
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flaviviruses, such as West Nile and Dengue Virus, pose a significant and growing threat to global health. Central to the flavivirus life cycle are highly structured 5\'- and 3\'-untranslated regions (UTRs), which harbor conserved cis-acting RNA elements critical for viral replication and host adaptation. Despite their essential roles, detailed molecular insights into these RNA elements have been limited. By employing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in conjunction with SAXS experiments, we determined the three-dimensional structure of the West Nile Virus (WNV) 3\'-terminal stem-loop core, a highly conserved element critical for viral genome cyclization and replication. Single nucleotide mutations at several sites within this RNA abolish the ability of the virus to replicate. These critical sites are located within a short 18-nucleotide hairpin stem, a substructure notable for its conformational flexibility, while the adjoining main stem-loop adopts a well-defined extended helix interrupted by three non-Watson-Crick pairs. This study enhances our understanding of several metastable RNA structures that play key roles in regulating the flavivirus lifecycle, and thereby also opens up potential new avenues for the development of antivirals targeting these conserved RNA structures. In particular, the structure we observe suggests that the plastic junction between the small hairpin and the tail of the longer stem-loop could provide a binding pocket for small molecules, for example potentially stabilizing the RNA in a conformation which hinders the conformational rearrangements critical for viral replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flaviviruses comprise a large number of arthropod-borne viruses, some of which are associated with life-threatening diseases. Flavivirus infections are rising worldwide, mainly due to the proliferation and geographical expansion of their vectors. The main human pathogens are mosquito-borne flaviviruses, including dengue virus, Zika virus, and West Nile virus, but tick-borne flaviviruses are also emerging. As with any viral infection, the body\'s first line of defense against flavivirus infections is the innate immune defense, of which type I interferon is the armed wing. This cytokine exerts its antiviral activity by triggering the synthesis of hundreds of interferon-induced genes (ISGs), whose products can prevent infection. Among the ISGs that inhibit flavivirus replication, certain tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins have been identified. Although involved in other biological processes, TRIMs constitute a large family of antiviral proteins active on a wide range of viruses. Furthermore, whereas some TRIM proteins directly block viral replication, others are positive regulators of the IFN response. Therefore, viruses have developed strategies to evade or counteract TRIM proteins, and some even hijack certain TRIM proteins to their advantage. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on the interactions between flaviviruses and TRIM proteins, covering both direct and indirect antiviral mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus (OHFV) is a member of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) complex of the Flaviviridae family. Currently, there are no data on the cross-reactivity of antibodies to the NS1 proteins of OHFV and TBEV. Such data are of major interest for monitoring viral encephalitis of unknown etiology due to the increasing geographical distribution of OHFV. In this study, a recombinant OHFV NS1 protein was produced using the Escherichia coli expression system and purified. The recombinant OHFV NS1 protein was recognized by specific mice immune ascetic fluids to the native OHFV NS1 protein. A Western blot analysis and ELISA of the recombinant NS1 proteins of OHFV and TBEV were used to study the cross-reactivity of antibodies from immune ascites fluid obtained from OHFV-infected mice and mAbs against TBEV NS1. Anti-TBEV NS1 mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been shown to not be cross-reactive to the OHFV NS1 protein. Sera from patients with confirmed tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) were examined by ELISA using recombinant OHFV NS1 and TBEV NS1 proteins as antigens. It was shown for the first time that cross-reactive antibodies to the OHFV NS1 protein were not detected in the sera of TBE patients, whereas the sera contained antibodies to the TBEV NS1 protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yellow fever virus (YFV) is endemic in >40 countries and causes viscerotropic disease with up to 20%-60% mortality. Successful live-attenuated yellow fever (YF) vaccines were developed in the mid-1930s, but their use is restricted or formally contraindicated in vulnerable populations including infants, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems. In these studies, we describe the development of a next-generation hydrogen peroxide-inactivated YF vaccine and determine immune correlates of protection based on log neutralizing index (LNI) and neutralizing titer-50% (NT50) studies. In addition, we compare neutralizing antibody responses and protective efficacy of hydrogen peroxide-inactivated YF vaccine candidates to live-attenuated YFV-17D (YF-VAX) in a rhesus macaque model of viscerotropic YF. Our results indicate that an optimized, inactivated YF vaccine elicits protective antibody responses that prevent viral dissemination and lethal infection in rhesus macaques and may be a suitable alternative for vaccinating vulnerable populations who are not eligible to receive replicating live-attenuated YF vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basis for criteria of the taxonomic classification of DNA and RNA viruses based on data of the genomic sequencing are viewed in this review. The genomic sequences of viruses, which have genome represented by double-stranded DNA (orthopoxviruses as example), positive-sense single-stranded RNA (alphaviruses and flaviviruses as example), non-segmented negative-sense single-stranded RNA (filoviruses as example), segmented negative-sense single-stranded RNA (arenaviruses and phleboviruses as example) are analyzed. The levels of genetic variability that determine the assignment of compared viruses to taxa of various orders are established for each group of viruses.
    В обзоре рассмотрено обоснование критериев идентификации таксономической принадлежности некоторых групп патогенных ДНК- и РНК-содержащих вирусов на основе результатов секвенирования генома. Проанализированы данные секвенирования геномной нуклеиновой кислоты вирусов, геном которых представлен двухцепочечной ДНК (на примере ортопоксвирусов), одноцепочечной «плюс» РНК (на примере альфавирусов и флавивирусов), одноцепочечной несегментированной «минус» РНК (на примере филовирусов), одноцепочечной сегментированной «минус» РНК (на примере аренавирусов и флебовирусов). Для каждой группы вирусов установлены уровни генетической изменчивости, определяющие отнесение сравниваемых вирусов к таксонам разных порядков.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flaviviruses such as dengue virus (DENV), Zika virus (ZIKV), and yellow fever virus (YFV) are spread by mosquitoes and cause human disease and mortality in tropical areas. In contrast, Powassan virus (POWV), which causes severe neurologic illness, is a flavivirus transmitted by ticks in temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere. We find serologic neutralizing activity against POWV in individuals living in Mexico and Brazil. Monoclonal antibodies P002 and P003, which were derived from a resident of Mexico (where POWV is not reported), neutralize POWV lineage I by recognizing an epitope on the virus envelope domain III (EDIII) that is shared with a broad range of tick- and mosquito-borne flaviviruses. Our findings raise the possibility that POWV, or a flavivirus closely related to it, infects humans in the tropics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Co-infection or superinfection of the host by two or more virus species is a common event, potentially leading to viral interference, viral synergy, or neutral interaction. The simultaneous presence of two or more viruses, even distantly related, within the same cell depends upon viral tropism, i.e., the entry of viruses via receptors present on the same cell type. Subsequently, productive infection depends on the ability of these viruses to replicate efficiently in the same cellular environment. HIV-1 initially targets CCR5-expressing tissue memory CD4+ T cells, and in the absence of early cART initiation, a co-receptor switch may occur, leading to the infection of naïve and memory CXCR4-expressing CD4+ T cells. HIV-1 infection of macrophages at the G1 stage of their cell cycle also occurs in vivo, broadening the possible occurrence of co-infections between HIV-1 and other viruses at the cellular level. Moreover, HIV-1-infected DCs can transfer the virus to CD4+ T cells via trans-infection. This review focuses on the description of reported co-infections within the same cell between HIV-1 and other human pathogenic, non-pathogenic, or low-pathogenic viruses, including HIV-2, HTLV, HSV, HHV-6/-7, GBV-C, Dengue, and Ebola viruses, also discussing the possible reciprocal interactions in terms of virus replication and virus pseudotyping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immunodiagnostic tests for detecting dengue virus infections encounter challenges related to cross-reactivity with other related flaviviruses. Our research focuses on the development of a synthetic multiepitope antigen tailored for dengue immunodiagnostics. Selected dengue epitopes involved structural linearity and dissimilarity from the proteomes of Zika and Yellow fever viruses which served for computationally modeling the three-dimensional protein structure, resulting in the design of two proteins: rDME-C and rDME-BR. Both proteins consist of seven epitopes, separated by the GPGPG linker, and a carboxy-terminal 6 × -histidine tag. The molecular weights of the final proteins rDME-C and rDME-BR are 16.83 kDa and 16.80 kDa, respectively, both with an isoelectric point of 6.35. The distinguishing factor between the two proteins lies in the origin of their epitope sequences, where rDME-C is based on the reference dengue proteome, while rDME-BR utilizes sequences from prevalent Dengue genotypes in Brazil from 2008 to 2019. PyMol analysis revealed exposure of epitopes in the secondary structure. Successful expression of the antigens was achieved in soluble form and fluorescence experiments indicated a disordered structure. In subsequent testing, rDME-BR and rDME-C antigens were assessed using an indirect Elisa protocol against Dengue infected serum, previously examined with a commercial diagnostic test. Optimal concentrations for antigens were determined at 10 µg/mL for rDME-BR and 30 µg/mL for rDME-C, with serum dilutions ranging from 1:50 to 1:100. Both antigens effectively detected IgM and IgG antibodies in Dengue fever patients, with rDME-BR exhibiting higher sensitivity. Our in-house test showed a sensitivity of 77.3 % and 82.6 % and a specificity of 89.4 % and 71.4 % for rDME-C and rDEM-BR antigens. No cross-reactivity was observed with serum from Zika-infected mice but with COVID-19 serum samples. Our findings underscore the utility of synthetic biology in crafting Dengue-specific multiepitope proteins and hold promise for precise clinical diagnosis and monitoring responses to emerging Dengue vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The epitranscriptomic modification m6A is a prevalent RNA modification that plays a crucial role in the regulation of various aspects of RNA metabolism. It has been found to be involved in a wide range of physiological processes and disease states. Of particular interest is the role of m6A machinery and modifications in viral infections, serving as an evolutionary marker for distinguishing between self and non-self entities. In this review article, we present a comprehensive overview of the epitranscriptomic modification m6A and its implications for the interplay between viruses and their host, focusing on immune responses and viral replication. We outline future research directions that highlight the role of m6A in viral nucleic acid recognition, initiation of antiviral immune responses, and modulation of antiviral signaling pathways. Additionally, we discuss the potential of m6A as a prognostic biomarker and a target for therapeutic interventions in viral infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipid droplets (LDs) are cellular organelles derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), serving as lipid storage sites crucial for maintaining cellular lipid homeostasis. Recent attention has been drawn to their roles in viral replication and their interactions with viruses. However, the precise biological functions of LDs in viral replication and pathogenesis remain incompletely understood. To elucidate the interaction between LDs and viruses, it is imperative to comprehend the biogenesis of LDs and their dynamic interactions with other organelles. In this review, we explore the intricate pathways involved in LD biogenies within the cytoplasm, encompassing the uptake of fatty acid from nutrients facilitated by CD36-mediated membranous protein (FABP/FATP)-FA complexes, and FA synthesis via glycolysis in the cytoplasm and the TCL cycle in mitochondria. While LD biogenesis primarily occurs in the ER, matured LDs are intricately linked to multiple organelles. Viral infections can lead to diverse consequences in terms of LD status within cells post-infection, potentially involving the breakdown of LDs through the activation of lipophagy. However, the exact mechanisms underlying LD destruction or accumulation by viruses remain elusive. The significance of LDs in viral replication renders them effective targets for developing broad-spectrum antivirals. Moreover, considering that reducing neutral lipids in LDs is a strategy for anti-obesity treatment, LD depletion may not pose harm to cells. This presents LDs as promising antiviral targets for developing therapeutics that are minimally or non-toxic to the host.





