genetic load

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The long-term balancing selection acting on mating types or sex-determining genes is expected to lead to the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the tightly linked chromosomal segments that are locally \'sheltered\' from purifying selection. However, the factors determining the extent of this accumulation are poorly understood. Here, we took advantage of variations in the intensity of balancing selection along a dominance hierarchy formed by alleles at the sporophytic self-incompatibility system of the Brassicaceae to compare the pace at which linked deleterious mutations accumulate among them. We first experimentally measured the phenotypic manifestation of the linked load at three different levels of the dominance hierarchy. We then sequenced and phased polymorphisms in the chromosomal regions linked to 126 distinct copies of S-alleles in two populations of Arabidopsis halleri and three populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. We find that linkage to the S-locus locally distorts phylogenies over about 10-30 kb along the chromosome. The more intense balancing selection on dominant S-alleles results in greater fixation of linked deleterious mutations, while recessive S-alleles accumulate more linked deleterious mutations that are segregating. Hence, the structure rather than the overall magnitude of the linked genetic load differs between dominant and recessive S-alleles. Our results have consequences for the long-term evolution of new S-alleles, the evolution of dominance modifiers between them, and raise the question of why the non-recombining regions of some sex and mating type chromosomes expand over evolutionary times while others, such as the S-locus of the Brassicaceae, remain restricted to small chromosomal regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current rates of habitat degradation and climate change are causing unprecedented declines in global biodiversity. Studies on vertebrates highlight how conservation genomics can be effective in identifying and managing threatened populations, but it is unclear how vertebrate-derived metrics of genomic erosion translate to invertebrates, with their markedly different population sizes and life histories. The Black-veined White butterfly (Aporia crataegi) was extirpated from Britain in the 1920s. Here, we sequenced historical DNA from 17 specimens collected between 1854 and 1924 to reconstruct demography and compare levels of genomic erosion between extirpated British and extant European mainland populations. We contrast these results using modern samples of the Common Blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus); a species with relatively stable demographic trends in Great Britain. We provide evidence for bottlenecks in both these species around the period of post-glacial colonization of the British Isles. Our results reveal different demographic histories and Ne for both species, consistent with their fates in Britain, likely driven by differences in life history, ecology and genome size. Despite a difference, by an order of magnitude, in historical effective population sizes (Ne), reduction in genome-wide heterozygosity in A. crataegi was comparable to that in P. icarus. Symptomatic of A. crataegi\'s disappearance were marked increases in runs-of-homozygosity (RoH), potentially indicative of recent inbreeding, and accumulation of putatively mildly and weakly deleterious variants. Our results provide a rare glimpse of genomic erosion in a regionally extinct insect and support the potential use of genomic erosion metrics in identifying invertebrate populations or species in decline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Preserving genetic diversity and adaptive potential while avoiding inbreeding depression is crucial for the long-term conservation of natural populations. Despite demographic increases, traces of past bottleneck events at the genomic level should be carefully considered for population management. From this perspective, the peninsular Italian wolf is a paradigmatic case. After being on the brink of extinction in the late 1960s, peninsular Italian wolves rebounded and recolonized most of the peninsula aided by conservation measures, including habitat and legal protection. Notwithstanding their demographic recovery, a comprehensive understanding of the genomic consequences of the historical bottleneck in Italian wolves is still lacking. To fill this gap, we sequenced whole genomes of thirteen individuals sampled in the core historical range of the species in Central Italy to conduct population genomic analyses, including a comparison with wolves from two highly-inbred wolf populations (i.e., Scandinavia and Isle Royale). We found that peninsular Italian wolves, despite their recent recovery, still exhibit relatively low genetic diversity, a small effective population size, signatures of inbreeding, and a non-negligible genetic load. Our findings indicate that the peninsular Italian wolf population is still susceptible to bottleneck legacies, which could lead to local inbreeding depression in case of population reduction or fragmentations. This study emphasizes the importance of considering key genetic parameters to design appropriate long-term conservation management plans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid biodiversity loss threatens many species with extinction. Captive populations of species of conservation concern (such as those housed in zoos and dedicated breeding centres) act as an insurance should wild populations go extinct or need supplemental individuals to boost populations. Limited resources mean that captive populations are almost always small and started from few founding individuals. As a result, captive populations require careful management to minimize negative genetic impacts, with decisions about which individuals to breed together often guided by the principle of minimizing relatedness. Typically this strategy aims to retain 90% of genetic diversity over 200 years (Soulé et al., Zoo Biology, 1986, 5, 101), but it has a weakness in that it does not directly manage for genetic load. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Speak et al. (Molecular Ecology Resources, 2024, e13967) present a novel proof-of-concept study for taking this next step and incorporating estimates of individual genetic load into the planning of captive breeding, using an approach that is likely to be widely applicable to many captive populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that some endangered species have persisted for thousands of years despite their very small effective population sizes and low levels of genetic polymorphisms. To understand the genetic mechanisms of long-term persistence in threatened species, we determined the whole genome sequences of akame (Lates japonicus), which has survived for a long time with extremely low genetic variations. Genome-wide heterozygosity in akame was estimated to be 3.3 to 3.4 × 10-4/bp, one of the smallest values in teleost fishes. Analysis of demographic history revealed that the effective population size in akame was around 1,000 from 30,000 years ago to the recent past. The relatively high ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous heterozygosity in akame indicated an increased genetic load. However, a detailed analysis of genetic diversity in the akame genome revealed that multiple genomic regions, including genes involved in immunity, synaptic development, and olfactory sensory systems, have retained relatively high nucleotide polymorphisms. This implies that the akame genome has preserved the functional genetic variations by balancing selection, to avoid a reduction in viability and loss of adaptive potential. Analysis of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution rates has detected signs of positive selection in many akame genes, suggesting adaptive evolution to temperate waters after the speciation of akame and its close relative, barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Our results indicate that the functional genetic diversity likely contributed to the long-term persistence of this species by avoiding the harmful effects of the population size reduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The future survival of coral reefs in the Anthropocene depends on the capacity of corals to adapt as oceans warm and extreme weather events become more frequent. Targeted interventions designed to assist evolutionary processes in corals require a comprehensive understanding of the distribution and structure of standing variation, however, efforts to map genomic variation in corals have so far focussed almost exclusively on SNPs, overlooking structural variants that have been shown to drive adaptive processes in other taxa. Here, we show that the reef-building coral, Acropora kenti, harbours at least five large, highly polymorphic structural variants, all of which exhibit signatures of strongly suppressed recombination in heterokaryotypes, a feature commonly associated with chromosomal inversions. Based on their high minor allele frequency, uniform distribution across habitats and elevated genetic load, we propose that these inversions in A. kenti are likely to be under balancing selection. An excess of SNPs with high impact on protein-coding genes within these loci elevates their importance both as potential targets for adaptive selection and as contributors to genetic decline if coral populations become fragmented or inbred in future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is associated with high psychiatric morbidity. However, large phenotypic heterogeneity hampers early detection of 22q11.2DS individuals at highest risk. Here, we investigated whether individuals with 22q11.2DS can be subdivided into clinically relevant subgroups based on their severity of cognitive impairments and whether such subgroups differ in polygenic risk. Using a cross-sectional design, we examined the number of lifetime psychiatric diagnoses and polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia in an unselected nationwide biobank cohort of individuals with 22q11.2DS (n = 183). Approximately 35% of this sample, aged 10-30 years, had a history with one or more psychiatric diagnosis. In a representative nested subgroup of 28 children and youth, we performed additional comprehensive cognitive evaluation and assessed psychiatric symptoms. Unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to divide the subgroup of 22q11.2DS individuals, based on their performance on the cognitive testing battery. This produced two groups that did not differ in mean age or gender composition, but were characterized by low cognitive (LF) and high cognitive (HF) functional levels. The LF group, which had significantly lower global cognitive functioning scores, also displayed higher negative symptom scores; whereas, the HF group displayed lower rate of current psychiatric disorders than the LF group and the reminder of the biobank cohort. The polygenic risk score for schizophrenia was insignificantly lower for the low functioning group than for the high functioning group, after adjustment. Cognitive functioning may provide useful information on psychiatric risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Global anthropogenic change threatens the health and productivity of forest ecosystems. Assisted migration and reforestation are tools to help mitigate these impacts. However, questions remain about how to approach sourcing seeds to ensure high establishment and future adaptability.
    UNASSIGNED: Using exome-capture sequencing, we demonstrate a computational approach to finding the best n-sets from a candidate list of seed sources that collectively achieve high genetic diversity (GD) and minimal genetic load (GL), while also increasing evolvability in quantitative traits. The benefits of this three-part strategy (diversity-load-evolvability) are to increase near-term establishment success while also boosting evolutionary potential to respond to future stressors. Members of The Nature Conservancy and the Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative planted 58,000 seedlings across 255 acres. A subset of seedlings was monitored for establishment success and variation in growth.
    UNASSIGNED: The results show gains in GD relative to GL and increases in quantitative genetic variation in seedling growth for pooled vs. single-source restoration. No single \"super source\" was observed across planting sites; rather, monitoring results demonstrate that pooling of multiple sources helps achieve higher GD:GL and evolvability.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study shows the potential for integrating genomics into local-scale restoration and the importance of building partnerships between academic researchers and applied conservation managers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The feral cattle of the subantarctic island of Amsterdam provide an outstanding case study of a large mammalian population that was established by a handful of founders and thrived within a few generations in a seemingly inhospitable environment. Here, we investigated the genetic history and composition of this population using genotyping and sequencing data. Our inference showed an intense but brief founding bottleneck around the late 19th century and revealed contributions from European taurine and Indian Ocean Zebu in the founder ancestry. Comparative analysis of whole-genome sequences further revealed a moderate reduction in genetic diversity despite high levels of inbreeding. The brief and intense bottleneck was associated with high levels of drift, a flattening of the site frequency spectrum and a slight relaxation of purifying selection on mildly deleterious variants. Unlike some populations that have experienced prolonged reductions in effective population size, we did not observe any significant purging of highly deleterious variants. Interestingly, the population\'s success in the harsh environment can be attributed to preadaptation from their European taurine ancestry, suggesting no strong bioclimatic challenge, and also contradicting evidence for insular dwarfism. Genome scan for footprints of selection uncovered a majority of candidate genes related to nervous system function, likely reflecting rapid feralization driven by behavioral changes and complex social restructuring. The Amsterdam Island cattle offers valuable insights into rapid population establishment, feralization, and genetic adaptation in challenging environments. It also sheds light on the unique genetic legacies of feral populations, raising ethical questions according to conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global climate change has increased concerns regarding biodiversity loss. However, many key conservation issues still required further research, including demographic history, deleterious mutation load, adaptive evolution, and putative introgression. Here we generated the first chromosome-level genome of the endangered Chinese hazelnut, Corylus chinensis, and compared the genomic signatures with its sympatric widespread C. kwechowensis-C. yunnanensis complex. We found large genome rearrangements across all Corylus species and identified species-specific expanded gene families that may be involved in adaptation. Population genomics revealed that both C. chinensis and the C. kwechowensis-C. yunnanensis complex had diverged into two genetic lineages, forming a consistent pattern of southwestern-northern differentiation. Population size of the narrow southwestern lineages of both species have decreased continuously since the late Miocene, whereas the widespread northern lineages have remained stable (C. chinensis) or have even recovered from population bottlenecks (C. kwechowensis-C. yunnanensis complex) during the Quaternary. Compared with C. kwechowensis-C. yunnanensis complex, C. chinensis showed significantly lower genomic diversity and higher inbreeding level. However, C. chinensis carried significantly fewer deleterious mutations than C. kwechowensis-C. yunnanensis complex, as more effective purging selection reduced the accumulation of homozygous variants. We also detected signals of positive selection and adaptive introgression in different lineages, which facilitated the accumulation of favorable variants and formation of local adaptation. Hence, both types of selection and exogenous introgression could have mitigated inbreeding and facilitated survival and persistence of C. chinensis. Overall, our study provides critical insights into lineage differentiation, local adaptation, and the potential for future recovery of endangered trees.





