gramicidin channel

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perturbations in bilayer material properties (thickness, lipid intrinsic curvature and elastic moduli) modulate the free energy difference between different membrane protein conformations, thereby leading to changes in the conformational preferences of bilayer-spanning proteins. To further explore the relative importance of curvature and elasticity in determining the changes in bilayer properties that underlie the modulation of channel function, we investigated how the micelle-forming amphiphiles Triton X-100, reduced Triton X-100 and the HII lipid phase promoter capsaicin modulate the function of alamethicin and gramicidin channels. Whether the amphiphile-induced changes in intrinsic curvature were negative or positive, amphiphile addition increased gramicidin channel appearance rates and lifetimes and stabilized the higher conductance states in alamethicin channels. When the intrinsic curvature was modulated by altering phospholipid head group interactions, however, maneuvers that promote a negative-going curvature stabilized the higher conductance states in alamethicin channels but destabilized gramicidin channels. Using gramicidin channels of different lengths to probe for changes in bilayer elasticity, we found that amphiphile adsorption increases bilayer elasticity, whereas altering head group interactions does not. We draw the following conclusions: first, confirming previous studies, both alamethicin and gramicidin channels are modulated by changes in lipid bilayer material properties, the changes occurring in parallel yet differing dependent on the property that is being changed; second, isolated, negative-going changes in curvature stabilize the higher current levels in alamethicin channels and destabilize gramicidin channels; third, increases in bilayer elasticity stabilize the higher current levels in alamethicin channels and stabilize gramicidin channels; and fourth, the energetic consequences of changes in elasticity tend to dominate over changes in curvature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data of the osmotic water permeability of a lipid bilayer (diphytanoylphosphaticylcholin) in the presence of cholesterol (30 mole%) are shown under the simultaneous measurement of bilayer tension. Detailed methods and procedures for evaluating the water permeability using the moving membrane method (K. Yano, M. Iwamoto, T. Koshiji & S. Oiki: Visualizing the Osmotic Water Permeability of a Lipid Bilayer under Measured Bilayer Tension Using a Moving Membrane Method. Journal of Membrane Science, 627 (2021) 119231) are presented. The planar lipid bilayer is formed in a glass capillary, separating two aqueous compartments with different osmolarities, and osmotically-driven water flux is visualized as membrane movements along the capillary. The water permeability was evaluated under constant membrane area and tension after correcting for the unstirred layer effect. In these measurements, geometrical features, such as the edge of the planar lipid bilayer and the contact angle between bilayer and monolayer, were image-analyzed. The unstirred layer was evaluated electrophysiologically, in which gramicidin A channel was employed. In the presence of an osmotic gradient, the gramicidin channel generates the streaming potential, and the measured streaming potential data and the derived water-ion coupling ratio (water flux/ion flux) are shown. Detailed descriptions of the integrated method of the moving membrane allow researchers to reproduce the experiment and give opportunities to examine water permeability of various types of membranes, including those containing aquaporins. The present data of osmotic water permeability are compared with the previously published data, while they neglected the bilayer tension.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    General anesthetics revolutionized medicine by allowing surgeons to perform more complex and much longer procedures. This widely used class of drugs is essential to patient care, yet their exact molecular mechanism(s) are incompletely understood. One early hypothesis over a century ago proposed that nonspecific interactions of anesthetics with the lipid bilayer lead to changes in neuronal function via effects on membrane properties. This model was supported by the Meyer-Overton correlation between anesthetic potency and lipid solubility and despite more recent evidence for specific protein targets, in particular ion-channels, lipid bilayer-mediated effects of anesthetics is still under debate. We therefore tested a wide range of chemically diverse general anesthetics on lipid bilayer properties using a sensitive and functional gramicidin-based assay. None of the tested anesthetics altered lipid bilayer properties at clinically relevant concentrations. Some anesthetics did affect the bilayer, though only at high supratherapeutic concentrations, which are unlikely relevant for clinical anesthesia. These results suggest that anesthetics directly interact with membrane proteins without altering lipid bilayer properties at clinically relevant concentrations. Voltage-gated Na+ channels are potential anesthetic targets and various isoforms are inhibited by a wide range of volatile anesthetics. They inhibit channel function by reducing peak Na+ current and shifting steady-state inactivation toward more hyperpolarized potentials. Recent advances in crystallography of prokaryotic Na+ channels, which are sensitive to volatile anesthetics, together with molecular dynamics simulations and electrophysiological studies will help identify potential anesthetic interaction sites within the channel protein itself.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    General anesthetics have revolutionized medicine by facilitating invasive procedures, and have thus become essential drugs. However, detailed understanding of their molecular mechanisms remains elusive. A mechanism proposed over a century ago involving unspecified interactions with the lipid bilayer known as the unitary lipid-based hypothesis of anesthetic action, has been challenged by evidence for direct anesthetic interactions with a range of proteins, including transmembrane ion channels. Anesthetic concentrations in the membrane are high (10-100 mM), however, and there is no experimental evidence ruling out a role for the lipid bilayer in their ion channel effects. A recent hypothesis proposes that anesthetic-induced changes in ion channel function result from changes in bilayer lateral pressure that arise from partitioning of anesthetics into the bilayer. We examined the effects of a broad range of chemically diverse general anesthetics and related nonanesthetics on lipid bilayer properties using an established fluorescence assay that senses drug-induced changes in lipid bilayer properties. None of the compounds tested altered bilayer properties sufficiently to produce meaningful changes in ion channel function at clinically relevant concentrations. Even supra-anesthetic concentrations caused minimal bilayer effects, although much higher (toxic) concentrations of certain anesthetic agents did alter lipid bilayer properties. We conclude that general anesthetics have minimal effects on bilayer properties at clinically relevant concentrations, indicating that anesthetic effects on ion channel function are not bilayer-mediated but rather involve direct protein interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In contrast to expectations that unsaturated fatty acids contribute to oxidative stress by providing a source of lipid peroxides, we demonstrated the protective effect of double bonds in lipids on oxidative damage to membrane proteins. Photodynamic inactivation of gramicidin channels was decreased in unsaturated lipid compared to saturated lipid bilayers. By estimating photosensitizer (boronated chlorine e6 amide) binding to the membrane with the current relaxation technique, the decrease in gramicidin photoinactivation was attributed to singlet oxygen scavenging by double bonds in lipids rather than to the reduction in photosensitizer binding. Gramicidin protection by unsaturated lipids was also observed upon induction of oxidative stress with tert-butyl hydroperoxide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photodynamic tumor-destroying activity of the boronated chlorin e6 derivative BACE (chlorin e6 13(1)-N-{2-[N-(1-carba-closo-dodecaboran-1-yl)methyl]aminoethyl}amide-15(2), 17(3)-dimethyl ester), previously described in Moisenovich et al. (2010) PLoS ONE 5(9) e12717, was shown here to be enormously higher than that of unsubstituted chlorin e6, being supported by the data on much higher photocytotoxicity of BACE in M-1 sarcoma cell culture. To validate membrane damaging effect as the basis of the enhanced tumoricidal activity, BACE was compared with unsubstituted chlorin e6 in the potency to photosensitize dye leakage from liposomes, transbilayer lipid flip-flop, inactivation of gramicidin A ionic channels in planar lipid membranes and erythrocyte hemolysis. In all the models comprising artificial and cellular membranes, the photodynamic effect of BACE exceeded that of chlorin e6. BACE substantially differed from chlorin e6 in the affinity to liposomes and erythrocytes, as monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy, flow cytometry and centrifugation. The results support the key role of membrane binding in the photodynamic effect of the boronated chlorin e6 amide.





