fixation time

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rate at which beneficial alleles fix in a population depends on the probability of and time to fixation of such alleles. Both of these quantities can be significantly impacted by population subdivision and limited gene flow. Here, we investigate how limited dispersal influences the rate of fixation of beneficial de novo mutations, as well as fixation time from standing genetic variation. We investigate this for a population structured according to the island model of dispersal allowing us to use the diffusion approximation, which we complement with simulations. We find that fixation may take on average fewer generations under limited dispersal than under panmixia when selection is moderate. This is especially the case if adaptation occurs from de novo recessive mutations, and dispersal is not too limited (such that approximately FST<0.2). The reason is that mildly limited dispersal leads to only a moderate increase in effective population size (which slows down fixation), but is sufficient to cause a relative excess of homozygosity due to inbreeding, thereby exposing rare recessive alleles to selection (which accelerates fixation). We also explore the effect of metapopulation dynamics through local extinction followed by recolonization, finding that such dynamics always accelerate fixation from standing genetic variation, while de novo mutations show faster fixation interspersed with longer waiting times. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the detection of sweeps, suggesting that limited dispersal mitigates the expected differences between the genetic signatures of sweeps involving recessive and dominant alleles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Current food environment has become increasingly obesogenic, with rates of obesity and related conditions continually rising. Advertisements for energy-dense foods are abundant and promote unhealthy eating behaviors by capitalizing on one\'s attentional bias towards food cues, a cognitive process resulting from the sensitization of highly reinforcing food. A heightened awareness towards food cues may promote overconsumption of energy-dense foods. The current study employed novel eye-tracking methodology to capture sustained, or late-stage, attentional bias towards food cues. Late-stage attentional bias is the aspect of attentional bias under conscious control and likely more prone to modification compared to initial/ early-stage attentional bias, which reflects automatic processes. The present study hypothesized late-stage attentional bias towards food cues is greater among individuals classified as overweight/obese than those classified as normal weight. Thirty (30) participants classified as overweight/obese (BMI ≥25) and 47 classified as normal weight (BMI <25) were assessed for late-stage attentional bias towards food cues, conceptualized as the percentage of time fixated on food cues when both food and neutral images were presented during a food-specific visual probe procedure task. Percentage of time fixated on food cues was 51.25 ± 1.27 (mean + SE) among individuals classified as overweight to obese while those classified as normal weight had a percent fixation of 47.26 ± 0.87 (P=0.03). In conclusion, individuals classified as overweight to obese have greater late-stage attentional bias towards food cues. This establishes an important factor influencing energy intake that may be modified in future clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the diffusion approximation of the neutral Wright-Fisher model, the expected time until fixation or loss of a neutral allele is proportional to the initial entropy of the distribution of the allele in the population. No explanation is known for this coincidence. In this paper, we show that the rate of entropy dissipation is proportional to the number of segregating alleles. Since the final fixed state has zero entropy, the expected lifetime of segregating alleles is proportional to the initial entropy in the system. We show that classical formulae on the average time to loss of segregating alleles and the expected time to fixation of the last segregating allele stem from these properties of the diffusion process. We also extend our results to the case of population size changing in time. The dissipation of heterozygosity and entropy shows that superlinear population growth leads to infinite expected fixation times, i.e., neutral alleles in fast-growing populations could segregate forever without ever becoming fixed or disappearing by genetic drift.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed banking (or dormancy) is a widespread bet-hedging strategy, generating a form of population overlap, which decreases the magnitude of genetic drift. The methodological complexity of integrating this trait implies it is ignored when developing tools to detect selective sweeps. But, as dormancy lengthens the ancestral recombination graph (ARG), increasing times to fixation, it can change the genomic signatures of selection. To detect genes under positive selection in seed banking species it is important to (1) determine whether the efficacy of selection is affected, and (2) predict the patterns of nucleotide diversity at and around positively selected alleles. We present the first tree sequence-based simulation program integrating a weak seed bank to examine the dynamics and genomic footprints of beneficial alleles in a finite population. We find that seed banking does not affect the probability of fixation and confirm expectations of increased times to fixation. We also confirm earlier findings that, for strong selection, the times to fixation are not scaled by the inbreeding effective population size in the presence of seed banks, but are shorter than would be expected. As seed banking increases the effective recombination rate, footprints of sweeps appear narrower around the selected sites and due to the scaling of the ARG are detectable for longer periods of time. The developed simulation tool can be used to predict the footprints of selection and draw statistical inference of past evolutionary events in plants, invertebrates, or fungi with seed banks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The standardized preanalytical code (SPREC) aggregates warm ischemia (WIT), cold ischemia (CIT), and fixation times (FIT) in a precise format. Despite its growing importance underpinned by the European in vitro diagnostics regulation or broad preanalytical programs by the National Institutes of Health, little is known about its empirical occurrence in biobanked surgical specimen. In several steps, the Tissue Bank Bern achieved a fully informative SPREC code with insights from 10,555 CIT, 4,740 WIT, and 3,121 FIT values. During process optimization according to LEAN six sigma principles, we identified a dual role of the SPREC code as a sample characteristic and a traceable process parameter. With this preanalytical study, we outlined real-life data in a variety of organs with specific differences in WIT, CIT, and FIT values. Furthermore, our FIT data indicate the potential to adapt the SPREC fixation toward concrete paraffin-embedding time points and to extend its categories beyond 72 h due to weekend delays. Additionally, we identified dependencies of preanalytical variables from workload, daytime, and clinics that were actionable with LEAN process management. Thus, streamlined biobanking workflows during the day were significantly resilient to workload peaks, diminishing the turnaround times of native tissue processing (i.e. CIT) from 74.6 to 46.1 min under heavily stressed conditions. In conclusion, there are surgery-specific preanalytics that are surgico-pathologically limited even under process optimization, which might affect biomarker transfer from one entity to another. Beyond sample characteristics, SPREC coding is highly beneficial for tissue banks and Institutes of Pathology to track WIT, CIT, and FIT for process optimization and monitoring measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tree density of virtual sportscape is the main factor that determines the benefits that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) patients can obtain when they exercise with virtual environment. By using pupil size, fixation count and time as metrics, this research aimed to clarify the relationship between tree cover density and stress in the virtual environment. Ninety GAD patients were randomly grouped into the 36-60% tree density (high tree density, HTDS), 20-35% tree density (medium tree density, MTDS), or control groups (n = 30). Researchers used eye-tracking technology to analyze fixation time, fixation count and changes in pupil size to evaluate the stress changes of participants after 20 min of aerobic exercise in a virtual environment. The results showed that pupil size expanded in GAD patients after exercising in the virtual environment. Furthermore, GAD patient cycling in the MTDS group can show smaller pupil size than those in HTDS. Those results suggest that GAD patient cycling 20 min in the MTDS group can perceived lower stress. The results of eye tracking analysis showed that GAD patients spend more time and counts observing tree elements in HTDS and MTDS sportscapes. Specifically, they spent more 48% and 27% time on tree and green plants in the HTDS condition and MTDS condition, respectively, than in non-natural sportsscapes. Although 36-60% tree density of virtual natural sportscape can get more visual attention from GAD patients, 20-35% tree density of virtual natural sportscape is more capable of reducing their stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary graph theory (EGT) investigates the Moran birth-death process constrained by graphs. Its two principal goals are to find the fixation probability and time for some initial population of mutants on the graph. The fixation probability of graphs has received considerable attention. Less is known about the distribution of fixation time. We derive clean, exact expressions for the full conditional characteristic functions (CCFs) of a close proxy to fixation and extinction times. That proxy is the number of times that the mutant population size changes before fixation or extinction. We derive these CCFs from a product martingale that we identify for an evolutionary graph with any number of partitions. The existence of that martingale only requires that the connections between those partitions are of a certain type. Our results are the first expressions for the CCFs of any proxy to fixation time on a graph with any number of partitions. The parameter dependence of our CCFs is explicit, so we can explore how they depend on graph structure. Martingales are a powerful approach to study principal problems of EGT. Their applicability is invariant to the number of partitions in a graph, so we can study entire families of graphs simultaneously.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although many experimental and theoretical studies on natural selection have been carried out in a constant environment, as natural environments typically vary in time, it is important to ask if and how the results of these investigations are affected by a changing environment. Here, we study the properties of the conditional fixation time defined as the time to fixation of a new mutant that is destined to fix in a finite, randomly mating diploid population with intermediate dominance that is evolving in a periodically changing environment. It is known that in a static environment, the conditional mean fixation time of a co-dominant beneficial mutant is equal to that of a deleterious mutant with the same magnitude of selection coefficient. We find that this symmetry is not preserved, even when the environment is changing slowly. More generally, we find that the conditional mean fixation time of an initially beneficial mutant in a slowly changing environment depends weakly on the dominance coefficient and remains close to the corresponding result in the static environment. However, for an initially deleterious mutant under moderate and slowly varying selection, the fixation time differs substantially from that in a constant environment when the mutant is recessive. As fixation times are intimately related to the levels and patterns of genetic diversity, our results suggest that for beneficial sweeps, these quantities are only mildly affected by temporal variation in environment. In contrast, environmental change is likely to impact the patterns due to recessive deleterious sweeps strongly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary graph theory investigates how spatial constraints affect processes that model evolutionary selection, e.g. the Moran process. Its principal goals are to find the fixation probability and the conditional distributions of fixation time, and show how they are affected by different graphs that impose spatial constraints. Fixation probabilities have generated significant attention, but much less is known about the conditional time distributions, even for simple graphs. Those conditional time distributions are difficult to calculate, so we consider a close proxy to it: the number of times the mutant population size changes before absorption. We employ martingales to obtain the conditional characteristic functions (CCFs) of that proxy for the Moran process on the complete bipartite graph. We consider the Moran process on the complete bipartite graph as an absorbing random walk in two dimensions. We then extend Wald\'s martingale approach to sequential analysis from one dimension to two. Our expressions for the CCFs are novel, compact, exact, and their parameter dependence is explicit. We show that our CCFs closely approximate those of absorption time. Martingales provide an elegant framework to solve principal problems of evolutionary graph theory. It should be possible to extend our analysis to more complex graphs than we show here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The time taken for a selectively favorable allele to spread through a single population was investigated early in the history of population genetics. The resulting formulas are based on deterministic dynamics, leading to inaccuracies at allele frequencies close to 0 or 1. To remedy this problem, the properties of the stochastic phases at either end point of allele frequency need to be analyzed. This article uses a heuristic approach to determining the expected times spent in the stochastic and deterministic phases of allele frequency trajectories, for a model of weak selection at a single locus that is valid for inbreeding populations and for autosomal and sex-linked inheritance. The net fixation time is surprisingly insensitive to the level of dominance of a favorable mutation, even with random mating. Approximate expressions for the variance of the net fixation time are also obtained, which imply that there can be substantial stochastic effects even in very large populations. The accuracy of the approximations was evaluated by comparisons with computer simulations. The results reveal some areas that need further investigation if a full understanding of selective sweeps is to be obtained, notably the possibility that fixations of slightly deleterious mutations may be affecting variability at closely linked sites.





