geographical isolation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new newt species, Hypselotritonhuanggangensis sp. nov., is described based on nine specimens collected from Huanggangshan Mountains, Yanshan County, Jiangxi, China. Morphologically, the new species is characterized by the combination of nine external characters: (1) obvious black patches with clear boundaries on the whole body; (2) ground color of the dorsal body tan; (3) ground color of venter bright orange; (4) skin rough; (5) vertebral ridge weak; (6) fingers and toes overlapping when forelimb and hindlimb adpressed towards each other along body; (7) postocular orange spot absent; (8) small white warty glands around the eye; (9) two discontinuous longitudinal lines formed by white warty glands from neck to lateral parts of tail. Molecularly, the new species forms an independent clade with strong support in the phylogenetic trees of the genus based on the mitochondrial locus of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene fragments. The new species distinctly differs from H.fudingensis by differences in its body measurements, vertebral ridge, dorsal black patches, and ventral black patches. Furthermore, the new species and H.fudingensis are geographically isolated by a series of high mountain ranges, including the Wuyishan and Jiufengshan Mountains. The number of Hypselotriton species is now 11.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Castanopsis chinensis (Spreng.) Hance is widespread in the subtropical forests of China. Castanopsis qiongbeiensis G.A. Fu and Castanopsis glabrifolia J. Q. Li & Li Chen are limited to the coastal beaches of Wenchang county in the northeast of Hainan Island, and have similar morphological characteristics to C. chinensis. It is supposed that C. qiongbeiensis and C. glabrifolia are closely related to C. chinensis. In the present study, the genetic differentiation, gene flow, and genetic relationship of C. chinensis, C. qiongbeiensis, and C. glabrifolia were investigated by using 15 nuclear microsatellite markers; a total of 308 individuals from 17 populations were sampled in the three species. The allelic variation of nuclear microsatellites revealed moderate but significant genetic differentiation (FCT = 0.076) among C. chinensis, C. qiongbeiensis, and C. glabrifolia, and genetic differentiation between C. chinensis and C. glabrifolia was larger than that between C. chinensis and C. qiongbeiensis. Demographic simulations revealed unidirectional gene flow from C. chinensis to C. glabrifolia and C. qiongbeiensis, which highlight dispersal from mainland to island. The isolation effect of Qiongzhou Strait increased the genetic differentiation of species on both sides of the strait; however, the differentiation was diminished by gene flow that occurred during the historical period when Hainan Island was connected to mainland China. Our results supported the argument that C. glabrifolia should be considered an independent species and argued that C. qiongbeiensis should be regarded as an incipient species and independent conservation unit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comparative phylogeographic studies of closely related species sharing co-distribution areas can elucidate the role of shared historical factors and environmental changes in shaping their phylogeographic pattern. The bean bugs, Riptortus pedestris and Riptortus linearis, which both inhabit subtropical regions in East Asia, are recognized as highly destructive soybean pests. Many previous studies have investigated the biological characteristics, pheromones, chemicals and control mechanisms of these two pests, but few studies have explored their phylogeographic patterns and underlying factors. In this study, we generated a double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq) dataset to investigate phylogeographic patterns and construct ecological niche models (ENM) for both Riptortus species. Our findings revealed similar niche occupancies and population genetic structures between the two species, with each comprising two phylogeographic lineages (i.e., the mainland China and the Indochina Peninsula clades) that diverged approximately 0.1 and 0.3 million years ago, respectively. This divergence likely resulted from the combined effects of temperatures variation and geographical barriers in the mountainous regions of Southwest China. Further demographic history and ENM analyses suggested that both pests underwent rapid expansion prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Furthermore, ENM predicts a northward shift of both pests into new soybean-producing regions due to global warming. Our study indicated that co-distribution soybean pests with overlapping ecological niches and similar life histories in subtropical regions of East Asia exhibit congruent phylogeographic and demographic patterns in response to shared historical biogeographic drivers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of geographical isolation and environmental adaptation in driving the differentiation and radiation of species has been a hotspot in evolutionary biology. The extremely complicated and fragmented geography of the mountainous region of Southwest China provides an excellent system for investigating the process of species divergence in heterogeneous habitats. Amorphophallus yunnanensis is a species of extreme habitat preference that resides mainly in the mountainous region of Southwest China. Here, we used restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) to characterize the geographic pattern of genetic variation among 19 populations of A. yunnanensis as well as the genomic basis of environmental adaptation. A pattern of low population genetic diversity and high level of genetic differentiation was observed. The genomic data revealed a clear east-west genetic differentiation, with two distinct genetic lineages corresponding to the Guizhou plateau and Yunnan plateau, respectively. However, we discovered demographic expansion of the Guizhou Plateau lineage and recent hybridization in populations at the contact region. Significant levels of isolation by distance along with isolation by environment were detected. Outlier tests and genome-environment association analyses identified 89 putatively adaptive loci that might play a role in environmental adaptation. Our results suggest that the genetic divergence of A. yunnanensis is attributed to geographical isolation together with divergent selection in the mountainous region of Southwest China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea) taiwana, a small bloodsucking midge, thrives in moderately moist habitats and is commonly found in grassy and bushy areas at an elevation below 250 m. This species exhibits a diurnal biting pattern and shows a marked preference for human blood. Although not known to transmit arthropod-borne diseases, the bites of F. taiwana can induce severe allergic reactions in some individuals. As a significant nuisance in Taiwan, affecting both daily life and the tourism industry, comprehensive studies on its population genetics across different geographical regions remain scarce. The central mountain ranges in Taiwan, comprising more than two hundred peaks above 3000 m in elevation, extend from the north to the south of the island, creating distinct eastern and western geographical divisions. This study utilizes microsatellite markers to explore the genetic differentiation of F. taiwana populations located in the eastern and western regions of the mountain ranges. Our findings reveal substantial genetic differentiation among populations inhabiting Taiwan\'s western region compared to those in the eastern region. This indicates that the topographical barriers presented by the mountain ranges significantly restrict gene flow, particularly given the species\' limited active flight ability and habitat preferences. Although passive dispersal mechanisms, like wind or human activity, could contribute, this study concludes that the gene flow of F. taiwana between the western and eastern regions is primarily influenced by topographical constraints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring how species diverge is vital for understanding the drivers of speciation. Factors such as geographical separation and ecological selection, hybridization, polyploidization and shifts in mating system are all major mechanisms of plant speciation, but their contributions to divergence are rarely well understood. Here we test these mechanisms in two plant species, Gentiana lhassica and G. hoae, with the goal of understanding recent allopatric species divergence on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP).
    We performed Bayesian clustering, phylogenetic analysis and estimates of hybridization using 561 302 nuclear genomic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We performed redundancy analysis, and identified and annotated species-specific SNPs (ssSNPs) to explore the association between climatic preference and genetic divergence. We also estimated genome sizes using flow cytometry to test for overlooked polyploidy.
    Genomic evidence confirms that G. lhassica and G. hoae are closely related but distinct species, while genome size estimates show divergence occurred without polyploidy. Gentiana hoae has significantly higher average FIS values than G. lhassica. Population clustering based on genomic SNPs shows no signature of recent hybridization, but each species is characterized by a distinct history of hybridization with congeners that has shaped genome-wide variation. Gentiana lhassica has captured the chloroplast and experienced introgression with a divergent gentian species, while G. hoae has experienced recurrent hybridization with related taxa. Species distribution modelling suggested range overlap in the Last Interglacial Period, while redundancy analysis showed that precipitation and temperature are the major climatic differences explaining the separation of the species. The species differ by 2993 ssSNPs, with genome annotation showing missense variants in genes involved in stress resistance.
    This study suggests that the distinctiveness of these species on the QTP is driven by a combination of hybridization, geographical isolation, mating system differences and evolution of divergent climatic preferences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endangerment mechanisms of various species are a focus of studies on biodiversity and conservation biology. Hipposideros pomona is an endangered species, but the reasons behind its endangerment remain unclear. We investigated the endangerment mechanisms of H. pomona using mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA, and microsatellite loci markers. The results showed that the nucleotide diversity of mitochondria DNA and heterozygosity of microsatellite markers were high (π = 0.04615, H O = 0.7115), whereas the nucleotide diversity of the nuclear genes was low (THY: π = 0.00508, SORBS2: π = 0.00677, ACOX2: π = 0.00462, COPS7A: π = 0.00679). The phylogenetic tree and median-joining network based on mitochondrial DNA sequences clustered the species into three clades, namely North Vietnam-Fujian, Myanmar-West Yunnan, and Laos-Hainan clades. However, joint analysis of nuclear genes did not exhibit clustering. Analysis of molecular variance revealed a strong population genetic structure; IMa2 analysis did not reveal significant gene flow between all groups (p > .05), and isolation-by-distance analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between genetic and geographic distances (p < .05). The mismatch distribution analysis, neutral test, and Bayesian skyline plots revealed that the H. pomona population were relatively stable and exhibited a contraction trend. The results implied that H. pomona exhibits female philopatry and male-biased dispersal. The Hengduan Mountains could have acted as a geographical barrier for gene flow between the North Vietnam-Fujian clade and the Myanmar-West Yunnan clade, whereas the Qiongzhou Strait may have limited interaction between the Hainan populations and other clades. The warm climate during the second interglacial Quaternary period (c. 0.33 Mya) could have been responsible for species differentiation, whereas the cold climate during the late Quaternary last glacial maximum (c. 10 ka BP) might have caused the overall contraction of species. The lack of significant gene flow in nuclear microsatellite loci markers among the different populations investigated reflects recent habitat fragmentation due to anthropogenic activities; thus, on-site conservation of the species and restoration of gene flow corridors among populations need immediate implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viburnum japonicum is a rare plant species and endemic to the coastal region of Eastern Asia with extremely small populations. Within mainland China, this species can be only found in narrow habitats of the northeast coastal islands of Zhejiang Province. However, there are scarce conservation genetic studies on V. japonicum, which has limited the effective conservation and management of this rare species. Here, 51 individuals in four natural populations covering the Chinese geographic range of the species were sampled to assess the genetic diversity and population structure. A total of 445,060 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified using double digest restriction-site associated sequencing (ddRAD-seq). The overall average values of observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), and average nucleotide diversity (π), were 0.2207, 0.2595, and 0.2741, respectively. The DFS-2 population exhibited the highest level of genetic diversity among all the populations. Genetic differentiation between populations was moderate (F ST = 0.1425), and there was selfing between populations (F IS = 0.1390, S = 24.52%). Of the total genetic variation, 52.9% was found among populations through AMOVA analysis. The Mantel test (r = 0.982, p = 0.030) combined with analyses of the Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree, ADMIXTURE, and principal component analysis (PCA), revealed that populations of V. japonicum were genetically segregated and significantly correlated with their geographical distribution. Our study demonstrated that V. japonicum maintained a medium level of genetic diversity and differentiation with a strong population structure, and the results were mainly affected by its island distribution pattern and self-crossing characteristics. These results provide insights into the genetic diversity and population history of V. japonicum, critical information for conserving and sustainably developing its genetic resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The poor mobility of nymphs living underground, usually for many years, and the weak flying ability of adults make cicadas unique for evolutionary biology and bio-geographical study. Cicadas of the genus Karenia are unusual in Cicadidae in lacking the timbals that produce sound. Population differentiation, genetic structure, dispersal and evolutionary history of the eastern Asian mute cicada Karenia caelatata were investigated based on morphological, acoustic and molecular data. The results reveal a high level of genetic differentiation in this species. Six independent clades with nearly unique sets of haplotypes corresponding to geographically isolated populations are recognized. Genetic and geographic distances are significantly correlated among lineages. The phenotypic differentiation is generally consistent with the high levels of genetic divergence across populations. Results of ecological niche modeling suggest that the potential distribution range of this mountain-habitat specialist during the Last Glacial Maximum was broader than its current range, indicating this species had benefited from the climate change during the early Pleistocene in southern China. Geological events such as orogeny in Southwest China and Pleistocene climate oscillations have driven the differentiation and divergence of this species, and basins, plains and rivers function as natural \"barriers\" to block the gene flow. Besides significant genetic divergence being found among clades, the populations occurring in the Wuyi Mountains and the Hengduan Mountains are significantly different in the calling song structure from other populations. This may have resulted from significant population differentiation and subsequent adaptation of related populations. We conclude that ecological differences in habitats, coupled with geographical isolation, have driven population divergence and allopatric speciation. This study provides a plausible example of incipient speciation in Cicadidae and improves understanding of population differentiation, acoustic signal diversification and phylogeographic relationships of this unusual cicada species. It informs future studies on population differentiation, speciation and phylogeography of other mountain-habitat insects in the East Asian continent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Euphrasia nankotaizanensis (Orobanchaceae) is a rare alpine herb that is endemic to Taiwan. Only four small populations remain in Xue, Nanhu, and Cilai Mountains of Taiwan. The distribution of alpine herbs is severely threatened by climate change, which influences genetic variation and population structure. In this study, we investigated the effects of the natural isolation of alpine habitats on the genetic diversity and geographic structure of populations of E. nankotaizanensis using chloroplast (cp) and nuclear DNA (nrDNA) markers. We found lower levels of genetic diversity in E. nankotaizanensis than in other alpine plants and little to no genetic variation within populations, which could be mainly attributed to the small population size and genetic drift. Only one nrDNA haplotype was present in each population. The lack of monophyly of the four populations in cpDNA probably resulted from lineage sorting or occasional long-distance seed dispersal. Phylogeographic analysis suggested that Nanhu Mountain was probably a refugium over the glacial maxima, agreeing with the potential refugia in central Taiwan. The STRUCTURE and AMOVA analyses revealed significant genetic differentiation in nrDNA among the mountains, which resulted from geographical isolation among these mountains. Estimates of the effective population size (Ne) and demography reflected lower Ne values and a recent population decline, probably implying a greater extinction risk for E. nankotaizanensis. We observed genetic depletion and considerable genetic differentiation among mountain populations, which should be considered in future conservation efforts for this species. In addition, this study provides important insights into the long-term potential of alpine herbs in Taiwan, which are useful for a better prediction of their responses to future climate change.





