flower colour

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flower colour is an important mediator of plant-pollinator interactions. While the reflectance of light from the flower surface and background are governed by physical properties, the perceptual interpretation of such information is generated by complex multilayered visual processing. Should quantitative modelling of flower signals strive for repeatable consistency enabled by parameter simplification, or should modelling reflect the dynamic way in which bees are known to process signals? We discuss why colour is an interpretation of spectral information by the brain of an animal. Different species, or individuals within a species, may respond differently to colour signals depending on sensory apparatus and/or individual experience. Humans and bees have different spectral ranges, but colour theory is strongly rooted in human colour perception and many principles of colour vision appear to be common. We discuss bee colour perception based on physiological, neuroanatomical and behavioural evidence to provide a pathway for modelling flower colours. We examine whether flower petals and floral guides as viewed against spectrally different backgrounds should be considered as a simple colour contrast problem or require a more dynamic consideration of how bees make perceptual decisions. We discuss that plants such as deceptive orchids may present signals to exploit bee perception, whilst many plants do provide honest signalling where perceived saturation indicates the probability of collecting nutritional rewards towards the centre of a flower that then facilitates effective pollination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Linariabimaculata comb. et stat. nov., from the overlooked Central Algarve plant endemism centre, is here lectotypified and redescribed as a full species based on Linariaviscosavar.bimaculata, which was historically misidentified under allopatric L.spartea and L.viscosa. Traditional herbarium taxonomy and citizen science observations were combined to document the geographical range of the four species of Linariasubsect.Versicolores in the Algarve and amend an identification key for the Iberian clade of this subsection. Geographical patterns and morphological similarity suggest a sister relationship between L.bimaculata and L.algarviana, unveiling a new possible example of parallel speciation linked to a purple to yellow shift in corolla colour. Besides the yellow flowers, L.bimaculata differs from L.algarviana in the more elongate fertile stems and the invariably erect-patent corolla tube. It is assessed as Vulnerable (VU) according to the IUCN Categories and Criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the early 1900s, Erwin Baur established Antirrhinum majus as a model system, identifying and characterising numerous flower colour variants. This included Picturatum/Eluta, which restricts the accumulation of magenta anthocyanin pigments, forming bullseye markings on the flower face. We identified the gene underlying the Eluta locus by transposon-tagging, using an Antirrhinum line that spontaneously lost the nonsuppressive el phenotype. A candidate MYB repressor gene at this locus contained a CACTA transposable element. We subsequently identified plants where this element excised, reverting to a suppressive Eluta phenotype. El alleles inhibit expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes, confirming it to be a regulatory locus. The modes of action of Eluta were investigated by generating stable transgenic tobacco lines, biolistic transformation of Antirrhinum petals and promoter activation/repression assays. Eluta competes with MYB activators for promoter cis-elements, and also by titrating essential cofactors (bHLH proteins) to reduce transcription of target genes. Eluta restricts the pigmentation established by the R2R3-MYB factors, Rosea and Venosa, with the greatest repression on those parts of the petals where Eluta is most highly expressed. Baur questioned the origin of heredity units determining flower colour variation in cultivated A. majus. Our findings support introgression from wild species into cultivated varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Not all colours are perceived and interpreted equally. The electromagnetic spectrum is perceived differently by the distinct visual systems of animal species, resulting in differences in each species\' colour perception. Given the diverse colours found in flowering plants, it is interesting to consider the colour perception of insects and the co-evolution of flowering plants to attract pollinators. Here, we considered the differences between human visual systems and that of bees and flies-the two largest insect pollinator groups. We collected flower reflectance spectral data of 73 species across seven human-perceived colours using a spectrophotometer. Minimum of 3 different flowers were used to measure the reflectance properties of flower colours. The raw data can be used to visualize the different animals\' visual systems i.e. it can be processed and translated into known photoreceptors of human, bee, and fly visual systems. Overall, our data will help to compare how different animals see flower colours in the natural world and will also highlight the importance of understanding the interspecific communication in plant-pollinator communities. Thus, our data will assist scientists in the future to recognize the floral colour evolution in angiosperms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diversity of flower colours in nature provides quantifiable evidence for how visitations by colour sensing insect pollinators can drive the evolution of angiosperm visual signalling. Recent research shows that both biotic and abiotic factors may influence flower signalling, and that harsher climate conditions may also promote salient signalling to entice scarcer pollinators to visit. In parallel, a more sophisticated appreciation of the visual task foragers face reveals that bees have a complex visual system that uses achromatic vision when moving fast, whilst colour vision requires slower, more careful inspection of targets. Spectra of 714 native flowering species across Taiwan from sea level to mountainous regions 3,300 m above sea level (a.s.l.) were measured. We modelled how the visual system of key bee pollinators process signals, including flower size. By using phylogenetically informed analyses, we observed that at lower altitudes including foothills and submontane landscapes, there is a significant relationship between colour contrast and achromatic signals. Overall, the frequency of flowers with high colour contrast increases with altitude, whilst flower size decreases. The evidence that flower colour signaling becomes increasingly salient in higher altitude conditions supports that abiotic factors influence pollinator foraging in a way that directly influences how flowering plants need to advertise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bright flower colour assists plants attract insects to complete pollination and provides distinct ornamental values. In some medicinal plants, diverse flower colour variations usually imply differences in active ingredients. Compared to the common bluish purple of Scutellaria baicalensis flower (SB), the natural variants present rose red (SR) and white (SW) flowers were screened out under the same growing conditions in the genuine producing area Shandong Province, China. However, the mechanism of flower colour variation in S. baicalensis was remain unclear. In the present study, we conducted integrated transcriptome and metabolome analyses to uncover the metabolic difference and regulation mechanism in three S. baicalensis flowers.
    RESULTS: The results showed that 9 anthocyanins were identified. Among which, 4 delphinidin-based anthocyanins were only detected in SB, 4 cyanidin-based anthocyanins (without cyanidin-3-O-glucoside) mainly accumulated in SR, and no anthocyanin but high level of flavanone, naringenin, was detected in SW. The gene expression profile indicated that the key structural genes in the flavonoid and anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway differentially expressed in flowers with different colours. Compared to SB, the down-regulated expression of F3\'5\'H, ANS, and 3GT gene in SR might influence the anthocyanin composition. Especially the InDel site with deletion of 7 nucleotides (AATAGAG) in F3\'5\'H in SR might be the determinant for lack of delphinidin-based anthocyanins in rose red flowers. In SW, the lower expression levels of DFR and two F3H genes might reduce the anthocyanin accumulation. Notably the SNP site of G > A mutation in the splicing site of DFR in SW might block anthocyanin biosynthesis from flavanones and thus cause white flowers. In addition, several key transcription factors, including MYB, bHLH, and NAC, which highly correlated with structural gene expression and anthocyanin contents were also identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide clues to uncover the molecular regulatory mechanism of flower colour variation in S. baicalensis and promote novel insights into understanding the anthocyanin biosynthesis and regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Butterflies have a wide spectrum of colour vision, and changes in flower colour influence both the visiting and nectaring (the act of feeding on flower nectar) events of them. However, the spontaneous behavioural response of butterflies while foraging on real flowers is less characterised in wild conditions. Hence, this study intends to investigate flower colour affinity in wild butterflies in relation to nectaring frequency (NF) and nectaring duration (ND). Six distinct flower colours were used to study spontaneous nectaring behaviour in 20 species of subtropical butterflies. Both NF and ND greatly varied in the flower colours they offered. Yellow flowers were frequently imbibed by butterflies for longer durations, followed by orange, while red, pink, white and violet flowers were occasionally nectared in shorter bouts. Though butterflies have a general tendency to nectar on multiple flower colours, the Nymphalids were more biased towards nectaring on yellow flowers, but Papilionids preferred both yellow and orange, while the Pierids were likely to display an equal affinity for yellow, orange and violet flowers as their first order of preference. Even if the blooms are associated with higher nectar concentrations or a significant grade reward, the butterfly may prefer to visit different-coloured flowers instead. Flower colour choice appears to be a generalist phenomenon for butterflies, but their specialist visiting nature was also significant. Nymphalid representatives responded to a wider variety of floral colour affinities than Pierid and Papilionid species. The colour preference of butterflies aids in the identification of flowers during foraging and influences subsequent foraging decisions, which ultimately benefits pollination success. The current information will support the preservation and conservation of butterflies in their natural habitats.






  • 文章类型: Review
    A general view in the study of pollination syndromes is that floral traits usually represent convergent floral adaptations to specific functional pollinator groups. However, the definition of convergence is elusive and contradictory in the literature. Is convergence the independent evolution of either the same trait or similar traits with the same function? A review of the concept of convergence in developmental biology and phylogenetic systematics may shed new light in studies of pollination syndromes.
    The aims of this article are (1) to explore the notion of convergence and other concepts (analogy, homoplasy and parallelism) within the theory and practice of developmental evolution and phylogenetic systematics; (2) to modify the definitions of syndromes in order to embrace the concepts of analogy and convergence; (3) to revisit the bat pollination syndrome in the context of angiosperm phylogeny, with focus on the showy \'petaloid\' organs associated with the syndrome; (4) to revisit the genetic-developmental basis of flower colour; (5) to raise evolutionary hypotheses of floral evolution associated with the bat pollination syndrome; and (6) to highlight some of the current frontiers of research on the origin and evolution of flowers and its impact on pollination syndrome studies in the 21st century.
    The inclusion of the concepts of analogy and convergence within the concept of syndromes will constitute a new agenda of inquiry that integrates floral biology, phylogenetic systematics and developmental biology. Phyllostomid and pteropodid bat pollination syndrome traits in eudicots and monocots represent cases of analogous and convergent evolution. Pollination syndromes are a multivariate concept intrinsically related to the understanding of flower organogenesis and evolution. The formulation of hypotheses of pollination syndromes must consider the phylogenetic levels of universality for both plant and animal taxa, flower development, genetics, homology and evolution, and a clear definition of evolutionary concepts, including analogy, convergence, homoplasy and parallelism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The yellow colour of ornamental varieties of tree peony originated from Paeonia delavayi. However, but P. delavayi and Paeonia suffruticosa belong to different subgroups, so hybridization is difficult and results in a long breeding cycle. However, no comprehensive transcriptomic profiling has focused on the colour formation mechanisms of yellow tree peony petals. Analysing the colour formation mechanism of yellow petals in P. delavayi is very important for directional molecular breeding. In this study, the transcriptional map of yellow pigment development in petals was used to analyse the mechanism of petal colour formation. We analysed the genes related to the metabolism of flavonoids and carotenoids and the transcription factors (TFs) involved in P. delavayi var. lutea (pure yellow individual) yellow pigment development using transcriptome sequence profiling. Transcriptome sequence profiles revealed three and four differentially expressed transcripts (DETs) involved in flavonoid biosynthesis and carotenoid biosynthesis, respectively. An analysis of DETs in the flavonoid pathway showed that chalcone synthase (CHS) and chalcone 2´-glucosyltransferases (THC2\'GT) act in synergy to synthesize isosalipurposide (ISP). CHS and flavonol synthase (FLS) synergistically synthesize quercetin and kaempferol. DEG analysis of the carotenoid pathway revealed that phytoene synthase (PSY), carotenoid isomerase (CRTISO) and β-carotene hydroxylases (CHYB) play a key role in regulating lutein formation, and carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (CCD) plays an important role in the degradation of carotenoids. These two pathways may be regulated by TF families such as bHLH, ARF, and MYB. The results of the transient overexpression of genes showed that CHS and CHI are regulated by PdMYB2. In this study, the molecular mechanism of ISP synthesis was analysed in depth, and the complete metabolic pathway of carotenoids in Paeonia L. was reported for the first time. By studying the formation mechanism of yellow pigment in P. delavayi petals, a breeding strategy for improving flavonol and carotenoid contents and reducing anthocyanin synthesis by genetic engineering was suggested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flowers are intricate and integrated three-dimensional (3D) structures predominantly studied in 2D due to the difficulty in quantitatively characterising their morphology in 3D. Given the recent development of analytical methods for high-dimensional data, the reconstruction of flower models in three dimensions represents the limiting factor to studying flowers in 3D. We developed a floral photogrammetry protocol to reconstruct 3D models of flowers based on images taken with a digital single-lens reflex camera, a turntable and a portable lightbox. We demonstrate that photogrammetry allows a rapid and accurate reconstruction of 3D models of flowers from 2D images. It can reconstruct all visible parts of flowers and has the advantage of keeping colour information. We illustrated its use by studying the shape and colour of 18 Gesneriaceae species. Photogrammetry is an affordable alternative to micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) that requires minimal investment and equipment, allowing it to be used directly in the field. It has the potential to stimulate research on the evolution and ecology of flowers by providing a simple way to access 3D morphological data from a variety of flower types.





