frail older adults

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Older spousal caregivers bear the dual burden of managing health changes and caring for their partners. This study aimed to investigate the association between spousal caregiving and frailty in older adults. A retrospective cohort study with a 4-year follow-up was conducted using seven waves of data from the Health and Retirement Study (2006-2018). The mean age of participants was 65.1 years. A significant correlation was found between spousal caregiving and frailty increase. Multilevel analysis demonstrated a significant difference in the changes in frailty index over 12 years between caregivers and non-caregivers. This study uncovered a significant association between spousal caregiving and frailty in older adults, suggesting that becoming a spousal caregiver is not only linked to higher levels of frailty but also accelerates its progression. Healthcare providers can tailor support services to assist caregivers in managing challenges and promoting healthy aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Frailty has become a key concern in an aging population. A comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) service framework was developed and evaluated aiming to target and connect frail older adults who are at high risk of requiring long-term care services.
    METHODS: A community-based pilot study was conducted in fiscal year 2016 and 2017 in Kure city, Hiroshima, Japan. Participants aged 65 and over living in Kure city, and 393 persons were extracted from the Kihon Check List (KCL) responses. Among the eligible individuals, 101 consented to participate and received CGA and referred to services based on individual health needs. The efficacy was evaluated by referral rate of services, continuity of the service usage, evaluation of participant\'s health condition and the quality of life (QoL) after the 6-month follow-up.
    RESULTS: Ninety-nine (98.0%) participants needed support for the instrumental activity of daily living, 97 (96.0%) were categorized as locomotive syndrome, and 64 (63.4%) had a depressive tendency. Afterward, 60 participants (59.4%) subsequently accepted the referral services, however, 34 (33.7%) used the services and the remaining 26 (25.7%) did not use the services. The health condition improvements in the service-uses group were statistically significant (p < 0.001), however, QoL score did not change between the baseline and 6th -month.
    CONCLUSIONS: KCL extracted high-risks older people, and CGA revealed related diseases and health conditions. However, the high refusal rate of referral services indicates a necessity to modify the service framework such as by collaborating with community general support centers, which could increase the efficacy of service framework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Physical activity (PA) is essential in mitigating frailty syndrome, and it is necessary to measure PA in older adults with frailty. Assessment of Physical Activity in Frail Older People (APAFOP) is a suitable patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for assessing PA among older adults with frailty. This study aimed to determine the reliability, validity and minimal detectable change of the Chinese version of the APAFOP (APAFOP-C).
    METHODS: This cross-sectional validation study was designed to measure the reliability and criterion validity of the APAFOP-C with 124 frail community-residing older adults. APAFOP-C was completed twice within an interval of 7-17 days to determine test-retest reliability. The investigator triangulation method was used to investigate inter-rater reliability, and a pedometer was used as the reference measurement to assess the criterion validity. Reliability and criterion validity were assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC2,1), Pearson correlation coefficient for normally distributed variables, Spearman correlation coefficient, Wilcoxon signed-rank test for skewed variables, and the minimal detectable change at 95% level of confidence (MDC95). Agreement assessment was conducted using Bland-Altman plots for inter-rater reliability and criterion validity. Kendall\'s W test assessed absolute agreement among three raters in inter-rater reliability. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to evaluate whether any particular day was more representative of certain daily activities.
    RESULTS: Total PA on any arbitrarily chosen day illustrates daily activity (Z= -0.84, p = 0.40). The APAFOP-C exhibited strong-to-very strong test-retest reliability (ICC2,1=0.73-0.97; Spearman ρ = 0.67-0.89), and the total PA score demonstrated MDC95 < 10%. Inter-rater reliability was also strong-to-very strong (ICC2,1=0.96-0.98; Spearman ρ = 0.88-1.00), and moderate criterion validity when compared with total PA score on pedometer readings (Spearman ρ = 0.61). Limits of agreement among different raters regarding the APAFOP-C and the pedometer were narrow.
    CONCLUSIONS: The APAFOP-C was found to have limited but acceptable psychometric properties for measuring PA among community-dwelling older adults with frailty in China. It was a feasible comparative PROM for assessing PA worldwide. Practitioners can develop individualized exercise programs for frail older adults and efficiently track changes in PA utilizing the APAFOP-C.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Geriatric patients after hospitalization often utilize subacute inpatient care (SC); however, little is known about their care and further health status.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify persons in SC with rehabilitation needs and improvement potential after hospitalization and to describe the care, relevant parameters of the health status as well as use of medical/nursing services in and after SC.
    METHODS: After positive screening for previous hospitalization and need of rehabilitation with improvement potential in 13 nursing homes, the length of stay, therapeutic treatments and physician contacts in SC as well as functional parameters, pain, quality of life and the utilization of services according to the Social Security Code V (SGB V) and SGB XI were assessed at baseline, at the end and 3 months after SC.
    RESULTS: A total of 108 (44%) out of 243 screened persons with previous hospitalization had a need of rehabilitation with improvement potential, of whom 57 participated in the study. In SC (median = 26 days) 35% received no therapeutic treatments and 28% had no physician contact. After SC 40% were transferred to rehabilitation. Participants with rehabilitation transition more frequently received therapeutic treatments in SC (p = 0.021) and were less frequently in long-term care 3 months after SC (p = 0.015).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that a high proportion of persons in SC after hospitalization are in need of rehabilitation with improvement potential, which is not sufficiently treated. Regular therapeutic treatments in SC could improve the transition rate to rehabilitation and subsequent home environment.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Geriatrische Patienten nehmen nach akutstationärer Behandlung häufig Kurzzeitpflege (KZP) in Anspruch. Über deren Versorgung und die Entwicklung ihres Gesundheitsstatus ist bisher wenig bekannt. ZIEL: Die Identifikation von Personen in KZP mit Rehabilitationsbedarf und Besserungspotenzial nach Klinikaufenthalt (KA) sowie die Beschreibung ihrer Versorgung, relevanter Parameter ihres Gesundheitsstatus und der Inanspruchnahme medizinischer sowie pflegerischer Leistungen während und nach der KZP.
    METHODS: In 13 Pflegeeinrichtungen wurden KZP-Gäste auf das Vorliegen eines unmittelbar zurückliegenden KA und Rehabilitationsbedarf gescreent. Anschließend wurden die Verweildauer, therapeutische Anwendungen und Arztkontakte in der KZP sowie Funktionsparameter, Schmerz und Lebensqualität als auch die Inanspruchnahme von Leistungen nach SGB V und SGB XI zu Beginn, am Ende und 3 Monate nach der KZP erfasst.
    UNASSIGNED: Von 243 gescreenten Personen mit vorherigem KA hatten 108 (44 %) einen Rehabilitationsbedarf mit Besserungspotenzial. Von diesen nahmen 57 an der Studie teil. In KZP (Median = 26 Tage) erhielten 35 % keine therapeutischen Anwendungen und 28 % keine ärztliche Versorgung. Nach KZP wurden 40 % in Rehabilitation übergeleitet. Personen mit Rehaüberleitung erhielten in KZP häufiger therapeutische Anwendungen (p = 0,021) und waren 3 Monate nach KZP weniger häufig in Dauerpflege (p = 0,015).
    CONCLUSIONS: Die Studie legt nahe, dass ein hoher Personenanteil in KZP nach KA einen Rehabilitationsbedarf mit Besserungspotenzial aufweist, dieser aber unzureichend berücksichtigt wird. Regelmäßige therapeutische Anwendungen in KZP könnten die Überleitungsquote in die Rehabilitation und die Rückkehr ins häusliche Umfeld begünstigen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recent increase in the number of frail older adults has led to increased attention being paid to care services in communities such as senior day care centers. Maintaining health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in frail older adults is important for managing long-term care. The purpose of this study was to comprehensively explore the impact of physical, mental, and cognitive factors, particularly central sensitization-related symptoms (CSSs), on the HRQOL among frail older adults in senior day care centers. HRQOL, physical, mental, and cognitive factors, and severity of CSSs were comprehensively measured using validated methods. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were used to examine factors affecting HRQOL among frail older adults in senior day care centers. The results showed that the timed up and go test significantly affected the HRQOL among frail older adults at senior day care centers. Additionally, knee extension muscle strength, number of pain sites, depressive tendencies, and CSS severity showed a significant negative correlation with HRQOL but were not significant influencing factors. This suggests that functional mobility assessments and approaches are important for maintaining and improving the HRQOL in frail older adults at senior day care centers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Frailty is common in hospitalised older people. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of frailty provide recommendations for identification and management; however, adoption into practice in hospitals is limited. This study identified and quantified the evidence-practice gap between frailty guidelines and clinical practice in two hospitals using an audit tool.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional audit of medical records of frail older patients admitted to two hospitals was conducted. Data were collected using an audit tool based on the Asia Pacific Clinical Practice Guidelines for frailty management. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and inter-rater reliability of the tool was assessed.
    RESULTS: Auditing of n = 70 electronic medical records showed that assessment of frailty in the acute setting did not regularly occur (17%). Few participants received guideline-recommended interventions. Physiotherapy treatment was limited, with 23% of participants receiving progressive resistance strength training. Gaps exist in provision of nutritional supplementation (26%) with limited recordings of weight during the admission for 10% of participants. Pharmacy review of medications was consistently documented on admission (84%) and discharge (93%). Vitamin D was prescribed for 57% of participants. Inter-rater reliability showed a high level of agreement using the audit tool.
    CONCLUSIONS: An audit tool was feasible to assess frailty evidence-practice gaps in the hospital setting. Further understanding of the contextual barriers is needed to inform implementation strategies (dedicated staffing, education and training and ongoing audit of practice cycles) for the uptake of frailty guidelines in hospital settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Community pharmacists potentially have an important role to play in identification of frailty and delivery of interventions to optimise medicines use for frail older adults. However, little is known about their knowledge or views about this role.
    To explore community pharmacists\' knowledge of frailty and assessment, experiences and contact with frail older adults, and perceptions of their role in optimising medicines use for this population.
    Semi-structured interviews conducted between March and December 2020 with 15 community pharmacists in Northern Ireland. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically.
    Three broad themes were generated from the data. The first, \'awareness and understanding of frailty\', highlighted gaps in community pharmacists\' knowledge regarding presentation and identification of frailty and their reluctance to broach potentially challenging conversations with frail older patients. Within the second theme, \'problem-solving and supporting medication use\', community pharmacists felt a large part of their role was to resolve medicines-related issues for frail older adults through collaboration with other primary healthcare professionals but feedback on the outcome was often not provided upon issue resolution. The third theme, \'seizing opportunities in primary care to enhance pharmaceutical care provision for frail older adults\', identified areas for further development of the community pharmacist role.
    This study has provided an understanding of the views and experiences of community pharmacists about frailty. Community pharmacists\' knowledge deficits about frailty must be addressed and their communication skills enhanced so they may confidently initiate conversations about frailty and medicines use with older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Digital health technologies offer the potential to improve the daily lives of older adults, maintain their health efficiently, and allow aging in place. Despite increasing evidence of benefits and advantages, readiness for adopting digital interventions among older people remains underexplored.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore the relationships between sociodemographic-, health-, and lifestyle-related factors and technology use in everyday life and community-dwelling older adults\' readiness to adopt telemedicine, smartphones with texting apps, wearables, and robotics.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, population-based survey study with a stratified probabilistic sample of adults aged 75 years or older living in South Tyrol (autonomous province of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy). A random sample of 3600 community-dwelling older adults living at home was invited to complete a questionnaire including single items (older adults\' readiness to use health technology) and scales (PRISMA-7; Program of Research on Integration of Services for the Maintenance of Autonomy). Descriptive and logistic regression analyses were performed to analyze the data.
    RESULTS: In total, 1695 community-dwelling older adults completed the survey (for a response rate of 47%). In terms of potential digital health technology adoption, wearable devices were favored by 33.7% (n=571), telemedicine by 30.1% (n=510), smartphones and texting apps by 24.5% (n=416), and assistant robots by 13.7% (n=232). Sociodemographic-, health- and lifestyle-related factors, as well as the use of technology in everyday life, played a significant role in explaining readiness to adopt digital health technologies. For telemedicine, age ≥85 years (odds ratio [OR] 0.74, 95% CI 0.56-0.96), financial constraints (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.49-0.95), and less than 2 hours of physical activity per week (OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.58-0.98) were associated with nonreadiness, while Italian-speaking participants (OR 1.54, 95% CI 1.16-2.05) and those regularly using computers (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.16-2.60), smartphones (OR 1.69, 95% CI 1.22-2.35), and the internet (OR 2.26, 95% CI 1.47-3.49) reported readiness for adoption.
    CONCLUSIONS: Community-dwelling older adults display varied readiness toward the adoption of digital health technologies, influenced by age, mother tongue, living situation, financial resources, physical activity, and current use of technology. The findings underscore the need for tailored interventions and educational programs to boost digital health technology adoption among community-dwelling older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Older individuals with functional decline and homecare are frequent visitors to emergency departments (ED). Homecare workers (HCWs) interact regularly with their clients and may play a crucial role in their well-being. Therefore, this study explores if and how HCWs perceive they may contribute to the prevention of ED visits among their clients.
    METHODS: In this qualitative study, 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted with HCWs from Sweden between July and November 2022. Inductive thematic analysis was used to identify barriers and facilitators to prevent ED visits in older home-dwelling individuals.
    RESULTS: HCWs want to actively contribute to the prevention of ED visits among clients but observe many barriers that hinder them from doing so. Barriers refer to care organisation such as availability to primary care staff and information transfer; perceived attitudes towards HCWs as co-workers; and client-related factors. Participants suggest that improved communication and collaboration with primary care and discharge information from the ED to homecare services could overcome barriers. Furthermore, they ask for support and geriatric education from primary care nurses which may result in increased respect towards them as competent staff members.
    CONCLUSIONS: HCWs feel that they have an important role in the health management of older individuals living at home. Still, they feel as an untapped resource in the prevention of ED visits. They deem that improved coordination and communication between primary care, ED, and homecare organisations as well as proactive care would enable them to add significantly to the prevention of ED visits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Older patients are particularly vulnerable to age-related respiratory changes. This prospective randomized controlled trial studied the effects of high and low fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2) with the recruitment maneuver (RM) during extubation on lung atelectasis postoperatively in older patients undergoing major abdominal surgery.
    We randomized a total of 126 patients aged >60 years who underwent both elective and emergency major abdominal surgeries and met the inclusion criteria into three groups (H, HR, and LR) using computer-generated block randomization. Group H received high FiO2 (1), Group HR received high FiO2 (1) with RM followed by a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H2O, and Group LR received low FiO2 (0.4) with RM followed by a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H2O 10 minutes before extubation. Oxygenation and atelectasis were measured using the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/FiO2 ratios and lung ultrasound score. Postoperative pulmonary complications were recorded up to 24 hours postoperatively.
    The mean PaO2/FiO2 at 30 minutes post-extubation was significantly higher in Groups LR and HR compared to that in Group H (390.71±29.55, 381.97±24.97, and 355.37±31.70; p<0.001). In the immediate postoperative period, the median lung ultrasound score was higher in Group H than that in Groups LR and HR (6 [5-7], 3 [3-5], and 3.5 [2.25-4.75]; p<0.001). The incidence of oxygen desaturation and oxygen requirements was higher in Group H during the postoperative period.
    The RM before extubation is beneficial in reducing atelectasis and postoperative pulmonary complications, irrespective of the FiO2 concentration used in older adults undergoing major abdominal surgeries. (Trail registration number: Reference No. CTRI/2022/04/042115; date of CTRI registration 25/02/2022; and date of enrolment of the first research participant 05/05/2022).





