fungal pathogenesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular responses to external stress allow microorganisms to adapt to a vast array of environmental conditions, including infection sites. The molecular mechanisms behind these responses are studied to gain insight into microbial pathogenesis, which could lead to new antimicrobial therapies. Here, we explore a role for arrestin protein-mediated ubiquitination in stress response and pathogenesis in the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. In a previous study, we identified four arrestin-like proteins in C. neoformans and found that one of these is required for efficient membrane synthesis, likely by directing interaction between fatty acid synthases and the Rsp5 E3 ubiquitin ligase. Here, we further explore Cn Rsp5 function and determine that this single Ub ligase is absolutely required for pathogenesis and survival in the presence of cellular stress. Additionally, we show that a second arrestin-like protein, Ali2, similarly facilitates interaction between Rsp5 and some of its protein targets. Of the four postulated C. neoformans arrestin-like proteins, Ali2 appears to contribute the most to C. neoformans pathogenesis, likely by directing Rsp5 to pathogenesis-related ubiquitination targets. A proteomics-based differential ubiquitination screen revealed that several known cell surface proteins are ubiquitinated by Rsp5 and a subset also requires Ali2 for their ubiquitination. Rsp5-mediated ubiquitination alters the stability and the localization of these proteins. A loss of Rsp5-mediated ubiquitination results in cell wall defects that increase susceptibility to external stresses. These findings support a model in which arrestin-like proteins guide Rsp5 to ubiquitinate specific target proteins, some of which are required for survival during stress.
    OBJECTIVE: Microbial proteins involved in human infectious diseases often need to be modified by specific chemical additions to be fully functional. Here, we explore the role of a particular protein modification, ubiquitination, in infections due to the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. We identified a complex of proteins responsible for adding ubiquitin groups to fungal proteins, and this complex is required for virulence. These proteins are fungal specific and might be targets for novel anti-infection therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Velvet proteins, as well as the epigenetic regulator LaeA, are conserved in numerous fungal species, where, in response to environmental cues, they control several crucial cellular processes, including sexual and asexual morphogenesis, secondary metabolism, response to oxidative stress, and virulence. During the last two decades, knowledge of their mechanism of action as well as understanding their functional roles, has greatly increased, particularly in Aspergillus species. Research efforts from multiple groups followed, leading to the characterization of other Velvet and LaeA homologs in species of other fungal genera, including important opportunistic plant and animal pathogens. This review focuses mainly on the current knowledge of the role of Velvet and LaeA function in fungal pathogenesis. Velvet proteins and LaeA are unique to fungi, and for this reason, additional knowledge of these critical regulatory proteins will be important in the development of targeted control strategies to decrease the detrimental impact of fungal pathogens capable of causing disease in plants and animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basidiomycete fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is a useful model for investigating mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis in mammalian hosts. This pathogen is the causative agent of cryptococcal meningitis in immunocompromised patients and is in the critical priority group of the World Health Organization fungal priority pathogens list. In this study, we employed a mutant lacking the OPI3 gene encoding a methylene-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase to characterize the role of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and lipid homeostasis in the virulence of C. neoformans. We first confirmed that OPI3 was required for growth in nutrient limiting conditions, a phenotype that could be rescued with exogenous choline and PC. Additionally, we established that loss of Opi3 and the lack of PC lead to an accumulation of neutral lipids in lipid droplets and alterations in major lipid classes. The growth defect of the opi3Δ mutant was also rescued by sorbitol and polyethylene glycol (PEG), a result consistent with protection of ER function from the stress caused by lipid imbalance. We then examined the impact of Opi3 on virulence and found that the dependence of PC synthesis on Opi3 caused reduced capsule size and this was accompanied by an increase in shed capsule polysaccharide and changes in cell wall composition. Further tests of virulence demonstrated that survival in alveolar macrophages and the ability to cause disease in mice were not impacted by loss of Opi3 despite the choline auxotrophy of the mutant in vitro. Overall, this work establishes the contribution of lipid balance to virulence factor elaboration by C. neoformans and suggests that host choline is sufficient to support proliferation during disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During mammalian colonization and infection, microorganisms must be able to rapidly sense and adapt to changing environmental conditions including alterations in extracellular pH. The fungus-specific Rim/Pal signaling pathway is one process that supports microbial adaptation to alkaline pH. This cascading series of interacting proteins terminates in the proteolytic activation of the highly conserved Rim101/PacC protein, a transcription factor that mediates microbial responses that favor survival in neutral/alkaline pH growth conditions, including many mammalian tissues. We identified the putative Rim pathway proteins Rim101 and Rra1 in the human skin colonizing fungus Malassezia sympodialis. Gene deletion by transconjugation and homologous recombination revealed that Rim101 and Rra1 are required for M. sympodialis growth at higher pH. In addition, comparative transcriptional analysis of the mutant strains compared to wild-type suggested mechanisms for fungal adaptation to alkaline conditions. These pH-sensing signaling proteins are required for optimal growth in a murine model of atopic dermatitis, a pathological condition associated with increased skin pH. Together, these data elucidate both conserved and phylum-specific features of microbial adaptation to extracellular stresses.IMPORTANCEThe ability to adapt to host pH has been previously associated with microbial virulence in several pathogenic fungal species. Here we demonstrate that a fungal-specific alkaline response pathway is conserved in the human skin commensal fungus Malassezia sympodialis (Ms). This pathway is characterized by the pH-dependent activation of the Rim101/PacC transcription factor that controls cell surface adaptations to changing environmental conditions. By disrupting genes encoding two predicted components of this pathway, we demonstrated that the Rim/Pal pathway is conserved in this fungal species as a facilitator of alkaline pH growth. Moreover, targeted gene mutation and comparative transcriptional analysis support the role of the Ms Rra1 protein as a cell surface pH sensor conserved within the basidiomycete fungi, a group including plant and human pathogens. Using an animal model of atopic dermatitis, we demonstrate the importance of Ms Rim/Pal signaling in this common inflammatory condition characterized by increased skin pH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small GTPases of the Rab family coordinate multiple membrane fusion and trafficking events in eukaryotes. In fungi, the Rab GTPase, Ypt7, plays a critical role in late endosomal trafficking, and is required for homotypic fusion events in vacuole biogenesis and inheritance. In this study, we identified a putative YPT7 homologue in Cryptococcus neoformans, a fungal pathogen causing life threatening meningoencephalitis in immunocompromised individuals. As part of an ongoing effort to understand mechanisms of iron acquisition in C. neoformans, we established a role for Ypt7 in growth on heme as the sole iron source. Deletion of YPT7 also caused abnormal vacuolar morphology, defective endocytic trafficking and autophagy, and mislocalization of Aph1, a secreted vacuolar acid phosphatase. Ypt7 localized to the vacuolar membrane and membrane contact sites between the vacuole and mitochondria (vCLAMPs), and loss of the protein impaired growth on inhibitors of the electron transport chain. Additionally, Ypt7 was required for robust growth at 39°C, a phenotype likely involving the calcineurin signaling pathway because ypt7 mutants displayed increased susceptibility to the calcineurin-specific inhibitors, FK506 and cyclosporin A; the mutants also had impaired growth in either limiting or high levels of calcium. Finally, Ypt7 was required for survival during interactions with macrophages, and ypt7 mutants were attenuated for virulence in a mouse inhalation model thus demonstrating the importance of membrane trafficking functions in cryptococcosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing prevalence of invasive fungal pathogens is dramatically changing the clinical landscape of infectious diseases, posing an imminent threat to public health. Specifically, Cryptococcus neoformans, the human opportunistic pathogen, expresses elaborate virulence mechanisms and is equipped with sophisticated adaptation strategies to survive in harsh host environments. This study extensively characterizes Wos2, an Hsp90 co-chaperone homolog, featuring bilateral functioning for both cryptococcal adaptation and the resulting virulence response. In this study, we evaluated the proteome and secretome signatures associated with wos2 deletion in enriched and infection-mimicking conditions to reveal Wos2-dependent regulation of the oxidative stress response through global translational reprogramming. The wos2Δ strain demonstrates defective intracellular and extracellular antioxidant protection systems, measurable through a decreased abundance of critical antioxidant enzymes and reduced growth in the presence of peroxide stress. Additional Wos2-associated stress phenotypes were observed upon fungal challenge with heat shock, osmotic stress, and cell membrane stressors. We demonstrate the importance of Wos2 for intracellular lifestyle of C. neoformans during in vitro macrophage infection and provide evidence for reduced phagosomal replication levels associated with wos2Δ. Accordingly, wos2Δ featured significantly reduced virulence within impacting fungal burden in a murine model of cryptococcosis. Our study highlights a vulnerable point in the fungal chaperone network that offers a therapeutic opportunity to interfere with both fungal virulence and fitness.IMPORTANCEThe global impact of fungal pathogens, both emerging and emerged, is undeniable, and the alarming increase in antifungal resistance rates hampers our ability to protect the global population from deadly infections. For cryptococcal infections, a limited arsenal of antifungals and increasing rates of resistance demand alternative therapeutic strategies, including an anti-virulence approach, which disarms the pathogen of critical virulence factors, empowering the host to remove the pathogens and clear the infection. To this end, we apply state-of-the-art mass spectrometry-based proteomics to evaluate the impact of a recently defined novel co-chaperone, Wos2, toward cryptococcal virulence using in vitro and in vivo models of infection. We explore global proteome and secretome remodeling driven by the protein and uncover the novel role in modulating the fungal oxidative stress response. Complementation of proteome findings with in vitro infectivity assays demonstrated the protective role of Wos2 within the macrophage phagosome, influencing fungal replication and survival. These results underscore differential cryptococcal survivability and weakened patterns of dissemination in the absence of wos2. Overall, our study establishes Wos2 as an important contributor to fungal pathogenesis and warrants further research into critical proteins within global stress response networks as potential druggable targets to reduce fungal virulence and clear infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial functions are critical for the ability of the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans to cause disease. However, mechanistic connections between key functions such as the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) and virulence factor elaboration have yet to be thoroughly characterized. Here, we observed that inhibition of ETC complex III suppressed melanin formation, a major virulence factor. This inhibition was partially overcome by defects in Cir1 or HapX, two transcription factors that regulate iron acquisition and use. In this regard, loss of Cir1 derepresses the expression of laccase genes as a potential mechanism to restore melanin, while HapX may condition melanin formation by controlling oxidative stress. We hypothesize that ETC dysfunction alters redox homeostasis to influence melanin formation. Consistent with this idea, inhibition of growth by hydrogen peroxide was exacerbated in the presence of the melanin substrate L-DOPA. In addition, loss of the mitochondrial chaperone Mrj1, which influences the activity of ETC complex III and reduces ROS accumulation, also partially overcame antimycin A inhibition of melanin. The phenotypic impact of mitochondrial dysfunction was consistent with RNA-Seq analyses of WT cells treated with antimycin A or L-DOPA, or cells lacking Cir1 that revealed influences on transcripts encoding mitochondrial functions (e.g., ETC components and proteins for Fe-S cluster assembly). Overall, these findings reveal mitochondria-nuclear communication via ROS and iron regulators to control virulence factor production in C. neoformans.IMPORTANCEThere is a growing appreciation of the importance of mitochondrial functions and iron homeostasis in the ability of fungal pathogens to sense the vertebrate host environment and cause disease. Many mitochondrial functions such as heme and iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis, and the electron transport chain (ETC), are dependent on iron. Connections between factors that regulate iron homeostasis and mitochondrial activities are known in model yeasts and are emerging for fungal pathogens. In this study, we identified connections between iron regulatory transcription factors (e.g., Cir1 and HapX) and the activity of complex III of the ETC that influence the formation of melanin, a key virulence factor in the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. This fungus causes meningoencephalitis in immunocompromised people and is a major threat to the HIV/AIDS population. Thus, understanding how mitochondrial functions influence virulence may support new therapeutic approaches to combat diseases caused by C. neoformans and other fungi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMMARYSpores are primary infectious propagules for the majority of human fungal pathogens; however, relatively little is known about their fundamental biology. One strategy to address this deficiency has been to develop the basidiospores of Cryptococcus into a model for pathogenic spore biology. Here, we provide an update on the state of the field with a comprehensive review of the data generated from the study of Cryptococcus basidiospores from their formation (sporulation) and differentiation (germination) to their roles in pathogenesis. Importantly, we provide support for the presence of basidiospores in nature, define the key characteristics that distinguish basidiospores from yeast cells, and clarify their likely roles as infectious particles. This review is intended to demonstrate the importance of basidiospores in the field of Cryptococcus research and provide a solid foundation from which researchers who wish to study sexual spores in any fungal system can launch their studies.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Mitochondrial functions are critical for the ability of the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans to cause disease. However, mechanistic connections between key functions such as the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) and virulence factor elaboration have yet to be thoroughly characterized. Here, we observed that inhibition of ETC complex III suppressed melanin formation, a major virulence factor. This inhibition was partially blocked upon loss of Cir1 or HapX, two transcription factors that regulate iron acquisition and use. In this regard, loss of Cir1 derepresses the expression of laccase genes as a potential mechanism to restore melanin, while HapX may condition melanin formation by controlling oxidative stress. We hypothesize that ETC dysfunction alters redox homeostasis to influence melanin formation. Consistent with this idea, inhibition of growth by hydrogen peroxide was exacerbated in the presence of the melanin substrate L-DOPA. Additionally, loss of the mitochondrial chaperone Mrj1, which influences the activity of ETC complex III and reduces ROS accumulation, also partially blocked antimycin A inhibition of melanin. The phenotypic impact of mitochondrial dysfunction was consistent with RNA-Seq analyses of WT cells treated with antimycin A or L-DOPA, or cells lacking Cir1 that revealed influences on transcripts encoding mitochondrial functions (e.g., ETC components and proteins for Fe-S cluster assembly). Overall, these findings reveal mitochondria-nuclear communication via ROS and iron regulators to control virulence factor production in C. neoformans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Candida albicans is one of the most common causes of superficial and invasive fungal diseases in humans. Its ability to cause disease is closely linked to its ability to undergo a morphological transition from budding yeast to filamentous forms (hyphae and pseudohyphae). The extent to which C. albicans strains isolated from patients undergo filamentation varies significantly. In addition, the filamentation phenotypes of mutants involving transcription factors that positively regulate hyphal morphogenesis can also vary from strain to strain. Here, we characterized the virulence, in vitro and in vivo filamentation, and in vitro and in vivo hypha-associated gene expression profiles for four poorly filamenting C. albicans isolates and their corresponding deletion mutants of the repressor of filamentation NRG1. The two most virulent strains, 57055 and 78048, show robust in vivo filamentation but are predominately yeast phase under in vitro hypha induction; the two low-virulence strains (94015 and 78042) do not undergo filamentation well under either condition. In vitro, deletion of NRG1 increases hyphae formation in the SC5314 derivative SN250, but only pseudohyphae are formed in the clinical isolates. Deletion of NRG1 modestly increased the virulence of 78042, which was accompanied by increased expression of hypha-associated genes without an increase in filamentation. Strikingly, deletion of NRG1 in 78048 reduced filamentation in vivo, expression of candidalysin (ECE1), and virulence without dramatically altering establishment of infection. Thus, the function of the conserved repressor NRG1 in C. albicans shows strain-based heterogeneity during infection.IMPORTANCEClinical isolates of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans show significant variation in their ability to undergo in vitro filamentation and in the function of well-characterized transcriptional regulators of filamentation. Here, we show that Nrg1, a key repressor of filamentation and filament specific gene expression in standard reference strains, has strain-dependent functions, particularly during infection. Most strikingly, loss of NRG1 function can reduce filamentation, hypha-specific gene expression such as the toxin candidalysin, and virulence in some strains. Our data emphasize that the functions of seemingly fundamental and well-conserved transcriptional regulators such as Nrg1 are contextual with respect to both environment and genetic backgrounds.





