frontal lobe

  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large body of evidence implies the involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). A deficiency of BDNF in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of BTBR mice (a model of autism) has been noted in a number of studies. Earlier, we showed that induction of BDNF overexpression in the hippocampus of BTBR mice reduced anxiety and severity of stereotyped behavior, but did not affect social interest. Here, we induced BDNF overexpression in the frontal cortex neurons of BTBR mice using an adeno-associated viral vector, which resulted in a significant increase in the social interest in the three-chamber social test. At the same time, the stereotypy, exploratory behavior, anxiety-like behavior, and novel object recognition were not affected. Therefore, we have shown for the first time that the presence of BDNF in the frontal cortex is critical for the expression of social interest in BTBR mice, since compensation for its deficiency in this structure eliminated the autism-like deficiencies in the social behavior characteristic for these animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth is associated with brain injury and long-term behavioral abnormalities, for which there are limited prevention options. When born preterm, infants prematurely lose placental neurosteroid (allopregnanolone) support. This increases the risk of excitotoxic damage to the brain, which increases the risk of injury, causing long-term deficits in behavior, myelination, and alterations to neurotransmitter pathways. We propose that postnatal restoration of neurosteroid action through zuranolone therapy will reduce neurological impairments following preterm birth.
    METHODS: Guinea pig dams underwent survival cesarean section surgery to deliver pups prematurely (GA64) or at term (GA69). Between birth and term equivalence age, preterm pups received vehicle (15% β-cyclodextrin) or the allopregnanolone analogue zuranolone (1 mg/kg/day). Behavioral analysis was performed at postnatal day (PND) 7 and 40, before tissue collection at PND 42. Immunostaining for myelin basic protein (MBP), as well as real-time polymerase chain reaction to characterize oligodendrocyte lineage and neurotransmitter pathways, was performed in frontal cortex tissues.
    RESULTS: Zuranolone treatment prevented the hyperactive phenotype in preterm-born offspring, most markedly in males. Additionally, preterm-related reductions in MBP were ameliorated. Several preterm-related alterations in mRNA expression of dopaminergic, glutamatergic, and GABAergic pathways were also restored back to that of a term control level.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to assess zuranolone treatment as a neuroprotective therapy following preterm birth. Zuranolone treatment improved behavioral outcomes and structural changes in the preterm offspring, which continued long term until at least a late childhood timepoint. Clinical studies are warranted for further exploring the neuroprotective possibilities of this treatment following preterm birth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have been substantial. We investigated the effectiveness of an online meeting in which normal older adults (otokai) used a music-generative AI that transforms text to music (Music Trinity Generative Algorithm-Human Refined [MusicTGA-HR]).
    METHODS: One hundred eighteen community-dwelling, cognitively normal older adults were recruited through the internet (64 men, 54 women; mean age: 69.4 ± 4.4 years). Using MusicTGA-HR, the participants chose music that they thought was the most suitable to a given theme. We established 11 classes of 7-10 members and one instructor each. Each class held an online meeting once a week, and each participant presented the music they chose. The other participants and the instructor then commented on the music. Neuropsychological assessments were performed before and after the intervention for 6 months, and the results before and after the intervention were statistically analyzed.
    RESULTS: The category and letter word fluencies (WFs) were significantly improved (category WF: p = .003; letter WF: p = .036), and the time of the Trail-Making Test-B was also significantly shortened (p = .039). The Brain Assessment, an online cognitive test we developed, showed significant improvement in the memory of numbers (p < .001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The online meeting of the otokai, which used music-generative AI, improved the frontal lobe function and memory of independent normal older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malformation of cortical development is an important cause of drug-resistant epilepsy in young children. Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia in epilepsy (MOGHE) has been added to the last focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) classification and commonly involves the frontal lobe. The semiology at the onset of epilepsy is dominated by non-lateralizing infantile spasm; the boundaries of the malformation are usually difficult to determine by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), and electroencephalography (EEG) findings are often widespread. Therefore, the traditional concept and strategy of preoperative evaluation to determine the extent of the epileptogenic zone by comprehensive anatomo-electro-clinical methods are difficult to implement. Frontal disconnection is an effective surgical method for the treatment of epilepsy, but there are few related reports. A total of 8 children with histo-pathologically confirmed MOGHE were retrospectively studied. MOGHE was located in the frontal lobe in all patients, and frontal disconnection was performed. The periinsular approach was used in the disconnective procedures, divided into several surgical steps: the partial inferior frontal gyrus resection, the frontobasal and intrafrontal disconnection, and the anterior corpus callosotomy. One patient presented with a short-term postoperative speech disorder, while another patient exhibited transient postoperative limb weakness. No long-term postoperative complications were observed. At 2 years after surgery, 75% of patients were seizure-free, with cognitive improvement in half of them. This finding suggested that frontal disconnection is an effective and safe surgical procedure for the treatment of MOGHE instead of extensive resection in the frontal lobe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive impairments affect functional capacity in individuals with schizophrenia (SZH), but their neural basis remains unclear. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), and the Stroop Task (SCWT), are paradigmatic tests which have been used extensively for examining executive function in SZH. However, few studies have explored how deficits on these tasks link to brain volume differences commonly seen in SZH. Here, for the first time, we tested associations between FreeSurfer-derived frontal brain volumes and performance on both WCST and SCWT, in a well-matched sample of 57 SZH and 32 control subjects. We also explored whether these associations were dissociable from links to symptom severity in SZH. Results revealed correlations between volumes and task performance which were unique to SZH. In SZH only, volumes of right middle frontal regions correlated with both WCST and Stroop performance: correlation coefficients were significantly different to those present in the control group, highlighting their specificity to the patient group. In the Stroop task, superior frontal regions also showed associations with Stroop interference scores which were unique to SZH. These findings provide important detail around how deficits on these two paradigmatic executive function tasks link to brain structural differences in SZH. Results align with converging evidence suggesting that neuropathology within right middle frontal regions (BA9 and BA46) might be of particular import in SZH. No volumetric associations with symptom severity were found, supporting the notion that the structural abnormalities underpinning cognitive deficits in SZH differ from those associated with symptomatology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engaging in dialog requires interlocutors to coordinate sending and receiving linguistic signals to build a discourse based upon interpretations and perceptions interconnected with a range of emotions. Conversing in a foreign language may induce emotions such as anxiety which influence the quality communication. The neural processes underpinning these interactions are crucial to understanding foreign language anxiety (FLA). Electroencephalography (EEG) studies reveal that anxiety is often displayed via hemispheric frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA). To examine the neural mechanisms underlying FLA, we collected self-reported data on the listening and speaking sections of the Second language skill specific anxiety scale (L2AS) over behavioral, cognitive, and somatic domains and recorded EEG signals during participation in word chain turn-taking activities in first (L1, Chinese) and second (L2, English) languages. Regression analysis showed FAA for the L2 condition was a significant predictor primarily of the behavioral and somatic domains on the L2AS speaking section. The results are discussed along with implications for improving communication during L2 interactions.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    We encountered a case involving a brain abscess in the right frontal lobe of a 12-year-old girl who was diagnosed with a chief complaint of headache and nausea. Left maxillary sinusitis, a dental infection related to dental caries and apical periodontitis, was observed in the left maxillary first molar in addition to left frontal sinusitis also being present. In addition to administering antibacterial agents, extraction of the left maxillary first molar and drainage of the paranasal sinuses and brain abscess were performed. Follow-up over the course of 1 year and 5 months indicated that the patient had progressed without any sequelae; therefore, the prognosis was good. In this case, although bone destruction was observed in the posterior wall of the frontal sinus, which could be a route for bacteria to enter the skull, we considered the possibility of direct invasion from the same site to be low because the brain abscess occurred on the opposite side. We believe that a route for hematogenous invasion from apical periodontitis, in addition to sinusitis, is also possible. Regardless of the route, the outset was an infection in the dental field; therefore, this case reaffirmed the importance of dental cavity treatment in childhood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurobiological models of receptive language have focused on the left-hemisphere perisylvian cortex with the assumption that the cerebellum supports peri-linguistic cognitive processes such as verbal working memory. The goal of this study was to identify language-sensitive regions of the cerebellum then map the structural connectivity profile of these regions. Functional imaging data and diffusion-weighted imaging data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) were analyzed. We found that (a) working memory, motor activity, and language comprehension activated partially overlapping but mostly unique subregions of the cerebellum; (b) the linguistic portion of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical circuit was more extensive than the linguistic portion of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar tract; (c) there was a frontal-lobe bias in the connectivity from the cerebellum to the cerebrum; (d) there was some degree of specificity; and (e) for some cerebellar tracts, individual differences in picture identification ability covaried with fractional anisotropy metrics. These findings yield insights into the structural connectivity of the cerebellum as relates to the uniquely human process of language comprehension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is a high-risk population in the preclinical stage of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), and olfactory dysfunction is a risk factor for dementia progression. The present study aimed to explore the patterns of functional connectivity (FC) changes in the olfactory neural circuits during olfactory stimulation in SCD subjects. A total of 56 SCD subjects and 56 normal controls (NCs) were included. All subjects were assessed with a cognitive scale, an olfactory behavior test, and olfactory task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning. The FC differences in olfactory neural circuits between the two groups were analyzed by the generalized psychophysiological interaction. Additionally, we calculated and compared the activation of brain regions within the olfactory neural circuits during odor stimulation, the volumetric differences in brain regions showing FC differences between groups, and the correlations between neuroimaging indicators and olfactory behavioral and cognitive scale scores. During odor stimulation, the FC between the bilateral primary olfactory cortex (bPOC) and the right hippocampus in the SCD group was significantly reduced; while the FC between the right hippocampus and the right frontal cortex was significantly increased in the SCD group. The bPOC of all subjects showed significant activation, but no significant difference in activation between groups was found. No significant differences were observed in the volume of the brain regions within the olfactory neural circuits or in olfactory behavior between groups. The volume of the bPOC and right frontal cortex was significantly positively correlated with olfactory identification, and the volume of the right frontal cortex and right hippocampus was significantly correlated with cognitive functions. Furthermore, a significant correlation between the activation of bPOC and the olfactory threshold was found in the whole cohort. These results suggested that while the structure of the olfactory neural circuits and olfactory behavior in SCD subjects remained stable, there were significant changes observed in the FC of the olfactory neural circuits (specifically, the POC-hippocampus-frontal cortex neural circuits) during odor stimulation. These findings highlight the potential of FC alterations as sensitive imaging markers for identifying high-risk individuals in the early stage of AD.





