field samples

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) is a Culicoides-transmitted virus circulating in multiple serotypes. It has become a concern in the European Union as a novel strain of the serotype 8 (EHDV-8) of clear Northern African origin, has been recently discovered in symptomatic cattle in Italy (islands of Sardinia and Sicily), Spain, and Portugal. Current molecular typing methods targeting the S2 nucleotide sequences -coding for the outermost protein of the virion VP2- are not able to detect the novel emerging EHDV-8 strain as they enrolled the S2 sequence of the unique EHDV-8 reference strain isolated in Australia in 1982. Thus, in this study, we developed and validated a novel typing assay for the detection and quantitation of the novel EHDV-8 RNA from field samples, including blood of ruminants and insects. This molecular tool will certainly support EHDV-8 surveillance and control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to confirm the use of the byssus (BYS) of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis as a biomonitoring biopolymer for zinc (Zn) by comparing it to copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) pollution in coastal waters under experimental field conditions, based on the transplantation of caged mussels between polluted and unpolluted sites in the Straits of Johore (SOJ). Four important evidential points were found in the present study. First, the 34 field-collected populations with BYS/total soft tissue (TST) ratios > 1 indicated that the BYS was a more sensitive, concentrative, and accumulative biopolymer for the three metals than TST. Significant (p < 0.05) and positive correlations between BYS and TST in terms of the levels of the three metals were observed. Second, the data obtained in the present study were well-supported by the interspecific comparison, which indicated that the BYS of P. viridis was a significantly better biomonitoring biopolymer for the identification of coastal areas exposed to Zn, Cd, and Cu pollution and played the role of an excretion route of metal wastes. Third, the higher positive correlation coefficients for the metals between the BYS sedimentary geochemical fractions than the TST sedimentary geochemical fractions indicated that the BYS was more reflective of metal bioavailability and contamination in coastal waters. Fourth, and most importantly, the field-based cage transplantation study clearly indicated the accumulation and elimination of the three metals by the BYS in both polluted and unpolluted sites in the Straits of Johore. In sum, the BYS of P. viridis was confirmed as a better biopolymer than TST for Zn, as well as Cd and Cu, bioavailability and contamination in tropical coastal waters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ciliate conjugation is considered a rare event to encounter in the field and it is mostly reported from cultures. In this work, we describe a synchronized conjugation event of planktonic ciliates that was discovered twice; in September 2019, at two different locations in the Cretan Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, and in October 2020. In 2019, first, at 2 m depth of the coastal station POSEIDON-HCB, in samples fixed with acid Lugol and formaldehyde, we found 340 and 200 mating pairs L-1of different ciliate species, respectively; and second, at the Heraklion port, we found 220 mating pairs L-1 of Strombidinopsis sp. and 1960 mating pairs L-1 of Strombidium sp. At the Heraklion port visited again in 2020, we found 800 mating pairs L-1 of Strombidinopsis sp. and 200 mating pairs L-1 of Strombidium sp. Since detailed descriptions of conjugation in pelagic oligotrich ciliates are missing, our observations indicate that ciliate conjugation could be a frequent and periodic phenomenon, under specific conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of three diagnostic tests for the detection of Campylobacter fetus venerealis (Cfv) using field samples were estimated using a Bayesian latent class model (BLCM), accounting for the absence of a gold standard. The tests included in this study were direct immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and real-time PCR (RT-PCR). Twelve farms from two different populations were selected and bull prepuce samples were collected. The IFAT was performed according to the OIE Manual. The conventional PCR was performed as multiplex, targeting the gene nahE for C. fetus species identification and insertion element ISCfe1 for Cfv identification. The RT-PCR was performed as uniplex: one targeting the gene nahE for C. fetus and the other targeting the insertion ISCfe1 (ISC2) for Cfv. Results from the BLCM showed a median Se of 11.7% (Bayesian credibility interval (BCI): 1.93-29.79%), 53.7% (BCI: 23.1-95.0%), and 36.1% (BCI: 14.5-71.7%) for IFAT, PCR, and RT-PCR respectively. The Sp were 94.5% (BCI: 90.1-97.9%), 97.0% (BCI: 92.9-99.3%), and 98.4% (BCI: 95.3-99.7%) for IFAT, PCR, and RT-PCR respectively. The correlation between PCR and RT-PCR was positive and low in samples from both sampled population (0.63% vs 8.47%). These results suggest that diagnostic sensitivity of the studied tests is lower using field samples than using pure Cfv strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tilapia parvovirus (TiPV) is a novel parvovirus associated with high mortality in Nile tilapia and red hybrid tilapia, leading to severe economic losses for tilapia aquaculture. It is critical to develop a sensitive and accurate assay to detect TiPV in fish tissues. In this study, new TaqMan probe-based quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays targeting the non-structural (NS) and viral protein (VP) genes of TiPV were developed. The standard curves of the assays were 95.64%-98.96% over a wide linear range of 109 -101 copies of the corresponding standard DNA per reaction. The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were in the ranges 0.54%-2.50% and 0.13%-1.17%, respectively, which suggests good repeatability and reproducibility. The detection limit of the TaqMan TiPV assays was 10 copies/µl. The application of the TaqMan qPCR assays to field samples revealed that they had comparable sensitivity to a previously developed SYBR Green qPCR, but more sensitive than the conventional PCR. No cross-reactivity of the TaqMan TiPV assays was found with the samples infected with other viruses and bacteria. Overall, the assays offered high sensitivity and specificity in the detection of low concentrations of TiPV DNA in infected tilapia samples. These new TaqMan qPCR assays could provide a valuable diagnostic tool for the reliable and specific detection of TiPV in experimental and field samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple serotypes and topotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) circulate in endemic areas, posing considerable impacts locally. In addition, introductions into new areas are of great concern. Indeed, in recent years, multiple FMDV outbreaks, caused by topotypes that have escaped from their original areas, have been recorded in various parts of the world. In both cases, rapid and accurate diagnosis, including the identification of the serotype and topotype causing the given outbreaks, plays an important role in the implementation of the most effective and appropriate measures to control the spread of the disease. In the present study, we describe the performance of a range of diagnostic and typing tools for FMDV on a panel of vesicular samples collected in northern Tanzania (East Africa, EA) during 2012-2018. Specifically, we tested these samples with a real-time RT-PCR targeting 3D sequence for pan-FMDV detection; an FMDV monoclonal antibody-based antigen (Ag) detection and serotyping ELISA kit; virus isolation (VI) on LFBKαVβ6 cell line; and a panel of four topotype-specific real-time RT-PCRs, specifically tailored for circulating strains in EA. The 3D real-time RT-PCR showed the highest diagnostic sensitivity, but it lacked typing capacity. Ag-ELISA detected and typed FMDV in 71% of sample homogenates, while VI combined with Ag-ELISA for typing showed an efficiency of 82%. The panel of topotype-specific real-time RT-PCRs identified and typed FMDV in 93% of samples. However, the SAT1 real-time RT-PCR had the highest (20%) failure rate. Briefly, topotype-specific real-time RT-PCRs had the highest serotyping capacity for EA FMDVs, although four assays were required, while the Ag-ELISA, which was less sensitive, was the most user-friendly, hence suitable for any laboratory level. In conclusion, when the four compared tests were used in combination, both the diagnostic and serotyping performances approached 100%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we developed a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay based on a dual-labeled hydrolysis probe to simultaneously detect both duck circovirus (DuCV) 1 and DuCV-2. The reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity of the primer set and probe were evaluated using other duck pathogens. The detection limit was 20 copies per µL. The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) were ≤ 0.73% and the inter-assay CVs were ≤ 1.89%. No cross-reaction occurred with other duck pathogens. In addition, the qPCR assay was successfully applied to the simultaneous detection of DuCV-1 and DuCV-2 in clinical field samples. Therefore, this assay will be useful for laboratory diagnosis and epidemiological field studies of DuCV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, immunoglobulin Y (IgY) antibodies were raised in hens against the surface staphylococcal protein A (SpA) of Staphylococcus aureus. Anti-SpA IgY were tested in vitro for diagnostic applications, bacteriostatic, and biofilm inhibition effects. A specific and sensitive immunocapture PCR (IPCR) was developed to detect S. aureus from food, clinical, and environmental samples. Anti-SpA IgY were used for capturing S. aureus cells from different matrices. Chicken antibodies were chosen over mammalian antibodies based on its inertness to immunoglobulin (Ig)-binding property of SpA protein. No cross-reactivity was encountered with closely related Gram-positive and Gram-negative food pathogens. Inter-assay variation is < 10%. The assay was found suitable for testing on solid and liquid food samples, skin, and nasal swabs. The assay showed limit of detection of ≥ 102 CFU/mL from broth cultures and 102 to 103 CFU/ml from diverse natural samples. This assay overcomes the false positives commonly encountered while using mammalian immunoglobulins (IgG). Anti-SpA IgY antibodies were tested for their bacteriostatic effect on the growth of S. aureus. IgY antibodies at a concentration of 150 μg/ml inhibited the growth of S. aureus completely indicating the potential of IgY antibodies in neutralization of infectious pathogens. Similarly, anti-SpA IgY at MIC50 concentration reduced biofilm formation by ~ 45%. In view of advantages offered by IgY antibodies for specific detection of S. aureus in immunocapture PCR (IPCR) assay and in vitro neutralization potential of S. aureus, we recommend using IgY over conventional IgG of mammals involving S. aureus and its antigens. KEY POINTS: • IPCR with anti-SpA IgY for S. aureus was specific and sensitive for natural samples. • Anti-SpA IgY at 150 ug/ml displayed growth inhibition of S. aureus strains temporarily. • Anti-SpA IgY at MIC50 concentrations inhibited the biofilm formation partially.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the initial detection of H5N1, a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus, in 1996 in China, numerous HPAI H5 lineages have been classified, and they continue to pose a threat to animal and human health. In this study, we developed a novel primer/probe set that can be employed to simultaneously detect pan-H5 HPAI and two clades, and, of H5Nx viruses using reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The sensitivity and specificity of these primer sets and probes were confirmed with a number of different subtypes of influenza virus and the H5-HA gene plasmid DNA. In particular, the multiplex RT-qPCR assay was successfully applied to the simultaneous detection of H5 HPAI and different virus clades in clinical field samples from a poultry farm. Therefore, this multiplex assay and a novel detection primer set and probes will be useful for the laboratory diagnosis and epidemiological field studies of different circulating H5 HPAI virus clades in poultry and migratory wild birds.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: High-throughput sequencing (HTS) identifies random viral fragments in environmental samples metagenomically. High reliability gains it broad application in virus evolution, host-virus interaction, and pathogenicity studies. Deep sequencing of field samples with content of host genetic material and bacteria often produces insufficient data for metagenomics and must be preceded by target enrichment. The main goal of the study was the evaluation of HTS for complete genome sequencing of field-case rabies viruses (RABVs).
    METHODS: The material was 23 RABVs isolated mainly from red foxes and one European bat lyssavirus-1 isolate propagated in neuroblastoma cells. Three methods of RNA isolation were tested for the direct metagenomics and RABV-enriched approaches. Deep sequencing was performed with a MiSeq sequencer (Illumina) and reagent v3 kit. Bioinformatics data were evaluated by Kraken and Centrifuge software and de novo assembly was done with metaSPAdes.
    RESULTS: Testing RNA extraction procedures revealed the deep sequencing scope superiority of the combined TRIzol/column method. This HTS methodology made it possible to obtain complete genomes of all the RABV isolates collected in the field. Significantly greater rates of RABV genome coverages (over 5,900) were obtained with RABV enrichment. Direct metagenomic studies sequenced the full length of 6 out of 16 RABV isolates with a medium coverage between 1 and 71.
    CONCLUSIONS: Direct metagenomics gives the most realistic illustration of the field sample microbiome, but with low coverage. For deep characterisation of viruses, e.g. for spatial and temporal phylogeography during outbreaks, target enrichment is recommended as it covers sequences much more completely.





