
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flight is a complex physiological process requiring precise coordination of muscular contraction. A key protein in insect flight is flightin, which plays an integral role in the flight muscles. This research sought to evaluate the flight competence of the social wasp V. basalis by characterizing the molecular components involved. Our study focused on Vespa basalis, one of the most dangerous hornet species, utilizing PCR to obtain a partial cDNA sequence of the flightin protein. We then employed phylogenetic and sequence analysis to gain insights into this protein in flight-related adaptations. The cDNA has an 1189-base pair sequence including an open reading frame (453 bp) encoding 150 amino acids. Analyzing the deduced amino acid sequence using an online tool revealed a molecular weight of 18.05 kDa, an isoelectric point of 5.84, four functional site patterns, and no transmembrane topology. We constructed a phylogenetic tree of flightin based on 38 species. Our analysis indicated that V. basalis is most closely related to V. mandarinia; this alignment is consistent with their similar aggressive behavior, but their evolutionary relationship, based on mitochondrial sequences, presents a contrast. These initial findings on the flightin gene in V. basalis lay the groundwork for future functional studies to elucidate its specific role in flight adaptations and explore its potential as a target for pest management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Striated muscle thick filaments are composed of myosin II and several non-myosin proteins which define the filament length and modify its function. Myosin II has a globular N-terminal motor domain comprising its catalytic and actin-binding activities and a long α-helical, coiled tail that forms the dense filament backbone. Myosin alone polymerizes into filaments of irregular length, but striated muscle thick filaments have defined lengths that, with thin filaments, define the sarcomere structure. The motor domain structure and function are well understood, but the myosin filament backbone is not. Here we report on the structure of the flight muscle thick filaments from Drosophila melanogaster at 4.7 Å resolution, which eliminates previous ambiguities in non-myosin densities. The full proximal S2 region is resolved, as are the connecting densities between the Ig domains of stretchin-klp. The proteins, flightin, and myofilin are resolved in sufficient detail to build an atomic model based on an AlphaFold prediction. Our results suggest a method by which flightin and myofilin cooperate to define the structure of the thick filament and explains a key myosin mutation that affects flightin incorporation. Drosophila is a genetic model organism for which our results can define strategies for functional testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myosin dimers arranged in layers and interspersed with non-myosin densities have been described by cryo-EM 3D reconstruction of the thick filament in Lethocerus at 5.5 Å resolution. One of the non-myosin densities, denoted the \'red density\', is hypothesized to be flightin, an LMM-binding protein essential to the structure and function of Drosophila indirect flight muscle (IFM). Here, we build upon the 3D reconstruction results specific to the red density and its engagement with the myosin coiled-coil rods that form the backbone of the thick filament. Each independent red density winds its way through the myosin dimers, such that it links four dimers in a layer and one dimer in a neighboring layer. This area in which three distinct interfaces within the myosin rod are contacted at once and the red density extends to the thick filament core is designated the \"multiface\". Present within the multiface is a contact area inclusive of E1563 and R1568. Mutations in the corresponding Drosophila residues (E1554K and R1559H) are known to interfere with flightin accumulation and phosphorylation in Drosophila. We further examine the LMM area in direct apposition to the red density and identified potential binding residues spanning up to ten helical turns. We find that the red density is associated within an expanse of the myosin coiled-coil that is unwound by the third skip residue and the coiled-coil is re-oriented while in contact with the red density. These findings suggest a mechanism by which flightin induces ordered assembly of myosin dimers through its contacts with multiple myosin dimers and brings about reinforcement on the level of a single myosin dimer by stabilization of the myosin coiled-coil.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural changes in the myosin II light meromyosin (LMM) that influence thick filament mechanical properties and muscle function are modulated by LMM-binding proteins. Flightin is an LMM-binding protein indispensable for the function of Drosophila indirect flight muscle (IFM). Flightin has a three-domain structure that includes WYR, a novel 52 aa domain conserved throughout Pancrustacea. In this study, we (i) test the hypothesis that WYR binds the LMM, (ii) characterize the secondary structure of WYR, and (iii) examine the structural impact WYR has on the LMM. Circular dichroism at 260-190 nm reveals a structural profile for WYR and supports an interaction between WYR and LMM. A WYR-LMM interaction is supported by co-sedimentation with a stoichiometry of ~2.4:1. The WYR-LMM interaction results in an overall increased coiled-coil content, while curtailing ɑ helical content. WYR is found to be composed of 15% turns, 31% antiparallel β, and 48% \'other\' content. We propose a structural model of WYR consisting of an antiparallel β hairpin between Q92-K114 centered on an ASX or β turn around N102, with a G1 bulge at G117. The Drosophila LMM segment used, V1346-I1941, encompassing conserved skip residues 2-4, is found to possess a traditional helical profile but is interpreted as having <30% helical content by multiple methods of deconvolution. This low helicity may be affiliated with the dynamic behavior of the structure in solution or the inclusion of a known non-helical region in the C-terminus. Our results support the hypothesis that WYR binds the LMM and that this interaction brings about structural changes in the coiled-coil. These studies implicate flightin, via the WYR domain, for distinct shifts in LMM secondary structure that could influence the structural properties and stabilization of the thick filament, scaling to modulation of whole muscle function.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In duet-based courtship, species- and sex-specific vibrational signals enable animals to identify the species and sex of the singer and also provide the necessary information with which to locate a partner. Substrate-borne communication has been described in a wide variety of insects. Here, we focus on the gene necessary for the emission of male vibrational signals and whether the male song fulfills such a functional role in the mating system of the brown planthopper (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens). We generated mute BPH adult males via RNA interference (RNAi) of the flightin gene, which encodes a myosin-binding protein expressed exclusively in the dorsal longitudinal muscle (DLM) in the basal two abdominal segments used for driving the vibration of the male-specific tymbal structure in short-winged (brachypterous) BPH adults. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation showed that flightin knockdown disrupted the normal sarcomere structure of the abdominal DLM. No courtship song could be detected in the brachypterous males after RNAi treatment. Behavior and competition trials showed that the lack of male courtship songs prolonged copulation latency and even caused female rejection. Unexpectedly, the mute males exhibited greater competitiveness when competing against normal males.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The indirect flight muscles (IFMs) of Drosophila and other insects with asynchronous flight muscles are characterized by a crystalline myofilament lattice structure. The high-order lattice regularity is considered an adaptation for enhanced power output, but supporting evidence for this claim is lacking. We show that IFMs from transgenic flies expressing flightin with a deletion of its poorly conserved N-terminal domain (flnΔN62 ) have reduced inter-thick filament spacing and a less regular lattice. This resulted in a decrease in flight ability by 33% and in skinned fibre oscillatory power output by 57%, but had no effect on wingbeat frequency or frequency of maximum power output, suggesting that the underlying actomyosin kinetics is not affected and that the flight impairment arises from deficits in force transmission. Moreover, we show that flnΔN62 males produced an abnormal courtship song characterized by a higher sine song frequency and a pulse song with longer pulses and longer inter-pulse intervals (IPIs), the latter implicated in male reproductive success. When presented with a choice, wild-type females chose control males over mutant males in 92% of the competition events. These results demonstrate that flightin N-terminal domain is required for optimal myofilament lattice regularity and IFM activity, enabling powered flight and courtship song production. As the courtship song is subject to female choice, we propose that the low amino acid sequence conservation of the N-terminal domain reflects its role in fine-tuning species-specific courtship songs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe a cryo-electron microscopy three-dimensional image reconstruction of relaxed myosin II-containing thick filaments from the flight muscle of the giant water bug Lethocerus indicus. The relaxed thick filament structure is a key element of muscle physiology because it facilitates the reextension process following contraction. Conversely, the myosin heads must disrupt their relaxed arrangement to drive contraction. Previous models predicted that Lethocerus myosin was unique in having an intermolecular head-head interaction, as opposed to the intramolecular head-head interaction observed in all other species. In contrast to the predicted model, we find an intramolecular head-head interaction, which is similar to that of other thick filaments but oriented in a distinctly different way. The arrangement of myosin\'s long α-helical coiled-coil rod domain has been hypothesized as either curved layers or helical subfilaments. Our reconstruction is the first report having sufficient resolution to track the rod α helices in their native environment at resolutions ~5.5 Å, and it shows that the layer arrangement is correct for Lethocerus. Threading separate paths through the forest of myosin coiled coils are four nonmyosin peptides. We suggest that the unusual position of the heads and the rod arrangement separated by nonmyosin peptides are adaptations for mechanical signal transduction whereby applied tension disrupts the myosin heads as a component of stretch activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flightin is a myosin binding protein present in Pancrustacea. In Drosophila, flightin is expressed in the indirect flight muscles (IFM), where it is required for the flexural rigidity, structural integrity, and length determination of thick filaments. Comparison of flightin sequences from multiple Drosophila species revealed a tripartite organization indicative of three functional domains subject to different evolutionary constraints. We use atomic force microscopy to investigate the functional roles of the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain that show different patterns of sequence conservation. Thick filaments containing a C-terminal domain truncated flightin (fln(ΔC44)) are significantly shorter (2.68 ± 0.06 μm; p < 0.005) than thick filaments containing a full length flightin (fln⁺; 3.21 ± 0.05 μm) and thick filaments containing an N-terminal domain truncated flightin (fln(ΔN62); 3.21 ± 0.06 μm). Persistence length was significantly reduced in fln(ΔN62) (418 ± 72 μm; p < 0.005) compared to fln⁺ (1386 ± 196μm) and fln(ΔC44)(1128 ± 193 μm). Statistical polymer chain analysis revealed that the C-terminal domain fulfills a secondary role in thick filament bending propensity. Our results indicate that the flightin amino and carboxy terminal domains make distinct contributions to thick filament biomechanics. We propose these distinct roles arise from the interplay between natural selection and sexual selection given IFM\'s dual role in flight and courtship behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge of the effects of thermal conditions on animal movement and dispersal is necessary for a mechanistic understanding of the consequences of climate change and habitat fragmentation. In particular, the flight of ectothermic insects such as small butterflies is greatly influenced by ambient temperature. Here, variation in body temperature during flight is investigated in an ecological model species, the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia). Attention is paid on the effects of flight metabolism, genotypes at candidate loci, and environmental conditions. Measurements were made under a natural range of conditions using infrared thermal imaging. Heating of flight muscles by flight metabolism has been presumed to be negligible in small butterflies. However, the results demonstrate that Glanville fritillary males with high flight metabolic rate maintain elevated body temperature better during flight than males with a low rate of flight metabolism. This effect is likely to have a significant influence on the dispersal performance and fitness of butterflies and demonstrates the possible importance of intraspecific physiological variation on dispersal in other similar ectothermic insects. The results also suggest that individuals having an advantage in low ambient temperatures can be susceptible to overheating at high temperatures. Further, tolerance of high temperatures may be important for flight performance, as indicated by an association of heat-shock protein (Hsp70) genotype with flight metabolic rate and body temperature at takeoff. The dynamics of body temperature at flight and factors affecting it also differed significantly between female and male butterflies, indicating that thermal dynamics are governed by different mechanisms in the two sexes. This study contributes to knowledge about factors affecting intraspecific variation in dispersal-related thermal performance in butterflies and other insects. Such information is needed for predictive models of the evolution of dispersal in the face of habitat fragmentation and climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) has been applied to whole animal tissue sections of Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, in an effort to identify and spatially localize proteins in specific organ systems. Frozen shrimp were sectioned along the ventral-dorsal axis and methods were optimized for matrix application. In addition, tissue microextraction and homogenization was conducted followed by top-down LC-MS/MS analysis of intact proteins and searches of shrimp EST databases to identify imaged proteins. IMS images revealed organ system specific protein signals that highlighted the hepatopancreas, heart, nervous system, musculature, and cuticle. Top-down proteomics identification of abdominal muscle proteins revealed the sequence of the most abundant muscle protein that has no sequence homology to known proteins. Additional identifications of abdominal muscle proteins included titin, troponin-I, ubiquitin, as well as intact and multiple truncated forms of flightin; a protein known to function in high frequency contraction of insect wing muscles. The combined use of imaging mass spectrometry and top-down proteomics allowed for identification of novel proteins from the sparsely populated shrimp protein databases.





