folding intermediates

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins are adjustable units from which biomaterials with designed properties can be developed. However, non-native folded states with controlled topologies are hardly accessible in aqueous environments, limiting their prospects as building blocks. Here, we demonstrate the ability of a series of anhydrous deep eutectic solvents (DESs) to precisely control the conformational landscape of proteins. We reveal that systematic variations in the chemical composition of binary and ternary DESs dictate the stabilization of a wide range of conformations, that is, compact globular folds, intermediate folding states, or unfolded chains, as well as controlling their collective behavior. Besides, different conformational states can be visited by simply adjusting the composition of ternary DESs, allowing for the refolding of unfolded states and vice versa. Notably, we show that these intermediates can trigger the formation of supramolecular gels, also known as eutectogels, where their mechanical properties correlate to the folding state of the protein. Given the inherent vulnerability of proteins outside the native fold in aqueous environments, our findings highlight DESs as tailorable solvents capable of stabilizing various non-native conformations on demand through solvent design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessing membrane protein stability is among the major challenges in protein science due to their inherent complexity, which complicates the application of conventional biophysical tools. In this work, sodium dodecyl sulfate-induced denaturation of AfCopA, a Cu(I)-transport ATPase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, was explored using a combined model-free spectral phasor analysis and a model-dependent thermodynamic analysis. Decrease in tryptophan and 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate fluorescence intensity, displacements in the spectral phasor space, and the loss of ATPase activity were reversibly induced by this detergent. Refolding from the SDS-induced denatured state yields an active enzyme that is functionally and spectroscopically indistinguishable from the native state of the protein. Phasor analysis of Trp spectra allowed us to identify two intermediate states in the SDS-induced denaturation of AfCopA, a result further supported by principal component analysis. In contrast, traditional thermodynamic analysis detected only one intermediate state, and including the second one led to overparameterization. Additionally, ANS fluorescence spectral analysis detected one more intermediate and a gradual change at the level of the hydrophobic transmembrane surface of the protein. Based on this evidence, a model for acquiring the native structure of AfCopA in a membrane-like environment is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although NMR spectroscopy is routinely used to study the conformational dynamics of biomolecules, robust analyses of the data are challenged in cases where exchange is more complex than two-state, such as when a \'visible\' major conformer exchanges with two \'invisible\' minor states on the millisecond timescale. It is becoming increasingly clear that chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) NMR experiments that were initially developed to study systems undergoing slow interconversion are also sensitive to intermediate-fast timescale biomolecular conformational exchange. Here we investigate the utility of the amide 15N CEST experiment to characterise protein three-state exchange occurring on the millisecond timescale by studying the interconversion between the folded (F) state of the FF domain from human HYPA/FBP11 (WT FF) and two of its folding intermediates I1 and I2. Although 15N CPMG experiments are consistent with the F state interconverting with a single minor state on the millisecond timescale, 15N CEST data clearly establish an exchange process between F and a pair of minor states. A unique three-state exchange model cannot be obtained by analysis of 15N CEST data recorded at a single temperature. However, including the relative sign of the difference in the chemical shifts of the two minor states based on a simple two-state analysis of CEST data recorded at multiple temperatures, results in a robust three-state model in which the F, I1 and I2 states interconvert with each other on the millisecond timescale ( k e x , F I 1 ~ 550 s-1, k e x , F I 2 ~ 1200 s-1, k e x , I 1 I 2 ~ 5000 s-1), with I1 and I2 sparsely populated at ~ 0.15% and ~ 0.35%, respectively, at 15 °C. A computationally demanding grid-search of exchange parameter space is not required to extract the best-fit exchange parameters from the CEST data. The utility of the CEST experiment, thus, extends well beyond studies of conformers in slow exchange on the NMR chemical shift timescale, to include systems with interconversion rates on the order of thousands/second.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PaaX is a transcriptional repressor of the phenylacetic acid (PAA) catabolic pathway, a central route for bacterial aerobic degradation of aromatic compounds. Induction of the route is achieved through the release of PaaX from its promoter sequences by the first compound of the pathway, phenylacetyl-coenzyme A (PA-CoA). We report the crystal structure of PaaX from Escherichia coli W. PaaX displays a novel type of fold for transcription regulators, showing a dimeric conformation where the monomers present a three-domain structure: an N-terminal winged helix-turn-helix domain, a dimerization domain similar to the Cas2 protein and a C-terminal domain without structural homologs. The domains are separated by a crevice amenable to harbour a PA-CoA molecule. The biophysical characterization of the protein in solution confirmed several hints predicted from the structure, i.e. its dimeric conformation, a modest importance of cysteines and a high dependence of solubility and thermostability on ionic strength. At a moderately acidic pH, the protein formed a stable folding intermediate with remaining α-helical structure, a disrupted tertiary structure and exposed hydrophobic patches. Our results provide valuable information to understand the stability and mechanism of PaaX and pave the way for further analysis of other regulators with similar structural configurations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Chaperonin Containing Tailless polypeptide 1 (CCT) complex is an essential protein folding machine with a diverse clientele of substrates, including many proteins with β-propeller domains. Here, we determine the structures of human CCT in complex with its accessory co-chaperone, phosducin-like protein 1 (PhLP1), in the process of folding Gβ5, a component of Regulator of G protein Signaling (RGS) complexes. Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) and image processing reveal an ensemble of distinct snapshots that represent the folding trajectory of Gβ5 from an unfolded molten globule to a fully folded β-propeller. These structures reveal the mechanism by which CCT directs Gβ5 folding through initiating specific intermolecular contacts that facilitate the sequential folding of individual β sheets until the propeller closes into its native structure. This work directly visualizes chaperone-mediated protein folding and establishes that CCT orchestrates folding by stabilizing intermediates through interactions with surface residues that permit the hydrophobic core to coalesce into its folded state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Domain swap is a mechanism of protein dimerization where the two interacting domains exchange parts of their structure. Web spiders make use of the process in the connection of C-terminal domains (CTDs) of spidroins, the soluble protein building blocks that form tough silk fibers. Besides providing connectivity and solubility, spidroin CTDs are responsible for inducing structural transitions during passage through an acidified assembly zone within spinning ducts. The underlying molecular mechanisms are elusive. Here, we studied the folding of five homologous spidroin CTDs from different spider species or glands. Four of these are domain-swapped dimers formed by five-helix bundles from spidroins of major and minor ampullate glands. The fifth is a dimer that lacks domain swap, formed by four-helix bundles from a spidroin of a flagelliform gland. Spidroins from this gland do not undergo structural transitions whereas the others do. We found a three-state mechanism of folding and dimerization that was conserved across homologues. In chemical denaturation experiments the native CTD dimer unfolded to a dimeric, partially structured intermediate, followed by full unfolding to denatured monomers. The energetics of the individual folding steps varied between homologues. Contrary to the common belief that domain swap stabilizes protein assemblies, the non-swapped homologue was most stable and folded four orders of magnitude faster than a swapped variant. Domain swap of spidroin CTDs induces an entropic penalty to the folding of peripheral helices, thus unfastening them for acid-induced unfolding within a spinning duct, which primes them for refolding into alternative structures during silk formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present a collection of single molecule work on the i-motif structure formed by the human telomeric sequence. Even though it was largely ignored in earlier years of its discovery due to its modest stability and requirement for low pH levels (pH < 6.5), the i-motif has been attracting more attention recently as both a physiologically relevant structure and as a potent pH sensor. In this manuscript, we establish single molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) as a tool to study the i-motif over a broad pH and ionic conditions. We demonstrate pH and salt dependence of i-motif formation under steady state conditions and illustrate the intermediate states visited during i-motif folding in real time at the single molecule level. We also show the prominence of intermediate folding states and reversible folding/unfolding transitions. We present an example of using the i-motif as an in-situ pH sensor and use this sensor to establish the time scale for the pH drop in a commonly used oxygen scavenging system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the recent advances in the prediction of protein structures by deep neutral networks, the elucidation of protein-folding mechanisms remains challenging. A promising theory for describing protein folding is a coarse-grained statistical mechanical model called the Wako-Saitô-Muñoz-Eaton (WSME) model. The model can calculate the free-energy landscapes of proteins based on a three-dimensional structure with low computational complexity, thereby providing a comprehensive understanding of the folding pathways and the structure and stability of the intermediates and transition states involved in the folding reaction. In this review, we summarize previous and recent studies on protein folding and dynamics performed using the WSME model and discuss future challenges and prospects. The WSME model successfully predicted the folding mechanisms of small single-domain proteins and the effects of amino-acid substitutions on protein stability and folding in a manner that was consistent with experimental results. Furthermore, extended versions of the WSME model were applied to predict the folding mechanisms of multi-domain proteins and the conformational changes associated with protein function. Thus, the WSME model may contribute significantly to solving the protein-folding problem and is expected to be useful for predicting protein folding, stability, and dynamics in basic research and in industrial and medical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How proteins switch between various ligand-free and ligand-bound structures has been a key biophysical question ever since the postulation of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux and Koshland-Nemethy-Filmer models over six decades ago. The ability of NMR spectroscopy to provide structural and kinetic information on biomolecular conformational exchange places it in a unique position as an analytical tool to interrogate the mechanisms of biological processes such as protein folding and biomolecular complex formation. In addition, recent methodological developments in the areas of saturation transfer and relaxation dispersion have expanded the scope of NMR for probing the mechanics of transitions in systems where one or more states constituting the exchange process are sparsely populated and \'invisible\' in NMR spectra. In this review, we highlight some of the strategies available from NMR spectroscopy for examining the nature of multi-site conformational exchange, using five case studies that have employed NMR, either in isolation, or in conjunction with other biophysical tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The D76N mutant of the β 2 m protein is a biologically motivated model system to study protein aggregation. There is strong experimental evidence, supported by molecular simulations, that D76N populates a highly dynamic conformation (which we originally named I 2 ) that exposes aggregation-prone patches as a result of the detachment of the two terminal regions. Here, we use Molecular Dynamics simulations to study the stability of an ensemble of dimers of I 2 generated via protein-protein docking. MM-PBSA calculations indicate that within the ensemble of investigated dimers the major contribution to interface stabilization at physiological pH comes from hydrophobic interactions between apolar residues. Our structural analysis also reveals that the interfacial region associated with the most stable binding modes are particularly rich in residues pertaining to both the N- and C-terminus, as well residues from the BC- and DE-loops. On the other hand, the less stable interfaces are stabilized by intermolecular interactions involving residues from the CD- and EF-loops. By focusing on the most stable binding modes, we used a simple geometric rule to propagate the corresponding dimer interfaces. We found that, in the absence of any kind of structural rearrangement occurring at an early stage of the oligomerization pathway, some interfaces drive a self-limited growth process, while others can be propagated indefinitely allowing the formation of long, polymerized chains. In particular, the interfacial region of the most stable binding mode reported here falls in the class of self-limited growth.






