
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme-based sensor proteins are used by organisms to control signaling and physiological effects in response to their gaseous environment. Globin-coupled sensors (GCS) are oxygen-sensing proteins that are widely distributed in bacteria. These proteins consist of a heme globin domain linked by a middle domain to various output domains, including diguanylate cyclase domains, which are responsible for synthesizing c-di-GMP, a bacterial second messenger crucial for regulating biofilm formation. To understand the roles of heme pocket residues in controlling activity of the diguanylate cyclase domain, variants of the Pectobacterium carotovorum GCS (PccGCS) were characterized by enzyme kinetics and resonance Raman (rR) spectroscopy. Results of these studies have identified roles for hydrogen bonding and heme edge residues in modulating heme pocket conformation and flexibility. Better understanding of the ligand-dependent GCS signaling mechanism and the residues involved may allow for future development of methods to control O2-dependent c-di-GMP production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria use the second messenger cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) to control biofilm formation and other key phenotypes in response to environmental signals. Changes in oxygen levels can alter c-di-GMP signaling through a family of proteins termed globin coupled sensors (GCS) that contain diguanylate cyclase domains. Previous studies have found that GCS diguanylate cyclase activity is controlled by ligand binding to the heme within the globin domain, with oxygen binding resulting in the greatest increase in catalytic activity. Herein, we present evidence that heme-edge residues control O2-dependent signaling in PccGCS, a GCS protein from Pectobacterium carotovorum, by modulating heme distortion. Using enzyme kinetics, resonance Raman spectroscopy, small angle X-ray scattering, and multi-wavelength analytical ultracentrifugation, we have developed an integrated model of the full-length PccGCS tetramer and have identified conformational changes associated with ligand binding, heme conformation, and cyclase activity. Taken together, these studies provide new insights into the mechanism by which O2 binding modulates activity of diguanylate cyclase-containing GCS proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androglobin (ADGB) is a highly conserved and recently identified member of the globin superfamily. Although previous studies revealed a link to ciliogenesis and an involvement in murine spermatogenesis, its physiological function remains mostly unknown. Apart from FOXJ1-dependent regulation, the transcriptional landscape of the ADGB gene remains unexplored. We, therefore, aimed to obtain further insights into regulatory mechanisms governing ADGB expression. To this end, changes in ADGB promoter activity were examined using luciferase reporter gene assays in the presence of a set of more than 475 different exogenous transcription factors. MYBL2 and PITX2 resulted in the most pronounced increase in ADGB promoter-dependent luciferase activity. Subsequent truncation strategies of the ADGB promoter fragment narrowed down the potential MYBL2 and PITX2 binding sites within the proximal ADGB promoter. Furthermore, MYBL2 binding sites on the ADGB promoter were further validated via a guide RNA-mediated interference strategy using reporter assays. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-qPCR experiments illustrated enrichment of the endogenous ADGB promoter region upon MYBL2 and PITX2 overexpression. Consistently, ectopic MYBL2 expression induced endogenous ADGB mRNA levels. Collectively, our data indicate that ADGB is strongly regulated at the transcriptional level and might have functions beyond ciliogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    β0/β0 thalassemia is the most severe type of transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (TDT) and is still a challenge facing lentiviral gene therapy. Here, we report the interim analysis of a single-center, single-arm pilot trial (NCT05015920) evaluating the safety and efficacy of a β-globin expression-optimized and insulator-engineered lentivirus-modified cell product (BD211) in β0/β0 TDT. Two female children were enrolled, infused with BD211, and followed up for an average of 25.5 months. Engraftment of genetically modified hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells was successful and sustained in both patients. No unexpected safety issues occurred during conditioning or after infusion. Both patients achieved transfusion independence for over 22 months. The treatment extended the lifespan of red blood cells by over 42 days. Single-cell DNA/RNA-sequencing analysis of the dynamic changes of gene-modified cells, transgene expression, and oncogene activation showed no notable adverse effects. Optimized lentiviral gene therapy may safely and effectively treat all β-thalassemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole blood transcriptome analysis is a valuable approachin medical research, primarily due to the ease of sample collection and the richness of the information obtained. Since the expression profile of individual genes in the analysis is influenced by medical traits and demographic attributes such as age and gender, there has been a growing demand for a comprehensive database for blood transcriptome analysis. Here, we performed whole blood RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis on 576 participants stratified by age (20-30s and 60-70s) and gender from cohorts of the Tohoku Medical Megabank (TMM). A part of female segment included pregnant women. We did not exclude the globin gene family in our RNA-seq study, which enabled us to identify instances of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin based on the HBG1 and HBG2 expression information. Comparing stratified populations allowed us to identify groups of genes associated with age-related changes and gender differences. We also found that the immune response status, particularly measured by neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), strongly influences the diversity of individual gene expression profiles in whole blood transcriptome analysis. This stratification has resulted in a data set that will be highly beneficial for future whole blood transcriptome analysis in the Japanese population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria utilize heme proteins, such as globin coupled sensors (GCSs), to sense and respond to oxygen levels. GCSs are predicted in almost 2000 bacterial species and consist of a globin domain linked by a central domain to a variety of output domains, including diguanylate cyclase domains that synthesize c-di-GMP, a major regulator of biofilm formation. To investigate the effects of middle domain length and heme edge residues on GCS diguanylate cyclase activity and cellular function, a putative diguanylate cyclase-containing GCS from Shewanella sp. ANA-3 (SA3GCS) was characterized. Binding of O2 to the heme resulted in activation of diguanylate cyclase activity, while NO and CO binding had minimal effects on catalysis, demonstrating that SA3GCS exhibits greater ligand selectivity for cyclase activation than many other diguanylate cyclase-containing GCSs. Small angle X-ray scattering analysis of dimeric SA3GCS identified movement of the cyclase domains away from each other, while maintaining the globin dimer interface, as a potential mechanism for regulating cyclase activity. Comparison of the Shewanella ANA-3 wild type and SA3GCS deletion (ΔSA3GCS) strains identified changes in biofilm formation, demonstrating that SA3GCS diguanylate cyclase activity modulates Shewanella phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thalassemias are a group of inherited monogenic disorders characterized by defects in the synthesis of one or more of the globin chain subunits of the hemoglobin tetramer. Delta-beta (δβ-) thalassemia has large deletions in the β globin gene cluster involving δ- and β-globin genes, leading to absent or reduced synthesis of both δ- and β-globin chains. Here, we used direct globin-chain analysis using tandem mass spectrometry for the diagnosis of δβ-thalassemia. Two cases from unrelated families were recruited for the study based on clinical and hematological evaluation. Peptides obtained after trypsin digestion of proteins extracted from red blood cell pellets from two affected individuals and their parents were analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Mass spectrometric analysis revealed a severe reduction in δ, β, and Aγ globin proteins with increased Gγ globin protein in the affected individuals. The diagnosis of Gγ(Aγδβ)0 -thalassemia in the homozygous state in the affected individuals and in the heterozygous state in the parents was made from our results. The diagnosis was confirmed at the genetic level using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). Our findings demonstrate the utility of direct globin protein quantitation using LC-MS/MS to quantify individual globin proteins reflecting changes in globin production. This approach can be utilized for accurate and timely diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies, including rare variants, where existing diagnostic methods provide inconclusive results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The polychaete Capitella is a typical member of the \'thiobiome\', and is commonly used as an eutrophication indicator species in environmental assessment studies. To deal with a sulfide-rich and poisonous surrounding, cells in close contact with the environment, and thus able to play a major role in detoxication and survival, are circulating cells. This work aimed to morpho-functionally describe the circulating coelomic cells of Capitella from the English Channel inhabiting the sulfide-rich mud in Roscoff Harbor. In general, worms have three types of circulating cells, granulocytes involved in bacterial clearance and defense against microorganisms, eleocytes with an essentially trophic role and elimination of cellular waste, and erythrocytes which play a role in detoxification and respiration via their intracellular hemoglobin. By combining diverse microscopic and cellular approaches, we provide evidence that Capitella does not possess granulocytes and eleocytes, but rather a single abundant rounded cell type with the morphological characteristics of erythrocytes i.e. small size and production of intracellular hemoglobin. Surprisingly, our data show that in addition to their respiratory function, these red cells could exert phagocytic activities, and produce an antimicrobial peptide. This latter immune role is usually supported by granulocytes. Our data highlight that the erythrocytes of Capitella from the English Channel differ in morphology and bear more functions than the erythrocytes of other annelids. The simplicity of this multi-task (or polyvalent) single-cell type makes Capitella an interesting model for studies of the impact of the environment on the immunity of this bioindicator species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Five non-symbiotic hemoglobins (nsHb) have been identified in rice (Oryza sativa). Previous studies have shown that stress conditions can induce their overexpression, but the role of those globins is still unclear. To better understand the functions of nsHb, the reactivity of rice Hb1 toward hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been studied in vitro. Our results show that recombinant rice Hb1 dimerizes through dityrosine cross-links in the presence of H2O2. By site-directed mutagenesis, we suggest that tyrosine 112 located in the FG loop is involved in this dimerization. Interestingly, this residue is not conserved in the sequence of the five rice non-symbiotic hemoglobins. Stopped-flow spectrophotometric experiments have been performed to measure the catalytic constants of rice Hb and its variants using the oxidation of guaiacol. We have shown that Tyrosine112 is a residue that enhances the peroxidase activity of rice Hb1, since its replacement by an alananine leads to a decrease of guaiacol oxidation. In contrast, tyrosine 151, a conserved residue which is buried inside the heme pocket, reduces the protein reactivity. Indeed, the variant Tyr151Ala exhibits a higher peroxidase activity than the wild type. Interestingly, this residue affects the heme coordination and the replacement of the tyrosine by an alanine leads to the loss of the distal ligand. Therefore, even if the amino acid at position 151 does not participate to the formation of the dimer, this residue modulates the peroxidase activity and plays a role in the hexacoordinated state of the heme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pectobacterium carotovorum is an important plant pathogen responsible for the destruction of crops through bacterial soft rot, which is modulated by oxygen (O2) concentration. A soluble globin coupled sensor protein, Pcc DgcO (also referred to as PccGCS) is one way through which P. carotovorum senses oxygen. DgcO contains a diguanylate cyclase output domain producing c-di-GMP. Synthesis of the bacterial second messenger c-di-GMP is increased upon oxygen binding to the sensory globin domain. This work seeks to understand regulation of function by DgcO at the transcript level. RNA sequencing and differential expression analysis revealed that the deletion of DgcO only affects transcript levels in cells grown under aerobic conditions. Differential expression analysis showed that DgcO deletion alters transcript levels for metal transporters. These results, followed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry showing decreased concentrations of six biologically relevant metals upon DgcO deletion, provide evidence that a globin coupled sensor can affect cellular metal content. These findings improve the understanding of the transcript level control of O2-dependent phenotypes in an important phytopathogen and establish a basis for further studies on c-di-GMP-dependent functions in P. carotovorum.





