floral meristem

  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intricate morphology of the flower is primarily established within floral meristems in which floral organs will be defined and from where the developing flower will emerge. Floral meristem development involves multiscale-level regulation, including lineage and positional mechanisms for establishing cell-type identity, and transcriptional regulation mediated by changes in the chromatin environment. However, many key aspects of floral meristem development remain to be determined, such as: 1) the exact role of cellular location in connecting transcriptional inputs to morphological outcomes, and 2) the precise interactions between transcription factors and chromatin regulators underlying the transcriptional networks that regulate the transition from cell proliferation to differentiation during floral meristem development. Here, we highlight recent studies addressing these points through newly developed spatial reconstruction techniques and high-resolution transcription factor-chromatin environment interactions in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Specifically, we feature studies that reconstructed 3D gene expression atlases of the floral meristem. We also discuss how the precise timing of floral meristem specification, floral organ patterning, and floral meristem termination is determined through temporally defined epigenetic dynamics for fine-tuning of gene expression. These studies offer fresh insights into the well-established principles of floral meristem development and outline the potential for further advances in this field in an age of integrated, powerful, multiscale resolution approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many developmental processes associated with fruit development occur at the floral meristem (FM). Age-regulated microRNA156 (miR156) and gibberellins (GAs) interact to control flowering time, but their interplay in subsequent stages of reproductive development is poorly understood. Here, in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), we show that GA and miR156-targeted SQUAMOSA PROMOTER-BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL or SBP) genes interact in the tomato FM and ovary patterning. High GA responses or overexpression of miR156 (156OE), which leads to low expression levels of miR156-silenced SBP genes, resulted in enlarged FMs, ovary indeterminacy and fruits with increased locule number. Conversely, low GA responses reduced indeterminacy and locule number, and overexpression of a S. lycopersicum (Sl)SBP15 allele that is miR156 resistant (rSBP15) reduced FM size and locule number. GA responses were partially required for the defects observed in 156OE and rSBP15 fruits. Transcriptome analysis and genetic interactions revealed shared and divergent functions of miR156-targeted SlSBP genes, PROCERA/DELLA and the classical WUSCHEL/CLAVATA pathway, which has been previously associated with meristem size and determinacy. Our findings reveal that the miR156/SlSBP/GA regulatory module is deployed differently depending on developmental stage and create novel opportunities to fine-tune aspects of fruit development that have been important for tomato domestication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The shoot apical meristem is the plant tissue that produces the plant aerial organs such as flowers and leaves. To better understand how the shoot apical meristem develops and adapts to the environment, imaging developing shoot meristems expressing fluorescence reporters through laser confocal microscopy is becoming increasingly important. Yet, there are not many computational pipelines enabling a systematic and high-throughput characterization of the produced microscopy images. This chapter provides a simple method to analyze 3D images obtained through laser scanning microscopy and quantitatively characterize radially or axially symmetric 3D fluorescence domains expressed in a tissue or organ by a reporter. Then, it presents different computational pipelines aiming at performing high-throughput quantitative image analysis of gene expression in plant inflorescence and floral meristems. This methodology has notably enabled the quantitative characterization of how stem cells respond to environmental perturbations in the Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence meristem and will open new avenues in the use of quantitative analysis of gene expression in shoot apical meristems. Overall, the presented methodology provides a simple framework to analyze quantitatively gene expression domains from 3D confocal images at the tissue and organ level, which can be applied to shoot meristems and other organs and tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The shoot apical and floral meristems (SAM and FM, respectively) of Arabidopsis thaliana contain reservoirs of self-renewing stem cells that function as sources of progenitor cells for organ formation during development. The primary SAM produces all the aerial structures of the adult plant, while the FMs generate the four types of floral organs. Consequently, aberrant SAM and FM activity can profoundly affect vegetative and reproductive plant morphology. The embedded location and small size of Arabidopsis meristems make accessing these structures difficult, so specialized techniques have been developed to facilitate their analysis. Microscopic, histological, and molecular techniques provide both qualitative and quantitative data on meristem organization and function, which are crucial for the normal growth and development of the entire plant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The branching phenotype is an extremely important agronomic trait of plants, especially for horticultural crops. It is not only an important yield character of fruit trees, but also an exquisite ornamental trait of landscape trees and flowers. The branching characteristics of plants are determined by the periodic initiation and later development of meristems, especially the axillary meristem (AM) in the vegetative stage and the floral meristem (FM) in the reproductive stage, which jointly determine the above-ground plant architecture. The regulation of meristem initiation has made great progress in model plants in recent years. Meristem initiation is comprehensively regulated by a complex regulatory network composed of plant hormones and transcription factors. However, as it is an important trait, studies on meristem initiation in horticultural plants are very limited, and the mechanism of meristem initiation regulation in horticultural plants is largely unknown. This review summarizes recent research advances in axillary meristem regulation and mainly reviews the regulatory networks and mechanisms of AM and FM initiation regulated by transcription factors and hormones. Finally, considering the existing problems in meristem initiation studies and the need for branching trait improvement in horticulture plants, we prospect future studies to accelerate the genetic improvement of the branching trait in horticulture plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Locules are the seed-bearing structure of fruits. Multiple locules are associated with increased fruit size and seed set, and therefore, control of locule number is an important agronomic trait. Locule number is controlled in part by the CLAVATA-WUSCHEL pathway. Disruption of either the CLAVATA1 receptor-like kinase or its ligand CLAVATA3 can cause larger floral meristems and an increased number of locules. In an EMS mutagenized population of Brassica rapa, we identified a mutant allele that raises the number of locules from four to a range of from six to eight. Linkage mapping and genetic analysis support that the mutant phenotype is due to a missense mutation in a CLAVATA 1 (CLV1) homolog. In addition to increased locule number, additional internal gynoecia are formed in brclv1 individuals, suggesting a failure to terminate floral meristem development, which results in decreased seed production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: StLFY-knockout potato plants were developed using CRISPR/Cas9 system. Inflorescences of edited plants transited to flowering, but inflorescence structures lacked flowers and were indeterminate, producing multiple shoot meristems. The tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important agricultural crop worldwide. In this study, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to inactivate the potato homolog (StLFY) of the LEAFY gene-a key regulator of the transition to flowering and floral meristem identity-in a tetraploid potato cultivar. We achieved high rates of all-allelic knockouts. Frameshift indels led to phenotypic alterations, including indeterminate inflorescence development and the replacement of flowers with the leafy-like structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accelerating the differentiation of floral meristem (FM) from shoot apical meristems (SAM) which determines the conversion from vegetative to reproductive growth is of great significance for the production of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). In this research, the mechanisms of different nitrogen (N) application rates (low N, N1; normal N, N2; and high N, N3) on different FM development stages triggering the regulation of FM differentiation genes through the auxin biosynthetic and signal transduction were investigated. We found that the stage of FM differentiation, which was identified through a stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope, came 4 and 7 days earlier under high N rate than under normal and low N levels, with the seed yield increased by 11.1 and 22.6%, respectively. Analysis of the auxin and its derivatives contents showed that the main biosynthesis way of auxin was the indole acetaldehyde oxime (IAOx) pathway, with 3-Indole acetonitrile dramatically accumulated during FM differentiation. At the same time, an obvious decrease of IAA contents at each FM differentiation stage was detected, and then gradually rose. Results of the expression of genes involved in auxin biosynthesis, auxin signaling transduction, and FM identification under five FM differentiation stages and three nitrogen application rates showed that genes involved in auxin biosynthesis were regulated before the FM differentiation stage, while the regulation of FM identity genes appeared mainly at the middle and later periods of the five stages, and the regulation level of genes varied under different N rates. Taken together, a high nitrogen rate could accelerate the initiation of FM differentiation, and auxin involved a lot in this regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vegetative-to-reproductive phase transition in female cannabis seedlings occurs autonomously with the de novo development of single flowers. To ensure successful sexual reproduction, many plant species originating from seedlings undergo juvenile-to-adult transition. This phase transition precedes and enables the vegetative-to-reproductive shift in plants, upon perception of internal and/or external signals such as temperature, photoperiod, metabolite levels, and phytohormones. This study demonstrates that the juvenile seedlings of cannabis gradually shift to the adult vegetative stage, as confirmed by the formation of lobed leaves, and upregulation of the phase-transition genes. In the tested cultivar, the switch to the reproductive stage occurs with the development of a pair of single flowers in the 7th node. Histological analysis indicated that transition to the reproductive stage is accomplished by the de novo establishment of new flower meristems which are not present in a vegetative stage, or as dormant meristems at nodes 4 and 6. Moreover, there were dramatic changes in the transcriptomic profile of flowering-related genes among nodes 4, 6, and 7. Downregulation of flowering repressors and an intense increase in the transcription of phase transition-related genes occur in parallel with an increase in the transcription of flowering integrators and meristem identity genes. These results support and provide molecular evidence for previous findings that cannabis possesses an autonomous flowering mechanism and the transition to reproductive phase is controlled in this plant mainly by internal signals.





