group cohesion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge about how to enhance group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) outcomes is needed. In a randomized controlled effectiveness trial, we examined group cohesion (the bond between group members) and the alliance (the client-clinician bond) as predictors of GCBT outcomes. The sample was 88 youth (M age 11.7 years, SD = 2.1; 54.5% girls; 90.7% White) with anxiety disorders. Observers rated group cohesion and alliance in 32 sessions from 16 groups. We examined early group cohesion and alliance (r = .50, p < .001) and group cohesion and alliance change from early to late in treatment in relation to outcomes using generalized estimation equations accounting for nesting within groups (ICCs .31 to .55). The outcomes were diagnostic recovery, clinical severity, and parent- and youth-reported anxiety symptoms, each at post-treatment, 12-months, and 4-years follow-up. There were more significant associations with 4-years follow-up than earlier outcomes. Clinical severity and parent-reported anxiety symptoms were more frequently predicted than diagnostic recovery. Clinician- and parent-reported outcomes were far more frequently significantly predicted by cohesion and alliance than youth-rated outcomes. We conclude that group cohesion and alliance are related but distinct variables, both associated with some GCBT outcomes for as long as 4 years after treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Informed by the person-environment fit theory, this preliminary study examined if a fit between a group member\'s treatment experience and their working therapy context (other group members\' aggregated treatment experiences) were related to their level of motivation within a group treatment for healing from internalized weight stigma.
    UNASSIGNED: We examined the relationship between two types of within-member and between-member\'s group cohesion, working alliance, and motivation. Specifically, we utilized the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model to operationalize the impact of actor\'s within-member cohesion and alliance (personal changes over time) and between-member cohesion and alliance (individual differences) as well as partner\'s within-member cohesion and alliance (contextual changes over time) and between-member cohesion and alliance (contextual differences) on group members\' motivation. This study utilized self-report data from 26 group members who participated in three online weight stigma psychotherapy groups.
    UNASSIGNED: For cohesion, results suggested that the relationship between partner within-member cohesion and motivation was larger for members who reported low cohesion across all the sessions compared to the other members of their group. Additionally, an individual group member who perceived a group session more cohesive than they did on average, reported increased motivation in that session, and this relationship was stronger for members who on average perceived their group less cohesive than other group members. Lastly, session-level alliance was more strongly associated with an individual member\'s motivation in that session when the other group members reported higher group alliance on average.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings underscore the significance of member-group fit in group therapy and the reciprocal impact of individual members and the group on each other\'s therapy outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Commonly offered as supportive care, therapist-led online support groups (OSGs) are a cost-effective way to provide support to individuals affected by cancer. One important indicator of a successful OSG session is group cohesion; however, monitoring group cohesion can be challenging due to the lack of nonverbal cues and in-person interactions in text-based OSGs. The Artificial Intelligence-based Co-Facilitator (AICF) was designed to contextually identify therapeutic outcomes from conversations and produce real-time analytics.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to develop a method to train and evaluate AICF\'s capacity to monitor group cohesion.
    METHODS: AICF used a text classification approach to extract the mentions of group cohesion within conversations. A sample of data was annotated by human scorers, which was used as the training data to build the classification model. The annotations were further supported by finding contextually similar group cohesion expressions using word embedding models as well. AICF performance was also compared against the natural language processing software Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC).
    RESULTS: AICF was trained on 80,000 messages obtained from Cancer Chat Canada. We tested AICF on 34,048 messages. Human experts scored 6797 (20%) of the messages to evaluate the ability of AICF to classify group cohesion. Results showed that machine learning algorithms combined with human input could detect group cohesion, a clinically meaningful indicator of effective OSGs. After retraining with human input, AICF reached an F1-score of 0.82. AICF performed slightly better at identifying group cohesion compared to LIWC.
    CONCLUSIONS: AICF has the potential to assist therapists by detecting discord in the group amenable to real-time intervention. Overall, AICF presents a unique opportunity to strengthen patient-centered care in web-based settings by attending to individual needs.
    UNASSIGNED: RR2-10.2196/21453.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This meta-analysis investigates the relationship between coach leadership behaviors and athlete satisfaction and group cohesion within the realm of Chinese sports. The study also explores player sex and player classification as potential moderating variables. The primary focus is on evaluating the impact of coaching behaviors, as measured by the Leadership Scale for Sports, on athlete satisfaction and group cohesion.
    UNASSIGNED: Standard literature searches from China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wanfang academic databases produced 26 studies encompassing a total of 319 effect sizes and a participant pool of 7,121 athletes across various sports.
    UNASSIGNED: Using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) to examine relevant data, results reveal a moderate and positive association between coach leadership and athlete satisfaction (ES = 0.412). Specifically, training and instruction (ES = 0.531), positive feedback (ES = 0.526), social support, and democratic decision-making exhibit positive effects, while autocratic behavior demonstrates a marginal positive effect. Similarly, a moderate positive relationship is identified between coach leadership and overall group cohesion (ES = 0.275), with training and instruction (ES = 0.396), social support (ES = 0.356), positive feedback, and democratic behavior positively influencing cohesion. Conversely, autocratic behavior has a small negative impact on cohesion. Furthermore, female athletes (ES = 0.603) and professional players (ES = 0.544) display stronger positive associations between coach leadership and satisfaction.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings highlight the significance of diverse coaching behaviors aligned with player characteristics for fostering positive athlete satisfaction and group cohesion within the Chinese sports context, offering valuable guidance to Chinese coaches aiming to enhance their coaching strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theoretical work suggests that having many informed individuals within social groups can promote efficient resource location. However, it may also give rise to group fragmentation if members fail to reach consensus on their direction of movement. In this study, we investigate whether the number of informed individuals, exemplified by bats emitting calls from different roosts, influences group cohesion in Spix\'s disk-winged bats (Thyroptera tricolor). Additionally, we explore the role of signal reliability, quantified through signalling rates, in group consensus on where to roost. These bats use contact calls to announce the location of a roost site and recruit conspecifics. The groups they form exhibit high levels of cohesion and consist of both vocal and non-vocal bats, with vocal behaviour being consistent over time. Our findings revealed that an increase in the number of roosts broadcasting calls is strongly associated with the likelihood of groups fragmenting among multiple roosts. Additionally, we found that a majority of group members enter the roost with higher calling rates. This phenomenon can mitigate the risk of group fragmentation, as bats emitting more calls may contribute to greater group consensus on roosting locations, thereby reducing the likelihood of individuals separating and enhancing overall group cohesion. Our results highlight the potential costs of having too many information producers for group coordination, despite their established role in finding critical resources. This article is part of the theme issue \'The power of sound: unravelling how acoustic communication shapes group dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To benefit from group living, individuals need to maintain cohesion and coordinate their activities. Effective communication thus becomes critical, facilitating rapid coordination of behaviours and reducing consensus costs when group members have differing needs and information. In many bird and mammal species, collective decisions rely on acoustic signals in some contexts but on movement cues in others. Yet, to date, there is no clear conceptual framework that predicts when decisions should evolve to be based on acoustic signals versus movement cues. Here, we first review how acoustic signals and movement cues are used for coordinating activities. We then outline how information masking, discrimination ability (Weber\'s Law) and encoding limitations, as well as trade-offs between these, can identify which types of collective behaviours likely rely on acoustic signals or movement cues. Specifically, our framework proposes that behaviours involving the timing of events or expression of specific actions should rely more on acoustic signals, whereas decisions involving complex choices with multiple options (e.g. direction and destination) should generally use movement cues because sounds are more vulnerable to information masking and Weber\'s Law effects. We then discuss potential future avenues of enquiry, including multimodal communication and collective decision-making by mixed-species animal groups. This article is part of the theme issue \'The power of sound: unravelling how acoustic communication shapes group dynamic\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many group-living animals coordinate social behaviours using contact calls, which can be produced for all group members or targeted at specific individuals. In the disc-winged bat, Thyroptera tricolor, group members use \'inquiry\' and \'response\' calls to coordinate daily movements into new roosts (furled leaves). Rates of both calls show consistent among-individual variation, but causes of within-individual variation remain unknown. Here, we tested whether disc-winged bats produce more contact calls towards group members with higher kinship or association. In 446 experimental trials, we recorded 139 random within-group pairs of one flying bat (producing inquiry calls for roost searching) and one roosting bat (producing response calls for roost advertising). Using generalized linear mixed-effect models (GLMM), we assessed how response and inquiry calling rates varied by sender, receiver, genetic kinship and co-roosting association rate. Calling rates varied consistently across senders but not by receiver. Response calling was influenced by inquiry calling rates, but neither calling rate was higher when the interacting pair had higher kinship or association. Rather than dyadic calling rates indicating within-group relationships, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that bats produce contact calls to maintain contact with any or all individuals within a group while collectively searching for a new roost site. This article is part of the theme issue \'The power of sound: unravelling how acoustic communication shapes group dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Face-to-face hearing voices peer support groups (HVGs), a survivor-led initiative that enables individuals who hear voices to engage with the support of peers, have a long-standing history in community settings. HVGs are premised on the notion that forming authentic, mutual relationships enables the exploration of one\'s voice hearing experiences and, in turn, reduces subjective distress. As such, group cohesion is assumed to be a central mechanism of change in HVGs. The rise of digital mental health support, coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in many HVGs adapting to online delivery. However, to date no studies have examined the implementation of these online groups and the adaptations necessary to foster cohesion.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to understand the experience of group cohesion among HVG facilitators in online groups compared with face-to-face groups. Specifically, we examined the ways in which the medium through which groups run (online or face-to-face) impacts group cohesion and how facilitators adapted HVGs to foster group cohesion online.
    METHODS: Semistructured qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 facilitators with varied experience of facilitating online and face-to-face HVGs. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: The findings are organized into 3 themes and associated subthemes: nonverbal challenges to cohesion (lack of differentiation, transitional space, inability to see the whole picture, and expressions of empathy); discursive challenges to cohesion (topic-based conversation and depth of disclosure); and necessary adaptations for online groups (fostering shared experience and using the unique context to demonstrate investment in others). Despite challenges in both the setting and content of online groups, facilitators felt that group cohesion was still possible to achieve online but that it had to be facilitated intentionally.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to specifically investigate group cohesion in online HVGs. Participants noted numerous challenges to group cohesion when adapting groups to run online, including the unnaturally linear narrative flow of dialogue in online settings; lack of transitional spaces, and associated small talk before and after the session; ease of disengagement online; inhibited sharing; and absence of shared physical presence online. Although these challenges were significant, facilitators nevertheless emphasized that the benefits provided by the accessibility of online groups outweighed these challenges. Necessary adaptations for cultivating group cohesion online are outlined and include capitalizing on moments of humor and spontaneity, using group activities, encouraging information sharing between participants using the chat and screen-sharing features, and using objects from participants\' environments to gain deeper insight into their subjective worlds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Square Stepping Exercise (SSE) is an exercise training program that integrates physical exercise and cognitive elements and can be conducted in a group setting. The potential of SSE in delaying cognitive decline in older adults is promising. However, the coronavirus pandemic has made it more difficult for older adults worldwide to exercise together in person. To address this issue, this study conducted a wholistic evaluation of the effects of a center-based hybrid SSE trial on cognitive, physical, psychological, and group functioning in sedentary older adults.
    METHODS: A total of 93 older adults (19 men, 74 women) participated in the study. Fifty-eight participants (9 men, 49 women) completed center-based hybrid SSE sessions over 12 weeks under coronavirus pandemic circumstances, whereas other 35 participants in the control group maintained their current level of daily activities. Cognitive functions focused on executive functions assessed by the Stroop Color-Word Test (inhibition) and the Trail Marking Test (TMT) (set-shifting). Psychological and group functioning were assessed by the Subjective Vitality Scale and the Physical Activity Group Environment Questionnaire. Physical function was evaluated by measuring gait speeds. A repeated ANOVA was conducted on the measured variables separately for the intervention and control groups to focus on the change of participant\'s performance over data collection points.
    RESULTS: Outcomes of the Stroop Color-Word Test and the TMT revealed that the hybrid SSE was highly effective in improving executive function. Stroop performance (correct trials) was significantly improved in the incongruent condition, as well as both TMT-A and -B over the intervention period in the intervention group. The hybrid SSE was also beneficial to improve physical (gait speed at usual pace and at the maximum pace) as well as psychological functioning (subjective vitality). Furthermore, SSE participants reported increased engagement with the SSE task, social communication, and increased bonding and closeness with their group members through the hybrid SSE.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, hybrid SSE was found to be effective in enhancing cognitive, physical, psychological, and group functioning in sedentary older adults. The findings of this study are crucial to provide older adults with a safer and efficient option to exercise.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: Participation in team sports requires collaboration among multiple individuals over an extended period. Success in the game relies on more than just individual excellence; it necessitates effective teamwork. Team-building interventions have been shown to enhance team functioning, particularly in fostering cohesion among sports teams. This study aims to identify crucial factors in team-building interventions that contribute to improved team cohesion in sports teams.
    UNASSIGNED: A comprehensive meta-analysis of 15 articles was conducted to identify the crucial factors in team-building interventions that contribute to improved team cohesion in sports teams. The analysis focused on the age of participants, level of performance, and duration of interventions.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of the analysis revealed that the positive impact of team-building was found to be most pronounced when the participants were between 15 and 20 years old, performed at collegiate teams, and engaged in interventions lasting more than 2 weeks. Among the four types of cohesion in sports teams, individual attraction to the group task (ATG-T) emerged as the aspect most influenced by team-building interventions.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings provide valuable insights into the factors influencing the success of team-building interventions in enhancing team cohesion within sports teams.





