
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How humans coordinate digit forces to perform dexterous manipulation is not well understood. This gap is due to the use of tasks devoid of dexterity requirements and/or the use of analytical techniques that cannot isolate the roles that digit forces play in preventing object slip and controlling object position and orientation (pose). In our recent work, we used a dexterous manipulation task and decomposed digit forces into FG, the internal force that prevents object slip, and FM, the force responsible for object pose control. Unlike FG, FM was modulated from object lift onset to hold, suggesting their different sensitivity to sensory feedback acquired during object lift. However, the extent to which FG and FM can be controlled independently remains to be determined. Importantly, how FG and FM change as a function of object property is mathematically indeterminate and therefore requires active modulation. To address this gap, we systematically changed either object mass or external torque. The FM normal component responsible for object orientation control was modulated to changes in object torque but not mass. In contrast, FG was distinctly modulated to changes in object mass and torque. These findings point to a differential sensitivity of FG and FM to task requirements and provide novel insights into the neural control of dexterous manipulation. Importantly, our results indicate that the proposed digit force decomposition has the potential to capture important differences in how sensory inputs are processed and integrated to simultaneously ensure grasp stability and dexterous object pose control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several datasets have been proposed in the literature, focusing on object detection and pose estimation. The majority of them are interested in recognizing isolated objects or the pose of objects in well-organized scenarios. This work introduces a novel dataset that aims to stress vision algorithms in the difficult task of object detection and pose estimation in highly cluttered scenes concerning the specific case of bin picking for the Cluttered Environment Picking Benchmark (CEPB). The dataset provides about 1.5M virtually generated photo-realistic images (RGB + depth + normals + segmentation) of 50K annotated cluttered scenes mixing rigid, soft, and deformable objects of varying sizes used in existing robotic picking benchmarks together with their 3D models (40 objects). Such images include three different camera positions, three light conditions, and multiple High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI) maps for domain randomization purposes. The annotations contain the 2D and 3D bounding boxes of the involved objects, the centroids\' poses (translation + quaternion), and the visibility percentage of the objects\' surfaces. Nearly 10K separated object images are presented to perform simple tests and compare them with more complex cluttered scenarios tests. A baseline performed with the DOPE neural network is reported to highlight the challenges introduced by the novel dataset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The problem of supporting visually impaired and blind people in meaningful interactions with objects is often neglected. To address this issue, we adapted a tactile belt for enhanced spatial navigation into a bracelet worn on the wrist that allows visually impaired people to grasp target objects. Participants\' performance in locating and grasping target items when guided using the bracelet, which provides direction commands via vibrotactile signals, was compared to their performance when receiving auditory instructions. While participants were faster with the auditory commands, they also performed well with the bracelet, encouraging future development of this system and similar systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In stroke rehabilitation, simple robotic devices hold the potential to increase the training dosage in group therapies and to enable continued therapy at home after hospital discharge. However, we identified a lack of portable and cost-effective devices that not only focus on improving motor functions but also address sensory deficits. Thus, we designed a minimally-actuated hand training device that incorporates active grasping movements and passive pronosupination, complemented by a rehabilitative game with meaningful haptic feedback. Following a human-centered design approach, we conducted a usability study with 13 healthy participants, including three therapists. In a simulated unsupervised environment, the naive participants had to set up and use the device based on written instructions. Our mixed-methods approach included quantitative data from performance metrics, standardized questionnaires, and eye tracking, alongside qualitative feedback from semi-structured interviews. The study results highlighted the device\'s overall ease of setup and use, as well as its realistic haptic feedback. The eye-tracking analysis further suggested that participants felt safe during usage. Moreover, the study provided crucial insights for future improvements such as a more intuitive and comfortable wrist fixation, more natural pronosupination movements, and easier-to-follow instructions. Our research underscores the importance of continuous testing in the development process and offers significant contributions to the design of user-friendly, unsupervised neurorehabilitation technologies to improve sensorimotor stroke rehabilitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Force-based manipulation control strategies are evolving as a primary mechanism in robotics for performing the fine manipulation tasks typical within manufacturing assembly. The ability to systematically compare robotic system performance and quantify true advancement in fine manipulation is of utmost importance. Accordingly, the objectives of this paper are threefold: 1) creation of a peg-in-hole test method with associated performance metrics and a systematic data analysis strategy for performance benchmarking, 2) first demonstration of a recently developed manipulation controller piloting a robotic hand and its paired task-level logic for completing the peg-in-hole test, and 3) exemplifying the performance benchmarking technique by comparing two approaches for robotic insertions-the previously mentioned compliant hand, stiff arm system, and a stiff gripper, compliant arm system. Analyses reveal that the unconventional hand system can perform at and sometimes above the level of the gripper system in the developed peg-in-hole scenario. Moreover, the hand\'s active control of the peg\'s full Cartesian pose reduces positional error sensitivity and minimizes exerted insertion forces, highlighting the strategy\'s potential for fine manipulation tasks. Results indicate that robotic arms equipped with highly articulated and sensorized robotic hands can provide a truly realizable solution path for performing peg-in-hole tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classical studies suggest that the anterior intraparietal area (AIP) contributes to the encoding of specific information such as objects and actions of self and others, through a variety of neuronal classes, such as canonical, motor and mirror neurons. However, these studies typically focused on a single variable, leaving it unclear whether distinct sets of AIP neurons encode a single or multiple sources of information and how multimodal coding emerges. Here, we chronically recorded monkey AIP neurons in a variety of tasks and conditions classically employed in separate experiments. Most cells exhibited mixed selectivity for observed objects, executed actions, and observed actions, enhanced when this information came from the monkey\'s peripersonal working space. In contrast with the classical view, our findings indicate that multimodal coding emerges in AIP from partially-mixed selectivity of individual neurons for a variety of information relevant for planning actions directed to both physical objects and other subjects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The concept of affordance refers to the opportunities for action provided by the environment, often conveyed through visual information. It has been applied to explain visuomotor processing and movement planning. As emotion modulates both visual perception and the motor system, it is reasonable to ask whether emotion can influence affordance judgments. If present, this relationship can have important ontological implications for affordances. Thus, we investigated whether the emotional value of manipulable objects affected the judgment of the appropriate grasping that could be used to interact with them (i.e., their affordance).
    UNASSIGNED: Volunteers were instructed to use a numerical scale to report their judgment on how an observed object should be grasped. We compared these judgments across emotional categories of objects (pleasant, unpleasant and neutral), while also considering the expected effect of object size.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that unpleasant objects were rated as more appropriately graspable by a precision grip than pleasant and neutral objects. Simultaneously, smaller object size also favored this judgment. This effect was seen in all emotional categories examined in equal magnitude.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings suggest that the emotional value of objects modulates affordance judgments in a way that favors careful manipulation and minimal physical contact with aversive stimuli. Finally, we discuss how this affective aspect of our experience of objects overlaps with what affordances are conceptualized to be, calling for further reexamination of the relationship between affordances and emotions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agriculture 4.0 presents several challenges for the automation of various operations, including the fundamental task of harvesting. One of the crucial aspects in the automatic harvesting of high value crops is the grip and detachment of delicate fruits without spoiling them or interfering with the environment. Soft robotic systems, particularly soft grippers, offer a promising solution for this problem, as they can operate in unstructured environments, manipulate objects delicately, and interact safely with humans. In this context, this article presents a soft gripper design for harvesting as well as for pick-and-place operations of small and medium-sized fruits. The gripper is fabricated using the 3D printing technology with a flexible thermoplastic elastomer filament. This approach enables the production of an economical, compact, easily replicable, and interchangeable gripper by utilizing soft robotics principles, such as flexible structures and pneumatic actuation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual illusions have provided compelling evidence for a dissociation between perception and action. For example, when two different-sized objects are placed on opposite ends of the Ponzo illusion, people erroneously perceive the physically smaller object to be bigger than the physically larger one, but when they pick up the objects, their grip aperture reflects the real difference in size between the objects. This and similar findings have been demonstrated almost entirely for the right hand in right handers. The scarce research that has examined right and left-handed subjects in this context, has typically used only small samples. Here, we extended this research with a larger sample size (more than 50 in each group) in a version of the Ponzo illusion that allowed us to disentangle the effects of real and illusory size on action and perception in much more powerful way. We also collected a wide range of kinematic measures to assess possible differences in visuomotor control in left and right handers. The results showed that the dissociation between perception and action persisted for both hands in right handers, but only for the right hand in left handers. The left hand of left handers was sensitive to the illusion. Left handers also showed more variable and slower movements, as well as larger safety margins in both hands. These findings suggest that grasping in left handers may require more cognitive supervision, which could lead to greater sensitivity to visual context , particularly with their dominant left hand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It\'s been repeatedly shown that pictures of graspable objects can facilitate visual processing, even in the absence of reach-to-grasp actions, an effect often attributed to the concept of affordances. A classic demonstration of this is the handle compatibility effect, characterised by faster reaction times when the orientation of a graspable object\'s handle is compatible with the hand used to respond, even when the handle orientation is task-irrelevant. Nevertheless, it is debated whether the speeded reaction times are a result of affordances or spatial compatibility. First, we investigated whether we could replicate the handle compatibility effect while controlling for spatial compatibility. Participants (N = 68) responded with left or right-handed keypresses to whether the object was upright or inverted and, in separate blocks, whether the object was red or green. We failed to replicate the handle compatibility effect, with no significant difference between compatible and incompatible conditions, in both tasks. Second, we investigated whether there is a lower visual field (VF) advantage for the handle compatibility effect in line with what has been found for hand actions. A further 68 participants responded to object orientation presented either in the upper or lower VF. A significant handle compatibility effect was observed in the lower VF, but not the upper VF. This suggests that there is a lower VF advantage for affordances, possibly as the lower VF is where our actions most frequently occur. However, future studies should explore the impact of eye movements on the handle compatibility effect and tool affordances.





