
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: This case presents a detailed forensic examination of a unique femicide case followed by the perpetrator\'s suicide.
    UNASSIGNED: On a Sunday afternoon, a 52 year old man killed his 43 year old partner in their home with eleven stab wounds. A few minutes later, he committed suicide by suspending himself to a tree in their home garden by means of a rope. This unique case is interesting because of the combination of methods used for both homicide and suicide, as well as the relationship dynamics between the victim and perpetrator. The perpetrator committed homicide by stabbing and then hanged himself.
    UNASSIGNED: The case adds valuable knowledge to Forensic Medicine, advocating for increased awareness and preventive measures against domestic and gender-based violence. This report provides an in-depth analysis of a homicide-suicide incident, focusing on a unique case of homicide-suicide. It serves to highlight the global crisis of femicide. The case is situated within the context of gender- based violence, illustrating how such acts are deeply rooted in societal norms. It highlights patterns of intimate partner violence, where emotional factors play a significant role. Forensic analysis uncovered the overkill nature of the homicide, indicating excessive injuries beyond what was necessary for death, reflecting the psychological turmoil of the perpetrator. It emphasizes the importance of identifying signs of potential violence in domestic settings and implementing interventions for mental health support and the prevention of genderbased violence.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Gender-based violence against women and its lethal outcome, femicide, represent important issues around the world. Although governments have passed specific laws, official data on gender-related violence and femicide are often absent and/or incomplete, difficult to access, rarely updated, contested and underestimated due to stigma, victim blaming or issues of legal interpretation. Femicide is an intentional killing in which a woman is murdered by an individual for misogyny and gender-related reasons. The most common type is in fact intimate femicide, which occurs when the murdered woman and the aggressor have an intimate, family, cohabitation or similar relationship.
    UNASSIGNED: We analyzed 15 cases of femicide for which crime scene investigation and autopsy were carried out. For each case, a psychological autopsy was carried out and the means used to determine the individual\'s death were analysed. The circumstances in which the murder occurred were also examined.
    UNASSIGNED: Overkilling was evidenced in all cases analyzed. Over-killing in forensic medicine is known as a specific type of homicide in which the number of injuries inflicted far exceeds the number of injuries required to kill the victim. Therefore, the medico-legal management of the cases examined is complicated due to the multiple lesions present on the corpse on the victims which make difficult: 1) the reconstruction of the dynamics of the crime 2) the number of blows inflicted 3) the analysis of the fatal blow 4) the imputability of the offender.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gender-based violence (GBV) and, more specifically, violence against women (VAW) are commonly considered a consequence of a patriarchal structure-a social system granting the senior male absolute authority over the family and the community as a whole. Anthropologists have documented that human male dominance is rooted in evolution, with male violent behavior observed among the great apes. Given that evolution is a continuous process, human progress over millennia has modified pre-existing behavior, demonstrating that humans can move beyond ancestral ways of life over time. Precisely because of the imperative to change and improve, at the global international level as well as in individual countries, strong movements are in action to eliminate GBV/VAW. FIGO has been and continues to be at the forefront of the battle for equality, with initiatives that cover many aspects of this, including the imperative to involve men, who-in the majority of cases-are the perpetrators. Since men are often the root of the problem, they must also be at the forefront of the battle to eradicate it. GBV/VAW comprises many facets, including selective female abortion, infanticide, femicide, honor killing, female genital mutilation, and child marriage. These deeply rooted forms of violence continue to perpetuate gender inequalities, remain major obstacles to health and societal progress, and violate the most basic human rights.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many femicide cases are initially reported as missing persons to the police. Women who go missing have a greater risk of being a victim of homicide. This study explores the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and killing of women and girls in the Republic of Ireland from 1962 to 2023. A total of fifty-four cases were analysed, 52 cases were homicides. Most femicides occurred during 1990-1999 (n = 13; 24%) and 2000-2009 (n = 17; 32%). Twenty-five victims knew the offender and the leading cause of death was strangulation with 27 cases. Dumping/leaving the body on open ground with little or no concealment was the predominant method of disposal. The leading risk factors were the engagement of the victim in a fight or row before disappearance and domestic violence. The \'suicide narrative\' should be treated with extreme caution in the disappearance of women.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    (1) Background: Femicide is an increasing phenomenon consisting of the murder of a woman for gender-related reasons. Despite the enactment of new laws aimed at controlling the phenomenon by toughening the penalties and introducing aggravating circumstances, there is an increasing trend that testifies to the persistence of a flaw in the actual measures. (2) Case Presentation. We report the case of the murder of a 32-year-old woman-perpetrated by an ex-husband who refused to accept the end of the marriage-the analysis of which allowed us to frame the case as femicide. (3) Discussion. Despite global awareness of this phenomenon, the identification of risk factors to predict and prevent femicide is of utmost importance. This can be achieved by a multidisciplinary approach involving police officers, legal professionals, hospitals, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and medico-legal departments aimed at promoting standardized methodologies. (4) Conclusions. We evaluate the contribution of forensic investigations to the identification of key elements that can help frame the murder of a woman as a femicide. Considering the devastating consequences for children who witness this kind of violence within the domestic setting, the planning of more impactful preventive actions is, thus, mandatory to minimize effects on public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Violence against women is a significant public health concern, with femicide as its most extreme manifestation. This crime is often perpetrated by current or former intimate partners, thus taking the name of intimate partner femicide (IPF). Although international comparisons are essential for prevention policies, cross-country comparative studies are scarce in this context. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare clinical, epidemiological and medico-legal characteristics of IPF autopsy cases investigated at the Institutes of Legal Medicine of two Western European cities, in order to identify a potential medico-legal pattern of IPF. Autopsy and police reports of IPF cases occurred in the judicial district of Freiburg (Germany) and Padova (Italy) from 2000 to 2022 were analyzed. Data relating to victims, perpetrators, relationship context, and circumstantial and pathological-forensic characteristics of the homicide were collected. Statistical analyses were performed to explore potential relationships between the data collected. Additionally, a review of the literature dealing with autopsy-based studies on IPF was performed. Overall, 82 cases of IPF were analyzed, 39 from Freiburg and 43 from Padova. A total of 6 papers fulfilled the review inclusion criteria. Our study identified a medico-legal pattern of IPF and demonstrated that it did not vary substantially between the two European Countries considered, suggesting that certain IPF characteristics are shared at the European level. However, a significant finding emerged regarding the higher prevalence of firearm-related IPFs in Italy compared to Germany. Forensic pathology research might contribute to developing targeted prevention policies to protect women from this lethal form of violence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is not always possible to determine the exact origin of death in cases of suspicious female deaths. Deaths resulting from falls present many challenges in forensic medicine. In order to overcome these difficulties, we screened the approaches to suspicious female deaths from international documents aimed at preventing violence against women worldwide, and we conclude that the Latin American Model Protocol (LAMP) is the most qualified one in addressing this issue. We have converted the LAMP into a checklist, compared it with the circumstances in the cases we present, and evaluated the potential benefits that LAMP could provide. The study examines three cases of women from Turkey who have died by falling from a height. In all cases, the women\'s partners were present with them at the time of incident. In all these three cases, partners were in a legally suspicious position and claimed that the incident was a suicide. The investigation and trial processes were different in all three cases, and various difficulties were encountered during the establishment of the truth. This study has demonstrated that, despite the actual occurrence of femicide, the use of the investigation steps proposed by LAMP and a comprehensive approach utilizing the scientific methods of forensic medicine, law, and other disciplines that can assist in analyzing the incident during the investigation process can help reveal the cases where defendants claim cases are suicide despite cases being a femicide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyze 391 news reports in Israeli newspapers between 2013 and 2015, covering murders of women and their family members by other family members and intimate partners. We compare articles where the perpetrators and victims are Jewish to those where the perpetrators and victims are Palestinian citizens of Israel (henceforth PCI). We found that articles tend to provide much more details about Jewish culprits than about PCI ones. As for ascribed motives, most murder cases by Jews were framed as an outcome of individual personality or the pathology of the culprit. Conversely, when Palestinian citizens were the killers, culture and tradition were invoked as the main motives. We suggest that the routine work of narration that the Israeli media preform when covering femicide is a case of political use of cultural stereotypes to gain moral ground in the intractable conflict between Jews and Palestinians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The necessary execution of non-pharmaceutical risk-mitigation (NPRM) strategies to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 has created an unprecedented natural experiment to ascertain whether pandemic-induced social-policy interventions may elevate collateral health risks. Here, we assess the effects on violence against women (VAW) of the duration of NPRM measures that were executed through jurisdictional-level orders in the United States. We expect that stay-at-home orders, by reducing mobility and disrupting non-coresident social ties, are associated with higher incident reporting of VAW.
    We used aggregate data from the Murder Accountability Project from January 2019 through December 2020, to estimate count models examining the effects of the duration of jurisdictional-level (N = 51) stay-at-home orders on femicide. Additionally, we used data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System to estimate a series of count models that examined the effects of the duration of jurisdictional-level (N = 26) stay-at-home orders on non-lethal violence against women, including five separate measures of intimate partner violence (IPV) and a measure of non-partner sexual violence.
    Results from the count models indicated that femicide was not associated with COVID-19 mitigation strategies when adjusted for seasonal effects. However, we found certain measures of non-lethal VAW to be significantly associated in adjusted models. Specifically, reported physical and economic IPV were positively associated with stay-at-home orders while psychological IPV and non-partner sexual violence were negatively associated with stay-at-home orders. The combination measure of all forms of IPV was positively associated with the duration of stay-at-home orders, indicating a net increase in risk of IPV during lockdowns.
    The benefits of risk-mitigation strategies to reduce the health impacts directly associated with a pandemic should be weighed against their costs with respect to women\'s heightened exposure to certain forms of violence and the potentially cascading impacts of such exposure on health. The effects of COVID-19 NPRM strategies on IPV risk nationally and its immediate and long-term health sequelae should be studied, with stressors like ongoing pandemic-related economic hardship and substance misuse still unfolding. Findings should inform the development of social policies to mitigate the collateral impacts of crisis-response efforts on the risk of VAW and its cascading sequelae.





