gnotobiotic mice

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imbalances in proteolytic activity have been linked to the development of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and experimental colitis. Proteases in the intestine play important roles in maintaining homeostasis, but exposure of mucosal tissues to excess proteolytic activity can promote pathology through protease-activated receptors (PARs). Previous research implicates microbial proteases in IBD, but the underlying pathways and specific interactions between microbes and PARs remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of microbial proteolytic activation of the external domain of PAR2 in intestinal injury using mice expressing PAR2 with a mutated N-terminal external domain that is resistant to canonical activation by proteolytic cleavage. Our findings demonstrate the key role of proteolytic cleavage of the PAR2 external domain in promoting intestinal permeability and inflammation during colitis. In wild-type mice expressing protease-sensitive PAR2, excessive inflammation leads to the expansion of bacterial taxa that cleave the external domain of PAR2, exacerbating colitis severity. In contrast, mice expressing mutated protease-resistant PAR2 exhibit attenuated colitis severity and do not experience the same proteolytic bacterial expansion. Colonization of wild-type mice with proteolytic PAR2-activating Enterococcus and Staphylococcus worsens colitis severity. Our study identifies a previously unknown interaction between proteolytic bacterial communities, which are shaped by inflammation, and the external domain of PAR2 in colitis. The findings should encourage new therapeutic developments for IBD by targeting excessive PAR2 cleavage by bacterial proteases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clostridioides difficile is the most common cause of nosocomial antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and is responsible for a spectrum of diseases characterized by high levels of recurrence and morbidity. In some cases, complications can lead to death. Currently, several types of animal models have been developed to study various aspects of C. difficile infection (CDI), such as colonization, virulence, transmission and recurrence. These models have also been used to test the role of environmental conditions, such as diet, age and microbiome that modulate infection outcome, and to evaluate several therapeutic strategies. Different rodent models have been used successfully, such as the hamster model and the gnotobiotic and conventional mouse models. These models can be applied to study either the initial CDI infectious process or recurrences. The applications of existing rodent models and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal fungi are a fundamental component of the gut microbiome and play important roles in mammalian host biology. At the same time, the contribution of gut fungi to host health and disease remains understudied due to their low abundance. In that respect, gnotobiotic animals with defined microbial populations of reduced complexity represent a well-suited model system that highlights the effects of low abundant gut fungi on host physiology and other members of the microbial community. In this chapter, a label-free quantitative metaproteomic approach for the characterization of simplified microbial communities in gnotobiotic mice is presented. The model allows for exploring various research questions on the role of gut fungi in disease pathogenesis, microbial ecosystem maturation, or host-microbiome crosstalk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gut microbiota is responsible for essential functions in human health. Several communication axes between gut microbiota and other organs via neural, endocrine, and immune pathways have been described, and perturbation of gut microbiota composition has been implicated in the onset and progression of an emerging number of diseases. Here, we analyzed peripheral nerves, dorsal root ganglia (DRG), and skeletal muscles of neonatal and young adult mice with the following gut microbiota status: a) germ-free (GF), b) gnotobiotic, selectively colonized with 12 specific gut bacterial strains (Oligo-Mouse-Microbiota, OMM12), or c) natural complex gut microbiota (CGM). Stereological and morphometric analyses revealed that the absence of gut microbiota impairs the development of somatic median nerves, resulting in smaller diameter and hypermyelinated axons, as well as in smaller unmyelinated fibers. Accordingly, DRG and sciatic nerve transcriptomic analyses highlighted a panel of differentially expressed developmental and myelination genes. Interestingly, the type III isoform of Neuregulin1 (NRG1), known to be a neuronal signal essential for Schwann cell myelination, was overexpressed in young adult GF mice, with consequent overexpression of the transcription factor Early Growth Response 2 (Egr2), a fundamental gene expressed by Schwann cells at the onset of myelination. Finally, GF status resulted in histologically atrophic skeletal muscles, impaired formation of neuromuscular junctions, and deregulated expression of related genes. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time a gut microbiota regulatory impact on proper development of the somatic peripheral nervous system and its functional connection to skeletal muscles, thus suggesting the existence of a novel \'Gut Microbiota-Peripheral Nervous System-axis.\'






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We previously demonstrated that mice carrying natural mtDNA variants of the FVB/NJ strain (m.7778 G>T in the mt-Atp8 gene in mitochondrial complex V), namely C57BL/6 J-mtFVB/NJ (B6-mtFVB), exhibited (i) partial protection from experimental skin inflammatory diseases in an anti-murine type VII collagen antibody-induced skin inflammation model and psoriasiform dermatitis model; (ii) significantly altered metabolites, including short-chain fatty acids, according to targeted metabolomics of liver, skin and lymph node samples; and (iii) a differential composition of the gut microbiota according to bacterial 16 S rRNA gene sequencing of stool samples compared to wild-type C57BL/6 J (B6) mice. To further dissect these disease-contributing factors, we induced an experimental antibody-induced skin inflammatory disease in gnotobiotic mice. We performed shotgun metagenomic sequencing of caecum contents and untargeted metabolomics of liver, CD4+ T cell, and caecum content samples from conventional B6-mtFVB and B6 mice. We identified D-glucosamine as a candidate mediator that ameliorated disease severity in experimental antibody-induced skin inflammation by modulating immune cell function in T cells, neutrophils and macrophages. Because mice carrying mtDNA variants of the FVB/NJ strain show differential disease susceptibility to a wide range of experimental diseases, including diet-induced atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice and collagen antibody-induced arthritis in DBA/1 J mice, this experimental approach is valuable for identifying novel therapeutic options for skin inflammatory conditions and other chronic inflammatory diseases to which mice carrying specific mtDNA variants show differential susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects more than 2.8 million people worldwide but the distribution is not even. Although over 200 gene variants have been associated with susceptibility, studies of genetically identical monozygotic twin pairs suggest that the genetic make-up is responsible for only about 20%-30% of the risk to develop disease, while the rest is contributed by milieu factors. Recently, a new, unexpected player has entered the ranks of MS-triggering or facilitating elements: the human gut microbiota. In this review, we summarize the present knowledge of microbial effects on formation of a pathogenic autoreactive immune response targeting the distant central nervous system and delineate the approaches, both in people with MS and in MS animal models, which have led to this concept. Finally, we propose that a tight combination of investigations of human patients with studies of suitable animal models is the best strategy to functionally characterize disease-associated microbiota and thereby contribute to deciphering pathogenesis of a complex human disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The implications of soy consumption on human health have been a subject of debate, largely due to the mixed evidence regarding its benefits and potential risks. The variability in responses to soy has been partly attributed to differences in the metabolism of soy isoflavones, compounds with structural similarities to estrogen. Approximately one-third of humans possess gut bacteria capable of converting soy isoflavone daidzein into equol, a metabolite produced exclusively by gut microbiota with significant estrogenic potency. In contrast, lab-raised rodents are efficient equol producers, except for those raised germ-free. This discrepancy raises concerns about the applicability of traditional rodent models to humans. Herein, we designed a gnotobiotic mouse model to differentiate between equol producers and non-producers by introducing synthetic bacterial communities with and without the equol-producing capacity into female and male germ-free mice. These gnotobiotic mice display equol-producing phenotypes consistent with the capacity of the gut microbiota received. Our findings confirm the model\'s efficacy in mimicking human equol production capacity, offering a promising tool for future studies to explore the relationship between endogenous equol production and health outcomes like cardiometabolic health and fertility. This approach aims to refine dietary guidelines by considering individual microbiome differences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drastic diet interventions have been shown to promote rapid and significant compositional changes of the gut microbiota, but the impact of moderate diet variations is less clear. Here, we aimed to clarify the impact of moderate diet variations that remain within the spectrum of the habitual human diet on gut microbiota composition.
    We performed a pilot diet intervention where five healthy volunteers consumed a vegetarian ready-made meal for three days to standardize dietary intake before switching to a meat-based ready-made western-style meal and high sugar drink for two days. We performed 16S rRNA sequencing from daily fecal sampling to assess gut microbiota changes caused by the intervention diet. Furthermore, we used the volunteers\' fecal samples to colonize germ-free mice that were fed the same sterilized diets to study the effect of a moderate diet intervention on the gut microbiota in a setting of reduced interindividual variation.
    In the human intervention, we found that fecal microbiota composition varied between and within individuals regardless of diet. However, when we fed the same diets to mice colonized with the study participants\' feces, we observed significant, often donor-specific, changes in the mouse microbiota following this moderate diet intervention.
    Moderate variations in the habitual human diet have the potential to alter the gut microbiota. Feeding humanized mice human diets may facilitate our understanding of individual human gut microbiota responses to moderate dietary changes and help improve individualized interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how members of the human gut microbiota prioritize nutrient resources is one component of a larger effort to decipher the mechanisms defining microbial community robustness and resiliency in health and disease. This knowledge is foundational for development of microbiota-directed therapeutics. To model how bacteria prioritize glycans in the gut, germfree mice were colonized with 13 human gut bacterial strains, including seven saccharolytic Bacteroidaceae species. Animals were fed a Western diet supplemented with pea fiber. After community assembly, an inducible CRISPR-based system was used to selectively and temporarily reduce the absolute abundance of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron or B. cellulosilyticus by 10- to 60-fold. Each knockdown resulted in specific, reproducible increases in the abundances of other Bacteroidaceae and dynamic alterations in their expression of genes involved in glycan utilization. Emergence of these \"alternate consumers\" was associated with preservation of community saccharolytic activity. Using an inducible system for CRISPR base editing in vitro, we disrupted translation of transporters critical for utilizing dietary polysaccharides in Phocaeicola vulgatus, a B. cellulosilyticus knockdown-responsive taxon. In vitro and in vivo tests of the resulting P. vulgatus mutants allowed us to further characterize mechanisms associated with its increased fitness after knockdown. In principle, the approach described can be applied to study utilization of a range of nutrients and to preclinical efforts designed to develop therapeutic strategies for precision manipulation of microbial communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging evidence implicates microbial proteolytic activity in ulcerative colitis (UC), but whether it also plays a role in Crohn\'s disease (CD) remains unclear. We investigated the effects of colonizing adult and neonatal germ-free C57BL/6 mice with CD microbiota, selected based on high (CD-HPA) or low fecal proteolytic activity (CD-LPA), or microbiota from healthy controls with LPA (HC-LPA) or HPA (HC-HPA). We then investigated colitogenic mechanisms in gnotobiotic C57BL/6, and in mice with impaired Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain-2 (NOD2) and Protease-Activated Receptor 2 (PAR2) cleavage resistant mice (Nod2-/-; R38E-PAR2 respectively). At sacrifice, total fecal proteolytic, elastolytic, and mucolytic activity were analyzed. Microbial community and predicted function were assessed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and PICRUSt2. Immune function and colonic injury were investigated by inflammatory gene expression (NanoString) and histology. Colonization with HC-LPA or CD-LPA lowered baseline fecal proteolytic activity in germ-free mice, which was paralleled by lower acute inflammatory cell infiltrate. CD-HPA further increased proteolytic activity compared with germ-free mice. CD-HPA mice had lower alpha diversity, distinct microbial profiles and higher fecal proteolytic activity compared with CD-LPA. C57BL/6 and Nod2-/- mice, but not R38E-PAR2, colonized with CD-HPA had higher colitis severity than those colonized with CD-LPA. Our results indicate that CD proteolytic microbiota is proinflammatory, increasing colitis severity through a PAR2 pathway.





