fruit fly

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fruit flies attack numerous crops, including cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme). The potential presence of the immature stages of fruit fly species inside tomatoes during export hinders their international market access. Therefore, phytosanitary treatment must be performed before export to prevent fruit fly species from entering countries where they are not naturally found. We developed a phytosanitary cold disinfestation treatment protocol to eliminate oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel), melon fly (Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett), and pumpkin fruit fly (Zeugodacus tau Walker) concealed inside cherry tomatoes without causing critical damage to the fruit. We determined that the third instar of Z. cucurbitae exhibited the highest cold tolerance among the various development stages of the three fruit fly species. Thus, we performed a small-scale disinfestation test on Z. cucurbitae in two cultivars of tomato. We achieved complete disinfestation after 15 days of cold treatment at 1°C-1.5°C. The confirmatory test revealed the elimination of more than 80,000 treated third instar of Z. cucurbitae in each tomato variety. The developed phytosanitary cold treatment allows the tomatoes to retain their commercial value. This study provides a standard phytosanitary cold treatment protocol for cherry tomatoes, ensuring the disinfestation of fruit flies before their export to international markets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ozone (O3), a persistent pollutant, poses a significant health threat. However, research on its multigenerational toxicity remains limited. Leveraging the Drosophila model with its short lifespan and advanced genetic tools, we explored the effects of O3 exposure across three generations of fruit flies. The findings revealed that O3 disrupted motility, body weight, stress resistance, and oxidative stress in three generations of flies, with varying effects observed among them. Transcriptome analysis highlighted the disruption of glucose metabolism-related pathways, encompassing gluconeogenesis/glycolysis, galactose metabolism, and carbon metabolism. Hub genes were identified, and RT-qPCR results indicated that O3 decreased their transcription levels. Comparative analysis of their human orthologs was conducted using Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) and DisGeNET databases. These genes are linked to various metabolic diseases, including diabetes, hypoglycemia, and obesity. The trehalose content was reduced in F0 generation flies but increased in F1-F2 generations after O3 exposure. While the trehalase and glucose levels were decreased across F0-F2 generations. TAG synthesis-related genes were significantly upregulated in F0 generation flies but downregulated in F1-F2 generations. The expression patterns of lipolysis-related genes varied among the three generations of flies. Food intake was increased in F0 generation flies but decreased in F1-F2 generations. Moreover, TAG content was significantly elevated in F0 generation flies by O3 exposure, while it was reduced in F2 generation flies. These differential effects of O3 across three generations of flies suggest a metabolic reprogramming aimed at mitigating the damage caused by O3 to flies. The study affirms the viability of employing the Drosophila model to investigate the mechanisms underlying O3-induced glucose and lipid metabolism disorders while emphasizing the importance of studying the long-term health effects of O3 exposure. Moreover, this research highlights the Drosophila model as a viable tool for investigating the multigenerational effects of pollutants, particularly atmospheric pollutants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is a significant economic and quarantine pest due to its polyphagous nature. The accurate identification of B. dorsalis is challenging at the egg, maggot, and pupal stages, due to lack of distinct morphological characters and its similarity to other fruit flies. Adult identification requires specialized taxonomist. Existing identification methods are laborious, time consuming, and expensive. Rapid and precise identification is crucial for timely management. By analyzing the variations in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase-1 gene sequence (Insect barcoding gene), we developed a species-specific primer (SSP), DorFP1/DorRP1, for accurate identification of B. dorsalis. The optimal annealing temperature for the SSP was determined to be 66°C, with no cross-amplification or primer-dimer formation observed. The SSP was validated with B. dorsalis specimens from various locations in northern and eastern India and tested for cross-specificity with six other economically significant fruit fly species in India. The primer specificity was further confirmed by the analysis of critical threshold (Ct) value from a qPCR assay. Sensitivity analysis showed the primer could detect template DNA concentrations as low as 1 pg/µl, though sensitivity decreased at lower concentrations. Sequencing of the SSP-amplified product revealed over >99% similarity with existing B. dorsalis sequences in the NCBI GenBank. The developed SSP reliably identifies B. dorsalis across all developmental stages and sexes. This assay is expected to significantly impact pest identification, phytosanitary measures, and eradication programs for B. dorsalis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arbovirus West Nile virus (WNV) is a danger to global health. Spread primarily by mosquitoes, WNV causes about 2000 cases per year in the United States. The natural mosquito immune response controls viral replication so that the host survives but can still transmit the virus. Using the genetically malleable Drosophila melanogaster model, we previously dissected innate immune pathways used to control WNV infection. Specifically, we showed that insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) activates a JAK/STAT-mediated immune response that reduces WNV. However, how factors that regulate IIS in insects control infection has not been identified. D. melanogaster Limostatin (Lst) encodes a peptide hormone that suppresses insulin secretion. Its mammalian ortholog, Neuromedin U (NMU), is a peptide that regulates the production and secretion of insulin from pancreatic beta cells. In this study, we used D. melanogaster and human cell culture models to investigate the roles of these insulin regulators in immune signaling. We found that D. melanogaster Lst mutants, which have elevated insulin-like peptide expression, are less susceptible to WNV infection. Increased levels of insulin-like peptides in these flies result in upregulated JAK/STAT activity, leading to protection from infection. Treatment of human cells with the insulin regulator NMU results in increased WNV replication. Further investigation of methods to target Lst in mosquitoes or NMU in mammals can improve vector control methods and may lead to improved therapeutics for human and animal infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last few decades, the study of congenital heart disease (CHD) has benefited from various model systems and the development of molecular biological techniques enabling the analysis of single gene as well as global effects. In this chapter, we first describe different models including CHD patients and their families, animal models ranging from invertebrates to mammals, and various cell culture systems. Moreover, techniques to experimentally manipulate these models are discussed. Second, we introduce cardiac phenotyping technologies comprising the analysis of mouse and cell culture models, live imaging of cardiogenesis, and histological methods for fixed hearts. Finally, the most important and latest molecular biotechniques are described. These include genotyping technologies, different applications of next-generation sequencing, and the analysis of transcriptome, epigenome, proteome, and metabolome. In summary, the models and technologies presented in this chapter are essential to study the function and development of the heart and to understand the molecular pathways underlying CHD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The amount of dietary sugars and the administration of lithium both impact the lifespan of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. It is noteworthy that lithium is attributed with insulin-like activity as it stimulates protein kinase B/Akt and suppresses the activity of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3). However, its interaction with dietary sugar has largely remained unexplored. Therefore, we investigated the effects of lithium supplementation on known lithium-sensitive parameters in fruit flies, such as lifespan, body composition, GSK-3 phosphorylation, and the transcriptome, while varying the dietary sugar concentration. For all these parameters, we observed that the efficacy of lithium was significantly influenced by the sucrose content in the diet. Overall, we found that lithium was most effective in enhancing longevity and altering body composition when added to a low-sucrose diet. Whole-body RNA sequencing revealed a remarkably similar transcriptional response when either increasing dietary sucrose from 1% to 10% or adding 1 mM LiCl to a 1% sucrose diet, characterized by a substantial overlap of nearly 500 differentially expressed genes. Hence, dietary sugar supply is suggested as a key factor in understanding lithium bioactivity, which could hold relevance for its therapeutic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Drosophila melanogaster flies are smooth, low upkeep and safe model organisms, they can be effortlessly used in different fields of life sciences like genomics, biotechnology, genetics, disease model, and Wolbachia-based approaches to fight vectors and the pathogens they transmit.
    UNASSIGNED: Fruit fly specimens were collected in 25 districts (14 provinces) of Iran and their morphological recognition was proven by molecular analysis based on sequence homology of mitochondrial COI barcode region. Essential information and specific requirements were provided for laboratory rearing of D. melanogaster.
    UNASSIGNED: Drosophila melanogaster colonies were found in 23 out of 25 districts. Also, five related species coincident with D. melanogaster were reported in this study including D. ananassae/D. parapallidosa, D. hydei, D. repleta, Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae), and Megaselia scalaris (Diptera: Phoridae). The Iranian D. melanogaster molecular signature and their rearing techniques have been described here. The complete life cycle, from (egg to adult), takes approximately 8 days at 25 °C. Some biological points have been presented with highlighting capturing, rearing, culturing, and embryo collection along with primitive recognition and segregation between females and males have been presented. A recipe for culture media and the quantity of various ingredients have been provided.
    UNASSIGNED: This is the first report on the D. repleta and D. ananassae/D. parapallidosa species for the country. Results of this study provide efficient and effective rearing procedures which are requirement for both small-scale for facilitating entomological research and large-scale use in justifiable vector control management such as disease model or Dengue control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: Microbiomes influence the physiology and behavior of multicellular organisms and contribute to their adaptation to changing environmental conditions. However, yeast and bacterial microbiota have usually been studied separately; therefore, the interaction between bacterial and yeast communities in the gut of Drosophila melanogaster (D. melanogaster) is often overlooked. In this study, we investigate the correlation between bacterial and yeast communities in the gut of D. melanogaster. Methods: We studied the shifts in the joint microbiome of Drosophila melanogaster, encompassing both yeasts and bacteria, during adaptation to substrate with varying salt concentrations (0%, 2%, 4%, and 7%) using plating for both yeasts and bacteria and NGS-sequencing of variable 16S rRNA gene regions for bacteria. Results: The microbiome of flies and their substrates was gradually altered at moderate NaCl concentrations (2% and 4% compared with the 0% control) and completely transformed at high salt concentrations (7%). The relative abundance of Acetobacter, potentially beneficial to D. melanogaster, decreased as NaCl concentration increased, whereas the relative abundance of the more halotolerant lactobacilli first increased, peaking at 4% NaCl, and then declined dramatically at 7%. At this salinity level, potentially pathogenic bacteria of the genera Leuconostoc and Providencia were dominant. The yeast microbiome of D. melanogaster also undergoes significant changes with an increase in salt concentration in the substrate. The total yeast abundance undergoes nonlinear changes: it is lowest at 0% salt concentration and highest at 2%-4%. At a 7% concentration, the yeast abundance in flies and their substrate is lower than at 2%-4% but significantly higher than at 0%. Conclusions: The abundance and diversity of bacteria that are potentially beneficial to the flies decreased, while the proportion of potential pathogens, Leuconostoc and Providencia, increased with an increase in salt concentration in the substrate. In samples with a relatively high abundance and/or diversity of yeasts, the corresponding indicators for bacteria were often lowered, and vice versa. This may be due to the greater halotolerance of yeasts compared to bacteria and may also indicate antagonism between these groups of microorganisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Koinobiont endoparasitoids regulate the physiology of their hosts through altering host immuno-metabolic responses, processes which function in tandem to shape the composition of the microbiota of these hosts. Here, we employed 16S rRNA and ITS amplicon sequencing to investigate whether parasitization by the parasitoid wasps, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmaed) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Psyttalia cosyrae (Wilkinson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), induces gut dysbiosis and differentially alter the gut microbial (bacteria and fungi) communities of an important horticultural pest, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). We further investigated the composition of bacterial communities of adult D. longicaudata and P. cosyrae to ascertain whether the adult parasitoids and parasitized host larvae share microbial taxa through transmission. We demonstrated that parasitism by D. longicaudata induced significant gut perturbations, resulting in the colonization and increased relative abundance of pathogenic gut bacteria. Some pathogenic bacteria like Stenotrophomonas and Morganella were detected in both the guts of D. longicaudata-parasitized B. dorsalis larvae and adult D. longicaudata wasps, suggesting a horizontal transfer of microbes from the parasitoid to the host. The bacterial community of P. cosyrae adult wasps was dominated by Arsenophonus nasoniae, whereas that of D. longicaudata adults was dominated by Paucibater spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Parasitization by either parasitoid wasp was associated with an overall reduction in fungal diversity and evenness. These findings indicate that unlike P. cosyrae which is avirulent to B. dorsalis, parasitization by D. longicaudata induces shifts in the gut bacteriome of B. dorsalis larvae to a pathobiont-dominated community. This mechanism possibly enhances its virulence against the pest, further supporting its candidacy as an effective biocontrol agent of this frugivorous tephritid fruit fly pest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is commonly characterized by a decline in the physiological functioning of the body organs, with one hallmark being the impairment of intestinal function, leading to increased intestinal permeability known as leaky gut. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of curcumin to prevent the development of leaky gut in Drosophila melanogaster utilizing the smurf fly method. In this study, flies aged 3-5 days underwent a 10-day dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) treatment to induce intestinal permeability, followed by a smurf assay using brilliant blue dye and locomotor testing the next day. Flies displaying the smurf phenotype were divided into four groups: untreated control and curcumin-treated (10 μM, 50 μM, and 250 μM). After 21 days of treatment, flies were reassessed for the smurf phenotype and underwent locomotor testing. On day 23, flies were subjected to RT-qPCR analysis. By inducing increased intestinal permeability through the administration of DSS, a higher proportion of flies exhibiting the smurf phenotype and a reduced survival rate in the DSS-treated group were observed. Such phenotypes were reversed, decreased number of flies displaying the smurf phenotype and improved fly survival, upon the incorporation of curcumin in the fly food at concentrations of 10, 50, and 250 μM. Subsequent molecular analysis revealed upregulated expression of sod1, cat, and pepck genes, while no significant changes were observed in the expression of sod2, indy, and srl genes following treatment with curcumin at high concentration. Overall, our findings provide insight into the potential effect of curcumin to alleviate the phenotypical features associated with DSS-induced leaky gut, possibly via the selective regulation of aging-related genes.





