fungal parasite

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pucciniales (rust fungi) are one of the largest fungal order of plant pathogens. They collectively infect key crops such as wheat and soybean, and threaten global food security. In the early 2010s, the genome sequences of three rust fungi were released: Melampsora larici-populina (the poplar leaf rust fungus), Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (the wheat stem rust fungus), and Puccinia striiformis f. sp. triciti (the wheat stripe rust or wheat yellow rust fungus). The availability of those genomes has forwarded rust biology into the post-genomic era, sparking a series of genomics, transcriptomics, in silico, and functional studies. Here, we snapshot the last 10 years of post-genomics studies addressing M. larici-populina, P. graminis f. sp. tritici, and/or P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. This mini-review notably reveals the model species-centered structure of the research community, and highlights the drastic increase of the number of functional studies focused on effectors since 2014, which notably revealed chloroplasts as a central host compartment targeted by rust fungi. This mini-review also discusses genomics-facilitated studies in other rust species, and emerging post-genomic research trends related to fully-phased rust genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal entomopathogens are largely facultative parasites and play an important role in controlling the density of insect populations in nature. A few species of these fungi have been used for biocontrol of insect pests. The pattern of the entomopathogen competition for insect individuals is still elusive. Here, we report the empirical competition for hosts or niches between the inter- and intra-species of the entomopathogens Metarhizium robertsii and Beauveria bassiana. It was found that the synergistic effect of coinfection on virulence increase was not evident, and the insects were largely killed and mycosed by M. robertsii independent of its initial co-inoculation dosage and infection order. For example, >90% dead insects were mycosed by M. robertsii even after immersion in a spore suspension with a mixture ratio of 9:1 for B. bassiana versus M. robertsii. The results thus support the pattern of competitive exclusion between insect pathogenic fungi that occurred from outside to inside the insect hosts. Even being inferior to compete for insects, B. bassiana could outcompete M. robertsii during co-culturing in liquid medium. It was also found that the one-sided mycosis of insects occurred during coinfection with different genotypic strains of either fungi. However, parasexual recombination was evident to take place between the compatible strains after coinfection. The data of this study can help explain the phenomena of the exclusive mycosis of insect individuals, but co-occurrence of entomopathogens in the fields, and suggest that the synergistic effect is questionable regarding the mixed use of fungal parasites for insect pest control.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attempted infections of plants with fungi result in diverse outcomes ranging from symptom-less resistance to severe disease and even death of infected plants. The deleterious effect on crop yield have led to intense focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that explain the difference between resistance and susceptibility. This research has uncovered plant resistance or susceptibility genes that explain either dominant or recessive inheritance of plant resistance with many of them coding for receptors that recognize pathogen invasion. Approaches based on cell biology and phytochemistry have contributed to identifying factors that halt an invading fungal pathogen from further invasion into or between plant cells. Plant chemical defence compounds, antifungal proteins and structural reinforcement of cell walls appear to slow down fungal growth or even prevent fungal penetration in resistant plants. Additionally, the hypersensitive response, in which a few cells undergo a strong local immune reaction, including programmed cell death at the site of infection, stops in particular biotrophic fungi from spreading into surrounding tissue. In this review, we give a general overview of plant recognition and defence of fungal parasites tracing back to the early 20th century with a special focus on Triticeae and on the progress that was made in the last 30 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The introduction of non-native animals occasionally results in the co-introduction of their microbial symbionts or parasites. The trade of exotic pets and zoo animals has inadvertently introduced several parasitic species to countries where they are non-native. Both the presence of suitable native hosts and opportunity for dispersal determine whether these non-native species become naturalized. During our studies dealing with species of Herpomyces (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniomycetes), fungi that are exclusively ectoparasitic on cockroaches (Hexapoda, Blattodea), we make use of artificial colonies. Most of our specimens originate from pet stores and laboratory populations. Although they were originally intended for transmission studies, we discovered that some cockroaches from artificial colonies carried fruiting bodies of Herpomyces. We screened a total 292 cockroaches from 11 populations that we maintained after purchase. Sources were different pet stores, a toxicological laboratory, and a biological supply company. In eight populations, we found at least some Herpomyces-infected cockroaches. Parasite prevalence varied between 8.77% and 86.33%. Host associations were Blatta orientalis with Herpomyces stylopygae, Blattella germanica with H. ectobiae, Periplaneta americana with H. periplanetae, Phoetalia pallida with H. leurolestis, and Shelfordella lateralis with an undescribed species of Herpomyces. Apart from the new reports, host associations, and consequences for taxonomy (a new species based on morphological and molecular characters), we started to think about the geographic distributions of these fungi and how we, humans, shape them through spreading hosts and through international pet trade. We reviewed the currently known records of Herpomyces-associated cockroaches and host-parasite relationships. Based on the available data, on a global scale, at least half of the currently known species of Herpomyces are spread by globally invasive host species and through international pet trade. This indicates that the distribution and host range of these obscure and often unnoticed fungi are affected by human activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myrmicinosporidium durum is an enigmatic fungal parasite of ants with an unclear phylogeny and life cycle. Despite the fact that new records of this fungus have been revealed in the last few years; several countries from Eastern Europe still lack such information. With this study, we reveal the most northerly location of this fungus to date and its first record in Poland a contribution to filling the gaps in data about its European distribution. Additionally, we present an updated compilation of the world distribution of M. durum and its host ant species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungus-growing ants (Attini) have evolved an obligate dependency upon a basidiomycete fungus that they cultivate as their food. Less well known is that the crop fungus is also used by many attine species to cover their eggs, larvae and pupae. The adaptive functional significance of this brood covering is poorly understood. One hypothesis to account for this behaviour is that it is part of the pathogen protection portfolio when many thousands of sister workers live in close proximity and larvae and pupae are not protected by cells, as in bees and wasps, and are immobile. We performed behavioural observations on brood covering in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior, and we experimentally manipulated mycelial cover on pupae and exposed them to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum to test for a role in pathogen resistance. Our results show that active mycelial brood covering by workers is a behaviourally plastic trait that varies temporally, and across life stages and castes. The presence of a fungal cover on the pupae reduced the rate at which conidia appeared and the percentage of pupal surface that produced pathogen spores, compared to pupae that had fungal cover experimentally removed or naturally had no mycelial cover. Infected pupae with mycelium had higher survival rates than infected pupae without the cover, although this depended upon the time at which adult sister workers were allowed to interact with pupae. Finally, workers employed higher rates of metapleural gland grooming to infected pupae without mycelium than to infected pupae with mycelium. Our results imply that mycelial brood covering may play a significant role in suppressing the growth and subsequent spread of disease, thus adding a novel layer of protection to their defence portfolio.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species of Cosmospora are parasites of other fungi (mycoparasites), including species belonging to the Xylariales. Based on prior taxonomic work, these fungi were determined to be highly host specific. We suspected that the association of Cosmospora and their hosts could not be a result of random chance, and tested the cospeciation of Cosmospora and the their hosts with contemporary methods (e.g., ParaFit, PACo, and Jane). The cophylogeny of Cosmospora and their hosts was found to be congruent, but only host-parasite links in more recent evolutionary lineages of the host were determined as coevolutionary. Reconciliation reconstructions determined at least five host-switch events early in the evolution of Cosmospora. Additionally, the rates of evolution between Cosmospora and their hosts were unequal. This pattern is more likely to be explained by pseudocospeciation (i.e., host switches followed by cospeciation), which also produces congruent cophylogenies.





