gene expression regulation, developmental

基因表达调控, 发育
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During embryonic development, Wnt signaling influences both proliferation and sensory formation in the cochlea. How this dual nature of Wnt signaling is coordinated is unknown. In this study, we define a novel role for a Wnt-regulated gene, Mybl2, which was already known to be important for proliferation, in determining the size and patterning of the sensory epithelium in the murine cochlea. Using a quantitative spatial analysis approach and analyzing Mybl2 loss-of-function, we show that Mybl2 promoted proliferation in the inner sulcus domain but limited the size of the sensory domain by influencing their adjoining boundary position via Jag1 regulation during development. Mybl2 loss-of-function simultaneously decreased proliferation in the inner sulcus and increased the size of the sensory domain, resulting in a wider sensory epithelium with ectopic inner hair cell formation during late embryonic stages. These data suggest that progenitor cells in the inner sulcus determine boundary formation and pattern the sensory epithelium via MYBL2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gustavus, a positive regulator in arthropod reproduction, features a conserved SPRY and a C-terminal SOCS box domain and belongs to the SPSB protein family. The SPSB family, encompassing SPSB1 to SPSB4, plays pivotal roles in higher animals, including immune response, apoptosis, growth, and stress responses. In Neocaridina denticulata sinensis, alternative splicing yielded two NdGustavus isoforms, NdGusX1 and NdGusX2, with distinct expression patterns-high in ovaries and muscles, respectively, and across all ovarian germ cells. These isoforms showed similar expression dynamics during embryogenesis and significant upregulation post-copper ion exposure (P < 0.05). The in situ hybridization result elucidated that NdGusX1 and NdGusX2 were expressed across the germ cell spectrum in the ovary, with NdGusX1 showing enhanced expression in oogonia and primary oocytes. In addition, RNA interference revealed functional complementation in ovaries and potential functional differentiation in muscles. Knockdown of NdGusX1 and NdGusX2 potentially disrupted endogenous vitellogenin synthesis, regulating vitellogenesis and reducing mature oocyte volume, affecting follicular cavity occupation. This study provides a theoretical framework for understanding the biological functions of the SPSB family in crustacean ovarian maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can differentiate to all germ layers and serve as an in vitro model of embryonic development. To better understand the differentiation paths traversed by ESCs committing to different lineages, we track individual differentiating ESCs by timelapse imaging followed by multiplexed high-dimensional Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) protein quantification. This links continuous live single-cell molecular NANOG and cellular dynamics quantification over 5-6 generations to protein expression of 37 different molecular regulators in the same single cells at the observation endpoints. Using this unique data set including kinship history and live lineage marker detection, we show that NANOG downregulation occurs generations prior to, but is not sufficient for neuroectoderm marker Sox1 upregulation. We identify a developmental cell type co-expressing both the canonical Sox1 neuroectoderm and FoxA2 endoderm markers in vitro and confirm the presence of such a population in the post-implantation embryo. RNASeq reveals cells co-expressing SOX1 and FOXA2 to have a unique cell state characterized by expression of both endoderm as well as neuroectoderm genes suggesting lineage potential towards both germ layers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naïve pluripotency is sustained by a self-reinforcing gene regulatory network (GRN) comprising core and naïve pluripotency-specific transcription factors (TFs). Upon exiting naïve pluripotency, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) transition through a formative post-implantation-like pluripotent state, where they acquire competence for lineage choice. However, the mechanisms underlying disengagement from the naïve GRN and initiation of the formative GRN are unclear. Here, we demonstrate that phosphorylated AKT acts as a gatekeeper that prevents nuclear localisation of FoxO TFs in naïve ESCs. PTEN-mediated reduction of AKT activity upon exit from naïve pluripotency allows nuclear entry of FoxO TFs, enforcing a cell fate transition by binding and activating formative pluripotency-specific enhancers. Indeed, FoxO TFs are necessary and sufficient for the activation of the formative pluripotency-specific GRN. Our work uncovers a pivotal role for FoxO TFs in establishing formative post-implantation pluripotency, a critical early embryonic cell fate transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the first week of development, human embryos form a blastocyst composed of an inner cell mass and trophectoderm (TE) cells, the latter of which are progenitors of placental trophoblast. Here, we investigated the expression of transcripts in the human TE from early to late blastocyst stages. We identified enrichment of the transcription factors GATA2, GATA3, TFAP2C and KLF5 and characterised their protein expression dynamics across TE development. By inducible overexpression and mRNA transfection, we determined that these factors, together with MYC, are sufficient to establish induced trophoblast stem cells (iTSCs) from primed human embryonic stem cells. These iTSCs self-renew and recapitulate morphological characteristics, gene expression profiles, and directed differentiation potential, similar to existing human TSCs. Systematic omission of each, or combinations of factors, revealed the crucial importance of GATA2 and GATA3 for iTSC transdifferentiation. Altogether, these findings provide insights into the transcription factor network that may be operational in the human TE and broaden the methods for establishing cellular models of early human placental progenitor cells, which may be useful in the future to model placental-associated diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    miR-31 is a highly conserved microRNA that plays crucial roles in cell proliferation, migration and differentiation. We discovered that miR-31 and some of its validated targets are enriched on the mitotic spindle of the dividing sea urchin embryo and mammalian cells. Using the sea urchin embryo, we found that miR-31 inhibition led to developmental delay correlated with increased cytoskeletal and chromosomal defects. We identified miR-31 to directly suppress several actin remodeling transcripts, including β-actin, Gelsolin, Rab35 and Fascin. De novo translation of Fascin occurs at the mitotic spindle of sea urchin embryos and mammalian cells. Importantly, miR-31 inhibition leads to a significant a increase of newly translated Fascin at the spindle of dividing sea urchin embryos. Forced ectopic localization of Fascin transcripts to the cell membrane and translation led to significant developmental and chromosomal segregation defects, highlighting the importance of the regulation of local translation by miR-31 at the mitotic spindle to ensure proper cell division. Furthermore, miR-31-mediated post-transcriptional regulation at the mitotic spindle may be an evolutionarily conserved regulatory paradigm of mitosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In reptiles, such as the red-eared slider turtle ( Trachemys scripta elegans), gonadal sex determination is highly dependent on the environmental temperature during embryonic stages. This complex process, which leads to differentiation into either testes or ovaries, is governed by the finely tuned expression of upstream genes, notably the testis-promoting gene Dmrt1 and the ovary-promoting gene Foxl2. Recent studies have identified epigenetic regulation as a crucial factor in testis development, with the H3K27me3 demethylase KDM6B being essential for Dmrt1 expression in T. s. elegans. However, whether KDM6B alone can induce testicular differentiation remains unclear. In this study, we found that overexpression of Kdm6b in T. s. elegans embryos induced the male development pathway, accompanied by a rapid increase in the gonadal expression of Dmrt1 at 31°C, a temperature typically resulting in female development. Notably, this sex reversal could be entirely rescued by Dmrt1 knockdown. These findings demonstrate that Kdm6b is sufficient for commitment to the male pathway, underscoring its role as a critical epigenetic regulator in the sex determination of the red-eared slider turtle.
    许多爬行动物(如红耳龟)的性别取决于胚胎发育的环境温度。该性别决定过程涉及一系列上游基因如促睾丸分化的 Dmrt1及促卵巢分化的 Foxl2的精细调控。作者前期研究表明,组蛋白去甲基化酶KDM6B的表达是直接激活 Dmrt1转录的必要条件。然而,KDM6B是否能单独诱导睾丸分化尚不清楚。在该研究中,我们发现在产雌温度下对红耳龟胚胎进行 Kdm6b过表达会迅速上调性腺中 Dmrt1的表达,并诱导性腺分化为睾丸。此外,敲低 Dmrt1能够阻断 Kdm6b过表达导致的雌向雄性逆转过程,性腺最终仍发育成卵巢。实验结果表明 Kdm6b通过上调 Dmrt1使性腺发育成睾丸。因此,KDM6B是红耳龟性别决定过程中的关键表观遗传调控因子。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PHD2 is essential in modulating HIF-1α levels upon oxygen fluctuations. Hypoxia, a hallmark of uterus, and HIF-1α have recently emerged as opposing regulators of mesendoderm specification, suggesting a role for PHD2 therein. We found that PHD2 expression initially covered the epiblast and gradually receded from the primitive streak, which was identical to hypoxia and exclusive to HIF-1α. The investigations performed in mESCs, embryoids, and mouse embryos together demonstrated that PHD2 negatively regulated mesendoderm specification. Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed that PHD2 governed the transition from epiblast to mesendoderm. The downstream effect of PHD2 relied on the HIF-1α regulated Wnt/β-catenin pathway, while it was regulated upstream by miR-429. In summary, our research highlights PHD2\'s essential role in mesendoderm specification and its interactions with hypoxia and HIF-1α.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Blotched snakehead (Channa maculata) displays significant sexual dimorphism, with males exhibiting faster growth rates and larger body sizes compared to females. The cultivation of the all-male population of snakeheads holds substantial economic and ecological value. Nonetheless, the intricate processes governing the development of bipotential gonads into either testis or ovary in C. maculata remain inadequately elucidated. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the critical time window of sex differentiation in C. maculata, providing a theoretical basis for sex control in production practices.
    METHODS: The body length and weight of male and female C. maculata were measured at different developmental stages to reveal when sexual dimorphism in growth initially appears. Histological observations and spatiotemporal comparative transcriptome analyses were performed on ovaries and testes across various developmental stages to determine the crucial time windows for sex differentiation in each sex and the sex-related genes. Additionally, qPCR and MG2C were utilized to validate and locate sex-related genes, and levels of E2 and T were quantified to understand sex steroid synthesis.
    RESULTS: Sexual dimorphism in growth became evident starting from 90 dpf. Histological observations revealed that morphological sex differentiation in females and males occurred between 20 and 25 dpf or earlier and 30-35 dpf or earlier, respectively, corresponding to the appearance of the ovarian cavity or efferent duct anlage. Transcriptome analyses revealed divergent gene expression patterns in testes and ovaries after 30 dpf. The periods of 40-60 dpf and 60-90 dpf marked the initiation of molecular sex differentiation in females and males, respectively. Male-biased genes (Sox11a, Dmrt1, Amh, Amhr2, Gsdf, Ar, Cyp17a2) likely play crucial roles in male sex differentiation and spermatogenesis, while female-biased genes (Foxl2, Cyp19a1a, Bmp15, Figla, Er) could be pivotal in ovarian differentiation and development. Numerous biological pathways linked to sex differentiation and gametogenesis were also identified. Additionally, E2 and T exhibited sexual dimorphism during sex differentiation and gonadal development. Based on these results, it is hypothesized that in C. maculata, the potential male sex differentiation pathway, Sox11a-Dmrt1-Sox9b, activates downstream sex-related genes (Amh, Amhr2, Gsdf, Ar, Cyp17a2) for testicular development, while the antagonistic pathway, Foxl2/Cyp19a1a, activates downstream sex-related genes (Bmp15, Figla, Er) for ovarian development.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a comprehensive overview of gonadal dynamic changes during sex differentiation and gametogenesis in C. maculata, establishing a scientific foundation for sex control in this species.
    Blotched snakehead (Channa maculata) exhibits significant sexual dimorphism, as males display faster growth rates and larger body sizes compared to females. The cultivation of the all-male population of snakeheads holds substantial economic and ecological value. However, the mechanisms underlying sex determination and differentiation in C. maculata remain insufficiently elucidated. In this study, sexual dimorphism in growth became evident starting from 90 dpf through the measurement of body length and weight of male and female C. maculata at different developmental stages. Histological observations indicated that morphological sex differentiation in females and males occurred at 20–25 dpf or earlier and 30–35 dpf or earlier, respectively, corresponding to the appearance of the ovarian cavity or efferent duct anlage. Transcriptome analyses revealed divergent gene expression patterns in male and female gonads after 30 dpf, suggesting that the period preceding 30 dpf might be the critical time window for sex control in C. maculata. The periods of 40–60 dpf and 60–90 dpf marked the initiation of molecular sex differentiation in females and males, respectively. Male-biased genes (Sox11a, Dmrt1, Amh, Amhr2, Gsdf, Ar, Cyp17a2) likely play crucial roles in testicular differentiation and spermatogenesis, while female-biased genes (Foxl2, Cyp19a1a, Bmp15, Figla, Er) could be pivotal in ovarian differentiation and oogenesis. Additionally, numerous biological pathways linked to sex differentiation and gametogenesis were identified. Moreover, sexual dimorphism was observed in the levels of E2 and T during gonadal differentiation and development. Based on these findings, it is hypothesized that in C. maculata, the potential male sex differentiation pathway, Sox11a–Dmrt1–Sox9b, activates downstream sex-related genes (Amh, Amhr2, Gsdf, Ar, Cyp17a2) for testicular development, while the antagonistic pathway, Foxl2/Cyp19a1a, activates downstream sex-related genes (Bmp15, Figla, Er) for ovarian development. This study provides a comprehensive overview of gonadal dynamic changes during sex differentiation and gametogenesis in C. maculata, thereby establishing a scientific foundation for sex control in this species.





