
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2), a unique high capacity/low affinity, highly efficient membrane transporter and sensor, regulates hypothalamic astrocyte glucose phosphorylation and glycogen metabolism. The phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway participates in glucose homeostasis, but its sensitivity to glucose-sensory cues is unknown. Current research used a hypothalamic astrocyte primary culture model to investigate whether glucoprivation causes PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway activation in one or both sexes by GLUT2-dependent mechanisms. Glucoprivation did not alter astrocyte PI3K levels, yet up-regulated both phosphorylated derivatives in female and down-regulated male p60 phosphoprotein expression. GLUT2 siRNA pretreatment diminished glucoprivic patterns of PI3K and phospho-PI3K expression in each sex. Astrocyte Akt and phospho-Akt/Thr308 proteins exhibited divergent, sex-contingent responses to GLUT2 gene knockdown or glucoprivation. GLUT2 siRNA pretreatment exacerbated glucoprivic-associated Akt diminution in the female, and either amplified (male) or reversed (female) glucoprivic regulation of phospho-Akt/Thr308 expression. GLUT2 gene silencing down- (male) or up-(female) regulated mTOR protein, and phospho-mTOR protein in male. Male astrocyte mTOR and phospho-mTOR profile were refractory to glucoprivation, but glucose-deprived females showed GLUT2-independent mTOR inhibition and GLUT2-dependent phospho-mTOR up-augmentation. Results identify a larger number of glucoprivic-sensitive PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway proteins in female versus male astrocytes, and document divergent responses of common glucose-sensitive targets. GLUT2 stimulates phosphoPI3K protein expression in each sex, but imposes differential control of PI3K, Akt, phospho-Akt/Thr308, mTOR, and phospho-mTOR profiles in male versus female. Data implicate GLUT2 as a driver of distinctive pathway protein responses to glucoprivation in female, but not male.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In most species studied, energy deficits inhibit female reproductive behavior, but the location and nature of energy sensors and how they affect behavior are unknown. Progress has been facilitated by using Drosophila melanogaster, a species in which reproduction and food availability are closely linked. Adult males and females were either fed or food deprived (FD) and then tested in an arena with a fed, opposite-sex conspecific with no food in the testing arena. Only FD females (not FD males) significantly decreased their copulation rate and increased their copulation latency, and the effects of FD were prevented in females fed either yeast alone or glucose alone, but not sucralose alone, cholesterol alone, or amino acids alone. It is well-known that high-fat diets inhibit copulation rate in this species, and the effects of FD on copulation rate were mimicked by treatment with an inhibitor of glucose but not free fatty acid oxidation. The availability of oxidizable glucose was a necessary condition for copulation rate in females fed either yeast alone or fed a nutritive fly medium, which suggests that the critical component of yeast for female copulation rate is oxidizable glucose. Thus, female copulation rate in D. melanogaster is sensitive to the availability of oxidizable metabolic fuels, particularly the availability of oxidizable glucose or substrates/byproducts of glycolysis.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Copulation rate was decreased in food-deprived female but not in male adults when tested without food in the testing arena. Copulation rate was 1) maintained by feeding glucose alone, yeast alone, nutritive medium lacking yeast, but not sucralose, amino acids, or cholesterol alone; 2) decreased by inhibition of glycolysis in females fed either nutritive medium or yeast alone; and 3) not affected by inhibition of fatty acid oxidation. Thus, female copulation rate was linked to glycolytic status.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glucoprivic feeding is one of several counterregulatory responses (CRRs) that facilitates restoration of euglycemia following acute glucose deficit (glucoprivation). Our previous work established that glucoprivic feeding requires ventrolateral medullary (VLM) catecholamine (CA) neurons that coexpress neuropeptide Y (NPY). However, the connections by which VLM CA/NPY neurons trigger increased feeding are uncertain. We have previously shown that glucoprivation, induced by an anti-glycolygic agent 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG), activates perifornical lateral hypothalamus (PeFLH) neurons and that expression of NPY in the VLM CA/NPY neurons is required for glucoprivic feeding. We therefore hypothesized that glucoprivic feeding and possibly other CRRs require NPY-sensitive PeFLH neurons. To test this, we used the ribosomal toxin conjugate NPY-saporin (NPY-SAP) to selectively lesion NPY receptor-expressing neurons in the PeFLH of male rats. We found that NPY-SAP destroyed a significant number of PeFLH neurons, including those expressing orexin, but not those expressing melanin-concentrating hormone. The PeFLH NPY-SAP lesions attenuated 2DG-induced feeding but did not affect 2DG-induced increase in locomotor activity, sympathoadrenal hyperglycemia, or corticosterone release. The 2DG-induced feeding response was also significantly attenuated in NPY-SAP-treated female rats. Interestingly, PeFLH NPY-SAP lesioned male rats had reduced body weights and decreased dark cycle feeding, but this effect was not seen in female rats. We conclude that a NPY projection to the PeFLH is necessary for glucoprivic feeding, but not locomotor activity, hyperglycemia, or corticosterone release, in both male and female rats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the role of glial cells in the regulation of glucoprivic responses in rats, a chemogenetic approach was used to activate astrocytes neighboring catecholamine (CA) neurons in the ventromedial medulla (VLM) where A1 and C1 CA cell groups overlap (A1/C1). Previous results indicate that activation of CA neurons in this region is necessary and sufficient for feeding and corticosterone release in response to glucoprivation. However, it is not known whether astrocyte neighbors of CA neurons contribute to glucoregulatory responses. Hence, we made nanoinjections of AAV5-GFAP-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry to selectively transfect astrocytes in the A1/C1 region with the excitatory designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs), hM3D(Gq). After allowing time for DREADD expression, we evaluated the rats for increased food intake and corticosterone release in response to low systemic doses of the antiglycolytic agent, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2DG), alone and in combination with the hM3D(Gq) activator clozapine-n-oxide (CNO). We found that DREADD-transfected rats ate significantly more food when 2DG and CNO were coadministered than when either 2DG or CNO was injected alone. We also found that CNO significantly enhanced 2DG-induced FOS expression in the A1/C1 CA neurons, and that corticosterone release also was enhanced when CNO and 2DG were administered together. Importantly, CNO-induced activation of astrocytes in the absence of 2DG did not trigger food intake or corticosterone release. Our results indicate that during glucoprivation, activation of VLM astrocytes cells markedly increases the sensitivity or responsiveness of neighboring A1/C1 CA neurons to glucose deficit, suggesting a potentially important role for VLM astrocytes in glucoregulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rodent studies indicate that impaired glucose utilization or hypoglycemia is associated with the cellular activation of neurons in the medulla (Winslow, 1733) (MY), believed to control feeding behavior and glucose counterregulation. However, such activation has been tracked primarily within hours of the challenge, rather than sooner, and has been poorly mapped within standardized brain atlases. Here, we report that, within 15 min of receiving 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG; 250 mg/kg, i.v.), which can trigger glucoprivic feeding behavior, marked elevations were observed in the numbers of rhombic brain (His, 1893) (RB) neuronal cell profiles immunoreactive for the cellular activation marker(s), phosphorylated p44/42 MAP kinases (phospho-ERK1/2), and that some of these profiles were also catecholaminergic. We mapped their distributions within an open-access rat brain atlas and found that 2-DG-treated rats (compared to their saline-treated controls) displayed greater numbers of phospho-ERK1/2+ neurons in the locus ceruleus (Wenzel and Wenzel, 1812) (LC) and the nucleus of solitary tract (>1840) (NTS). Thus, the 2-DG-activation of certain RB neurons is more rapid than perhaps previously realized, engaging neurons that serve multiple functional systems and which are of varying cellular phenotypes. Mapping these populations within standardized brain atlas maps streamlines their targeting and/or comparable mapping in preclinical rodent models of disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astrocyte glycogen is a critical metabolic variable that impacts hypothalamic control of glucostasis. Glucocorticoid hormones regulate peripheral glycogen, but their effects on hypothalamic glycogen are not known. A hypothalamic astrocyte primary culture model was used to investigate the premise that glucocorticoids impose sex-dimorphic independent and interactive control of glycogen metabolic enzyme protein expression and glycogen accumulation. The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) agonist dexamethasone (DEX) down-regulated glycogen synthase (GS), glycogen phosphorylase (GP)-brain type (GPbb), and GP-muscle type (GPmm) proteins in glucose-supplied male astrocytes, but enhanced these profiles in female. The catecholamine neurotransmitter norepinephrine (NE) did not alter these proteins, but amplified DEX inhibition of GS and GPbb in male or abolished GR stimulation of GPmm in female. In both sexes, DEX and NE individually increased glycogen content, but DEX attenuated the magnitude of noradrenergic stimulation. Glucoprivation suppressed GS, GPbb, and GPmm in male, but not female astrocytes, and elevated or diminished glycogen in these sexes, respectively. Glucose-deprived astrocytes exhibit GR-dependent induced glycogen accumulation in both sexes, and corresponding loss (male) or attenuation (female) of noradrenergic-dependent glycogen build-up. Current evidence for GR augmentation of hypothalamic astrocyte glycogen content in each sex, yet divergent effects on glycogen enzyme proteins infers that glucocorticoids may elicit opposite adjustments in glycogen turnover in each sex. Results document GR modulation of NE stimulation of glycogen accumulation in the presence (male and female) or absence (female) of glucose. Outcomes provide novel proof that astrocyte energy status influences the magnitude of GR and NE signal effects on glycogen mass.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventromedial hypothalamic (VMH) nucleus is a well-established hub for energy and glucose homeostasis. In particular, VMH neurons are thought to be important for initiating the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia, and ex vivo electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry data indicate a clear role for VMH neurons in sensing glucose concentration. However, the temporal response of VMH neurons to physiologically relevant changes in glucose availability in vivo has been hampered by a lack of available tools for measuring neuronal activity over time. Since the majority of neurons within the VMH are glutamatergic and can be targeted using the vesicular glutamate transporter Vglut2, we expressed cre-dependent GCaMP7s in Vglut2 cre mice and examined the response profile of VMH to intraperitoneal injections of glucose, insulin, and 2-deoxyglucose (2DG). We show that reduced available glucose via insulin-induced hypoglycemia and 2DG-induced glucoprivation, but not hyperglycemia induced by glucose injection, inhibits VMH Vglut2 neuronal population activity in vivo. Surprisingly, this inhibition was maintained for at least 45 minutes despite prolonged hypoglycemia and initiation of a counterregulatory response. Thus, although VMH stimulation, via pharmacological, electrical, or optogenetic approaches, is sufficient to drive a counterregulatory response, our data suggest VMH Vglut2 neurons are not the main drivers required to do so, since VMH Vglut2 neuronal population activity remains suppressed during hypoglycemia and glucoprivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex steroids modify feeding behavior and body weight regulation, and androgen reportedly augments food intake and body weight gain. To elucidate the role of endogenous androgens in the feeding regulation induced by reduced glucose availability, we examined the effect of gonadectomy (orchiectomy) on food intake and orexin A neuron\'s activity in the lateral hypothalamic/perifornical area (LH/PFA) in response to reduced glucose availability (glucoprivation) induced by 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2DG) administration in male rats. Rats (7W) were bilaterally orchiectomized (ORX group) or sham operated (Sham group). Seventeen days after the surgery, food intake response to 2DG (400 mg/kg, i.v.) was measured for 4 h after the infusion. The same experiment was performed for the immunohistochemical examination of c-Fos-expressing orexin A neurons in the LH/PFA and c-Fos expression in the arcuate nucleus (Arc). Food intake induced by glucoprivation was greater in the ORX group than the Sham group, and the glucoprivation-induced food intake was inversely correlated with plasma testosterone concentration. Glucoprivation stimulated c-Fos expression of the orexin A neurons at the LH/PFA and c-Fos expression in the dorsomedial Arc. The number and percentage of c-Fos-expressing orexin A neurons in the LH/PFA and c-Fos expression in the dorsomedial Arc were significantly higher in the ORX group than the Sham group. This indicates that endogenous androgen, possibly testosterone, diminishes the food intake induced by reduced glucose availability, possibly via the attenuated activity of orexin A neuron in the LH/PFA and neurons in the dorsomedial Arc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to determine the effect of age on CVLM C1 neuron glucoregulatory proteins in the feeding pathway. Male Sprague Dawley rats aged 3 months and 24 months old were divided into two subgroups: the treatment group with 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2DG) and the control group. Rat brains were dissected to obtain the CVLM region of the brainstem. Western blot was used to determine protein expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), phosphorylated TH at Serine40 (pSer40TH), AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), phosphorylated AMPK (phospho AMPK), and neuropeptide Y Y5 receptors (NPY5R) in CVLM samples. Immunofluorescence was used to determine TH-, AMPK-, and NPY5R-like immunoreactivities among other brain coronal sections. Results obtained denote a decrease in basal TH phosphorylation levels and AMPK proteins and an increase in TH proteins among aged CVLM neurons. Increases in the basal immunoreactivity of TH+, AMPK+, NPY5R+, TH+/AMPK+, and TH+/NPY5R+ were also observed among old rats. Young treatment-group rats saw a decrease in TH phosphorylation and AMPK proteins following 2DG administration, while an increase in AMPK phosphorylation and a decrease in TH proteins were found among the old-treatment-group rats. These findings suggest the participation of CVLM C1 neurons in counter-regulatory responses among young and old rats. Altering protein changes in aged CVLM C1 neurons may attenuate responses to glucoprivation, thus explaining the decline in food intake among the elderly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central nervous system has long been thought to regulate insulin secretion, an essential process in the maintenance of blood glucose levels. However, the anatomical and functional connections between the brain and insulin-producing pancreatic β cells remain undefined. Here, we describe a functional transneuronal circuit connecting the hypothalamus to β cells in mice. This circuit originates from a subpopulation of oxytocin neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVNOXT), and it reaches the islets of the endocrine pancreas via the sympathetic autonomic branch to innervate β cells. Stimulation of PVNOXT neurons rapidly suppresses insulin secretion and causes hyperglycemia. Conversely, silencing of these neurons elevates insulin levels by dysregulating neuronal signaling and secretory pathways in β cells and induces hypoglycemia. PVNOXT neuronal activity is triggered by glucoprivation. Our findings reveal that a subset of PVNOXT neurons form functional multisynaptic circuits with β cells in mice to regulate insulin secretion, and their function is necessary for the β cell response to hypoglycemia.





