giant ameloblastoma

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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ameloblastoma is an aggressive tumor of odontogenic epithelium that grows slowly with propensity for bone expansion. Sometimes it may grow to very large sizes also known as giant ameloblastoma (GA) which may affect function and even pose a threat to life.
    OBJECTIVE: To present the pattern of presentation of GAs seen in a tertiary centre in Northern Nigeria.
    METHODS: A retrospective study of patients seen with GA at the Oral and Maxillofacial Clinic of a tertiary health facility of Northern Nigeria between January 2006 to December 2019. All patients with complete documentation in the folder, theatre register and histopathologic records were recruited for the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23.
    RESULTS: GAs accounted for 30.2% (48) of all the ameloblastomas operated during the period with a male dominance of 62.5% (30), giving a ratio of 1.7:1(M:F). The age range was between 12 and 65 years with a mean age of 35.04years (±14.5) and the mandible was the most affected jaw compared to the maxilla (12.5%). Lesions with lowest and highest weight were found on the mandible (77g and 1640g respectively). The treatment most given was mandibulectomy (unspecified) with 20.0% followed by Rt and Lt mandibulectomies with 14.0% each.
    CONCLUSIONS: GA was found to account for 30.2% of all lesions seen within the period under review, while the mandible was the most affected jaw bone.
    UNASSIGNED: L’améloblastome est une tumeur agressive d’épithélium odontogène qui se développe lentement avec une propension à expansion osseuse. Parfois, il peut atteindre de très grandes tailles aussiconnu sous le nom d’améloblastome géant (GA) qui peut affecter la function et constituent même une menace pour la vie.
    UNASSIGNED: Présenter le modèle de présentation des AGvu dans un centre tertiaire dans le nord du Nigeria.
    UNASSIGNED: Une étude rétrospective des patients vu avec GA à la clinique orale et maxillo-faciale d’un tertiaire établissement de santé du nord du Nigéria entre janvier 2006 et Décembre 2019. Tous les patients avec une documentation complète dans le dossier, le registre des théâtres et les dossiers histopathologiques étaient recruté pour l’étude. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de la version SPSS23.
    UNASSIGNED: Les AG représentaient 30.2 % (48) de tous les améloblastomes opérés pendant la période avec un home dominance de 62.5% (30), ce qui donne un rapport de 1.7:1 (M:F).la fourchette se situait entre 12 et 65 ans avec un âge moyen de 35.04 ans(±14.5) et la mandibule était la mâchoire la plus touchée comparéeau maxillaire (12.5 %). Lésions de poids le plus faible et le plus élevé ont été trouvés sur la mandibule (77g et 1640g respectivement). Le traitement le plus administré était la mandibulectomie (non spécifiée) avec 20.0 %, suivis des mandibulectomies Rt et Lt avec 14.0 % chacun.
    CONCLUSIONS: L’AG représentait 30.2 % de tous les lésions observées au cours de la période considérée, tandis que la mandibule était l’os de la mâchoire le plus touché.
    UNASSIGNED: Améloblastome géant, Risque de récidive, Expérience.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Ameloblastoma is a locally aggressive benign tumor, commonly occurring in the mandible. While giant ameloblastoma of multicystic or plexiform variant have been reported, the authors report a rare case of giant unicystic ameloblastoma of luminal variant, which was treated by compartmental resection and planned for delayed reconstruction.
    METHODS: A 46 year old male patient reported to the oral surgery out-patient department with a swelling of the left side mandible region of 2 years duration. He had undergone ayurvedic treatment for the same with no improvement. The size of the lesion on presenting was approximately 9 × 12 cm.
    METHODS: Compartmental resection with plan for secondary reconstruction, after adequate follow up period.
    CONCLUSIONS: While conservative management is being explored as a treatment option for unicystic ameloblastoma, resection is still the standard of care regardless of the histopathological subtype for giant lesions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ameloblastomas are rare histologically benign, locally aggressive tumors arising from the oral ectoderm that occasionally reach a gigantic size. Giant ameloblastomas are a rarity these days with the advent of panoramic radiography in routine dental practice. Furthermore, the granular cell variant is an uncommon histological subtype of ameloblastoma where the central stellate reticulum like cells in tumor follicles is replaced by granular cells. Although granular cell ameloblastoma (GCA) is considered to be a destructive tumor with a high recurrence rate, the significance of granular cells in predicting its biologic behavior is debatable. However, we present a rare case of giant GCA of remarkable histomorphology showing extensive craniofacial involvement and dural extension that rendered a good prognosis following treatment.





