genetic differentiation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. is a perennial medicinal herb distributed in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). A total of eight populations of B. ciliata were collected from diverse locales of IHR, and 17 EST-SSR markers were used in this study. The present study revealed moderate genetic diversity at the locus level with the mean number of alleles (Na = 7.823), mean number effective of alleles (Ne = 3.375), mean expected heterozygosity (He = 0.570), and mean Shannon\'s diversity index (I = 1.264). The MSR (He = 0.543, I = 1.067) and DRJ populations (He = 0.309, I = 0.519) revealed the highest and lowest genetic diversity at the population level, respectively. AMOVA analysis showed that 81.76% of genetic variation was within populations, 10.55% was among populations, and 7.69% was among the regions. In addition, a moderate to high level of differentiation was found among the populations (FST = 0.182), which could be indicative of low to moderate gene flow (Nm = 0.669) in the B. ciliata populations. UPGMA and PCoA analysis revealed that eight populations could be differentiated into two groups, while the structure analysis of the 96 individuals differentiated into three groups. The Mantel test showed a positive relationship between genetic and geographical distance. The findings of this study will provide the development of conservation and germplasm management strategies for this valuable medicinal species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Luculia yunnanensis is a vulnerable species endemic to Yunnan Province, Southwestern China, which has high ornamental value. Its wild population has not been fully protected and utilized for a long time, which is not conducive to the long-term stable development of this species. Genetic diversity assessment is the basis and prerequisite for the conservation of rare species. In this study, 21 phenotypic traits and 17 highly polymorphic EST-SSR markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity and genetic structure of 164 individuals from six L. yunnanensis populations. The coefficient of variation of 21 phenotypic traits ranged from 11.76% to 52.58% (mean=21.72%), and the coefficient of variation of 18 traits was less than 30%. The average values of Ne, I, Ho and He were 1.710, 0.619, 0.384, and 0.352, respectively. The genetic diversity of LLO (Ho = 0.476 and He = 0.426) and LCM (Ho = 0.424 and He = 0.381) populations in Lushui County was highest. The GDX populations (Ho = 0.335 and He = 0.269) isolated by Gaoligong Mountain had the lowest genetic diversity. The AMOVA results showed that 13.04% of the genetic variation was among populations and 86.96% was within populations. The average phenotypic differentiation coefficient of phenotypic traits among populations was 18.69%. The results of phenotypic and genetic variation analysis were consistent, indicating that the most of variation exists within population. Genetic structure, UPGMA clustering and PCA analysis results showed that the populations of L. yunnanensis had obvious geographical divisions, and the populations distributed in the southern region and distributed in the northern region of the Nujiang River clustered into one group respectively. Combining the results of phenotypic and molecular markers, we recommend that give priority to the protection of LLO, LCM and GDX population, in order to ensure the sustainable utilization of L. yunnanensis germplasm resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fighting cock breeds have considerable historical and cultural place in Thailand. Breeds such as Lueng Hang Khao (LHK) and Pradu Hang Dam (PDH) are known for their impressive plumage and unique meat quality, suggesting selection for fighting and other purposes. However, information regarding the genetic diversity and clustering in indigenous and local Thai chickens used for cockfighting is unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigates the genetic diversity and differentiation in Thai fighting cock breeds, including populations for cockfighting, ornamental aspects, and consumption.
    METHODS: Thai fighting cook breeds, including LHK and PDH chickens were analyzed using genotyping with 28 microsatellite loci. Data were compared to a gene pool library from \"The Siam Chicken Bioresource Project\" to understand the impact of human selection on genetic differentiation. Fighting cock strains from different breeds may cluster owing to shared breeding goals.
    RESULTS: The analysis of several chicken breeds showed subpopulation differentiation driven by artificial selection and genetic drift, affecting the genetic landscape and causing genetic hitchhiking. Eleven of 28 microsatellite loci showed hitchhiking selection, indicating directional selection in fighting cocks. Additionally, analyses revealed admixture with domestic chicken breeds and minimal influence of red junglefowl in the gene pool of Thai fighting chickens. These findings inform breed improvement, selection strategies, genetic resource management, and maintaining genetic diversity in fighting cocks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of Thai Fighting chicken breeds revealed a correlation between utilization and subpopulation differentiation. Specifically, selection for cockfighting and ornamental traits appears to explain the observed genetic structure within these breeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Weather is an important short-term, local driver of population size and dispersal, which in turn contribute to patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation within species. Climate change is leading to greater weather variability and more frequent extreme weather events. While the effects of long-term and broad-scale mean climate conditions on genetic variation are well studied, our understanding of the effects of weather variability and extreme conditions on genetic variation is less developed. We assessed the influence of temperature and snow depth on genetic diversity and differentiation of populations of the alpine butterfly, Parnassius smintheus. We examined the relationships between a suite of variables, including those representing extreme conditions, and population-level genetic diversity and differentiation across 1453 single nucleotide polymorphisms, using both linear and gravity models. We additionally examined effects of land cover variables known to influence dispersal and gene flow in this species. We found that extreme low temperature events and the lowest recorded mean snow depth were significant predictors of genetic diversity. Extreme low temperature events, mean snow depth and land cover resistance were significant predictors of genetic differentiation. These results are congruent with known effects of early winter weather on population size and habitat connectivity on dispersal in P. smintheus. Our results demonstrate the potential for changes in the frequency or magnitude of extreme weather events to alter patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pleurotus tuoliensis is a unique species discovered in Xinjiang, China, which is recognized for its significant edible, medicinal, and economic value. It has been successfully incorporated into industrial production. Controversy has emerged concerning the evolution and environmental adaptability of this species due to inadequate interspecific ecology and molecular data. This study examines the germplasm resources of P. tuoliensis in the Xinjiang region. A total of 225 wild and cultivated strains of P. tuoliensis were gathered from seven representative regions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that seven populations were notably segregated into three distinct groups, primarily attributed to environmental factors as the underlying cause for this differentiation. Population historical size data indicate that P. tuoliensis underwent two expansion events, one between 2 and 0.9 Mya (Miocene) and the other between 15 and 4 Mya (Early Pleistocene). The ancient climate fluctuations in the Xinjiang region might have contributed to the comparatively modest population size during the Pliocene epoch. Moreover, through the integration of biogeography and ancestral state reconstruction, it was determined that group C of P. tuoliensis emerged initially and subsequently dispersed to groups D and B, in that order. Subsequently, group D underwent independent evolution, whereas group B continued to diversify into groups A and EFG. The primary factor influencing this mode of transmission route is related to the geographical conditions and prevailing wind direction of each group. Subsequent research endeavors focused on assessing the domestication adaptability of P. tuoliensis to different substrates. It was found that the metabolic processes adapted during the domestication process were mainly related to energy metabolism, DNA repair, and environmental adaptability. Processes adapted to the host adaptability include responses to the host (meiosis, cell cycle, etc.) and stress in the growth environment (cysteine and methionine metabolism, sulfur metabolism, etc.). This study analyzed the systematic evolution and genetic differentiation of P. tuoliensis in Xinjiang. The identified loci and genes provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent improvement of germplasm resources and conducting molecular breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (YGP) is characterized by the distinctive isolated habitat of the limestone Karst Islands and features the Wumeng Mountains, which divide the YGP into the two Plateaus of Yunnan and Guizhou. This study aimed to assess the effects of geographic isolation and past climate fluctuation on the distribution of flora in the YGP. To achieve this, we carried out the phylogeographical pattern and genetic structure based on chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequence in relation to past (Last Glacial Maximum) and present distributions based on ecological niche modeling for Morella nana, an important wild plant resource and endemic to the YGP once considered a vulnerable species. The results suggest that the genetic and chlorotype network structures of M. nana are divided into at least two groups: cpDNA chlorotype H2 (or dominant nrDNA haplotypes h1 and h2), distributed primarily to the east of the Wumeng Mountains, and cpDNA chlorotypes H1 and H3-H10 (or dominant nrDNA haplotype h2 and h3), distributed to the west of the Wumeng Mountains. A deep genetic split was noted within the two groups to reach 25 steps, especially for the cpDNA fragment variation. This east-west divergence reveals the existence of a natural geographical isolation boundary in the form of the Wumeng Mountains, and supports the existence of at least two glacial refuges during the Quaternary glacial period, along with two genetic diversity center, and at least two large geographic protection units for the important species of M. nana. This study indicates that the phylogeographical pattern of M. nana can be attributed to geographic/environmental isolation caused by the Wumeng Mountains and climate fluctuation during the last glacial maximum, and proposes an effective strategy to protecting this important plant resource.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In migratory animals, high mobility may reduce population structure through increased dispersal and enable adaptive responses to environmental change, whereas rigid migratory routines predict low dispersal, increased structure, and limited flexibility to respond to change. We explore the global population structure and phylogeographic history of the bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica, a migratory shorebird known for making the longest non-stop flights of any landbird. Using nextRAD sequencing of 14,318 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and scenario-testing in an Approximate Bayesian Computation framework, we infer that bar-tailed godwits existed in two main lineages at the last glacial maximum, when much of their present-day breeding range persisted in a vast, unglaciated Siberian-Beringian refugium, followed by admixture of these lineages in the eastern Palearctic. Subsequently, population structure developed at both longitudinal extremes: in the east, a genetic cline exists across latitude in the Alaska breeding range of subspecies L. l. baueri; in the west, one lineage diversified into three extant subspecies L. l. lapponica, taymyrensis, and yamalensis, the former two of which migrate through previously glaciated western Europe. In the global range of this long-distance migrant, we found evidence of both (1) fidelity to rigid behavioural routines promoting fine-scale geographic population structure (in the east) and (2) flexibility to colonise recently available migratory flyways and non-breeding areas (in the west). Our results suggest that cultural traditions in highly mobile vertebrates can override the expected effects of high dispersal ability on population structure, and provide insights for the evolution and flexibility of some of the world\'s longest migrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Worldwide molecular research of economically important Phalaris arundinacea (Poaceae) is mainly focused on the invasions of this species from Europe to North America. Until the present study, the genetic diversity of the P. arundinacea had not been studied across the Baltic countries. The objective of this research is to evaluate the diversity of Lithuanian populations of P. arundinacea at simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci comparatively among populations of the Baltic countries, Luxembourg, and the Russian Far East (Eurasian), evaluating differentiation between Lithuanian populations and ornamental accessions, and relating these with environmental features. For six selected Lithuanian river basin populations, GBS low density SNPs were used to determine genetic diversity. Bayesian analysis showed that Eurasian populations of Phalaris arundinacea consist of two gene clusters. Statistically significant genetic differentiation among European and Eurasian populations was documented. Lithuanian genotypes growing naturally along rivers are genetically distinct from cultivated ornamentals. GBS-SNPs divided the six selected Nemunas river basins into three distinct groups with one, two, or three rivers in separate groupings for genetic diversity. Genetic diversity is primarily within, rather than among, Lithuanian, eastern European, and Eurasian populations of P. arundinacea across the continent. Thus, restoration efforts would benefit from local population seed origination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Landscape genetics is a field dealing with local genetic differences and contributes to strategic conservation planning. Recently, environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has proven useful not only for detecting species but also for assessing genetic diversity and genetic structure on a large scale such as in phylogeography. However, it remains unclear whether eDNA analysis also has sufficient power to perform the landscape genetics, which focuses on a local scale. To reveal the applicability of eDNA to landscape genetics, we conducted an eDNA metabarcoding analysis of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region of the fluvial sculpin Cottus nozawae in the upper Sorachi River in Japan and compared the results with inferences based on traditional tissue-based approaches by the same D-loop region and genome-wide SNP data. As a result, the spatial distribution of haplotypes was generally consistent between the eDNA- and tissue-based approaches. In addition, the genetic differentiation statistics calculated using eDNA and tissue samples were highly correlated when comparing both in the D-loop region. The removal of low-frequency reads or the conversion to semi-quantitative rankings of eDNA data did not alter the correlation of genetic diversity and differentiation statistics with tissue-based approaches much. Finally, we confirmed that analyses using eDNA data can reveal patterns such as isolation-by-distance shown in previous studies on this species, indicating the applicability of eDNA to basic landscape genetics. Even though some limitations remain, eDNA may have great potential for conducting basic landscape genetics.
    近年、環境DNAメタバーコーディング解析が生物種の特定だけでなく遺伝的多様性の評価や系統地理学のような広域スケールにおける遺伝構造の評価にも有用であることが分かってきている。しかし、環境DNAがローカルスケールの遺伝構造を扱う景観遺伝学にも活用できるかは明らかになっていない。本研究では環境DNAの景観遺伝学への適用可能性を調べるため、空知川上流域のサンプルに対してハナカジカ (Cottus nozawae) のミトコンドリアDNA D‐loop領域をターゲットとした環境DNAメタバーコーディング解析を行い、得られた結果を伝統的な組織DNAの分析 (同じD‐loop領域の分析およびゲノムワイドSNP解析) による結果と比較した。その結果、ハプロタイプの空間分布パターンは組織DNAから推定される空間遺伝構造と概ね一致していた。また、同じD‐loop領域で比較した場合、環境DNAで得られたデータから計算した集団間の遺伝的分化を示す要約統計量は、組織DNAから計算した値と高い相関を示した。この相関は環境DNAで得られたデータに対して低リード配列の除去や半定量値への変換を行ってもあまり変化しなかった。さらに、本種の先行研究で示されている距離による隔離のようなパターンが環境DNAによる解析でも検出できることが確認され、環境DNAを用いて基礎的な景観遺伝学的解析を行えることが示された。いくつかの限界はあるものの、環境DNAは景観遺伝学において高いポテンシャルを持つだろう。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Walnuts have substantial economic value and are of significant interest being a wild-cultivated species. The study has re-sequenced the entire genome of the wild walnut, aligning it with the walnut reference genome, to identify 2,021,717 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These were used to examine the genetics of 130 wild walnut samples collected from three countries. Utilizing structural and principal component analysis, the walnut samples from Central Asia were classified into four populations: Ili ah in Xinjiang (I), Dushanbe region in Tajikistan (II), Sary-Chelek, Arslanbob in Kara-Alma regions of Kyrgyzstan (III), and Kok-Tundy region of Kyrgyzstan (IV). The 4 groups showed large differences in nucleotide diversity, population differentiation, and linkage disequilibrium decay, as well as gene flow among them. The present geographic distribution of these populations does not align with the genetic distribution pattern as the populations of Central Asian wild walnuts have experienced similar population dynamics in the past, i.e., the highest effective population size at ca. 6 Ma, two sharp population declines at 6 and 0.2 Ma, and convergence at ca. 0.2 Ma. The genetic distribution patterns are better explained by human activity, notably through archaeological findings of walnut use and the influence of the Silk Road, rather than by current geographic distributions.





