gene flow

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the increasing burden of dengue, the regional emergence of the virus in Kenya has not been examined. This study investigates the genetic structure and regional spread of dengue virus-2 in Kenya. Viral RNA from acutely ill patients in Kenya was enriched and sequenced. Six new dengue-2 genomes were combined with 349 publicly available genomes and phylogenies used to infer gene flow between Kenya and other countries. Analyses indicate two dengue-2 Cosmopolitan genotype lineages circulating in Kenya, linked to recent outbreaks in coastal Kenya and Burkina Faso. Lineages circulating in Western, Southern, and Eastern Africa exhibiting similar evolutionary features are also reported. Phylogeography suggests importation of dengue-2 into Kenya from East and Southeast Asia and bidirectional geneflow. Additional lineages circulating in Africa are also imported from East and Southeast Asia. These findings underscore how intermittent importations from East and Southeast Asia drive dengue-2 circulation in Kenya and Africa more broadly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cultivated beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris) originated from sea beet (B. vulgaris ssp. maritima (L.) Arcang), a wild beet species widely distributed along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, as well as northern Africa. Understanding the evolution of sea beet will facilitate its efficient use in sugarbeet improvement. We used SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) covering the whole genome to analyze 599 sea beet accessions collected from the north Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea coasts. All B. maritima accessions can be grouped into eight clusters with each corresponding to a specific geographic region. Clusters 2, 3 and 4 with accessions mainly collected from Mediterranean coasts are genetically close to each other as well as to Cluster 6 that contained mainly cultivated beet. Other clusters were relatively distinct from cultivated beets with Clusters 1 and 5 containing accessions from north Atlantic Ocean coasts, Clusters 7 and Cluster 8 mainly have accessions from northern Egypt and southern Europe, and northwest Morocco, respectively. Distribution of B. maritima subpopulations aligns well with the direction of marine currents that was considered a main dynamic force in spreading B. maritima during evolution. Estimation of genetic diversity indices supported the formation of B. maritima subpopulations due to local genetic drift, historic migration, and limited gene flow. Our results indicated that B. maritima originated from southern Europe and then spread to other regions through marine currents to form subpopulations. This research provides vital information for conserving, collecting, and utilizing wild sea beet to sustain sugarbeet improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Annamocarya sinensis (Dode) Leroy, a relict plant from the Tertiary period, is a member of Annamocarya genus in the Juglandaceae family. Despite its wide distribution in Guangxi Province, the habitats of this species had become fragmented and isolated, causing it facing deterioration. For protecting this endangered species, it is crucial to understand its status in the wild and genetic diversity. In this study, 216 A. sinensis accessions from 18 populations in Guangxi were examined using Start Codon Target Polymorphism (SCoT) markers for PCR amplification, genetic diversity, and population structure analysis. Out of the 20 SCoT primers used, 222 sites were amplified, with 185 being polymorphic (PPB of 83.33%). Polymorphic information content values ranged from 0.4380 to 0.4999, Nei\'s genetic diversity index ranging from 0.1573 to 0.2503, and Shannon diversity index ranged from 0.1583 to 0.3812. Through AMOVA analysis, the total genetic diversity and genetic diversity within populations was calculated out as 0.3271 and 0.1542 respectively, the genetic differentiation coefficient between populations was 0.5286, with a gene flow 0.4458. Cluster analysis categorized A. sinensis germplasm into three groups, while population structure analysis divided all accessions into three ancestral sources with 19.91% showing mixed ancestral origins. No significant correlation was observed between genetic and geographical distance on the Mentel test (r = 0.07348, p = 0.7468). Overall, A. sinensis displays a relatively rich genetic diversity at the species level, albeit with a fairly uniform genetic background and high genetic differentiation. This study provides a crucial basis for the conservation and innovative use of A. sinensis germplasm resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ever since Alfred Russel Wallace\'s nineteenth-century observation that related terrestrial species are often separated on opposing riverbanks, major Amazonian rivers have been recognized as key drivers of speciation. However, rivers are dynamic entities whose widths and courses may vary through time. It thus remains unknown how effective rivers are at reducing gene flow and promoting speciation over long timescales. We fit demographic models to genomic sequences to reconstruct the history of gene flow in three pairs of avian taxa fully separated by different Amazonian rivers, and whose geographic ranges do not make contact in headwater regions where rivers may cease to be barriers. Models with gene flow were best fit but still supported an initial period without any gene flow, which ranged from 187 000 to over 959 000 years, suggesting that rivers are capable of initiating speciation through long stretches of allopatric divergence. Allopatry was followed by either bursts or prolonged episodes of gene flow that retarded genomic differentiation but did not fully homogenize populations. Our results support Amazonian rivers as key barriers that promoted speciation and the build-up of species richness, but they also suggest that river barriers are often leaky, with genomic divergence accumulating slowly owing to episodes of substantial gene flow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Signals of natural selection can be quickly eroded in high gene flow systems, curtailing efforts to understand how and when genetic adaptation occurs in the ocean. This long-standing, unresolved topic in ecology and evolution has renewed importance because changing environmental conditions are driving range expansions that may necessitate rapid evolutionary responses. One example occurs in Kellet\'s whelk (Kelletia kelletii), a common subtidal gastropod with an ~40- to 60-day pelagic larval duration that expanded their biogeographic range northwards in the 1970s by over 300 km. To test for genetic adaptation, we performed a series of experimental crosses with Kellet\'s whelk adults collected from their historical (HxH) and recently expanded range (ExE), and conducted RNA-Seq on offspring that we reared in a common garden environment. We identified 2770 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between 54 offspring samples with either only historical range (HxH offspring) or expanded range (ExE offspring) ancestry. Using SNPs called directly from the DEGs, we assigned samples of known origin back to their range of origin with unprecedented accuracy for a marine species (92.6% and 94.5% for HxH and ExE offspring, respectively). The SNP with the highest predictive importance occurred on triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), an essential metabolic enzyme involved in cold stress response. TPI was significantly upregulated and contained a non-synonymous mutation in the expanded range. Our findings pave the way for accurately identifying patterns of dispersal, gene flow and population connectivity in the ocean by demonstrating that experimental transcriptomics can reveal mechanisms for how marine organisms respond to changing environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most prevalent form of genomic polymorphism and are extensively used in population genetics research. Using dd-RAD sequencing, a high-throughput sequencing method, we investigated the genome-level diversity, population structure, and phylogenetic relationships among three morphological forms of the widely distributed taxon Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk., which is native to East Asia. Our study aimed to assess the species status of C. japonica according to its genetic structure and genetic diversity patterns among 66 naturally distributed populations, comprising 26 C. japonica f. japonica, 36 C. japonica f. dissecta (Y. Yabe) Hara and 4 C. japonica f. pinnatisecta S. L. Liou accessions. Based on genomic SNP data generated by dd-RAD sequencing, we conducted genetic diversity, principal component, neighbor-joining (NJ) phylogenetic, admixture clustering, and population differentiation analyses. The findings revealed the following: (1) 5,39,946 unlinked, high-quality SNPs, with mean π, H O, H E and F IS values of 0.062, 0.066, 0.043 and -0.014, respectively, were generated; (2) population divergence was unaffected by isolation through distance; (3) six main distinct regions corresponding to geographic locations and exhibiting various levels of genetic diversity were identified; (4) pairwise F ST analysis showed significant (P < 0.05) population differentiation in 0%-14% of populations among the six regions after sequential Bonferroni correction; and (5) three migration events (historical gene flow) indicated east‒west directionality. Moreover, contemporary gene flow analysis using Jost\'s D, Nei\'s G ST, and Nm values highlighted the middle latitude area of East Asia as a significant contributor to genetic structuring in C. japonica. Overall, our study elucidates the relatively low genetic differentiation and population structure of C. japonica across East Asia, further enhancing our understanding of plant lineage diversification in the Sino-Japanese Floristic Region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macrophytes often live in fluvial backwaters that have a variety of hydrological connections to a main river. Since the ability of these plants to adapt to changing environments may depend on the genetic diversity of the populations, it is important to know whether it can be influenced by habitat characteristics. We examined the microsatellite polymorphism of the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum from various backwaters and showed that the genetic diversity of this plant clearly reflects habitat hydrological differences. The greatest genetic variability was found in a canal system where constant water flow maintained a direct connection between the habitats and the river. In contrast, an isolated backwater on the protected side of the river had the lowest plant genetic diversity. Oxbows permanently connected to the branch system with static or flowing water, and former river branches temporarily connected to the main bed contained populations with moderately high or low genetic variability. The results demonstrate that habitat fragmentation can be a result not only of the loss of direct water contact, but also of the lack of flowing water. Adverse hydrological changes can reduce the genetic diversity of populations and thus the ability of this macrophyte to adapt to changing environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conservation biology field underscores the importance of understanding genetic diversity and gene flow within plant populations and the factors that influence them. This study employs Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) molecular markers to investigate the genetic diversity of the endangered plant species Saussurea involucrata, offering a theoretical foundation for its conservation efforts. Utilizing sequencing results to screen SSR loci, we designed and scrutinized 18 polymorphic microsatellite primers across 112 samples from 11 populations in the Bayinbuluke region. Our findings reveal high genetic diversity (I = 0.837, He = 0.470) and substantial gene flow (Nm = 1.390) among S. involucrata populations (China, Xinjiang), potentially attributed to efficient pollen and seed dispersal mechanisms. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) indicates a lack of distinct genetic structuring within the Bayinbuluke populations. The cluster analysis using STRUCTURE reflected the genetic structure of S. involucrata to a certain extent compared with PCoA. The results showed that all samples were divided into four groups. To safeguard this species, we advocate for the in situ conservation of all S. involucrata populations in the area. The SSR markers developed in this study provide a valuable resource for future genetic research on S. involucrata.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The multispecies coalescent (MSC) model accommodates genealogical fluctuations across the genome and provides a natural framework for comparative analysis of genomic sequence data from closely related species to infer the history of species divergence and gene flow. Given a set of populations, hypotheses of species delimitation (and species phylogeny) may be formulated as instances of MSC models (e.g., MSC for one species versus MSC for two species) and compared using Bayesian model selection. This approach, implemented in the program bpp, has been found to be prone to over-splitting. Alternatively heuristic criteria based on population parameters (such as popula- tion split times, population sizes, and migration rates) estimated from genomic data may be used to delimit species. Here we develop hierarchical merge and split algorithms for heuristic species delimitation based on the genealogical divergence index (𝑔𝑑𝑖) and implement them in a python pipeline called hhsd. We characterize the behavior of the 𝑔𝑑𝑖 under a few simple scenarios of gene flow. We apply the new approaches to a dataset simulated under a model of isolation by distance as well as three empirical datasets. Our tests suggest that the new approaches produced sensible results and were less prone to over-splitting. We discuss possible strategies for accommodating paraphyletic species in the hierarchical algorithm, as well as the challenges of species delimitation based on heuristic criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbicide-resistant Conyza spp. are a threat to many crops. These widespread weeds are closely related species and often cooccur. To characterize the origins of their resistance and the mechanisms underlying their spread, we assessed the genomic variation in glyphosate-resistant Conyza spp. in Brazil. Twenty populations were sampled from soybean fields across four macroregions (MRSs). A genotyping-by-sequencing study resulted in 2,998 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained for C. bonariensis (L.) and the closely related C. sumatrensis (Retz) E. Walker. Higher genomic diversity (π) and heterozygosity (HO/HE) and lower inbreeding coefficient (FIS) values were detected in populations of Conyza spp. from MRS 1 (southern) than in those from other MRSs. Strong genomic structure clustered individuals into three groups (FST = 0.22; p value = 0.000) associated with the MRSs. Thus, resistance to glyphosate originated from independent selection in different MRSs across Brazil. Our dataset supports the occurrence of intraspecific gene flow in Brazil and identified individuals of C. bonariensis that did not group within species. These findings suggest that allelic introgressions within and among species have impacted the evolution and spread of resistance to glyphosate in Conyza spp. We discuss how to mitigate new resistance cases, particularly for the released stacked traits herbicide tolerance in soybeans.





