidence that either reproductive mothers or grandmothers (reproductive or postreproductive) reduce socially inflicted injuries in their offspring and grandoffspring, respectively. Moreover, we find that postreproductive females have no effect on reducing the rake marks for whales in their social unit who are not their offspring. Taken together, our results highlight that directing late-life support may be a key pathway by which postreproductive females transfer social benefits to their male offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the evolution of group-living and cooperation requires information on who animals live and cooperate with. Animals can live with kin, non-kin or both, and kinship structure can influence the benefits and costs of group-living and the evolution of within-group cooperation. One aspect of kinship structure is kinship composition, i.e. a group-level attribute of the presence of kin and/or non-kin dyads in groups. Despite its putative importance, the kinship composition of mammalian groups has yet to be characterized. Here, we use the published literature to build an initial kinship composition dataset in mammals, laying the groundwork for future work in the field. In roughly half of the 18 species in our sample, individuals lived solely with same-sex kin, and, in the other half, individuals lived with related and unrelated individuals of the same sex. These initial results suggest that it is not rare for social mammals to live with unrelated individuals of the same sex, highlighting the importance of considering indirect and direct fitness benefits as co-drivers of the evolution of sociality. We hope that our initial dataset and insights will spur the study of kinship structure and sociality towards new exciting avenues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals of social species experience competitive costs and social benefits of group living. Substantial flexibility in humans\' social structure and the combination of different types of social structure with fission-fusion dynamics allow us to live in extremely large groups-overcoming some of the costs of group living while capitalizing on the benefits. Non-human species also show a range of social strategies to deal with this trade-off. Chimpanzees are an archetypical fission-fusion species, using dynamic changes in day-to-day association to moderate the costs of within-group competition. Using 4 years of association data from two neighbouring communities of East African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii), we describe an unexplored level of flexibility in chimpanzee social structure. We show that males from the larger Waibira community (N = 24-31) exhibited additional structural levels of semi-stable core-periphery society, while males from the smaller Sonso community (N = 10-13) did not. This novel core-periphery pattern adds to previous results describing alternative modular social structure in other large communities of chimpanzees. Our data support the hypothesis that chimpanzees can incorporate a range of strategies in addition to fission-fusion to overcome costs of social living, and that their social structures may be closer to that of modern humans than previously described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caloric restriction (CR) is an effective method to reduce overweight in captive non-human primates (NHPs). CR has been applied to individually- and pair-housed NHPs, but whether applying CR can be effective and safe in group-housed NHPs has not yet been assessed. This study investigates the effect of mild (20%) CR on adult overweight and biochemical parameters, immature growth, veterinary consultations, and reproductive success in multigenerational long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) breeding groups. Data were derived from anthropometric measurements and blood samples during yearly health checks, complemented with retrospective data on veterinary consultations and reproductive success. Adult body measures decreased after CR, with heavier individuals and females losing more weight compared to leaner individuals and males. CR lowered cholesterol levels in adults but had no overall effect on other biochemical parameters. Yet, biochemical parameters of individuals with high baseline values were reduced more compared to individuals with low baseline values. Immature growth, veterinary consultations and reproductive success were not influenced by CR. Thus, CR targeted the right individuals, i.e., overweight adults, and had no adverse effects on the variables examined in this study. This implies that mild CR can be a valuable overweight management strategy in group-housed NHPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group-living animals are often faced with complex reproductive decisions, namely how to partition within-group reproduction, how to obtain extra-group reproduction and how these two means of reproduction should be balanced. The solutions to these questions can be difficult to predict because ecological conditions can affect the scopes for within-group and extra-group reproduction in complex ways. For example, individuals that are restricted from moving freely around their habitats may have limited extra-group reproductive opportunities, but at the same time, groups may live in close proximity to one another, which could potentially have the opposite effect. The group-living cichlid fish Neolamprologus multifasciatus experiences such ecological conditions, and we conducted an intensive genetic parentage analysis to investigate how reproduction is distributed within and among groups for both males and females. We found that cohabiting males live in \"high-skew\" societies, where dominant males monopolize the majority of within-group reproduction, while females live in \"low-skew\" societies, where multiple females can produce offspring concurrently. Despite extremely short distances separating groups, we inferred only very low levels of extra-group reproduction, suggesting that subordinate males have very limited reproductive opportunities. A strength of our parentage analysis lies in its inclusion of individuals that spanned a wide age range, from young fry to adults. We outline the logistical circumstances when very young offspring may not always be accessible to parentage researchers, and present strategies to overcome the challenges of inferring mating patterns from a wide age range of offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In socially flexible species, the tendency to live in groups is expected to vary through a trade-off between costs and benefits, determined by ecological conditions. The Resource Dispersion Hypothesis predicts that group size changes in response to patterns in resource availability. An additional dimension is described in Hersteinsson\'s model positing that sociality is further affected by a cost-benefit trade-off related to predation pressure. In the arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), group-living follows a regional trade-off in resources\' availability and intra-guild predation pressure. However, the effect of local fluctuations is poorly known, but offers an unusual opportunity to test predictions that differ between the two hypotheses in systems where prey availability is linked to intra-guild predation. Based on 17-year monitoring of arctic fox and cyclic rodent prey populations, we addressed the Resource Dispersion Hypothesis and discuss the results in relation to the impact of predation in Hersteinsson\'s model. Group-living increased with prey density, from 7.7% (low density) to 28% (high density). However, it remained high (44%) despite a rodent crash and this could be explained by increased benefits from cooperative defence against prey switching by top predators. We conclude that both resource abundance and predation pressure are factors underpinning the formation of social groups in fluctuating ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number, duration and depth of social relationships that an individual maintains can impact social cognition, but the connection between sociality and other aspects of cognition has hardly been explored. To date, the link between social living and intelligence has been mainly supported by studies on primates, and far fewer tests connecting sociality to cognitive abilities have used other taxa. Here, we present the first comparative study in fishes that examines whether complex social living is associated with better performance on a cognitively demanding spatial task. Using three cooperative, group-living cichlid fish species and three of their non-cooperative, more solitary close relatives, we studied maze learning and employed a new statistical extension for the \'lme4\' and \'glmmTMB\' packages in R that allows phylogeny to be included as a random effect term. Across trials, the three cooperative and the three non-cooperative species completed the maze faster, made fewer mistakes, and improved their inhibitory control. Although fish improved their performance, we did not detect any differences in the extent of improvement between cooperative and non-cooperative species. Both the cooperative species and the non-cooperative species took similar amounts of time to complete the maze, had comparable numbers of mistakes, and exhibited similar inhibitory control while in the maze. Our results suggest that living and breeding in complex social groups does not necessarily imply enhancement of other forms of cognition nor, more specifically, an enhanced spatial learning capacity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The degree of behavioural synchrony of animals within a group can be considered a reflection of how individuals adjust their behaviours to manage the costs/benefits accompanying group-living. In this study, we focused on activity synchrony and travel direction synchrony as behavioural synchrony. We aimed to quantify the degree of behavioural synchrony and identify which factors can affect the synchrony in wild females of Japanese macaques. Japanese macaques live in female philopatric multi-female and multi-male groups and have a linear dominance hierarchy. The groups are characterized by changing spatio-temporal cohesiveness among group members. Two observers conducted simultaneous focal animal sampling on adult females using global positioning system devices to record locations. The overall degree of activity synchrony was positive compared with random, and the degree was highest when macaques were located within visual range of each other. Both activity synchrony and travel direction synchrony were influenced by spatial cohesion, i.e. interindividual distance, which shows that the probabilities of synchrony were higher with individuals located closer. Activity synchrony was also influenced by activity type, showing that the probabilities of synchrony were higher when individuals engaged in foraging. These results suggest that synchronized foraging may be caused by enhanced feeding with other group members when they are closer to each other. Our approach to quantitatively measure spatial dispersal while observing group members simultaneously revealed the roles of spatial cohesion and activity types for determining the degree of behavioural synchrony.





