fungicide resistance management

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduced sensitivity to demethylation inhibitor (DMI) and quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) fungicides in Nothopassalora personata, the cause of late leaf spot of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) complicates management of this disease in the southeastern U.S. Mixtures with protectant fungicides may help preserve the utility of members of both DMI and QoI fungicide groups for leaf spot management. Field experiments were conducted in Tifton, GA from 2019 to 2021 and in Plains, GA during 2019 and 2020. The primary objective was to determine the effects of mixtures of DMI fungicides, tebuconazole and mefentrifluconazole, and QoI fungicides, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin, with micronized elemental sulfur on late leaf spot in fields with populations of N. personata with suspected reduced sensitivity to DMI and QoI fungicides. In four of the experiments, the efficacies of elemental sulfur and chlorothalonil as mixing partners were also compared. In most cases, standardized area under the disease progress curve (sAUDPC) and final percent defoliation were less for all DMI and QoI fungicides mixed with sulfur or chlorothalonil than for the respective fungicides alone. In most cases, sAUDPC and final percent defoliation were similar for sulfur and chlorothalonil when mixed with the respective DMI or QoI fungicide. These results indicate that mixtures of DMI or QoI fungicides with either micronized sulfur or chlorothalonil can improve control of late leaf spot compared to the DMI or QoI fungicide alone. These results also indicate that elemental sulfur has potential as an alternative to chlorothalonil in tank mixes where that protectant fungicide is currently being used as a mixing partner to improve leaf spot control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study characterized 52 isolates of Monilinia fructicola from peach and nectarine orchards for their multi-resistance patterns to thiophanate-methyl (TF), tebuconazole (TEB), and azoxystrobin (AZO) using in vitro sensitivity assays and molecular analysis. The radial growth of M. fructicola isolates was measured on media amended with a single discriminatory dose of 1 µg/ml for TF and AZO and 0.3 µg/ml for TEB. Cyt b, CYP51, and ß-tubulin were tested for point mutations that confer resistance to quinone outside inhibitors (QoIs), demethylation inhibitors (DMIs), and methyl benzimidazole carbamates (MBCs), respectively. Eight phenotypes were identified including isolates with single, double, and triple in vitro resistance to QoI, MBC, and DMI fungicides. All resistant phenotypes to TF and TEB presented the H6Y mutation in ß-tubulin and the G641S mutation in CYP51. None of the point mutations typically linked to QoI resistance were present in the Monilinia isolates examined. Moreover, fitness of the M. fructicola phenotypes was examined in vitro and detached fruit assays. Phenotypes with single-resistance displayed equal fitness in in vitro and fruit assays compared to the wild-type. In contrast, the dual and triple-resistance phenotypes suffered fitness penalties based on osmotic sensitivity and aggressiveness on peach fruit. In this study, multiple resistance to MBC, DMI, and QoI fungicide groups was confirmed in M. fructicola. Results suggest that Monilinia populations with multiple resistance phenotypes are likely to be less competitive in the field than those with single resistance, thereby impeding their establishment over time and facilitating disease management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs) are frequently used against powdery mildew (PM) fungi, such as Erysiphe necator, the causal agent of grapevine PM. Fungicide resistance, however, hinders effective control. DNA-based monitoring facilitates the recognition of resistance. We aimed (i) to adapt an effective method to detect a widespread genetic marker of resistance to boscalid, a commonly used SDHI, and (ii) to study the co-occurrence of the marker with a marker of resistance to demethylase inhibitor (DMI) fungicides. Sequencing of the sdhB gene identified a nonsynonymous substitution, denoted as sdhB-A794G, leading to an amino acid change (H242R) in the sdhB protein. In vitro fungicide resistance tests showed that E. necator isolates carrying sdhB-A794G were resistant to boscalid. We adopted a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence-based method and screened more than 500 field samples collected from five Hungarian wine regions in two consecutive years. The sdhB-A794G marker was detected in all wine regions and in both years, altogether in 61.7% of samples, including 20.5% in which both sdhB-A794G and the wild-type were present. The frequency of sdhB-A794G was higher in SDHI-treated vineyards than in vineyards without any SDHI application. A significant difference in the presence of the marker was detected among wine regions; its prevalence ranged from none to 100%. We identified significant co-occurrence of sdhB-A794G with the CYP51-A495T (Y136F) mutation of the CYP51 gene, a known marker of resistance to DMIs. The monitoring of fungicide resistance is fundamental for the successful control of E. necator. Our rapid, cost-effective diagnostic method will support decision-making and fungicide resistance monitoring and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blue mold, caused primarily by Penicillium expansum, is a significant postharvest disease of apples. It not only causes economic losses but also produces mycotoxins that contaminate processed fruit products, which contributes to food waste and loss. Previous research has shown that packing and storage bins harbor Penicillium spores and that steam and hot water efficiently reduce spore inoculum levels. However, studies using wooden and plastic bins regarding their ability to harbor spores, the effect of chemical sanitation treatments on spore levels, and the impact of rinsate from treated bins on apple fruit decay have not been investigated for the Mid-Atlantic area (Okull et al. 2006; Rosenberger 2009). We evaluated different sanitation treatments (chemical and physical) to reduce P. expansum inoculum levels on wooden and plastic bins. We determined that wooden bins bound P. expansum spores four orders of magnitude higher than plastic. When both bin types were treated with steam (wooden) or sterile hot water (plastic), Thyme Guard, or Academy, all treatments resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) lower spore levels compared to untreated controls. Although, plastic bins retained lower numbers of spores after inoculation with contaminated spore rinsate and required much higher concentrations of P. expansum spores in rinsate to retain spores at levels that would lead to decay on apple fruit. Overall, we demonstrated that plastic bins retain fewer spores than wooden bins and that both can be sanitized by various physical or chemical treatments. We envision that our findings will be applicable in the future as the techniques implemented in this study were used to investigate industry-relevant questions. Our goal is that the research techniques and findings become feasible with advancements in technology and/or accompany other shifts in existing processes in commercial pome fruit packing and storage facilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In peanut (Arachis hypogaea) production, in-furrow applications of the premix combination of the succinate-dehydrogenase-inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide and nematicide fluopyram and the insecticide imidacloprid are used primarily for management of nematode pests and for preventing feeding damage on foliage caused by tobacco thrips (Frankliniella fusca). Fluopyram is also active against many fungal pathogens. However, the effect of in-furrow applications of fluopyram on early leaf spot (Passalora arachidicola) or late leaf spot (Nothopassalora personata) has not been characterized. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of in-furrow applications of fluopyram + imidacloprid or fluopyram alone on leaf spot epidemics. Field experiments were conducted in Tifton, GA in 2015, 2016, and 2018 to 2020. In all experiments, in-furrow applications of fluopyram + imidacloprid provided extended suppression of early leaf spot and late leaf spot epidemics compared with the nontreated control. In 2020, there was no difference between the effects of fluopyram + imidacloprid and fluopyram alone on leaf spot epidemics. Results indicated that fluopyram could complement early-season leaf spot management programs. Use of in-furrow applications of fluopyram should be considered as an SDHI fungicide application for resistance management purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The development of novel highly efficacious fungicides that lack cross-resistance is extremely desirable. Fenpicoxamid (Inatreq™ active) possesses these characteristics and is a member of a novel picolinamide class of fungicides derived from the antifungal natural product UK-2A.
    RESULTS: Fenpicoxamid strongly inhibited in vitro growth of several ascomycete fungi, including Zymoseptoria tritici (EC50 , 0.051 mg L-1 ). Fenpicoxamid is converted by Z. tritici to UK-2A, a 15-fold stronger inhibitor of Z. tritici growth (EC50 , 0.0033 mg L-1 ). Strong fungicidal activity of fenpicoxamid against driver cereal diseases was confirmed in greenhouse tests, where activity on Z. tritici and Puccinia triticina matched that of fluxapyroxad. Due to its novel target site (Qi site of the respiratory cyt bc1 complex) for the cereals market, fenpicoxamid is not cross-resistant to Z. tritici isolates resistant to strobilurin and/or azole fungicides. Across multiple European field trials Z. tritici was strongly controlled (mean, 82%) by 100 g as ha-1 applications of fenpicoxamid, which demonstrated excellent residual activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: The novel chemistry and biochemical target site of fenpicoxamid as well as its lack of cross-resistance and strong efficacy against Z. tritici and other pathogens highlight the importance of fenpicoxamid as a new tool for controlling plant pathogenic fungi. © 2017 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although many fungicides are registered for use to control powdery mildew on cucurbits, management of resistance to fungicides in pathogen populations still remains a major challenge. Two biopesticides Regalia SC and HMO 736 were evaluated in the greenhouse and field for their efficacy against powdery mildew in squash. In greenhouses, Regalia SC alone significantly (P < 0.05) reduced powdery mildew compared to the nontreated control, and was as effective as the chemical standard Procure 480SC (triflumizole). In alternation with Procure 480SC, Regalia SC demonstrated greater or equivalent effects on reducing the disease. HMO 736 alone showed varying levels of disease control, but alternating with Procure 480SC significantly improved control efficacy. In addition, application of Regalia SC or HMO 736 each in alternation with Procure 480SC significantly increased the chlorophyll content in leaves and the total fresh weight of squash plants, when compared with the water control, Regalia SC and HMO 736 alone. In field trials, application of Regalia SC and HMO 736 each alone significantly reduced disease severity in one of two field trials during the early stage of disease development, but not during later stages when disease pressure became high. Both Regalia SC and HMO 736 each applied in alternation with Procure 480SC significantly improved the control efficacy compared to Procure 480SC alone. Results from this study demonstrated that an integrated management program can be developed for powdery mildew in squash by integrating the biopesticides Regalia SC, HMO 736 with the chemical fungicide Procure 480SC.






