
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Young mothers have reported facing specific challenges such as stigmatisation and social isolation, which may be exaggerated by the increasing maternal age in industrialised countries. Despite these challenges, some young mothers have been shown to exhibit resilience and confidence during the transition to parenthood. Using strength-based psychological concepts, this study aimed to identify the facilitators of and barriers to the development of positive psychological states in young Australian mothers.
    UNASSIGNED: Using semi-structured interview questions, 11 women who had given birth between 15 and 22 were asked to share their experiences of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Their responses were analysed using the Framework method; initially coding the data to a priori themes such as resilience and social support, and then to higher order themes.
    UNASSIGNED: Five higher order themes were developed from participant responses: 1. Everything is about to change, 2. Disrespected and disempowered, 3. Resilience, 4. It takes a village, and 5. A hopeful future. Across these themes, participants described the mixed emotional experiences of pregnancy and birth, experiences of stigma from various sources, efforts to maintain mental wellbeing, reliance on support networks, and aspirations for themselves and their children.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings from the current study highlight several key strategies for managing the challenges of early motherhood and promoting positive psychological states. Recommendations include fostering self-efficacy, supporting identity development, and establishing strong support networks across social and healthcare contexts. Recognizing and celebrating the strengths of young mothers is essential for effectively supporting them through the complex experience of motherhood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent scholarship has identified a growing mental health crisis among scientists and those in academia more generally. This study draws from nationally representative survey data collected from physicists and biologists working in four countries-the United Kingdom, the United States, India, and Italy (N = 3442)-and examines how religion/spirituality relates to their physical and mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential mediating role of dispositional awe, which involves transcendent experience. In the current age, science and religion are generally perceived to be in conflict, but recent evidence suggests they might be more complementary than was previously thought, especially in that they both evoke aesthetic experiences. Results from our regression and mediation analyses suggest that academic scientists who rated religion/spirituality as \"very important\" in their lives had higher overall flourishing scores, lower psychological distress, and were less likely to report that their mental and physical health had worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings present a strong and consistent case for the explanatory role of a sense of awe in these associations. Taken together, our research invites academic and scientific institutions to recognize and value the personal and spiritual dimensions that scientists may bring to their work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amphibian populations are declining globally due to climate change. However, the impacts on the geographic distribution of amphibians on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), a global biodiversity hotspot with 112 species of amphibians that is sensitive to global climate change, remains unclear. In this study, MaxEnt and barycentre shift analyses were performed to reveal the impact of climate change on the potential future habitats of amphibians on the QTP using the BCC-CSM2-MR global climate model of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects Phase 6 (CMIP6) climate pattern with three shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP). In contrast to the widespread decline in the amphibian population, the future scenarios projected an increase in most amphibian habitats on the QTP, accompanied by migration to higher elevations or latitudes under three climatic projections (SSP 1-2.6, 3-7.0, and 5-8.5). Average annual precipitation was the most crucial environmental variable impacting the future distribution of amphibians. The findings indicate that amphibians would flourish under climate change on the QTP, which is of great significance for the protection of amphibians and biodiversity on the QTP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to many surveys, the pilgrimage along the Way of St James (Camino de. Santiago) can lead to spiritual benefits, but there is some disagreement about this because these benefits can be associated with the pilgrim\'s motivation. This article presents a conceptual framework for understanding the phenomenon of pilgrimages to Compostela and their impact on human spiritual well-being. Many diaries mention various positive psychological effects from these trips, but they are presented in religious/spiritual dialectical tension. The article presents the classical concept of spirituality as related to the ability to transcend, and then classifies what is spiritual in the writings of some Polish pilgrims. In this way, conceptual precision will be offered, which is important for understanding the positive impact of pilgrimages on well-being and empowerment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The convergence of researchers in the fields of flourishing, moral psychology, and social-emotional studies has reached a stage where developing a theory that connects emotional regulation and flourishing is meaningful. This theoretical investigation aims to uncover insights from the research of Magda B. Arnold, renowned for her theory of emotions, and lesser-known for her notion of the self-ideal, regarding the relationship between emotional regulation and flourishing. Our initial hypothesis posits that Arnold\'s concept of self-ideal provides a framework for understanding how to foster emotional regulation in individuals by directing it toward constructive life objectives. To achieve this, we explore the current state of emotional regulation and flourishing and the relationship between these concepts; we consider the interconnectedness of emotion and self-ideal within Arnold\'s theory and analyze its potential to serve as a foundation for building a theory relating flourishing and emotional regulation. We find in Arnold\'s theory substantial ideas about the relationship between emotional regulation, flourishing, and self-ideal, as well as emerging empirical research relating to these themes. We conclude that Arnold\'s research can serve as a catalyst for developing psychological intervention models that enhance emotional regulation and promote a flourishing life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper contributes to a broader movement in which the telos of leadership is flourishing, and the primary role of a leader is to promote the flourishing of their team members through creating a loving environment. In support of this, we propose a new perspective on, and associated model, of educational leadership: \'leadership for teacher flourishing\' (LFTF). This model was developed through a literature review and a mixed methods research project across 78 British schools with collaborative and participatory elements which asked how school leaders could improve the flourishing of teachers. The quantitative and qualitative findings suggested that key factors in enabling teachers to flourish, and therefore incorporated into the model \'LFTF\', were positive relationships; opportunities for growth; positive impact on subjective wellbeing; and increasing teachers\' sense of meaning at work. The ways leaders could impact these factors were reported as: being supportive and compassionate; being trustworthy; giving teachers autonomy; enabling teachers to grow; being appreciative and focusing on strengths; and enabling teachers to do meaningful work. It was also found that not only leaders could influence flourishing; teachers with no formal leadership role could also positively impact teacher flourishing. It is suggested that virtuous dispositions in leaders are required to ensure they are consistent in acting in ways that promote flourishing. We argue that this integration of virtue and a desire to promote flourishing is properly understood as love. The participatory and collaborative phase of the research showed that teachers wanted autonomy in deciding what would help them to flourish. The conclusion sets out the implications of this research for policy on the training and selection of school leaders, to improve not only the flourishing of teachers, but also pupils and communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research conceptualized and offered preliminary evidence on the psychometric properties of the 10-item Divine Connectedness Scale-a measure that assesses individuals\' perceptions of feeling supported by (divine guidance) and working with (divine collaboration) God or a Supreme Being. Results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis with 434 undergraduate students in the United States showed that scores from a single-factor model of divine connectedness were valid and reliable. Divine connectedness was positively associated with religiosity, forgiveness, and well-being variables. Divine connectedness showed incremental validity over demographic covariates, social desirability, and religiosity in predicting later meaning in life and flourishing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flourishing refers to one kind of generalized wellbeing. Contemporary flourishing research often privileges positive emotion in the theorization and measurement of the construct, such that flourishing is frequently conceptualized as involving a predominance of positive over negative emotions. Positive emotions are thus, on some views of flourishing, seen as an essential component of \"the good life.\" This paper explores the nuanced variations in conceptions of the good life, focusing on the interplay between positive emotion and flourishing. Through an analysis of contemporary perspectives on flourishing, we underscore the diversity in conceptualizations of flourishing and the implications of this diversity for flourishing theorists. Our review reveals significant disparities in perspectives regarding the significance of positive emotion in the pursuit of a good life. Furthermore, we delineate the theoretical distinctions between objective-list approaches and functional approaches to flourishing, highlighting their respective advantages and limitations. Theoretical dissensus persists regarding whether positive emotion is a necessary constituent of the good life, thus prompting a critical examination of the justification for its inclusion in flourishing models. Finally, we emphasize the need for greater theoretical clarity in defining wellbeing to inform both research endeavors and societal discourse. We suggest that an adequate appreciation of variation in the development and maintenance of flourishing requires admitting for more complex relationships between the construct and both positive and negative emotionality, while embracing the cultural and individual variety that are unavoidable in accurate models of human life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flourishing is an increasingly common construct employed in the study of human wellbeing. But its appropriateness as a framework of wellbeing at certain stages of life is contested. In this paper, we consider to what extent it is possible for someone to flourish at the end of life. People with terminal illness often experience significant and protracted pain and suffering especially when they opt for treatments that prolong life. Certain aspects of human goods, however, that are plausibly constitutive of flourishing-such as meaning and purpose, deep personal relationships, and character and virtue-can be uniquely realised when life is ending. We argue that there is a qualified sense in which one can flourish at the end of life but that one must make important modifications to the criteria implicit in conventional conceptions of flourishing. We close with a discussion of the empirical assessment of wellbeing at the end of life and explore the possibility of introducing a flourishing measure in palliative care practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: In the past 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic had a robust negative impact on the mental health of healthcare providers, with increasing rates of depression, anxiety, acute stress and burnout. Healthcare workers experiencing poor mental health are reluctant to seek help and treatment because they are afraid of being stigmatized and excluded by their colleagues and employers. During the pandemic positive emotions, resilience and psychological well-being buffered distress and burnout in healthcare workers. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: This paper describes positive mental health, depression, anxiety and burnout in healthcare workers during the second wave of the pandemic. Forty-eight per cent of healthcare workers were flourishing (high levels of positive emotions and well-being), 10% languishing (absence of well-being and positivity). Flourishing individuals reported lower levels of depression, anxiety and burnout. These findings documented a relevant number of resilient healthcare workers, who restored/maintained their well-being also under stressful conditions. Vulnerable healthcare workers were less than 20%, and they reported severe anxiety, depression and burnout. No differences emerged between languishing and moderate mental health groups in their levels of anxiety, depression and burnout. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE?: The condition of flourishing is the only one that provides protection from depression and anxiety and burnout, while moderate mental health does not differ substantially from the languishing state. The study confirms the importance of maintaining and/or promoting the well-being of healthcare workers. Interventions for promoting positive mental health of vulnerable workers are needed. Mental health nurses can have the skills and expertise for evaluating early symptoms of psychological distress and for implementing interventions for promoting and restoring well-being. These interventions may include informational campaign (i.e. preparing and distributing pamphlets and guidelines) and emotional support programmes (psychoeducation and training, mental health support team, peer support and counselling) that can be delivered also via digital platforms.
    UNASSIGNED: INTRODUCTION: Few studies focused on healthcare workers\' positive mental health (i.e. high levels of psychological well-being) and its association with anxiety, depression and burnout in the second wave of the pandemic.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the protective role of well-being in buffering burnout and psychological distress.
    METHODS: We evaluated 173 Italian healthcare workers with indicators of psychological distress (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales [DASS]-21), burnout (Copenhagen Burnout Inventory [CBI]) and positive mental health (Mental Health Continuum) and we cross-classified them according to their levels of mental health (flourishing, languishing and moderate mental health) and their levels of anxiety, depression and burnout.
    RESULTS: Forty-eight per cent of health workers were classified as flourishing, 10% as languishing and 42% as moderate mental health. Flourishing individuals presented lower scores on DASS and CBI scales, whereas no differences emerged between languishing and moderate mental health groups. More than 80% of health workers with clinically significant symptoms of anxiety, depression and risk of burnout were classified as not flourishing.
    CONCLUSIONS: This investigation documented the presence of flourishing mental health in almost half of the sample of Italian healthcare workers. However, those with moderate or languishing mental health manifested higher levels of anxiety, depression and higher risks of burnout.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study confirms the importance of maintaining and/or promoting the well-being of this population, with a crucial role of mental health nurses who can easily approach other healthcare workers and provide them informational (training, guidelines) and emotional support programmes (psychoeducation, mental health support team, peer support and counselling) when facing adverse working conditions.





