
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine elapid snakes are a diverse, predominantly Indo-West Pacific species group. The persistent removal of some species has an unquantified but potentially dire impact on populations. We conducted the first comprehensive review of the trade in marine elapid snakes based on published literature (1974-2022) and trade data from the only species (i.e., Hydrophis [Lapemis] curtus) whose trade is monitored internationally. Some species and populations were subjected to targeted harvest for their meat and skins for at least the last century; fisheries are possibly the most significant threat to populations of marine elapids, with the highest numbers being exploited either accidentally, incidentally, or opportunistically in Southeast Asian fisheries targeting other seafood, including demersal trawl and squid fisheries. Southeast Asia is the core region for exploitation of marine elapids. Annual offtake is >225,000 individuals of at least 8 species in the Gulf of Thailand. Of 72 recognized marine elapids (all non-CITES [Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora] species), Hydrophis curtus and Hydrophis cyanocinctus dominate the skin trade. Skins of H. curtus are traded mainly in East and Southeast Asia and, to some extent, Europe. Despite some baseline information on the trade of these species, the sustainability of their harvests, particularly in the context of the burgeoning and unmanaged nature of fisheries in the region, remains the major challenge. In an era of declining fish stocks, there has been an increasing trend to commercialize the harvest and use marine elapids that were once considered accidental bycatch and discarded. This trend will continue to pose a significant risk to these snakes unless appropriate fisheries and trade regulations are enforced. Applying the precautionary principle to prevent the overexploitation of sea snakes is an indispensable measure in which trade in regional populations should be regulated through CITES. Accordingly, management plans to identify core distribution regions of exploited species would be crucial for assigning national responsibilities to sustain species and populations in the long term.
    Retos para la regulación del uso comercial de serpientes elápidas marinas en el Indo‐Pacífico Resumen Las serpientes elápidas marinas son un grupo diverso de especies, predominante en el Indo‐Pacífico Occidental. La eliminación persistente de algunas especies tiene un impacto no cuantificado pero potencialmente negativo sobre las poblaciones. Realizamos la primera revisión exhaustiva del comercio de serpientes elápidas marinas con base en la bibliografía publicada (1974‐2022) y en los datos comerciales de la única especie (Hydrophis [Lapemis] curtus) cuyo mercado tiene monitoreo internacional. Algunas especies y poblaciones fueron objeto de capturas selectivas por su carne y pieles durante al menos el siglo pasado, las pesquerías son posiblemente la amenaza más importante para las poblaciones de elápidos marinos, ya que el mayor número se explota de forma accidental, incidental u oportunista en las pesquerías del sudeste asiático enfocadas en otros mariscos, incluidas las pesquerías demersales de arrastre y de calamar. El sudeste asiático es la principal región de explotación de elápidos marinos. La captura anual es >225,000 individuos de al menos ocho especies en el Golfo de Tailandia. De los 72 elápidos marinos reconocidos (ninguna especie está en CITES [Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres]), Hydrophis curtus e H. cyanocinctus dominan el mercado de pieles. La piel de H. curtus se comercializa principalemnte en el este y sudeste asiático y, hasta cierto punto, en Europa. Aunque se dispone de cierta información de referencia sobre el comercio de estas especies, la sostenibilidad de sus capturas, sobre todo en el contexto del auge y la falta de gestión de la pesca en la región, sigue siendo el principal reto. En una época de disminución de las poblaciones de peces, ha aumentado la tendencia a comercializar la captura y el uso de elápidos marinos que antes se consideraban capturas accidentales y se descartaban. Esta tendencia seguirá representando un riesgo importante para estas serpientes a menos que se apliquen las regulaciones pesqueras y comerciales adecuadas. La aplicación del principio de precaución para evitar la sobreexplotación de las serpientes marinas es una medida indispensable para regular el comercio de las poblaciones regionales a través de CITES. Por lo tanto, los planes de gestión para identificar las regiones núcleo de distribución de las especies explotadas serían cruciales para asignar responsabilidades nacionales para mantener las especies y las poblaciones a largo plazo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The illegal trade in totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) is causing adverse social, ecological, and economic impacts. This illegal activity is accelerating the overexploitation of totoaba and pushing the critically endangered vaquita (Phocoena sinus) closer to extinction. Despite extensive efforts to recover vaquita populations, scant attention has been given to the totoaba trade as an independent issue. As a result, data on the totoaba trade are limited, which hampers robust analyses and development of effective interventions to reduce illegal harvesting. We used a previously developed framework specifically designed to examine dynamics of illegal markets and guide measures to mitigate illegal use of totoaba. This framework separates markets into 3 analytical levels: characterization of participating actors (e.g., fishers, intermediaries); examination of how actors interact within the market (e.g., organization of supply chains); and assessment of the overall market dynamics that result from these interactions (e.g., factors determining price and quantity). We reviewed existing literature (108 initial articles) and interviewed key market actors, academics, and nongovernmental organization experts (14) to obtain data for this framework. Our findings offer an overview of the totoaba illegal market operation, highlighting intervention points (e.g., customs agents) and areas where additional information is required to decrease information gaps (e.g., US local market). We describe the structure and complexity of this market, emphasizing the influential role of organized crime in shaping its dynamics (e.g., controlling prices paid to fishers and stockpiling). By providing a systematic and in-depth understanding of the market operation, we aimed to establish a benchmark for effective interventions and future research aimed at reducing uncertainties. Our results provide a crucial step toward addressing this critical issue and can help facilitate development of effective strategies to combat the illegal totoaba trade and promote biodiversity conservation more broadly.
    Evaluación de las intervenciones potenciales para reducir el mercado ilegal de la totoaba Resumen El mercado ilegal de totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) causa impactos sociales, ecológicos y económicos adversos. Esta actividad ilegal acelera la sobreexplotación de la totoaba y acerca a la extinción a la vaquita marina (Phocoena sinus), especie en peligro crítico de extinción. A pesar de los grandes esfuerzos por recuperar las poblaciones de vaquita, el comercio de totoaba recibe poca atención como problema independiente. Como resultado, los datos sobre este comercio son limitados, lo que dificulta el análisis sólido y el desarrollo de intervenciones eficaces para reducir la captura ilegal. Utilizamos un marco desarrollado previamente y diseñado específicamente para examinar la dinámica de los mercados ilegales y orientar las medidas para mitigar el uso ilegal de la totoaba. Este marco separa los mercados en tres niveles analíticos: caracterización de los actores participantes (por ejemplo, pescadores, intermediarios); análisis de cómo interactúan los actores dentro del mercado (por ejemplo, organización de las cadenas de suministro); y evaluación de la dinámica general del mercado que resulta de estas interacciones (por ejemplo, factores que determinan el precio y la cantidad). Revisamos la bibliografía existente (108 artículos iniciales) y entrevistamos a actores clave del mercado, académicos y expertos de organizaciones no gubernamentales (14) para obtener datos para este marco. Nuestras conclusiones ofrecen una visión general del funcionamiento del mercado ilegal de totoaba y destacan los puntos de intervención (por ejemplo, los agentes aduanales) y las áreas en las que se requiere información adicional para reducir los vacíos informativos (por ejemplo, el mercado local estadunidense). Describimos la estructura y complejidad de este mercado, destacando el influyente papel de la delincuencia organizada en la configuración de su dinámica (por ejemplo, controlando los precios pagados a los pescadores y el almacenamiento). Al proporcionar una comprensión sistemática y en profundidad del funcionamiento del mercado, pretendemos establecer un punto de referencia para intervenciones eficaces y futuras investigaciones encaminadas a reducir las incertidumbres. Nuestros resultados suponen un paso crucial para abordar esta cuestión crítica y pueden ayudar a facilitar el desarrollo de estrategias eficaces para combatir el comercio ilegal de totoaba y promover la conservación de la biodiversidad de forma más amplia.
    加利福尼亚湾石首鱼 (Totoaba macdonaldi) 的非法贸易正在造成负面的社会、生态和经济影响。这种非法活动加速了对石首鱼的过度开发利用, 并使极度濒危的小头鼠海豚 (Phocoena sinus) 更加濒临灭绝。尽管人们已为恢复小头鼠海豚种群付出了大量努力, 但却很少将石首鱼贸易作为一个独立问题加以关注。因此, 有关石首鱼贸易的数据非常有限, 这阻碍了稳健分析并制定有效干预措施来减少非法捕捞。本研究利用一个已建立的框架, 该框架专门用于研究非法市场动态并指导减少石首鱼非法利用的措施。该框架将市场划分为三个分析层面:参与方 (如渔民、中间商) 的特征、参与方在市场内的互动分析 (如供应链的组织), 以及这些互动产生的整体市场动态的评估 (如决定价格和数量的因素) 。我们查阅了现有文献 (108篇原始文献), 并采访了主要市场参与者、学者和非政府组织专家 (14人), 以获取本框架所需数据。我们的研究结果提供了石首鱼非法市场运作的概况, 强调了干预节点 (如海关代理) 和需要额外信息以减少信息空缺的领域 (如美国本地市场) 。我们描述了这一市场的结构和复杂性, 强调了有组织犯罪在塑造市场动态方面的影响作用 (如控制支付给渔民的价格和囤积货物) 。通过对市场运作进行系统而深入的了解, 我们希望能够为有效干预和旨在减少不确定性的未来研究建立基准。我们的研究结果为解决这一重要问题迈出了关键一步, 有助于推动制定有效策略, 打击石首鱼非法贸易, 并更广泛地促进生物多样性保护。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconciling conservation goals with sustainable resource use requires adaptive management strategies. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulates global trade for species listed on Appendix II, partly by requiring member countries (parties) to ensure exports do not damage wild populations (called making positive \"nondetriment findings\" [NDFs]). Unfortunately, when parties find NDFs difficult, they often suspend legal trade, imposing economic costs and driving trade underground. To make it easier for parties to examine the detrimental nature of exports, we devised a spatial approach and applied it to seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) in Tamil Nadu, India, as an example. Our approach involves mapping answers to 5 key questions on species distribution (QA), pressures (QB), management measures (QC), management implementation (QD), and species\' population status (QE). We gathered data from fisher interviews and published literature. Seahorse abundance was greatest in southern Palk Bay and the northern Gulf of Mannar, primarily in seagrasses and coral reefs (QA). Fishing pressure was highest in Palk Bay, primarily from bottom trawlers and dragnetters operating in shallow seahorse habitats near the coastline (QB). Management measures including a marine protected area (MPA), bottom trawl exclusion zone, and closed season were theoretically in place (QC), but their implementation was poor (QD). Fishers reported seahorse catches in 85% of the area covered by the MPA and the exclusion zone; bottom trawlers were responsible for most violations. Seahorses were also captured in Sri Lankan waters, where bottom trawling is banned. Fisher reports indicated declining seahorse catches and reduced body sizes (QE), highlighting unsustainable exploitation. Our results highlight the need for better implementation of existing management measures before a positive NDF can be made and suggest mitigation beyond bans. Such pragmatic spatial analyses can help regulate exports at sustainable levels, supporting CITES implementation for its vast range of species.
    Un enfoque práctico para cumplir las obligaciones nacionales para el mercado sustentable bajo CITES Resumen Conciliar los objetivos de conservación con el uso sostenible de los recursos exige estrategias de gestión adaptativa. La Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) regula el comercio mundial de las especies incluidas en el Apéndice II, en parte exigiendo a los países miembros (partes) que garanticen que las exportaciones no perjudiquen a las poblaciones silvestres (lo que se conoce como dictámenes de extracción no perjudicial [DENP] positivos). Desgraciadamente, cuando las partes encuentran dificultades para formular DENP, a menudo suspenden el comercio legal, lo que impone costos económicos y lleva al comercio a la clandestinidad. Para facilitar a las partes el examen del carácter perjudicial de las exportaciones, ideamos un enfoque espacial y lo aplicamos a los caballitos de mar (Hippocampus spp.) en Tamil Nadu, India, como un ejemplo. Nuestro planteamiento consiste en responder cinco preguntas clave sobre la distribución de las especies (PA), las presiones (PB), las medidas de gestión (PC), la aplicación de la gestión (PD) y el estado de la población de las especies (PE). Se recopilaron datos de entrevistas con pescadores y de la bibliografía publicada. La abundancia de caballitos de mar era mayor en el sur de la bahía Palk y el norte del Golfo de Mannar, principalmente en las praderas marinas y los arrecifes de coral (QA). La presión pesquera era mayor en la bahía Palk, principalmente por parte de redes de arrastre de fondo y redes de arrastre que operaban en hábitats poco profundos de caballitos de mar cerca de la costa (QB). En teoría existían medidas de gestión, como un área marina protegida (AMP), una zona de exclusión para las redes de arrastre de fondo y una temporada de veda (QC), pero su aplicación era deficiente (QD). Los pescadores reportaron capturas de caballitos de mar en el 85% del área cubierta por el AMP y la zona de exclusión; las redes de arrastre de fondo fueron responsables de la mayoría de las infracciones. También se capturaron hipocampos en aguas de Sri Lanka, donde está prohibida la pesca de arrastre de fondo. Los informes de los pescadores indicaron una disminución de las capturas de caballitos de mar y una reducción del tamaño corporal (QE), lo que expone una explotación insostenible. Nuestros resultados resaltan la necesidad de aplicar mejor las medidas de gestión existentes antes de poder hacer un DENP positivo y sugieren medidas de mitigación más allá de las prohibiciones. Estos análisis espaciales pragmáticos pueden ayudar a regular las exportaciones a niveles sostenibles, apoyando la aplicación para la amplia gama de especies de la CITES.
    履行《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》中关于可持续贸易的国家义务的实用方法 协调保护目标与可持续资源利用需要适应性的管理策略。《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)对附录II所列物种的全球贸易实行监管, 部分包括要求成员国(缔约方)确保出口不会对野生种群造成破坏(即做出积极的“非致危性判定”[NDF])。遗憾的是, 缔约方在发现难以做出NDF时, 往往会暂停合法贸易, 不但会造成经济损失, 还会使贸易转入地下。为了让缔约方更容易判断出口是否致危, 本研究设计了一种空间方法, 并将其应用于印度泰米尔纳德邦的海马(Hippocampus spp.)的案例研究。我们的方法包括针对物种分布(QA)、压力(QB)、管理措施(QC)、管理实施情况(QD)和物种种群状况(QE)这五个关键问题的答案进行绘图。我们通过采访渔民和阅读出版文献来收集相关数据。我们发现, 海马在保克湾南部和马纳尔湾北部数量最多, 主要分布在海草和珊瑚礁中(QA)。保克湾的捕捞压力最大, 主要来自在海岸线附近海马浅海栖息地作业的底拖网渔船和拖网渔船(QB)。已有管理措施包括设立海洋保护区、设立底拖网禁渔区和禁渔期, 这些措施在理论上已经到位(QC), 但执行效果不佳(QD)。渔民报告在海洋保护区和禁渔区内85%的区域都存在捕捞海马的行为, 而大多数违规捕捞都是由底拖网渔船实施的。在禁止底拖网的斯里兰卡水域也存在海马捕捞现象。根据渔民反映, 海马的捕获量在下降, 海马体型也在缩小(QE), 这表明对海马的开发利用是不可持续的。以上研究结果突出表明, 在做出积极的NDF之前, 需要更好地执行现有管理措施, 我们还建议采取禁令以外的其他措施来减缓对海马的影响。这种实际的空间分析有助于将出口控制在可持续的水平, 以支持在大量物种中实施CITES的监管要求。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal diseases are among the most debilitating issues in the animal farming industry, resulting in decreased productivity and product quality worldwide. An emerging alternative to conventional injectable vaccines is edible vaccines, which promise increased delivery efficiency while maintaining vaccine effectiveness. One of the most promising platforms for edible vaccines is duckweeds, due to their high growth rate, ease of transformation, and excellent nutritional content. This review explores the potential, feasibility, and advantages of using duckweeds as platforms for edible vaccines. Duckweeds have proven to be superb feed sources, as evidenced by numerous improvements in both quantity (e.g., weight gain) and quality (e.g., yolk pigmentation). In terms of heterologous protein production, duckweeds, being plants, are capable of expressing proteins with complex structures and post-translational modifications. Research efforts have focused on the development of duckweed-based edible vaccines, including those against avian influenza, tuberculosis, Newcastle disease, and mastitis, among others. As with any emerging technology, the development of duckweeds as a platform for edible vaccines is still in its early stages compared to well-established injectable vaccines. It is evident that more proof-of-concept studies are required to bring edible vaccines closer to the current standards of conventional vaccines. Specifically, the duckweed expression system needs further development in areas such as yield and growth rate, especially when compared to bacterial and mammalian expression systems. Continued efforts in this field could lead to breakthroughs that significantly improve the resilience of the animal farming industry against disease threats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish surimi products are traditional foods primarily made from fish meat and may contain a complex species composition. In Taiwan, the abundant fishery resources and diverse fish species lead to local catches being widely used as ingredients in fish surimi products. However, due to growing market demand and increasingly scarce resources, some surimi products contain sensitive species, such as sharks, posing potential threats to the ecological environment and biodiversity. In this study, by applying metabarcoding techniques, we analyzed 120 fish surimi product samples from different brands and types throughout the four seasons in Taiwan\'s market. The main fish species identified included milkfish (Chanos chanos), dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), Pomfret (Taractes rubescens), swordfish (Istiophorus spp.) and cartilaginous. Moreover, at least 37 species of cartilaginous fish, including 26 endangered species, were found. Through comprehensive and accurate species identification of surimi product ingredients, we unveiled the usage of sensitive species in products on the market. This finding is important for the surimi industry\'s quality control and market supervision. Furthermore, it can promote the sustainable use of Taiwan\'s fishery resources and protect biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents the design and development of a coastal fisheries monitoring system that harnesses artificial intelligence technologies. Application of the system across the Pacific region promises to revolutionize coastal fisheries management. The program is built on a centralized, cloud-based monitoring system to automate data extraction and analysis processes. The system leverages YoloV4, OpenCV, and ResNet101 to extract information from images of fish and invertebrates collected as part of in-country monitoring programs overseen by national fisheries authorities. As of December 2023, the system has facilitated automated identification of over six hundred nearshore finfish species, and automated length and weight measurements of more than 80,000 specimens across the Pacific. The system integrates other key fisheries monitoring data such as catch rates, fishing locations and habitats, volumes, pricing, and market characteristics. The collection of these metrics supports much needed rapid fishery assessments. The system\'s co-development with national fisheries authorities and the geographic extent of its application enables capacity development and broader local inclusion of fishing communities in fisheries management. In doing so, the system empowers fishers to work with fisheries authorities to enable data-informed decision-making for more effective adaptive fisheries management. The system overcomes historically entrenched technical and financial barriers in fisheries management in many Pacific island communities.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Piaractus brachypomus (Pacú) is the main native fish species cultivated in Peru and holds great potential for growth in aquaculture from the Peruvian Amazon. Between October 2021 and January 2022 in two fish producing farms in the Amazon region of San Martín in Peru, P. brachypomus individuals were examined for parasite evaluation. A total of 6366 monogeneans were isolated from the gills of 30 fish, revealing a prevalence of 100%, with an abundance and mean intensity of 212 parasites per fish. Monogeneans were morphologically identified as Mymarothecium viatorum and Anacanthorus penilabiatus. The genetic divergence in the 28S rDNA gene found among A. penilabiatus sequences was 0.1% and among Anacanthorus spp. it ranged from 0.9% to 7.5%. The genetic divergence found among the M. viatorum sequences was 0.3%. These finding represents the first molecular data of M. viatorum and A. penilabiatus in Peru using the 28S rDNA gene of these monogeneans. The new sequences obtained will contribute to future studies on the phylogenetic relationships among dactylogyrids. However, further research with a broader range of host-parasite samples and additional genetic markers is needed to clarify these relationships and provide stronger support for the phylogenetic positions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we summarise the extinction risk of the sharks and rays endemic to coastal, shelf, and slope waters of the southwest Indian Ocean and adjacent waters (SWIO+, Namibia to Kenya, including SWIO islands). This region is a hotspot of endemic and evolutionarily distinct sharks and rays. Nearly one-fifth (n = 13 of 70, 18.6%) of endemic sharks and rays are threatened, of these: one is Critically Endangered, five are Endangered, and seven are Vulnerable. A further seven (10.0%) are Near Threatened, 33 (47.1%) are Least Concern, and 17 (24.3%) are Data Deficient. While the primary threat is overfishing, there are the first signs that climate change is contributing to elevated extinction risk through habitat reduction and inshore distributional shifts. By backcasting their status, few endemic species were threatened in 1980, but this changed soon after the emergence of targeted shark and ray fisheries. South Africa has the highest national conservation responsibility, followed by Mozambique and Madagascar. Yet, while fisheries management and enforcement have improved in South Africa over recent decades, substantial improvements are urgently needed elsewhere. To avoid extinction and ensure robust populations of the region\'s endemic sharks and rays and maintain ecosystem functionality, there is an urgent need for the strict protection of Critically Endangered and Endangered species and sustainable management of Vulnerable, Near Threatened, and Least Concern species, underpinned by species-level data collection and reduction of incidental catch.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the global processed seafood industry, disparate actors play different roles along the supply chain, creating multiple opportunities for mistakes, malpractice, and fraud. As a consequence, consumers may be exposed to non-authentic products, which hinder informed purchasing decisions and broader efforts to improve trade transparency and sustainability. Here, we characterised the taxonomic composition of 62 processed seafood products in Italian, British and Albanian retailers, purposefully obtained from different supply routes, using multiple DNA metabarcoding markers. By combining molecular results with metadata reported on labels, we revealed patterns of mislabelling in 24 products (39%) across sampling regions, denoting lack of transparency of processed seafood products based on resources sourced from either Europe or globally. We show that the accuracy of label claims and the mis-represented and underestimated levels of traded biodiversity are largely determined by the management of raw material by global processors. Our study shows that DNA metabarcoding is a powerful and novel authentication tool that is mature for application at different stages of the seafood supply chain to protect consumers and improve the sustainable management of fish stocks.





