food policy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2016, a voluntary National Healthy Food and Drink Policy was released to improve the healthiness of food and drinks for sale in New Zealand health sector organisations. The Policy aims to role model healthy eating and demonstrate commitment to health and well-being of hospital staff and visitors and the general public. This study aimed to understand the experiences of hospital food providers and public health dietitians/staff in implementing the Policy, and identify tools and resources needed to assist with the implementation.
    METHODS: A maximum variation purposive sampling strategy (based on a health district\'s population size and food outlet type) was used to recruit participants by email. Video conference or email semi-structured interviews included 15 open-ended questions that focused on awareness, understanding of, and attitudes towards the Policy; level of support received; perceived customer response; tools and resources needed to support implementation; and unintended or unforeseen consequences. Data was analysed using a reflexive thematic analysis approach.
    RESULTS: Twelve participants (eight food providers and four public health dietitians/staff) were interviewed; three from small (< 100,000 people), four from medium (100,000-300,000 people) and five from large (> 300,000 people) health districts. There was agreement that hospitals should role model healthy eating for the wider community. Three themes were identified relating to the implementation of the Policy: (1) Complexities of operating food outlets under a healthy food and drink policy in public health sector settings; (2) Adoption, implementation, and monitoring of the Policy as a series of incoherent ad-hoc actions; and (3) Policy is (currently) not achieving the desired impact. Concerns about increased food waste, loss of profits and an uneven playing field between food providers were related to the voluntary nature of the unsupported Policy. Three tools could enable implementation: a digital monitoring tool, a web-based database of compliant products, and customer communication materials.
    CONCLUSIONS: Adopting a single, mandatory Policy, provision of funding for implementation actions and supportive tools, and good communication with customers could facilitate implementation. Despite the relatively small sample size and views from only two stakeholder groups, strategies identified are relevant to policy makers, healthcare providers and public health professionals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tigray is one of the food-insecure regions with many people living under the condition of chronic hunger. Proper intervention mechanisms are vital for addressing food insecurity. Yet, food security intervention mechanisms of various levels are not researched well. Besides, previous studies have rarely addressed the objectives of food security intervention mechanisms in relation to the four pillars of food security: availability, access, utilization, and stability. Thus, this study aims to investigate the food security intervention mechanisms in the drought-prone rural areas of Tigray in relation with the major components of food security.
    UNASSIGNED: This study has employed a cross-sectional study design based on a mixed research approach with primary and secondary data. For this, 363 households from three selected drought-prone rural districts, i.e., Atsbi-wenberta, Irob, and Hintalo- wejerat were studied. Primary data were collected using questionnaires and key-informant interviews. And, secondary data were collected from relevant archives and policy documents. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively and content-wise.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings show that there were several international interventions intended to halt food insecurity sustainably through financial aid, but many of the interventions were found to be responding to humanitarian crises mainly the food shortages. Ethiopia\'s Food and Nutrition Policy, Food Security Program, Food Security Strategy, and Food Security Pack program were the food security intervention mechanisms at the national level. These interventions were found to be inconsistent with each other in their intended goals. Regionally, no food security strategy or program was found intervening to the prevailing food insecurity in Tigray. More notably, the region has no food security bureau or office that deals with food security issues of the region. At a community level, food aid, and PSNP transfers have been the usual food security intervention mechanisms. 35.6% (77,010) of the population in the study rural districts were found to be rural PSNP beneficiaries. The food aid and PSNP transfers were outrageously insufficient for the recipients to cope with food insecurity.
    UNASSIGNED: Intervention mechanisms should focus on enhancing vulnerable households\' coping and adaptive capacities to deal with food security problems. In this regard, all the food security intervention mechanisms of various levels should be integrated into the common goal of achieving food security.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transitioning to food systems that are equitable, resilient, healthy and environmentally sustainable will require the cultivation and diffusion of transformational sociotechnical innovations-and grassroots movements are an essential source of such innovations. Within the literature on strategic niche management, government-provided \'protected spaces\' where niche innovations can develop without facing the pressures of the market is an essential part of sustainability transitions. However, because of their desire to transform rather than transition food systems, grassroots movements often struggle to acquire such protected spaces and so must determine how and where to generate change whilst being marginalised and exposed to unprotected spaces. The aim of this research is to gain a precise view of the multiple touchpoints of marginalisation that exist across the grassroots-government interface and to apply a new framework for conceptual analysis of these touchpoints that can help to identify where and how grassroots movements might be able to push against this marginalisation. The study finds that, by applying a \'who, what, where\' framework of analysis to policies across this interface, it is possible to find pathways forward for achieving small wins towards food systems transformation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2016, a voluntary National Healthy Food and Drink Policy (hereafter, \"the Policy\") was released to encourage public hospitals in New Zealand to provide food and drink options in line with national dietary guidelines. Five years later, eight (of 20) organisations had adopted it, with several preferring to retain or update their own institutional-level version. This study assessed staff and visitors\' awareness and support for and against the Policy, and collected feedback on perceived food environment changes since implementation of the Policy.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional electronic and paper-based survey conducted from June 2021 to August 2022. Descriptive statistics were used to present quantitative findings. Free-text responses were analysed following a general inductive approach. Qualitative and quantitative findings were compared by level of implementation of the Policy, and by ethnicity and financial security of participants.
    RESULTS: Data were collected from 2,526 staff and 261 visitors in 19 healthcare organisations. 80% of staff and 56% of visitors were aware of the Policy. Both staff and visitors generally supported the Policy, irrespective of whether they were aware of it or not, with most agreeing that \"Hospitals should be good role models.\" Among staff who opposed the Policy, the most common reason for doing so was freedom of choice. The Policy had a greater impact, positive and negative, on Māori and Pacific staff, due to more frequent purchasing onsite. Most staff noticed differences in the food and drinks available since Policy implementation. There was positive feedback about the variety of options available in some hospitals, but overall 40% of free text comments mentioned limited choice. 74% of staff reported that food and drinks were more expensive. Low-income staff/visitors and shift workers were particularly impacted by reduced choice and higher prices for healthy options.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Policy led to notable changes in the healthiness of foods and drinks available in NZ hospitals but this was accompanied by a perception of reduced value and choice. While generally well supported, the findings indicate opportunities to improve implementation of food and drink policies (e.g. providing more healthy food choices, better engagement with staff, and keeping prices of healthy options low) and confirm that the Policy could be expanded to other public workplaces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The increasing prevalence of diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in South Asia is concerning, with type 2 diabetes projected to rise to 68%, compared to the global increase of 44%. Encouraging healthy diets requires stronger policies for healthier food environments.
    UNASSIGNED: This study reviewed and assessed food environment policies in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka from 2020 to 2022 using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) and compared them with global best practices. Seven policy domains and six infrastructure support domains were considered, employing 47 good practice indicators to prevent NCDs. Stakeholders from government and non-governmental sectors in South Asia (n = 148) were invited to assess policy and infrastructure support implementation using the Delphi method.
    UNASSIGNED: Implementation of food environment policies and infrastructure support in these countries was predominantly weak. Labelling, monitoring, and leadership policies received a moderate rating, with a focus on food safety, hygiene, and quality rather than obesity prevention. Key policy gaps prioritized for attention included front-of-pack labelling, healthy food subsidies, unhealthy food taxation, restrictions on unhealthy food promotion, and improvements in school nutrition standards to combat NCDs.
    UNASSIGNED: Urgent action is required to expand food policies beyond hygiene and food security measures. Comprehensive strategies targeting NCD prevention are crucial to combat the escalating burden of NCDs in the region.
    UNASSIGNED: This research was funded by the NIHR (16/136/68 and 132960) with aid from the UK Government for global health research. Petya Atanasova also acknowledges funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (ES/P000703/1). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the NIHR, the UK government or the ESRC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The recent listeriosis outbreak in South Africa brought food safety concerns to the fore in terms of both policy and practice. These concerns encompass both health and nutrition aspects, as well as the economy, because the food system in South Africa contributes significantly to economic growth and food security. However, the food sector is challenged with food safety risks, such as foodborne diseases, food fraud and a general lack of effective enforcement of regulation. The inability of government to effectively regulate the food sector is a contributing factor to increased food safety risks. Focusing on the formal sector, which is subject to regulation, this review provides an overview of the current state of food safety policies and regulations, food safety challenges, and food safety practices in the food system, after the listeriosis crisis of 2017 and 2018.
    UNASSIGNED: This study used a systematic process to review three sets of data in South Africa: food safety related public policies and regulations, company reports (2013-2018) and media articles (May 2017-May 2018). Food safety policies were selected from a food system policy database created by the research team. The company reports were retrieved from their websites. Factivia was used to search for the media articles. The data were thematically analyzed. The analysis framework was informed by the Food and Agriculture Organization\'s (FAO) food safety risk analysis. Activities related to food safety risk analysis: risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication were searched for in each material included in the study.
    UNASSIGNED: Seventy-four documents made up of 13 policies, 47 media articles and 15 company reports were reviewed. Food safety is regulated by three governments departments: Department of Health (DOH), Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) through bylaws and regulations. The departments are directly (DAFF) or indirectly (DOH through municipal or metro Environmental Health Professional) involved in food safety enforcement, surveillance, and education. The enforcement of different regulatory processes is often poorly coordinated. Responding to this regulatory environment, food safety activities of the food retail industry include a self-regulatory system reliant on internal and third-party food audits, worker training, external testing, and consumer education. Given this fragmented framework and the lack of interaction, it is clear that the governance of the South African food safety system is not \"fit for purpose\" in that there is a gap in the effectiveness of government regulation and the self-regulation of the formal sector, and a growing risk from an inability to regulate the large informal sector. Food safety challenges identified in our analysis included disease outbreaks, concerns over mislabeling, and lack of regulation for food handling and distribution.
    UNASSIGNED: The findings suggest that there should be a combination of responsibility from all levels of stake-holders in the food retail sector in order to improve food safety and prevent food safety breaches. In addition, strong governance of the food safety system is required to enable effective legislation and enforcement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To modify the Australian and New Zealand Health Star Rating to account for ultra-processing and compare the alignment of the modified ratings with NOVA classifications and the current Australian Dietary Guidelines classifications of core (recommended foods) and discretionary (foods to limit).
    METHODS: Data was cross-sectionally analysed for 25 486 products. Four approaches were compared to the original Health Star Rating: (1) five \'negative\' points added to ultra-processed products (modification 1; inclusion approach); (2) ultra-processed products restricted to a maximum of 3.0 Health Stars (modification 2; capping approach); (3 and 4) same approach used for modifications 1 and 2 but only applied to products that already exceeded 10 \'negative\' points from existing Health Star Rating attributes (modifications 3 and 4, respectively; hybrid approaches). Alignment occurred when products (i) received <3.5 Health Stars and were NOVA group 4 (for NOVA comparison) or discretionary (for Dietary Guidelines comparison), or (ii) received ≥3.5 Health Stars and were NOVA groups 1-3 or core.
    RESULTS: All Health Star Rating modifications resulted in greater alignment with NOVA (ranging from 69% to 88%) compared to the original Health Star Rating (66%). None of the modifications resulted in greater alignment to the Dietary Guidelines classifications overall (69% to 76%, compared with 77% for the original Health Star Rating), but alignment varied considerably by food category.
    CONCLUSIONS: If ultra-processing were incorporated into the Australian and New Zealand Health Star Rating, consideration of ultra-processing within the broader dietary guidance framework would be essential to ensure coherent dietary messaging to Australians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unhealthy food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing (UFM) adversely impacts children\'s selection and intake of foods and beverages, undermining parents\' efforts to promote healthy eating. Parents\' support for restrictions on children\'s exposure to food marketing can catalyse government action, yet research describing parent concerns is limited for media other than television. We examined parents\' perceptions of UFM and their views on potential policies to address UFM in supermarkets and on digital devices - two settings where children are highly exposed to UFM and where little recent research exists. We conducted in-depth interviews with sixteen parents of children aged 7-12 from Victoria, Australia, analysing the data thematically. Parents perceived UFM as ubiquitous and viewed exposure as having an immediate but temporary impact on children\'s food desires and pestering behaviours. Parents were concerned about UFM in supermarkets as they viewed it as leading their children to pester them to buy marketed products, undermining their efforts to instil healthy eating behaviours. Parents generally accepted UFM as an aspect of contemporary parenting. Concern for digital UFM was lower compared to supermarkets as it was not directly linked to pestering and parents had limited awareness of what their children saw online. Nevertheless, parents felt strongly that companies should not be allowed to target their children with UFM online and supported government intervention to protect their children. While parents supported government policy actions for healthier supermarket environments, their views towards restricting UFM in supermarkets varied as some parents felt it was their responsibility to mitigate supermarket marketing. These findings could be used to advocate for policy action in this area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Front-of-package nutritional warning labels (WLs) are designed to facilitate identification and selection of healthier food choices. We assessed self-reported changes in purchasing different types of unhealthy foods due to WLs in Mexico and the association between the self-reported reductions in purchases of sugary beverages and intake of water and sugar-sweetened beverages.
    METHODS: Data came from 14 to 17 year old youth (n = 1,696) and adults ≥ 18 (n = 7,775) who participated in the Mexican arm of the 2020-2021 International Food Policy Study, an annual repeat cross-sectional online survey. Participants self-reported whether the WLs had influenced them to purchase less of each of nine unhealthy food categories due to WLs. Among adults, a 23-item Beverage Frequency Questionnaire was used derive past 7-day intake of water and sugary beverages analyzed to determine the relationship between self-reported reductions in purchasing sugary drinks due to the WLs. Multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression models were fitted to estimate the percentage of participants who self-reported reducing purchases within each food group, and overall. Sociodemographic characteristics associated with this reduction were investigated as well.
    RESULTS: Overall, 44.8% of adults and 38.7% of youth reported buying less of unhealthy food categories due to the implementation of WL, with the largest proportion reporting decreased purchases of cola, regular and diet soda. A greater impact of WLs on the reported purchase of unhealthy foods was observed among the following socio-demographic characteristics: females, individuals who self-identified as indigenous, those who were overweight, individuals with lower educational levels, those with higher nutrition knowledge, households with children, and those with a significant role in household food purchases. In addition, adults who reported higher water intake and lower consumption of sugary beverages were more likely to report reduced purchases of sugary drinks due to the WLs. Adults who reported greater water intake and lower sugary beverages intake were significantly more likely to report buying fewer sugary drinks due to the WLs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that implementation of WLs has reduced perceived purchases of unhealthy foods in Mexico. These results underscore the potential positive impact of the labeling policy particularly in subpopulations with lower levels of education and among indigenous adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    School food environments contribute to children\'s nutritional intake and overall health. As such, the World Health Organization and other public health organizations encourage policies that restrict children\'s access and exposure to foods and beverages that do not build health in and around schools. This global scoping review explores the presence and characteristics of policies that restrict competitive food sales and marketing for unhealthy foods across 193 countries using evidence from policy databases, gray literature, peer-reviewed literature, and primary policy documents. Policies were included if they were nationally mandated and regulated marketing and/or competitive foods in the school environments. Worldwide, only 28% of countries were found to have any national-level policy restricting food marketing or competitive food sales in schools: 16% of countries restrict marketing, 25% restrict competitive foods, and 12% restrict both. Over half of policies were found in high-income countries. No low-income countries had either policy type. Eight marketing policies (27%) and 14 competitive foods policies (29%) lacked explicit guidelines for either policy monitoring or enforcement. Future research is needed to assess the prevalence of policies aimed at improving other key aspects of the school food environment, such as dietary quality of school meals or food procurement, as well as assess the implementation and efficacy of existing policies.





