genomic disorder

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Delineating base-resolution breakpoints of complex rearrangements is crucial for an accurate clinical understanding of pathogenic variants and for carrier screening within family networks or the broader population. However, despite advances in genetic testing using short-read sequencing (SRS), this task remains costly and challenging.
    METHODS: This study addresses the challenges of resolving missing disease-causing breakpoints in complex genomic disorders with suspected homozygous rearrangements by employing multiple long-read sequencing (LRS) strategies, including a novel and efficient strategy named nanopore-based rapid acquisition of neighboring genomic regions (NanoRanger). NanoRanger does not require large amounts of ultrahigh-molecular-weight DNA and stands out for its ease of use and rapid acquisition of large genomic regions of interest with deep coverage.
    RESULTS: We describe a cohort of 16 familial cases, each harboring homozygous rearrangements that defied breakpoint determination by SRS and optical genome mapping (OGM). NanoRanger identified the breakpoints with single-base-pair resolution, enabling accurate determination of the carrier status of unaffected family members as well as the founder nature of these genomic lesions and their frequency in the local population. The resolved breakpoints revealed that repetitive DNA, gene regulatory elements, and transcription activity contribute to genome instability in these novel recessive rearrangements.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that NanoRanger greatly improves the success rate of resolving base-resolution breakpoints of complex genomic disorders and expands access to LRS for the benefit of patients with Mendelian disorders.
    BACKGROUND: M.L. is supported by KAUST Baseline Award no. BAS/1/1080-01-01 and KAUST Research Translation Fund Award no. REI/1/4742-01.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Genomic disorders caused by copy number variations (CNVs) are prevalent in patients with kidney disease; however, their contribution to chronic kidney failure (KF) of undetermined aetiology (uKF) is unclear. We screened patients with uKF aged 50 years or younger to establish the prevalence of causative CNVs.
    UNASSIGNED: We enrolled patients with an onset of KF ≤50 years from suspected undetermined aetiology for initial review of medical records to exclude patients with clear-cut clinical or histopathological kidney diagnoses or patients with already established genetic kidney diseases. Next, we performed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array-based CNV screening. All the detected CNVs were systematically classified and evaluated as possible causes of the patient\'s kidney disease. Patients with CNVs not explaining the kidney phenotype were additionally screened for causal variants in 540 genes using whole-genome sequencing.
    UNASSIGNED: We enrolled 172 patients, of whom 123 underwent SNP-array. Pathogenic CNVs corresponding to known genomic disorders were identified in 12 patients (9.8%). The identified genomic disorders provided a causative kidney diagnosis in three patients, all of whom had reached KF by age 18 years. The remaining nine patients had CNVs with unclear kidney disease causality. Subsequently, whole-genome sequencing provided a causative genetic diagnosis in an additional four patients, including two diagnostic sequence variants unrelated to the detected CNVs.
    UNASSIGNED: Genomic disorders were prevalent in this cohort with uKF, and causative CNVs were identified in 5 of 123 patients. Further studies combining the analysis of CNVs and sequence variants are needed to clarify the causal role of genomic disorders in kidney disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Duplications of the 3q29 cytoband are rare chromosomal copy number variations (CNVs) (overlapping or recurrent ~1.6 Mb 3q29 duplications). They have been associated with highly variable neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) with various associated features or reported as a susceptibility factor to the development of learning disabilities and neuropsychiatric disorders. The smallest region of overlap and the phenotype of 3q29 duplications remain uncertain. We here report a French cohort of 31 families with a 3q29 duplication identified by chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA), including 14 recurrent 1.6 Mb duplications, eight overlapping duplications (>1 Mb), and nine small duplications (<1 Mb). Additional genetic findings that may be involved in the phenotype were identified in 11 patients. Focusing on apparently isolated 3q29 duplications, patients present mainly mild NDD as suggested by a high rate of learning disabilities in contrast to a low proportion of patients with intellectual disabilities. Although some are de novo, most of the 3q29 duplications are inherited from a parent with a similar mild phenotype. Besides, the study of small 3q29 duplications does not provide evidence for any critical region. Our data suggest that the overlapping and recurrent 3q29 duplications seem to lead to mild NDD and that a severe or syndromic clinical presentation should warrant further genetic analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    3q29 deletion syndrome (3q29del) is a rare genomic disorder caused by a 1.6 Mb deletion (hg19, chr3:195725000-197350000). 3q29del is associated with neurodevelopmental and psychiatric phenotypes, including an astonishing >40-fold increased risk for schizophrenia, but medical phenotypes are less well-described. We used the online 3q29 registry of 206 individuals ( to recruit 57 individuals with 3q29del (56.14% male) and requested information about musculoskeletal phenotypes with a custom questionnaire. 85.96% of participants with 3q29del reported at least one musculoskeletal phenotype. Congenital anomalies were most common (70.18%), with pes planus (40.35%), pectus excavatum (22.81%), and pectus carinatum (5.26%) significantly elevated relative to the pediatric general population. 49.12% of participants reported fatigue after 30 min or less of activity. Bone fractures (8.77%) were significantly elevated relative to the pediatric general population. Participants commonly report receiving medical care for musculoskeletal complaints (71.93%), indicating that these phenotypes impact quality of life for individuals with 3q29del. This is the most comprehensive description of musculoskeletal phenotypes in 3q29del to date, suggests ideas for clinical evaluation, and expands our understanding of the phenotypic spectrum of this syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is the most common genomic disorder with an extremely broad phenotypic spectrum. The aim of our study was to investigate how often the additional variants in the genome can affect clinical variation among patients with the recurrent deletion. To examine the presence of additional variants affecting the phenotype, we performed microarray in 82 prenatal and 77 postnatal cases and performed exome sequencing in 86 postnatal patients with 22q11.2DS. Within those 159 patients where array was performed, 5 pathogenic and 5 likely pathogenic CNVs were identified outside of the 22q11.2 region. This indicates that in 6.3% cases, additional CNVs most likely contribute to the clinical presentation. Additionally, exome sequencing in 86 patients revealed 3 pathogenic (3.49%) and 5 likely pathogenic (5.81%) SNVs and small CNV. These results show that the extension of diagnostics with genome-wide methods can reveal other clinically relevant changes in patients with 22q11 deletion syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 1.6 Mb 3q29 deletion is associated with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric phenotypes, including a 19-fold increased risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Previous work by our team identified elevated social disability in this population via parent-report questionnaires. However, clinical features of ASD in this population have not been explored in detail.
    Thirty-one individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome (3q29del, 61.3% male) were evaluated using two gold-standard clinical ASD evaluations: the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2), and the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R). Four matched comparators for each subject were ascertained from the National Database for Autism Research. Item-level scores on the ADOS-2 and ADI-R were compared between subjects with 3q29del and matched comparators.
    Subjects with 3q29del and no ASD (3q29del-ASD) had greater evidence of social disability compared to typically developing (TD) comparison subjects across the ADOS-2. Subjects with 3q29del and ASD (3q29del + ASD) were largely indistinguishable from non-syndromic ASD (nsASD) subjects on the ADOS-2. 3q29del + ASD performed significantly better on social communication on the ADI-R than nsASD (3q29 + ASD mean = 11.36; nsASD mean = 15.70; p = 0.01), and this was driven by reduced deficits in nonverbal communication (3q29 + ASD mean = 1.73; nsASD mean = 3.63; p = 0.03). 3q29del + ASD reported significantly later age at the first two-word phrase compared to nsASD (3q29del + ASD mean = 43.89 months; nsASD mean = 37.86 months; p = 0.01). However, speech delay was not related to improved nonverbal communication in 3q29del + ASD.
    There were not enough TD comparators with ADI-R data in NDAR to include in the present analysis. Additionally, our relatively small sample size made it difficult to assess race and ethnicity effects.
    3q29del is associated with significant social disability, irrespective of ASD diagnosis. 3q29del + ASD have similar levels of social disability to nsASD, while 3q29del-ASD have significantly increased social disability compared to TD individuals. However, social communication is reasonably well preserved in 3q29del + ASD relative to nsASD. It is critical that verbal ability and social disability be examined separately in this population to ensure equal access to ASD and social skills evaluations and services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromosome 16p11.2 reciprocal genomic disorder, resulting from recurrent copy-number variants (CNVs), involves intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and schizophrenia, but the responsible mechanisms are not known. To systemically dissect molecular effects, we performed transcriptome profiling of 350 libraries from six tissues (cortex, cerebellum, striatum, liver, brown fat, and white fat) in mouse models harboring CNVs of the syntenic 7qF3 region, as well as cellular, transcriptional, and single-cell analyses in 54 isogenic neural stem cell, induced neuron, and cerebral organoid models of CRISPR-engineered 16p11.2 CNVs. Transcriptome-wide differentially expressed genes were largely tissue-, cell-type-, and dosage-specific, although more effects were shared between deletion and duplication and across tissue than expected by chance. The broadest effects were observed in the cerebellum (2,163 differentially expressed genes), and the greatest enrichments were associated with synaptic pathways in mouse cerebellum and human induced neurons. Pathway and co-expression analyses identified energy and RNA metabolism as shared processes and enrichment for ASD-associated, loss-of-function constraint, and fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein target gene sets. Intriguingly, reciprocal 16p11.2 dosage changes resulted in consistent decrements in neurite and electrophysiological features, and single-cell profiling of organoids showed reciprocal alterations to the proportions of excitatory and inhibitory GABAergic neurons. Changes both in neuronal ratios and in gene expression in our organoid analyses point most directly to calretinin GABAergic inhibitory neurons and the excitatory/inhibitory balance as targets of disruption that might contribute to changes in neurodevelopmental and cognitive function in 16p11.2 carriers. Collectively, our data indicate the genomic disorder involves disruption of multiple contributing biological processes and that this disruption has relative impacts that are context specific.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large structural chromosomal deletions and duplications, referred to as copy number variants (CNVs), play a role in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) through effects on gene dosage. This review focuses on our current understanding of genomic disorders that arise from large structural chromosome rearrangements in patients with NDDs, as well as difficulties in overlap of clinical presentation and molecular diagnosis. We discuss the implications of epigenetics, specifically DNA methylation (DNAm), in NDDs and genomic disorders, and consider the implications and clinical impact of copy number and genomic DNAm testing in patients with suspected genetic NDDs. We summarize evidence of global methylation episignatures in CNV-associated disorders that can be used in the diagnostic pathway and may provide insights into the molecular pathogenesis of genomic disorders. Finally, we discuss the potential for combining CNV and DNAm assessment into a single diagnostic assay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unlike copy number variants (CNVs), inversions remain an underexplored genetic variation class. By integrating multiple genomic technologies, we discover 729 inversions in 41 human genomes. Approximately 85% of inversions <2 kbp form by twin-priming during L1 retrotransposition; 80% of the larger inversions are balanced and affect twice as many nucleotides as CNVs. Balanced inversions show an excess of common variants, and 72% are flanked by segmental duplications (SDs) or retrotransposons. Since flanking repeats promote non-allelic homologous recombination, we developed complementary approaches to identify recurrent inversion formation. We describe 40 recurrent inversions encompassing 0.6% of the genome, showing inversion rates up to 2.7 × 10-4 per locus per generation. Recurrent inversions exhibit a sex-chromosomal bias and co-localize with genomic disorder critical regions. We propose that inversion recurrence results in an elevated number of heterozygous carriers and structural SD diversity, which increases mutability in the population and predisposes specific haplotypes to disease-causing CNVs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    3q29 duplication syndrome (3q29dup) is a rare genomic disorder caused by a 1.6 Mb duplication (GRCh38 chr3:195,998,000-197,623,000). Case reports indicate the 3q29dup is likely to be pathogenic, but the full range of manifestations is not well understood. We used the 3q29 registry ( to ascertain 31 individuals with 3q29dup, the largest cohort ever surveyed in a systematic way. For comparison, we ascertained 117 individuals with the reciprocal 3q29 deletion and 64 typically developing controls. We used a custom medical and demographic questionnaire to assess physical and developmental phenotypes, and two standardized instruments, the Social Responsiveness Scale and Child Behavior Checklist/Adult Behavior Checklist, to assess social disability. Participants with 3q29dup report a high rate of problems in the first year of life (80.6%), including feeding problems (55%), failure to gain weight (42%), hypotonia (39%), and respiratory distress (29%). In early childhood, learning problems (71.0%) and seizures (25.8%) are common. Additionally, the rate of self-reported autism spectrum disorder diagnoses (39%) is substantially elevated compared to the general population, suggesting that the 3q29 duplication may be an autism susceptibility locus. This is the most comprehensive description of 3q29dup to date. Our findings can be used to develop evidence-based strategies for early intervention and management of 3q29dup.






