genome engineering

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome integration enables host organisms to stably carry heterologous DNA messages, introducing new genotypes and phenotypes for expanded applications. While several genome integration approaches have been reported, a scalable tool for DNA message storage within site-specific genome landing pads is still lacking. Here, we introduce an iterative genome integration method utilizing orthogonal serine integrases, enabling the stable storage of multiple heterologous genes in the chromosome of Escherichia coli MG1655. By leveraging serine integrases TP901-1, Bxb1, and PhiC31, along with engineered integration vectors, we demonstrate high-efficiency, marker-free integration of DNA fragments up to 13 kb in length. To further simplify the procedure, we then develop a streamlined integration method and showcase the system\'s versatility by constructing an engineered E. coli strain capable of storing and expressing multiple genes from diverse species. Additionally, we illustrate the potential utility of these engineered strains for synthetic biology applications, including in vivo and in vitro protein expression. Our work extends the application scope of serine integrases for scalable gene integration cascades, with implications for genome manipulation and gene storage applications in synthetic biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synthetic biology and genome engineering capabilities have facilitated the utilization of bacteria for a myriad of applications, ranging from medical treatments to biomanufacturing of complex molecules. The bacterial outer membrane, specifically the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), plays an integral role in the physiology, pathogenesis, and serves as a main target of existing detection assays for Gram-negative bacteria. Here we use CRISPR/Cas9 recombineering to insert Yersinia pestis lipid A biosynthesis genes into the genome of an Escherichia coli strain expressing the lipid IVa subunit. We successfully inserted three genes: kdsD, lpxM, and lpxP into the E. coli genome and demonstrated their expression via reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR). Despite observing expression of these genes, analytical characterization of the engineered strain\'s lipid A structure via MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry indicated that the Y. pestis lipid A was not recapitulated in the E. coli background. As synthetic biology and genome engineering technologies advance, novel applications and utilities for the detection and treatments of dangerous pathogens like Yersinia pestis will continue to be developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in synthetic biology allow the design and manipulation of DNA from the scale of genes to genomes, enabling the engineering of complex genetic information for application in biomanufacturing, biomedicine and other areas. The transfer and subsequent maintenance of large DNA are two core steps in large scale genome rewriting. Compared to small DNA, the high molecular weight and fragility of large DNA make its transfer and maintenance a challenging process. This review outlines the methods currently available for transferring and maintaining large DNA in bacteria, fungi, and mammalian cells. It highlights their mechanisms, capabilities and applications. The transfer methods are categorized into general methods (e.g., electroporation, conjugative transfer, induced cell fusion-mediated transfer, and chemical transformation) and specialized methods (e.g., natural transformation, mating-based transfer, virus-mediated transfection) based on their applicability to recipient cells. The maintenance methods are classified into genomic integration (e.g., CRISPR/Cas-assisted insertion) and episomal maintenance (e.g., artificial chromosomes). Additionally, this review identifies the major technological advantages and disadvantages of each method and discusses the development for large DNA transfer and maintenance technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its prominence, the ability to engineer Cupriavidus necator H16 for inorganic carbon uptake and fixation is underexplored. We tested the roles of endogenous and heterologous genes on C. necator inorganic carbon metabolism. Deletion of β-carbonic anhydrase can had the most deleterious effect on C. necator autotrophic growth. Replacement of this native uptake system with several classes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) transporters from Cyanobacteria and chemolithoautotrophic bacteria recovered autotrophic growth and supported higher cell densities compared to wild-type (WT) C. necator in batch culture. Strains expressing Halothiobacillus neopolitanus DAB2 (hnDAB2) and diverse rubisco homologs grew in CO2 similarly to the wild-type strain. Our experiments suggest that the primary role of carbonic anhydrase during autotrophic growth is to support anaplerotic metabolism, and an array of DIC transporters can complement this function. This work demonstrates flexibility in HCO3- uptake and CO2 fixation in C. necator, providing new pathways for CO2-based biomanufacturing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanistic understanding of interactions in many host-microbe systems, including the honey bee microbiome, is limited by a lack of easy-to-use genome engineering approaches. To this end, we demonstrate a one-step genome engineering approach for making gene deletions and insertions in the chromosomes of honey bee gut bacterial symbionts. Electroporation of linear or non-replicating plasmid DNA containing an antibiotic resistance cassette flanked by regions with homology to a symbiont genome reliably results in chromosomal integration. This lightweight approach does not require expressing any exogenous recombination machinery. The high concentrations of large DNAs with long homology regions needed to make the process efficient can be readily produced using modern DNA synthesis and assembly methods. We use this approach to knock out genes, including genes involved in biofilm formation, and insert fluorescent protein genes into the chromosome of the betaproteobacterial bee gut symbiont Snodgrassella alvi. We are also able to engineer the genomes of multiple strains of S. alvi and another species, Snodgrassella communis, which is found in the bumble bee gut microbiome. Finally, we use the same method to engineer the chromosome of another bee symbiont, Bartonella apis, which is an alphaproteobacterium. As expected, gene knockout in S. alvi using this approach is recA-dependent, suggesting that this straightforward procedure can be applied to other microbes that lack convenient genome engineering methods.
    OBJECTIVE: Honey bees are ecologically and economically important crop pollinators with bacterial gut symbionts that influence their health. Microbiome-based strategies for studying or improving bee health have utilized wild-type or plasmid-engineered bacteria. We demonstrate that a straightforward, single-step method can be used to insert cassettes and replace genes in the chromosomes of multiple bee gut bacteria. This method can be used for investigating the mechanisms of host-microbe interactions in the bee gut community and stably engineering symbionts that benefit pollinator health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors are currently used in four approved gene therapies for Leber congenital amaurosis (Luxturna), spinal muscular atrophy (Zolgensma), aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency (Upstaza) and Haemophilia A (Roctavian), with several more therapies being investigated in clinical trials. AAV gene therapy has long been considered extremely safe both in the context of immunotoxicity and genotoxicity, but recent tragic deaths in the clinical trials for X-linked myotubular myopathy and Duchenne\'s muscular dystrophy, together with increasing reports of potential hepatic oncogenicity in animal models have prompted re-evaluation of how much trust we can place on the safety of AAV gene therapy, especially at high doses. In this review we cover genome and capsid engineering strategies that can be used to improve safety of the next generation AAV vectors both in the context of immunogenicity and genotoxicity and discuss the gaps that need filling in our current knowledge about AAV vectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In synthetic biology, microbial chassis including yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are iteratively engineered with increasing complexity and scale. Wet-lab genetic engineering tools are developed and optimised to facilitate strain construction but are often incompatible with each other due to shared regulatory elements, such as the galactose-inducible (GAL) promoter in S. cerevisiae. Here, we prototyped the cyanamide-induced I- SceI expression, which triggered double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) for selectable marker removal. We further combined cyanamide-induced I- SceI-mediated DSB and maltose-induced MazF-mediated negative selection for plasmid-free in situ promoter substitution, which simplified the molecular cloning procedure for promoter characterisation. We then characterised three tetracycline-inducible promoters showing differential strength, a non-leaky β-estradiol-inducible promoter, cyanamide-inducible DDI2 promoter, bidirectional MAL32/MAL31 promoters, and five pairs of bidirectional GAL1/GAL10 promoters. Overall, alternative regulatory controls for genome engineering tools can be developed to facilitate genomic engineering for synthetic biology and metabolic engineering applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic engineering has become an essential element in developing climate-resilient crops and environmentally sustainable solutions to respond to the increasing need for global food security. Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas [Clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-associated protein (Cas)] technology is being applied to a variety of organisms, including plants. This technique has become popular because of its high specificity, effectiveness, and low production cost. Therefore, this technology has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and contribute to global food security. Over the past few years, increasing efforts have been seen in its application in developing higher-yielding, nutrition-rich, disease-resistant, and stress-tolerant \"crops\", fruits, and vegetables. Cas proteins such as Cas9, Cas12, Cas13, and Cas14, among others, have distinct architectures and have been used to create new genetic tools that improve features that are important for agriculture. The versatility of Cas has accelerated genomic analysis and facilitated the use of CRISPR/Cas to manipulate and alter nucleic acid sequences in cells of different organisms. This review provides the evolution of CRISPR technology exploring its mechanisms and contrasting it with traditional breeding and transgenic approaches to improve different aspects of stress tolerance. We have also discussed the CRISPR/Cas system and explored three Cas proteins that are currently known to exist: Cas12, Cas13, and Cas14 and their potential to generate foreign-DNA-free or non-transgenic crops that could be easily regulated for commercialization in most countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identification of accurate gene insertion sites on chicken sex chromosomes is crucial for advancing sex control breeding materials. In this study, the intergenic region NC_006127.4 on the chicken Z chromosome and the non-repetitive sequence EE0.6 on the W chromosome were selected as potential gene insertion sites. Gene knockout vectors targeting these sites were constructed and transfected into DF-1 cells. T7E1 enzyme cleavage and luciferase reporter enzyme analyses revealed knockout efficiencies of 80.00% (16/20), 75.00% (15/20), and 75.00% (15/20) for the three sgRNAs targeting the EE0.6 site. For the three sgRNAs targeting the NC_006127.4 site, knockout efficiencies were 70.00% (14/20), 60.00% (12/20), and 45.00% (9/20). Gel electrophoresis and high-throughput sequencing were performed to detect potential off-target effects, showing no significant off-target effects for the knockout vectors at the two sites. EdU and CCK-8 proliferation assays revealed no significant difference in cell proliferation activity between the knockout and control groups. These results demonstrate that the EE0.6 and NC_006127.4 sites can serve as gene insertion sites on chicken sex chromosomes for gene editing without affecting normal cell proliferation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eubacterium limosum is a Clostridial acetogen that efficiently utilizes a wide range of single-carbon substrates and contributes to metabolism of health-associated compounds in the human gut microbiota. These traits have led to interest in developing it as a platform for sustainable CO2-based biofuel production to combat carbon emissions, and for exploring the importance of the microbiota in human health. However, synthetic biology and metabolic engineering in E. limosum have been hindered by the inability to rapidly make precise genomic modifications. Here, we screened a diverse library of recombinase proteins to develop a highly efficient oligonucleotide-based recombineering system based on the viral recombinase RecT. Following optimization, the system is capable of catalyzing ssDNA recombination at an efficiency of up to 2%. Addition of a Cas9 counterselection system eliminated unrecombined cells, with up to 100% of viable cells encoding the desired mutation, enabling creation of genomic point mutations in a scarless and markerless manner. We deployed this system to create a clean knockout of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) gene cluster, generating a strain incapable of biofilm formation. This approach is rapid and simple, not requiring laborious homology arm cloning, and can readily be retargeted to almost any genomic locus. This work overcomes a major bottleneck in E. limosum genetic engineering by enabling precise genomic modifications, and provides both a roadmap and associated recombinase plasmid library for developing similar systems in other Clostridia of interest.





