geographical parthenogenesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    n the Neotropics, the focus of apomictic studies predominantly centres on trees within the Brazilian savanna, characterized, mostly as sporophytic and facultative, associated with polyploidy and polyembryony. To enhance our understanding of the mechanisms governing apomixis and sexual reproduction in tropical herbaceous plants, we clarify the relationship between apomixis, chromosome counts, and polyembryony in the epiphytic orchid Zygopetalum mackayi, which forms a polyploid complex within rocky outcrops in both the Brazilian savanna and the Atlantic forest. To define embryo origins and describe megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis, we performed manual self-pollinations in first-day flowers of cultivated plants, considering all three cytotypes (2x, 3x, 4x) of this species. Flowers and fruits at different stages were collected to describe the development and morphology of ovules and seeds considering sexual and apomictic processes. As self-pollination treatments resulted in high fruit abortion in diploids, we also examined pollen tube development in aborted flowers and fruits to search for putative anomalies. Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis occur regularly in all cytotypes. Apomixis is facultative and sporophytic, and associated with polyploid cytotypes, while diploid individuals exclusively engage in sexual reproduction. Polyembryony is caused mainly by the production of adventitious embryos from nucellar cells of triploids and tetraploids, but also by the development of multiple archesporia in all cytotypes. Like other apomictic angiosperms within the Brazilian savanna, our findings demonstrate that apomixis in Z. mackayi relies on pollinators for seed production. We also consider the ecological implications of these apomictic patterns in Z. mackayi within the context of habitat loss and its dependence on pollinators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Phenotypic complexity in species complexes and recently radiated lineages has resulted in a diversity of forms that have historically been classified into separate taxa. Increasingly, with the proliferation of high-throughput sequencing methods, additional layers of complexity have been recognized, such as frequent hybridization and reticulation, which may call into question the previous morphological groupings of closely related organisms.
    UNASSIGNED: We investigated Northern European, Asian, and Beringian populations of Ranunculus auricomus agg. with phylogenomic analysis of 736 genes and 27,586 SNPs in order to deduce the interrelatedness and hybrid origin of this phenotypically and taxonomically complicated group from Europe characterized by a history of hybridization, polyploidy, apomixis, and recent radiation. The ploidy levels and the reproductive mode of the Northern European populations were assessed via flow cytometric seed screening. In addition, in order to examine the phenotypic plasticity of the dwarf forms previously described as species and summarized as the Ranunculus monophyllus group, we conducted climate chamber experiments under cold (northern) and warm (temperate) conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: The Northern European populations are tetra- to hexaploid and propagate primarily through apomixis. The complex is characterized by highly reticulate relationships. Genetic differentiation of the main clusters has occurred between the above-mentioned geographical regions. We find evidence for the hybrid origin of the taxa in these areas with differing genomic contributions from the geographically nearest European sexual progenitor species. Furthermore, polyphyly in the taxa of the R. monophyllus group is supported. Experiments show low lability in the traits associated with the R. monophyllus group.
    UNASSIGNED: We conclude that multiple adaptations of hybrids to colder climates and shorter vegetation periods have shaped the phenotypes of the R. monophyllus group, and we suggest a formal classification as nothotaxa within the R. auricomus group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Rubus ser. Glandulosi provides a unique model of geographical parthenogenesis on a homoploid (2n = 4x) level. We aim to characterize evolutionary and phylogeographical patterns in this taxon and shed light on the geographical differentiation of apomicts and sexuals. Ultimately, we aim to evaluate the importance of phylogeography in the formation of geographical parthenogenesis.
    METHODS: Rubus ser. Glandulosi was sampled across its Eurasian range together with other co-occurring Rubus taxa (587 individuals in total). Double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) and modelling of suitable climate were used for evolutionary inferences.
    RESULTS: Six ancestral species were identified that contributed to the contemporary gene pool of R. ser. Glandulosi. Sexuals were introgressed from Rubus dolichocarpus and Rubus moschus in West Asia and from Rubus ulmifolius agg., Rubus canescens and Rubus incanescens in Europe, whereas apomicts were characterized by alleles of Rubus subsect. Rubus. Gene flow between sexuals and apomicts was also detected, as was occasional hybridization with other taxa.
    CONCLUSIONS: We hypothesize that sexuals survived the last glacial period in several large southern refugia, whereas apomicts were mostly restricted to southern France, whence they quickly recolonized Central and Western Europe. The secondary contact of sexuals and apomicts was probably the principal factor that established geographical parthenogenesis in R. ser. Glandulosi. Sexual populations are not impoverished in genetic diversity along their borderline with apomicts, and maladaptive population genetic processes probably did not shape the geographical patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asexual organisms often differ in their geographic distributions from their sexual relatives. This phenomenon, termed geographic parthenogenesis, has long been known, but the underlying factors behind its diverse patterns have been under dispute. Particularly problematic is an association between asexuality and polyploidy in most taxa. Here, we present a new system of geographic parthenogenesis on the tetraploid level, promising new insights into this complex topic. We used flow cytometric seed screen and microsatellite genotyping to characterise the patterns of distribution of sexuals and apomicts and genotypic distributions in Rubus ser. Glandulosi across its range. Ecological modelling and local-scale vegetation and soil analyses were used to test for niche differentiation between the reproductive groups. Apomicts were detected only in North-western Europe, sexuals in the rest of the range in Europe and West Asia, with a sharp borderline stretched across Central Europe. Despite that, we found no significant differences in ecological niches. Genotypic richness distributions suggested independence of the reproductive groups and a secondary contact. We argue that unless a niche differentiation (resulting from polyploidy and/or hybridity) evolves, the main factors behind the patterns of geographic parthenogenesis in plants are phylogeographic history and neutral microevolutionary processes, such as clonal turnover.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apomictic plants (reproducing asexually through seed) often have larger ranges and occur at higher latitudes than closely related sexuals, a pattern known as geographical parthenogenesis (GP). Explanations for GP include differences in colonizing ability due to reproductive assurance and direct/indirect effects of polyploidy (most apomicts are polyploid) on ecological tolerances. While life history traits associated with dispersal and establishment also contribute to the potential for range expansion, few studies compare these traits in related apomicts and sexuals.
    We investigated differences in early life history traits between diploid-sexual and polyploid-apomictic Townsendia hookeri (Asteraceae), which displays a classic pattern of GP. Using lab and greenhouse experiments, we measured seed dispersal traits, germination success, and seedling size and survival in sexual and apomictic populations from across the range of the species.
    While theory predicts that trade-offs between dispersal and establishment traits should be common, this was largely not the case in T. hookeri. Apomictic seeds had both lower terminal velocity (staying aloft longer when dropped) and higher germination success than sexual seeds. While there were no differences in seedling size between reproductive types, apomicts did, however, have slightly lower seedling survival than sexuals.
    These differences in early life history traits, combined with reproductive assurance conferred by apomixis, suggest that apomicts achieve a greater range through advantages in their ability to both spread and establish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alpine habitats are shaped by harsh abiotic conditions and cold climates. Temperature stress can affect phenotypic plasticity, reproduction, and epigenetic profiles, which may affect acclimation and adaptation. Distribution patterns suggest that polyploidy seems to be advantageous under cold conditions. Nevertheless, whether temperature stress can induce gene expression changes in different cytotypes, and how the response is initialized through gene set pathways and epigenetic control remain vague for non-model plants. The perennial alpine plant Ranunculus kuepferi was used to investigate the effect of cold stress on gene expression profiles. Diploid and autotetraploid individuals were exposed to cold and warm conditions in climate growth chambers and analyzed via transcriptome sequencing and qRT-PCR. Overall, cold stress changed gene expression profiles of both cytotypes and induced cold acclimation. Diploids changed more gene set pathways than tetraploids, and suppressed pathways involved in ion/cation homeostasis. Tetraploids mostly activated gene set pathways related to cell wall and plasma membrane. An epigenetic background for gene regulation in response to temperature conditions is indicated. Results suggest that perennial alpine plants can respond to temperature extremes via altered gene expression. Tetraploids are better acclimated to cold conditions, enabling them to colonize colder climatic areas in the Alps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Geographical parthenogenesis, a phenomenon where parthenogens and their close sexual relatives inhabit distinct geographical areas, has been considered an interesting topic in evolutionary biology. Reports of geographical parthenogenesis from land and freshwater are numerous, but this occurrence has been rarely reported from the sea. Brown algae are mostly marine and are thought to include numerous obligate parthenogens; still, little is known about the distribution, origin and evolution of parthenogens in this group. Here we report a novel pattern of geographical parthenogenesis in the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria. Sex ratio investigation demonstrated that, in Japan, sexual populations grew in the coast along warm ocean currents, whereas female-dominant parthenogenetic populations grew mainly in the coast along a cold ocean current. In the two localities where sexual and parthenogenetic populations were parapatric, parthenogens grew in more wave-exposed areas than sexuals. Population genetic and phylogenetic analyses, including those based on genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism data, indicated that parthenogens have initially evolved at least twice and subsequent hybridizations between the parthenogens and sexuals have generated multiple new parthenogenetic lineages. The origin of the initial parthenogens is not clear, except that it would not be interspecies hybridization. Interestingly, we found that the production of sex pheromones, which attract male gametes, has been independently lost in the initial two parthenogenetic lineages. This parallel loss of the sexual trait may represent the direct origin of parthenogens, or the regressive evolution of a useless trait under asexuality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High reproductive assurance is regarded as a key advantage of uniparentally reproducing organisms for establishing a new population. This demographic benefit should especially be relevant for plants with autonomous apomixis, that is those which produce seeds completely independently from mates and pollinators. Indeed, many autonomous apomicts occupy larger distributional ranges when compared to their sexual relatives, showing geographical parthenogenesis patterns. However, uniparental reproduction advantage has only rarely been quantified in natural populations and results provided a mixed support, partly because allopatric sexual and asexual populations were exposed to different environmental and pollination conditions causing considerable between-population variation in the level of reproductive assurance. Here, we compared the level and stability of reproductive assurance between sexual self-incompatible and asexual autonomously apomictic plants of Hieracium alpinum (Asteraceae) cultivated in a sympatric low-density population with two levels of spatial clumping of sexual plants. Overall, we found that the realized seed set (i.e. proportion of well-developed seeds per capitulum) of asexuals was ca. 3 times greater than that of sexuals (83% vs. 27%), whereas the variance of this trait expressed as coefficient of variation was ca. 4 times smaller in asexuals compared with sexuals (19% vs. 83%). Solitary sexual plants had more than 2 times lower realized seed set when compared to clumps composed of two spatially close (20-30 cm) sexual plants (13% vs. 34%). Our study provides experimental evidence for benefit of uniparental reproduction of asexuals in a sympatric situation when the availability of mates is limited. This, together with unpredictability of pollinator environment could provide autonomous apomicts with an ultimate demographic superiority during colonization reflected in geographical parthenogenesis observed in this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Geographical parthenogenesis (GP) describes the phenomenon that apomicts tend to have larger distribution areas and/or occur at higher altitudes or latitudes compared to sexual relatives. However, the complex effects of genome-wide heterozygosity, ploidy, reproduction mode (sexual vs. apomictic), and environment shaping GP of plants are still not well understood. We ascertained ploidy and reproduction mode by flow cytometry of 221 populations, and added genomic RADseq data (maximum 33,165 loci) of 80 taxa of the Ranunculus auricomus polyploid plant complex in temperate Europe. We observed 7% mainly diploid sexual, 28% facultative apomictic (mean sexuality 7.1%), and 65% obligate apomictic populations. Sexuals occupied a more southern, smaller distribution area, whereas apomicts expanded their range to higher latitudes. Within the complex, we detected three main genetic clusters and highly reticulate relationships. A genetically-informed path analysis using GLMMs revealed several significant relationships. Sexuality of populations (percent of sexual seeds) was higher in diploids compared to polyploids, associated with more petals, and similar between forests and open habitats. In contrast to other apomictic plant complexes, sexuality was mainly positively correlated to solar radiation and isothermality, which fits the southern distribution. We found up to three times higher heterozygosity in polyploids compared to diploids, and generally more heterozygous individuals in forests compared with open habitats. Interestingly, we revealed a previously unknown positive association between heterozygosity and temperature seasonality, suggesting a higher resistance of polyploids to more extreme climatic conditions. We provide empirical evidence for intrinsic and extrinsic factors shaping the GP pattern in a polyploid plant complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization and the shift to apomictic reproduction are connected to changes in DNA cytosine-methylation. Cytosine-methylation is further sensitive to environmental conditions. We, therefore, hypothesize that DNA methylation patterns would differentiate within species with geographical parthenogenesis, i.e., when diploid sexual and polyploid apomictic populations exhibit different spatial distributions. On natural populations of the alpine plant Ranunculus kuepferi, we tested differences in methylation patterns across two cytotypes (diploid, tetraploid) and three reproduction modes (sexual, mixed, apomictic), and their correlation to environmental data and geographical distributions. We used methylation-sensitive amplified fragment-length polymorphism (methylation-sensitive AFLPs) and scored three types of epiloci. Methylation patterns differed independently between cytotypes versus modes of reproduction and separated three distinct combined groups (2x sexual + mixed, 4x mixed, and 4x apomictic), with differentiation of 4x apomicts in all epiloci. We found no global spatial autocorrelation, but instead correlations to elevation and temperature gradients in 22 and 36 epiloci, respectively. Results suggest that methylation patterns in R. kuepferi were altered by cold conditions during postglacial recolonization of the Alps, and by the concomitant shift to facultative apomixis, and by polyploidization. Obligate apomictic tetraploids at the highest elevations established a distinct methylation profile. Methylation patterns reflect an ecological gradient rather than the geographical differentiation.






