genital surgery

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Gender-affirming surgery is being increasingly performed for transgender and gender-diverse individuals diagnosed with gender dysphoria. However, there is a group of patients who may seek outcomes that are either a combination of or altogether different from those of binary procedures such as penile inversion vaginoplasty or phalloplasty.
    METHODS: We describe surgical techniques for less commonly performed gender-affirming genital procedures, in order to introduce these procedures to the medical and surgical community.
    RESULTS: Operative techniques for phallus-preserving vaginoplasty, vagina-preserving phalloplasty, and removal of genitalia with creation of perineal urethrostomy are described. Demographic characteristics and complications of these procedures in 16 patients are reported.
    CONCLUSIONS: Individually customized gender-affirming genital procedures, such as phallus-preserving vaginoplasty, vaginal-preserving phalloplasty, and removal of genitalia and creation of perineal urethrostomy, may better affirm the identities of some gender-diverse patients, and may also preserve desired sexual function of natal genitalia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Medical treatments that aim to modify the appearance of the genitals in children who are born with a difference of sex development/intersex (DSD/I*) condition are highly controversial. Human Rights bodies worldwide have argued that such treatments are conflicting with the child\'s right of personal autonomy and should be legally restricted to the unique situation where the child\'s physical health is in danger.
    METHODS: We here review the current status of legal initiatives in Europe that have addressed the issue of medical treatments in minors who have a DSD for which they have not been able to give personal informed consent due to their young age.
    METHODS: The management of a 3 years old child who has congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and grows up with atypical-looking genitals is discussed.
    RESULTS: In spite of extensive psychosocial support to the child and family from birth onwards, and good medical control of CAH, the child develops signs of emotional distress, suspected to be attributable to the genital difference. Our discussions include perspectives from the multidisciplinary DSD team caring for the child, a human rights specialist, and an intersex activist. From our discussions, we conclude that with evolving medical care, new ethical and human rights challenges are raised. A truly holistic human rights approach should not only consider physical but also mental health and psychosocial and psychosexual adaptation of the child to the medical condition, when reflecting on the acceptability of medical treatments in minors for which no personal informed consent can be obtained due to their young age. In addition it is paramount to include the meaningful participation of the child in the clinical management at the earliest possible stage.
    CONCLUSIONS: Continued convergence of clinical management and the human rights framework can be realised based on constructive discussions involving all stakeholders, and with the best interest of the child - and adult that they will become - as a common goal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Advocacy and human rights organizations have called for a moratorium on elective surgical procedures until the patient is able to fully participate in the decision-making process. Due to the controversial nature surrounding surgery in differences of sex development (DSD) care, we aimed to assess the factors that teens and adults with DSD, parents, healthcare providers and other allied professionals consider pertinent to complex surgical decisions in DSD.
    UNASSIGNED: Stakeholders (n=110) in DSD care participated in semi-structured interviews exploring features and potential determinants of successful healthcare outcomes. Audio-recordings were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using qualitative data software. Codes for \"Process of Decision-Making\" and \"Successful Outcome-Surgery/Appearance/Function\" were further searched using keywords \"surgery,\" \"procedure,\" and \"timing.\"
    UNASSIGNED: Several themes were identified: 1) The nature or type of the decision being made; 2) Who should be involved in the decision-making process; 3) Timing of conversations about surgery; 4) Barriers to decision-making surrounding surgery; 5) The elements of surgical decision-making; and 6) The optimal approach to surgical decision-making. Many stakeholders believed children and adolescents with DSD should be involved in the process as developmentally appropriate.
    UNASSIGNED: DSD include a wide range of diagnoses, some of which may require urogenital reconstruction to relieve obstruction, achieve continence, and/or address other anatomical differences whether cosmetic or functional. Adolescents and adults with DSD desired autonomy and to be part of the decision-making process. Parents were divided in their opinion of who should be involved in making elective surgical decisions: the child or parents as proxy medical decision-makers. Providers and other professionals stressed the importance of process and education around surgical decisions. Ongoing research examines how decision-makers evaluate tradeoffs associated with decision options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last two decades, genital transplants have emerged as another type of quality-of-life transplants. Successful allogenic transplantations of the uterus, ovary, testicle, and penis have all been reported. Yet, there is no discussion of clitoris transplantation in the medical literature, mass media, and everywhere else I searched. This surgery could be used for cisgender women who have a clitoral injury or disease or who have undergone female genital cutting. I examine the gender norms regarding sexuality and reproduction to show how they shape surgical advancements. My point in this paper is not to take a normative position on status of current genital transplantations. Rather, I highlight that their existence is due, at least in part, because they align with dominant gender norms: penis and testicle transplantations reinforce the importance of men\'s virility and the existence of \"normal\" male genitalia, whereas uterus and ovary transplantations uphold the conflation of women and reproduction and the strong valuing of women\'s fertility. That medical advances reflect cultural values is not a new claim. What is new in this paper is the discussion of how sexism norms-regarding the invisibility of the clitoris and the devaluing of women\'s sexual pleasure- has engendered various types of genital transplants, but not clitoris transplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Being one of the most practiced procedures in plastic surgery, it is important to foster a better understanding of the effect of anatomical changes in the pubic area after abdominoplasty on sexuality in women. Since to date no study has been performed with this purpose, our aim is to evaluate the impact of the abdominoplasty on sexual pleasure and to perform an objective evaluation of changes in clitoral position and prepubic fat area after this procedure.
    A prospective study has been performed in 50 women who expressed a desire to undergo abdominoplasty from January 2021 to December 2021. The primary endpoint was Sexual pleasure assessed by the \"Sexuality Assessment Scale\" before and 6 months after abdominoplasty in all patients. Furthermore, we evaluated the physical changes of the clitoris (clito-pubic distance, CP distance) and the prepubic fat area on magnetic resonance imaging before and 3 months after abdominoplasty.
    Patients mean age was of 42 ± 9 years, and mean body mass index of 26 ± 2 kg/m2. A significant difference (P < 0.0001) between sexual satisfaction before and 6 months after abdominoplasty (mean difference +7.4 ± 6.452) was found. Though there was no significant difference between the clito-pubic distance before and after abdominoplasty (mean difference -3.200 ± 2.499 mm; p= 0.0832), a significant difference was found in the size of the prepubic fat area before compared to after abdominoplasty (mean difference -1.714 ± 1.010 cm2; p = 0.0426). However, no significant relationship between these anatomical changes and sexual satisfaction was found.
    Our results show that abdominoplasty is associated with an increase in sexual satisfaction. The changes in the post-operative position of the clitoris were not statistically significant, contrarily to the size of the prepubic fat area, which was significantly modified and could partially explain the improved sexual pleasure. Authors were unable to statistically demonstrate a correlation between those anatomical modifications and sexual pleasure.
    This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we consider the ethico-legal issues surrounding gender-affirming surgeries in minors, with a specific focus on English law. First, we outline and discuss the current clinical guidelines on genital surgery for minors with gender incongruence/dysphoria. Second, we consider the recent legal developments following R (on the application of) Quincy Bell and A v Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust and others, and we discuss how these might impact the ability of doctors to agree to surgical procedures when their patients are still minors. Finally, we explain why the removal of the adulthood threshold is justified. However, we argue that surgical interventions should remain differentiated from fully reversible interventions, and that clear guidance on eligibility criteria for genital surgery is needed from clinical guidelines, which, in consideration of the legal, professional and regulatory framework in which clinicians work, can provide needed reassurance regarding when it is in the best interests of competent young people to be considered suitable candidates for genital surgery.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Intersex/Disorders/Differences of sex development conditions have been recognized for millennia. An organized approach was adopted in the 1960-70s using the philosophy that gender identity was fluid and malleable. Consequences of this approach were the lack of disclosure, stigmatization, and excessive surgery to \"normalize\" the genitalia. Often this led to quality of life issues for those patients. There have been many modifications in approach since then to avoid the problems noted. There is consensus on many of these changes (e.g. disclosure) but continued controversy on others (e.g. the benefits of early surgery). This review summarizes the historical context and the current areas of consensus and controversy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phalloplasty in the female to male transgender patient is a complex operation aimed at creating a functional and aesthetic phallus, external genitalia, and perineum. Functional goals include standing micturition and sexual function with erogenous and tactile sensation as well as the ability to participate in penetrative intercourse. Functional genital reconstruction relies on creating of a fully lengthened urethra from local tissues as well as the provision for additional length via tissue transplantation. This manuscript will review techniques for the creation of perineal urethral segment as well as primary flaps available for the creation of neophallus. Particular emphasis is given to our preferred method of reconstruction: single-stage urethral lengthening with radial forearm flap phalloplasty including a review of surgical techniques and complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Informed decision-making and considerations of the child\'s best interest offer a starting place for building informed and lifelong discussions that promote the long-term interests and the well-being of individuals experiencing differences in sex development (DSD) or intersex traits. Parents require sufficient information and support to understand what \"doing something and doing nothing\" really means when learning about nonsurgical options. This may take the form of health literacy support, asking how parents are given access to meaningful and understandable information, as well as psychosocial support and psychological care. Timely psychological assessment and interventions that support informed decision-making actions are an essential aspect of holistic care for children and youth with DSD and their parents. Without actionable tools or approaches, parents cannot make informed decisions about their child\'s health and, as such, health literacy is a key attribute to aid decision making for both parents and children. As individuals with DSD become increasingly adept at building resourcefulness and gathering and applying knowledge about their bodies, limiting irreversible surgeries in childhood can afford wider life choices. To this end, an educated and informed comprehensive and helpful multidisciplinary group understands and embodies, as a whole team, the need for compassionate, emotionally supportive, and validating care in all interactions with parents of children and individuals with DSD. The paper draws on the primary author\'s experiences working with the charity, dsdfamilies, concluding with actionable approaches that include supporting personal knowledge through health literacy, examining team-based psychological care, and psychosocial approaches across the lifespan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most minors and young transgender persons wishing to undergo gender-affirming surgery need to seek specialists affiliated with gender affirmation programs in adult hospitals. Research suggests gender affirmation surgery has been established as an effective and medically indicated treatment for gender dysphoria. Although most data on gender-affirming surgeries are from adult populations, there is growing literature establishing their effectiveness in adolescents and young adults. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate the perioperative outcomes for gender-diverse youth to deliver safe and affirming care. The primary objective of this retrospective case series is to examine the perioperative characteristics and outcomes of patients with gender identity disorders (International Classification of Diseases [ICD]-10-code F64) who underwent chest reconstruction (mastectomy) and genital surgery (phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and vaginoplasty) in a pediatric academic hospital. The secondary aim is to evaluate the value of a specialized anesthesia team for improving clinical outcomes, interdisciplinary communication, and further advancing the transgender perioperative experience. We identified 204 gender affirmation surgical cases, 177 chests/top surgeries, and 27 genital/bottom surgeries. These findings indicate gender-diverse individuals who underwent life-changing surgery at our institution had a median age of 18 years old, with many patients identifying as transmen. Our data suggests that postoperative pain was significant, but adverse events were minimal. The evolution of a specialty anesthesia team and initiatives (anesthesia management guidelines, scheduling, continuity, and education) necessitate direct care coordination and multidisciplinary planning for gender affirmation surgery in transgender youth.





