frequency tuning

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The search for novel materials with enhanced characteristics for the advancement of flexible electronic devices and energy harvesting devices is currently a significant concern. Multiferroics are a prominent example of energy conversion materials. The magnetoelectric conversion in a flexible composite based on a piezopolymer layer and a magnetic elastomer layer was investigated. The study focused on investigating the dynamic magnetoelectric effect in various configurations of external alternating and constant homogeneous magnetic fields (L-T and T-T configurations). The T-T geometry exhibited a two orders of magnitude higher coefficient of the magnetoelectric effect compared to the L-T geometry. Mechanisms of structure bending in both geometries were proposed and discussed. A theory was put forward to explain the change in the resonance frequency in a uniform external field. A giant value of frequency tuning in a magnetic field of up to 362% was demonstrated; one of the highest values of the magnetoelectric effect yet recorded in polymer multiferroics was observed, reaching up to 134.3 V/(Oe∙cm).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    下丘(IC),中脑听觉整合中枢,分析有关社交发声的信息,并为声音信号的更高级别的处理提供基础。我们使用多通道记录来表征和定位对雌性和雄性小鼠IC中社交发声和合成刺激的反应,氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉和非麻醉。我们将对超声波发声(USV)的响应与鼠标曲目中的其他发声以及对频率调谐的相关发声响应进行了比较,IC细分,和性爱。响应较低的频率,宽带社交发声在IC中很普遍,很好地代表了整个色调轴,跨越细分,和两性。对USV的反应更为有限。尽管我们观察到不同性别和细分的音调和声音反应存在一些差异,按性别和细分的声音反应表示基本相同。对于大多数单位来说,只有当频率响应区域与声音信号的频谱重叠时,才会发生对声音信号的响应。由于调谐到包含在最高频率USV中的频率是有限的( The inferior colliculus (IC), the midbrain auditory integration center, analyzes information about social vocalizations and provides substrates for higher level processing of vocal signals. We used multichannel recordings to characterize and localize responses to social vocalizations and synthetic stimuli within the IC of female and male mice, both urethane anesthetized and unanesthetized. We compared responses to ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) with other vocalizations in the mouse repertoire and related vocal responses to frequency tuning, IC subdivisions, and sex. Responses to lower frequency, broadband social vocalizations were widespread in IC, well represented throughout the tonotopic axis, across subdivisions, and in both sexes. Responses to USVs were much more limited. Although we observed some differences in tonal and vocal responses by sex and subdivision, representations of vocal responses by sex and subdivision were largely the same. For most units, responses to vocal signals occurred only when frequency response areas overlapped with spectra of the vocal signals. Since tuning to frequencies contained within the highest frequency USVs is limited (<15% of IC units), responses to these vocalizations are correspondingly limited (<5% of sound-responsive units). These results highlight a paradox of USV processing in some rodents: although USVs are the most abundant social vocalization, their representation and the representation of corresponding frequencies are less than lower frequency social vocalizations. We interpret this paradox in light of observations suggesting that USVs with lower frequency elements (<50 kHz) are associated with increased emotional intensity and engage a larger population of neurons in the mouse auditory system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data from non-human primates can help extend observations from non-primate species to humans. Here we report measurements on the auditory nerve of macaque monkeys in the context of a controversial topic important to human hearing. A range of techniques have been used to examine the claim, which is not generally accepted, that human frequency tuning is sharper than traditionally thought, and sharper than in commonly used animal models. Data from single auditory-nerve fibers occupy a pivotal position to examine this claim, but are not available for humans. A previous study reported sharper tuning in auditory-nerve fibers of macaque relative to the cat. A limitation of these and other single-fiber data is that frequency selectivity was measured with tonal threshold-tuning curves, which do not directly assess spectral filtering and whose shape is sharpened by cochlear nonlinearity. Our aim was to measure spectral filtering with wideband suprathreshold stimuli in the macaque auditory nerve. We obtained responses of single nerve fibers of anesthetized macaque monkeys and cats to a suprathreshold, wideband, multicomponent stimulus designed to allow characterization of spectral filtering at any cochlear locus. Quantitatively the differences between the two species are smaller than in previous studies, but consistent with these studies the filters obtained show a trend of sharper tuning in macaque, relative to the cat, for fibers in the basal half of the cochlea. We also examined differences in group delay measured on the phase data near the characteristic frequency versus in the low-frequency tail. The phase data are consistent with the interpretation of sharper frequency tuning in monkey in the basal half of the cochlea. We conclude that use of suprathreshold, wide-band stimuli supports the interpretation of sharper frequency selectivity in macaque nerve fibers relative to the cat, although the difference is less marked than apparent from the assessment with tonal threshold-based data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insufficient sleep is commonplace in modern lifestyle and can lead to grave outcomes, yet the changes in neuronal activity accumulating over hours of extended wakefulness remain poorly understood. Specifically, which aspects of cortical processing are affected by sleep deprivation (SD), and whether they also affect early sensory regions, remain unclear. Here, we recorded spiking activity in the rat auditory cortex along with polysomnography while presenting sounds during SD followed by recovery sleep. We found that frequency tuning, onset responses, and spontaneous firing rates were largely unaffected by SD. By contrast, SD decreased entrainment to rapid (≥20 Hz) click trains, increased population synchrony, and increased the prevalence of sleep-like stimulus-induced silent periods, even when ongoing activity was similar. Recovery NREM sleep was associated with similar effects as SD with even greater magnitude, while auditory processing during REM sleep was similar to vigilant wakefulness. Our results show that processes akin to those in NREM sleep invade the activity of cortical circuits during SD, even in the early sensory cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antidepressants, while effective in treating depression and anxiety disorders, also induce deficits in sensory (particularly auditory) processing, which in turn may exacerbate psychiatric symptoms. How antidepressants cause auditory signature deficits remains largely unknown. Here, we found that fluoxetine-treated adult female rats were significantly less accurate when performing a tone-frequency discrimination task compared with age-matched control rats. Their cortical neurons also responded less selectively to sound frequencies. The degraded behavioral and cortical processing was accompanied by decreased cortical perineuronal nets, particularly those wrapped around parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory interneurons. Furthermore, fluoxetine induced critical period-like plasticity in their already mature auditory cortices; therefore, a brief rearing of these drug-treated rats under an enriched acoustic environment renormalized auditory processing degraded by fluoxetine. The altered cortical expression of perineuronal nets was also reversed as a result of enriched sound exposure. These findings suggest that the adverse effects of antidepressants on auditory processing, possibly because of a reduction in intracortical inhibition, can be substantially alleviated by simply pairing drug treatment with passive, enriched sound exposure. They have important implications for understanding the neurobiological basis of antidepressant effects on hearing and for designing novel pharmacological treatment strategies for psychiatric disorders.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Clinical experience suggests that antidepressants adversely affect sensory (particularly auditory) processing, which can exacerbate patients\' psychiatric symptoms. Here, we show that the antidepressant fluoxetine reduces cortical inhibition in adult rats, leading to degraded behavioral and cortical spectral processing of sound. Importantly, fluoxetine induces a critical period-like state of plasticity in the mature cortex; therefore, a brief rearing under an enriched acoustic environment is sufficient to reverse the changes in auditory processing caused by the administration of fluoxetine. These results provide a putative neurobiological basis for the effects of antidepressants on hearing and indicate that antidepressant treatment combined with enriched sensory experiences could optimize clinical outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bandwidth of piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) can be broadened by resonance-based frequency tuning approaches, including mechanical tuning and electrical tuning. In this work, a new coupling tuning mechanism for regulating the near-open-circuit resonance frequency by changing the effective electrode coverage (EEC) is presented. A linear model of a bimorph piezoelectric cantilever with segmented electrodes is used to evaluate the power harvesting behavior near the open-circuit resonance frequency when EEC changes from 0 to 100%. According to the theoretical analysis, it is found that the variation of EEC brings about the change in coupling strength, which is positively associated with the near-open-circuit resonance frequency of PEH. Two cantilever PEHs with segmented electrodes based on PZT and PZT-PT are constructed for validation of the coupling tuning mechanism. The analytical and experimental results illustrate remarkable improvements in both bandwidth and average power through the coupling resonance frequency tuning method. In addition, adopting extraordinary piezoelectric single crystals and optimizing the proof mass and piezoelectric layer dimensions were theoretically shown to be effective methods for further improvement of bandwidth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent long-term measurements of neuronal activity have revealed that, despite stability in large-scale topographic maps, the tuning properties of individual cortical neurons can undergo substantial reformatting over days. To shed light on this apparent contradiction, we captured the sound response dynamics of auditory cortical neurons using repeated 2-photon calcium imaging in awake mice. We measured sound-evoked responses to a set of pure tone and complex sound stimuli in more than 20,000 auditory cortex neurons over several days. We found that a substantial fraction of neurons dropped in and out of the population response. We modeled these dynamics as a simple discrete-time Markov chain, capturing the continuous changes in responsiveness observed during stable behavioral and environmental conditions. Although only a minority of neurons were driven by the sound stimuli at a given time point, the model predicts that most cells would at least transiently become responsive within 100 days. We observe that, despite single-neuron volatility, the population-level representation of sound frequency was stably maintained, demonstrating the dynamic equilibrium underlying the tonotopic map. Our results show that sensory maps are maintained by shifting subpopulations of neurons \"sharing\" the job of creating a sensory representation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective attention enables the preferential processing of relevant stimulus aspects. Invasive animal studies have shown that attending a sound feature rapidly modifies neuronal tuning throughout the auditory cortex. Human neuroimaging studies have reported enhanced auditory cortical responses with selective attention. To date, it remains unclear how the results obtained with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in humans relate to the electrophysiological findings in animal models. Here we aim to narrow the gap between animal and human research by combining a selective attention task similar in design to those used in animal electrophysiology with high spatial resolution ultra-high field fMRI at 7 Tesla. Specifically, human participants perform a detection task, whereas the probability of target occurrence varies with sound frequency. Contrary to previous fMRI studies, we show that selective attention resulted in population receptive field sharpening, and consequently reduced responses, at the attended sound frequencies. The difference between our results to those of previous fMRI studies supports the notion that the influence of selective attention on auditory cortex is diverse and may depend on context, stimulus, and task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The quest for realizing and manipulating ever smaller man-made movable structures and dynamical machines has spurred tremendous endeavors, led to important discoveries, and inspired researchers to venture to previously unexplored grounds. Scientific feats and technological milestones of miniaturization of mechanical structures have been widely accomplished by advances in machining and sculpturing ever shrinking features out of bulk materials such as silicon. With the flourishing multidisciplinary field of low-dimensional nanomaterials, including one-dimensional (1D) nanowires/nanotubes and two-dimensional (2D) atomic layers such as graphene/phosphorene, growing interests and sustained effort have been devoted to creating mechanical devices toward the ultimate limit of miniaturization─genuinely down to the molecular or even atomic scale. These ultrasmall movable structures, particularly nanomechanical resonators that exploit the vibratory motion in these 1D and 2D nano-to-atomic-scale structures, offer exceptional device-level attributes, such as ultralow mass, ultrawide frequency tuning range, broad dynamic range, and ultralow power consumption, thus holding strong promises for both fundamental studies and engineering applications. In this Review, we offer a comprehensive overview and summary of this vibrant field, present the state-of-the-art devices and evaluate their specifications and performance, outline important achievements, and postulate future directions for studying these miniscule yet intriguing molecular-scale machines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: To explore the value of adding 1 kHz cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential(cVEMP) and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential(oVEMP) in the auxiliary diagnosis of unilateral vestibular hypofunction. Methods:A retrospective analysis of 84 patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction receiving two or more vestibular function tests was conducted,29 cases of unilateral Ménière\'s disease, 27 cases of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), 8 cases of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) with vertigo, and 20 cases of ISSHL without vertigo were included. SPSS 25.0 software was used for statistical analysis to observe the difference of frequency amplitude ratio (FAR) at 500 Hz/1 kHz of cVEMP and oVEMP between the experimental and control groups. Results:①The cVEMP elicitation rates were 95.24% (80/84) and 98.81% (83/84) for 500 Hz and 1 kHz, respectively; and the oVEMP elicitation rates were 78.57% (66/84) and 91.67% (77/84) for 500 Hz and 1 kHz, respectively. ②Except for the lateral difference of FAR in oVEMP of the posterior semicircular canal BPPV group and cVEMP of the horizontal semicircular canal BPPV group (P<0.05), no significant lateral difference was observed in the other disease groups (P>0.05). Conclusion:In patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction, cVEMP and oVEMP showed different frequency tuning changes in different semicircular canal BPPV groups. Additionally, 1 kHz cVEMP and oVEMP as regular stimulation frequencies in clinical test, which has certain clinical reference significance for determining the diagnosis and prognosis of BPPV on the weak ear and in different semicircular canal involvement.
    目的:探讨增加1 kHz颈肌前庭诱发肌源性电位(cVEMP)及眼肌前庭诱发肌源性电位(oVEMP)测试在单侧前庭功能低下疾病辅助诊断中的价值。 方法:回顾分析84例诊断明确且有两项或以上前庭功能检测结果为单侧前庭功能低下患者的资料,其中单侧梅尼埃病29例、良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)27例、特发性突发性感音神经性聋(ISSHL)伴眩晕8例,ISSHL不伴眩晕20例。应用SPSS 25.0软件进行统计分析,观察不同疾病组中功能低下侧与对照侧cVEMP及oVEMP的500 Hz/1 kHz频率振幅比(FAR)差异。 结果:①500 Hz和1 kHz的cVEMP引出率分别为95.24%(80/84)和98.81%(83/84);500 Hz和1 kHz的oVEMP引出率分别为78.57%(66/84)和91.67%(77/84)。②除在后半规管BPPV组的oVEMP以及在水平半规管BPPV组的cVEMP观察到FAR的侧别差异(P<0.05)外,其余疾病组均未观察到显著的侧别差异(P>0.05)。 结论:在单侧前庭功能低下患者中,cVEMP和oVEMP在不同受累半规管BPPV患者中有不同的频率调谐现象。增加1 kHz cVEMP和oVEMP作为常规刺激声频率应用于临床,对于患侧的判断及不同半规管受累的BPPV诊疗及预后具有一定的临床参考意义。.





