gating current

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ca2+ influx through Cav3.3 T-type channel plays crucial roles in neuronal excitability and is subject to regulation by various signaling molecules. However, our understanding of the partners of Cav3.3 and the related regulatory pathways remains largely limited. To address this quest, we employed the rat Cav3.3 C-terminus as bait in yeast-two-hybrid screenings of a cDNA library, identifying rat Gβ2 as an interaction partner. Subsequent assays revealed that the interaction of Gβ2 subunit was specific to the Cav3.3 C-terminus. Through systematic dissection of the C-terminus, we pinpointed a 22 amino acid sequence (amino acids 1789-1810) as the Gβ2 interaction site. Coexpression studies of rat Cav3.3 with various Gβγ compositions were conducted in HEK-293 cells. Patch clamp recordings revealed that coexpression of Gβ2γ2 reduced Cav3.3 current density and accelerated inactivation kinetics. Interestingly, the effects were not unique to Gβ2γ2, but were mimicked by Gβ2 alone as well as other Gβγ dimers, with similar potencies. Deletion of the Gβ2 interaction site abolished the effects of Gβ2γ2. Importantly, these Gβ2 effects were reproduced in human Cav3.3. Overall, our findings provide evidence that Gβ(γ) complexes inhibit Cav3.3 channel activity and accelerate the inactivation kinetics through the Gβ interaction with the Cav3.3 C-terminus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The discovery of gating currents and asymmetric charge movement in the early 1970s represented a remarkable leap forward in our understanding of the biophysical basis of voltage-dependent events that underlie electrical signalling that is vital for nerve and muscle function. Gating currents and charge movement reflect a fundamental process in which charged amino acid residues in an ion channel protein move in response to a change in the membrane electrical field and therefore activate the specific voltage-dependent response of that protein. The detection of gating currents and asymmetric charge movement over the past 50 years has been pivotal in unraveling the multiple molecular and intra-molecular processes which lead to action potentials in excitable tissues and excitation-contraction (EC) coupling in skeletal muscle. The recording of gating currents and asymmetric charge movement remains an essential component of investigations into the basic molecular mechanisms of neuronal conduction and muscle contraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a unique pain disorder characterized by intense paroxysmal facial pain within areas innervated by the trigeminal nerve. Although most cases of TN are sporadic, familial clusters of TN suggest that genetic factors may contribute to this disorder. Whole-exome sequencing in patients with TN reporting positive family history demonstrated a spectrum of variants of ion channels including TRP channels. Here, we used patch-clamp analysis and Ca2+ and Na+ imaging to assess a rare variant in the TRPM7 channel, p.Ala931Thr, within transmembrane domain 3, identified in a man suffering from unilateral TN. We showed that A931T produced an abnormal inward current carried by Na+ and insensitive to the pore blocker Gd3+. Hypothesizing that replacement of the hydrophobic alanine at position 931 with the more polar threonine destabilizes a hydrophobic ring, near the voltage sensor domain, we performed alanine substitutions of F971 and W972 and obtained results suggesting a role of A931-W972 hydrophobic interaction in S3-S4 hydrophobic cleft stability. Finally, we transfected trigeminal ganglion neurons with A931T channels and observed that expression of this TRPM7 variant lowers current threshold and resting membrane potential, and increases evoked firing activity in TG neurons. Our results support the notion that the TRPM7-A931T mutation located in the S3 segment at the interface with the transmembrane region S4, generates an omega current that carries Na+ influx in physiological conditions. A931T produces hyperexcitability and a sustained Na+ influx in trigeminal ganglion neurons that may underlie pain in this kindred with trigeminal neuralgia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The electrophysiological properties of undifferentiated SH-SY5Y cells were examined during cultures prolonged even to 20 days by measuring passive and active membrane properties at 5 days interval, as well as spontaneous spiking activity. Results showed that culturing this cell for long time affected not only membrane shape but also their electrophysiological properties. In particular, these cells considerably varied their sodium and potassium voltage-dependent currents, various channels kinetic features and their excitable properties. These processes would synergically contribute to the bioelectrical conversion of these cells and could be part of a more complex machinery with which the tumoral cell would regulate its survival advantage and resilience. Understanding these processes could add a new clue to the exploitation of this preclinical human neuronal model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When forces are applied to matter, the distribution of mass changes. Similarly, when an electric field is applied to matter with charge, the distribution of charge changes. The change in the distribution of charge (when a local electric field is applied) might in general be called the induced charge. When the change in charge is simply related to the applied local electric field, the polarization field P is widely used to describe the induced charge. This approach does not allow electrical measurements (in themselves) to determine the structure of the polarization fields. Many polarization fields will produce the same electrical forces because only the divergence of polarization enters Maxwell\'s first equation, relating charge and electric forces and field. The curl of any function can be added to a polarization field P without changing the electric field at all. The divergence of the curl is always zero. Additional information is needed to specify the curl and thus the structure of the P field. When the structure of charge changes substantially with the local electric field, the induced charge is a nonlinear and time dependent function of the field and P is not a useful framework to describe either the electrical or structural basis-induced charge. In the nonlinear, time dependent case, models must describe the charge distribution and how it varies as the field changes. One class of models has been used widely in biophysics to describe field dependent charge, i.e., the phenomenon of nonlinear time dependent induced charge, called \'gating current\' in the biophysical literature. The operational definition of gating current has worked well in biophysics for fifty years, where it has been found to makes neurons respond sensitively to voltage. Theoretical estimates of polarization computed with this definition fit experimental data. I propose that the operational definition of gating current be used to define voltage and time dependent induced charge, although other definitions may be needed as well, for example if the induced charge is fundamentally current dependent. Gating currents involve substantial changes in structure and so need to be computed from a combination of electrodynamics and mechanics because everything charged interacts with everything charged as well as most things mechanical. It may be useful to separate the classical polarization field as a component of the total induced charge, as it is in biophysics. When nothing is known about polarization, it is necessary to use an approximate representation of polarization with a dielectric constant that is a single real positive number. This approximation allows important results in some cases, e.g., design of integrated circuits in silicon semiconductors, but can be seriously misleading in other cases, e.g., ionic solutions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A kinetic model accounting for all salient features of the Na+ channel of the squid giant axon is provided. The model furnishes explanations for the Cole-Moore-like effect, the rising phase of the ON gating current and the slow \'intermediate component\' of its decaying phase, as well as the gating charge immobilization. Experimental ON ionic currents are semi-quantitatively simulated by the use of only three free parameters, upon assuming that the Na+ channel opening proceeds along with the stepwise aggregation of its four domains, while they are moving their gating charge outward under depolarizing conditions. The inactivation phase of the ON ionic current is interpreted by a progressive electrostatic attraction between the positively charged \'hinged lid\' containing the hydrophobic IFM triad and its receptor inside the channel pore, as the stepwise outward movement of the S4 segments of the Na+ channel progressively increases the negative charge attracting the triad to its receptor. The Na+ channel closing is assumed to proceed by repolarization-induced disaggregation of its domains, accompanied by inward movement of their gating charge. The phenomenon of \'gating charge immobilization\' can be explained by assuming that gradual structural changes of the receptor over the time course of depolarization strengthen the interaction between the IFM triad and its receptor, causing a slow release of the gating charge during the subsequent repolarization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over two-thirds of a century ago, Hodgkin and Huxley proposed the existence of voltage gated ion channels (VGICs) to carry Na⁺ and K⁺ ions across the cell membrane to create the nerve impulse, in response to depolarization of the membrane. The channels have multiple physiological roles, and play a central role in a wide variety of diseases when they malfunction. The first channel structure was found by MacKinnon and coworkers in 1998. Subsequently, the structure of a number of VGICs was determined in the open (ion conducting) state. This type of channel consists of four voltage sensing domains (VSDs), each formed from four transmembrane (TM) segments, plus a pore domain through which ions move. Understanding the gating mechanism (how the channel opens and closes) requires structures. One TM segment (S4) has an arginine in every third position, with one such segment per domain. It is usually assumed that these arginines are all ionized, and in the resting state are held toward the intracellular side of the membrane by voltage across the membrane. They are assumed to move outward (extracellular direction) when released by depolarization of this voltage, producing a capacitive gating current and opening the channel. We suggest alternate interpretations of the evidence that led to these models. Measured gating current is the total charge displacement of all atoms in the VSD; we propose that the prime, but not sole, contributor is proton motion, not displacement of the charges on the arginines of S4. It is known that the VSD can conduct protons. Quantum calculations on the Kv1.2 potassium channel VSD show how; the key is the amphoteric nature of the arginine side chain, which allows it to transfer a proton. This appears to be the first time the arginine side chain has had its amphoteric character considered. We have calculated one such proton transfer in detail: this proton starts from a tyrosine that can ionize, transferring to the NE of the third arginine on S4; that arginine\'s NH then transfers a proton to a glutamate. The backbone remains static. A mutation predicted to affect the proton transfer has been qualitatively confirmed experimentally, from the change in the gating current-voltage curve. The total charge displacement in going from a normal closed potential of -70 mV across the membrane to 0 mV (open), is calculated to be approximately consistent with measured values, although the error limits on the calculation require caution in interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ClC-3 2Cl- /1H+ exchanger modulates endosome pH and Cl- concentration. We investigated the relationships between ClC-3-mediated ion transport (steady-state transport current, ISS ), gating charge (Q) and cytoplasmic alkalization. ClC-3 transport is functionally unidirectional. ClC-5 and ClC-3 display indistinguishable exchange ratios, but ClC-3 cycling is less \"efficient\", as reflected by a large Q/ISS . An M531A mutation predicted to increase water-wire stability and cytoplasmic proton supply improves efficiency. Protonation (pH 5.0) of the outer glutamate gate (Gluext ; E224) reduces Q, inhibits transport, and weakens coupling. Removal of the central tyrosine anion gate (Y572S) greatly increases uncoupled anion current. Tyrosine -OH removal (Y572F) alters anion selectivity and impairs coupling. E224 and Y572 act as anion barriers, and contribute to gating. The Y572 side chain and -OH regulate Q movement kinetics and voltage dependence. E224 and Y572 interact to create a \"closed\" inner gate conformation that maintains coupling during cycling.
    We utilized plasma membrane-localized ClC-3 to investigate relationships between steady-state transport current (ISS ), gating charge (Q) movement, and cytoplasmic alkalization rate. ClC-3 exhibited lower transport efficiency than ClC-5, as reflected by a larger Q/ISS ratio, but an indistinguishable Cl- /H+ coupling ratio. External SCN- reduced H+ transport rate and uncoupled anion/H+ exchange by 80-90%. Removal of the external gating glutamate (\"Gluext \") (E224A mutation) reduced Q and abolished H+ transport. We hypothesized that Methionine 531 (M531) impedes \"water wire\" H+ transfer from the cytoplasm to E224. Accordingly, an M531A mutation decreased the Q/ISS ratio by 50% and enhanced H+ transport. External protons (pH 5.0) inhibited ISS and markedly reduced Q while shifting the Q-voltage (V) relationship positively. The Cl- /H+ coupling ratio at pH 5.0 was significantly increased, consistent with externally protonated Gluext adopting an outward/open position. Internal \"anion gate\" removal (Y572S) dramatically increased ISS and impaired coupling, without slowing H+ transport rate. Loss of both gates (Y572S/E224A) resulted in a large \"open pore\" conductance. Y572F (removing only the phenolic hydroxide) and Y572S shortened Q duration similarly, resulting in faster Q kinetics at all voltages. These data reveal a complex relationship between Q and ion transport. Q/ISS must be assessed together with coupling ratio to properly interpret efficiency. Coupling and transport rate are influenced by the anion, internal proton supply and external protons. Y572 regulates H+ coupling as well as anion selectivity, and interacts directly with E224. Disruption of this \"closed gate\" conformation by internal protons may represent a critical step in the ClC-3 transport cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A kinetic model accounting for all salient features of the K+ channel of the squid giant axon, including the rising phase of the ON gating charge and the Cole-Moore effect, is provided. Upon accounting for a significant feature distinguishing K+, Na+ and Ca2+ channels from channel-forming peptides modeled in our previous 2016 BBA paper, the nucleation-and-growth kinetic model developed therein is extended to simulate ON ionic and gating currents of the K+ channel of the squid giant axon at different depolarization potentials by the use of only two free parameters. K+ channel opening is considered to proceed by progressive aggregation of single subunits, while they are moving their gating charge outward under depolarizing conditions within their tetrameric structure; K+ channel closing proceeds in the opposite direction, by repolarization-induced disaggregation of subunits, accompanied by inward movement of their gating charge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low-voltage-activated CaV3 channels are distinguished among other voltage-activated calcium channels by the most negative voltage activation threshold. The voltage dependence of current activation is virtually identical in all three CaV3 channels while the current kinetics of the CaV3.3 current is one order slower than that of the CaV3.1 and CaV3.2 channels. We have analyzed the voltage dependence and kinetics of charge (Q) movement in human recombinant CaV3.3 and CaV3.1 channels. The voltage dependence of voltage sensor activation (Qon-V) of the CaV3.3 channel was significantly shifted with respect to that of the CaV3.1 channel by +18.6 mV and the kinetic of Qon activation in the CaV3.3 channel was significantly slower than that of the CaV3.1 channel. Removal of the gating brake in the intracellular loop connecting repeats I and II in the CaV3.3 channel in the ID12 mutant channel shifted the Qon-V relation to a value even more negative than that for the CaV3.1 channel. The kinetic of Qon activation was not significantly different between ID12 and CaV3.1 channels. Deletion of the gating brake in the CaV3.1 channel resulted in a GD12 channel with the voltage dependence of the gating current activation significantly shifted toward more negative potentials. The Qon kinetic was not significantly altered. ID12 and GD12 mutants did not differ significantly in voltage dependence nor in the kinetic of voltage sensor activation. In conclusion, the putative gating brake in the intracellular loop connecting repeats I and II controls the gating current of the CaV3 channels. We suggest that activation of the voltage sensor in domain I is limiting both the voltage dependence and the kinetics of CaV3 channel activation.





