genomic islands

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several authors have attributed the explosive outbreak of gastroenteritis that occurred in Czechoslovakia in 1965 to a toxigenic strain of Vibrio cholerae serogroup O37 based on unverified metadata associated with three particular strains from the American Type Culture Collection. Here, by sequencing the original strain preserved at the Czech National Collection of Type Cultures since 1966, we show that the strain responsible for this outbreak was actually a V. cholerae O5 that lacks the genes encoding the cholera toxin, the toxin-coregulated pilus protein and Vibrio pathogenicity islands present in V. cholerae O37 strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many bacterial immune systems recognize phage structural components to activate antiviral responses, without inhibiting the function of the phage component. These systems can be encoded in specific chromosomal loci, known as defense islands, and in mobile genetic elements such as prophages and phage-inducible chromosomal islands (PICIs). Here, we identify a family of bacterial immune systems, named Tai (for \'tail assembly inhibition\'), that is prevalent in PICIs, prophages and P4-like phage satellites. Tai systems protect their bacterial host population from other phages by blocking the tail assembly step, leading to the release of tailless phages incapable of infecting new hosts. To prevent autoimmunity, some Tai-positive phages have an associated counter-defense mechanism that is expressed during the phage lytic cycle and allows for tail formation. Interestingly, the Tai defense and counter-defense genes are organized in a non-contiguous operon, enabling their coordinated expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fusobacterium necrophorum is a Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium responsible for localized infections of the oropharynx that can evolve into bacteremia and/or septic thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein or peritonsillar vein, called Lemierre\'s syndrome. To identify microbial genetic determinants associated with the severity of this life-threatening disease, 70 F. necrophorum strains were collected and grouped into two categories according to the clinical presentation: (i) localized infection, (ii) bacteremia with/without Lemierre\'s syndrome. Comparative genomic analyses revealed two clades with distinct genetic content, one clade being significantly enriched with isolates from subjects with bacteremia. To identify genetic determinants contributing to F. necrophorum pathogenicity, genomic islands and virulence factor orthogroups (OVFs) were predicted. The presence/absence profiles of OVFs did not group isolates according to their clinical category, but rather according to their phylogeny. However, a variant of lktA, a key virulence factor, with a frameshift deletion that results in two open reading frames, was associated with bacteremia. Moreover, a genome-wide association study identified three orthogroups associated with bacteremic strains: (i) cas8a1, (ii) a sodium/solute symporter, and (iii) a POP1 domain-containing protein. Further studies must be performed to assess the functional impact of lktA mutation and of these orthogroups on the physiopathological mechanisms of F. necrophorum infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner is recognized as a predominant bioinsecticide but its antifungal potential has been relatively underexplored. A novel B. thuringiensis strain NBAIR BtAr was isolated and morphologically characterized using light and scanning electron microscopy, revealing presence of bipyramidal, cuboidal, and spherical parasporal crystals. The crude form of lipopeptides was extracted from NBAIR BtAr and assessed for its antagonistic activity in vitro, and demonstrated 100% inhibition of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. at a minimum inhibitory concentration of 50 μL of the crude lipopeptide extract per mL of potato dextrose agar. To identify the antagonistic genes responsible, we performed whole genome sequencing of NBAIR BtAr, revealing the presence of circular chromosome of 5,379,913 bp and 175,362 bp plasmid with 36.06% guanine-cytosine content and 5814 protein-coding sequences. Average nucleotide identity and whole genome phylogenetic analysis delineated the NBAIR BtAr strain as konkukian serovar. Gene ontology analysis revealed associations of 1474, 1323, and 1833 genes with biological processes, molecular function, and cellular components, respectively. Antibiotics & secondary metabolite analysis shell analysis of the whole genome yielded secondary metabolites biosynthetic gene clusters with 100%, 85%, 40%, and 35% similarity for petrobactin, bacillibactin, fengycin, and paenilamicin, respectively. Also, novel biosynthetic gene clusters, along with antimicrobial genes, including zwittermicin A, chitinase, and phenazines, were identified. Moreover, the presence of eight bacteriophage sequences, 18 genomic islands, insertion sequences, and one CRISPR region indicated prior occurrences of genetic exchange and thus improved competitive fitness of the strain. Overall, the whole genome sequence of NBAIR BtAr is presented, with its taxonomic classification and critical genetic attributes that contribute to its strong antagonistic activity against S. rolfsii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Characterize global genomic features of 86 genomes of Salmonella Gallinarum (SG) and Pullorum (SP), which are important pathogens causing systemic infections in poultry.
    RESULTS: All genomes harbored efflux pump encoding gene mdsA and gold tolerance genes golS and golT. Aminoglycoside (aac(6\')-Ib, aadA5, aph(6)-Id, aph(3\'\')-Ib, ant(2\'\')-Ia), beta-lactam (blaTEM-1, blaTEM-135), efflux pump (mdsB), fosfomycin (fosA3), sulfonamide (sul1, sul2), tetracycline [tet(A)], trimethoprim (dfrA17), acid (asr), and disinfectant (qacEdelta1) resistance genes, gyrA, gyrB, and parC quinolone resistance point mutations, and mercury tolerance genes (mer) were found in different frequencies. Additionally, 310 virulence genes, pathogenicity islands (including SPI-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14), plasmids [IncFII(S), ColpVC, IncX1, IncN, IncX2, and IncC], and prophages (Fels-2, ST104, 500465-1, pro483, Gifsy-2, 103 203_sal5, Fels-1, RE-2010, vB_SenS-Ent2, and L-413C) were detected. MLST showed biovar-specific sequence types, and core genome MLST showed country-specific and global-related clusters.
    CONCLUSIONS: SG and SP global strains carry many virulence factors and important antimicrobial resistance genes. The diverse plasmids and prophages suggest genetic variability. MLST and cgMLST differentiated biovars and showed profiles occurring locally or worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The histone-like nucleoid structuring (H-NS) protein is a DNA binding factor, found in gammaproteobacteria, with functional equivalents in diverse microbes. Universally, such proteins are understood to silence transcription of horizontally acquired genes. Here, we identify transposon capture as a major overlooked function of H-NS. Using genome-scale approaches, we show that H-NS bound regions are transposition \"hotspots\". Since H-NS often interacts with pathogenicity islands, such targeting creates clinically relevant phenotypic diversity. For example, in Acinetobacter baumannii, we identify altered motility, biofilm formation, and interactions with the human immune system. Transposon capture is mediated by the DNA bridging activity of H-NS and, if absent, more ubiquitous transposition results. Consequently, transcribed and essential genes are disrupted. Hence, H-NS directs transposition to favour evolutionary outcomes useful for the host cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study presents the empirical findings of an in-depth genomic analysis of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus lactis isolates from South Africa. It offers valuable insights into their genetic characteristics and their significant implications for public health. The study uncovers nuanced variations in the gene content of these isolates, despite their similar GC contents, providing a comprehensive view of the evolutionary diversity within the species. Genomic islands are identified, particularly in E. faecalis, emphasizing its propensity for horizontal gene transfer and genetic diversity, especially in terms of antibiotic resistance genes. Pangenome analysis reveals the existence of a core genome, accounting for a modest proportion of the total genes, with 2157 core genes, 1164 shell genes, and 4638 cloud genes out of 7959 genes in 52 South African E. faecalis genomes (2 from this study, 49 south Africa genomes downloaded from NCBI, and E. faecalis reference genome). Detecting large-scale genomic rearrangements, including chromosomal inversions, underscores the dynamic nature of bacterial genomes and their role in generating genetic diversity. The study uncovers an array of antibiotic resistance genes, with trimethoprim, tetracycline, glycopeptide, and multidrug resistance genes prevalent, raising concerns about the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment. Virulence gene profiling unveils a diverse repertoire of factors contributing to pathogenicity, encompassing adhesion, biofilm formation, stress resistance, and tissue damage. These empirical findings provide indispensable insights into these bacteria\'s genomic dynamics, antibiotic resistance mechanisms, and virulence potential, underlining the pressing need to address antibiotic resistance and implement robust control measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Typhimurium), multidrug resistance is associated with integrons carrying resistance genes dispersed by mobile genetic elements. This exploratory systematic review sought to identify integron types and their resistance genes in multidrug resistance Typhimurium isolates. We used Medline, PubMed, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Redalyc, and Google Scholar as motor searchers for articles in Spanish or English published between 2012 and 2020, including the keywords “integrons”, “antibiotic resistance”, and “Salmonella Typhimurium”. We included 38 articles reporting multidrug resistance up to five antibiotic families. Class 1 integrons with aadA2 and blaPSE-1 gene cassettes were predominant, some probably related to the Salmonella genomic island 1. We did not find studies detailing class 1 and 2 integrons in the same isolate, nor class 3 integrons reported. The presence of integrons largely explains the resistance profiles found in isolates from different sources in 15 countries.
    La multirresistencia a los antibióticos en Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Typhimurium) se asocia con integrones que portan genes de resistencia y que son dispersados por elementos genéticos móviles. En esta revisión sistemática exploratoria, se buscó identificar los tipos de integrones y sus genes de resistencia en aislamientos de Typhimurium multirresistentes a antibióticos. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en Medline, PubMed, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Redalyc y Google Académico, publicados entre el 2012 y el 2020, en español o inglés, con las palabras claves: \"integrons\", \"antibiotic resistance\" y \"Salmonella Typhimurium\". En el análisis se incluyeron 38 artículos que reportaron multirresistencia a cinco familias de antibióticos. Los integrones de clase 1 con casetes de genes aadA2 y blaPSE-1 fueron los predominantes, algunos probablemente relacionados con la isla genómica de Salmonella 1. No se encontraron integrones de clase 1 y 2 en un mismo aislamiento, ni se reportaron integrones de clase 3. La presencia de integrones explica en gran medida los perfiles de resistencia encontrados en aislamientos de diferentes fuentes de 15 países.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The knowledge of the different population-level processes operating within a species, and the genetic variability of the individual prokaryotic genomes, is key to understanding the adaptability of microbial populations. Here, we characterized the flexible genome of ammonia-oxidizing archaeal (AOA) populations using a metagenomic recruitment approach and long-read (PacBio HiFi) metagenomic sequencing. In the lower photic zone of the western Mediterranean Sea (75 m deep), the genomes Nitrosopelagicus brevis CN25 and Nitrosopumilus catalinensis SPOT1 had the highest recruitment values among available complete AOA genomes. They were used to analyse the diversity of flexible genes (variable from strain to strain) by examining the long-reads located within the flexible genomic islands (fGIs) identified by their under-recruitment. Both AOA genomes had a large fGI involved in the glycosylation of exposed structures, highly variable, and rich in glycosyltransferases. N. brevis had two fGIs related to the transport of phosphorus and ammonium respectively. N. catalinensis had fGIs involved in phosphorus transportation and metal uptake. A fGI5 previously reported as \'unassigned function\' in N. brevis could be associated with defense. These findings demonstrate that the microdiversity of marine microbe populations, including AOA, can be effectively characterized using an approach that incorporates third-generation sequencing metagenomics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to the antimicrobial resistance crisis, we have developed a powerful and versatile therapeutic platform, the Antibacterial Drone (ABD) system. The ABD consists of a highly mobile staphylococcal pathogenicity island re-purposed to deliver genes encoding antibacterial proteins. The chromosomally located island is induced by a co-resident helper phage, packaged in phage-like particles, and released in very high numbers upon phage-induced lysis. ABD particles specifically adsorb to bacteria causing an infection and deliver their DNA to these bacteria, where the bactericidal cargo genes are expressed, kill the bacteria, and cure the infection. Here, we report a major advance of the system, incorporation of the gene encoding a secreted, bactericidal, species-specific lytic enzyme, lysostsphin. This ABD not only kills the bacterium that has been attacked by the ABD, but also any surrounding bacteria that are sensitive to the lytic enzyme which is released by secretion and by lysis of the doomed cell. So while the killing field is thus expanded, there are no civilian casualties (bacteria that are insensitive to the ABD and its cargo protein(s) are not inadvertently killed). Without amplifying the number of ABD particles (which are not re-packaged), the expression and release of the cargo gene\'s product dramatically extend the effective reach of the ABD. A cargo gene that encodes a secreted bactericidal protein also enables the treatment of a mixed bacterial infection in which one of the infecting organisms is insensitive to the ABD delivery system but is sensitive to the ABD\'s secreted cargo protein.





