female fertility

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium (Ca2+) is a second messenger for many signal pathways, and changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) are an important signaling mechanism in the oocyte maturation, activation, fertilization, function regulation of granulosa and cumulus cells and offspring development. Ca2+ oscillations occur during oocyte maturation and fertilization, which are maintained by Ca2+ stores and extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]e). Abnormalities in Ca2+ signaling can affect the release of the first polar body, the first meiotic division, and chromosome and spindle morphology. Well-studied aspects of Ca2+ signaling in the oocyte are oocyte activation and fertilization. Oocyte activation, driven by sperm-specific phospholipase PLCζ, is initiated by concerted intracellular patterns of Ca2+ release, termed Ca2+ oscillations. Ca2+ oscillations persist for a long time during fertilization and are coordinately engaged by a variety of Ca2+ channels, pumps, regulatory proteins and their partners. Calcium signaling also regulates granulosa and cumulus cells\' function, which further affects oocyte maturation and fertilization outcome. Clinically, there are several physical and chemical options for treating fertilization failure through oocyte activation. Additionally, various exogenous compounds or drugs can cause ovarian dysfunction and female infertility by inducing abnormal Ca2+ signaling or Ca2+ dyshomeostasis in oocytes and granulosa cells. Therefore, the reproductive health risks caused by adverse stresses should arouse our attention. This review will systematically summarize the latest research progress on the aforementioned aspects and propose further research directions on calcium signaling in female reproduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disease, primarily associated with pelvic pain and infertility, that affects approximately 10% of the women of reproductive age. Estrogen plays a central role in endometriosis, and there is growing evidence that endocrine disruptors, such as phthalates, may contribute to its development. This review aimed to determine whether there is a causal relationship between phthalate exposure and the development of endometriosis, as well as the possible effects of phthalates on fertility, by analyzing epidemiological data. After a literature search with a combination of specific terms on this topic, we found that although there are limitations to the current studies, there is a clear association between phthalate exposure and endometriosis. Phthalates can interfere with the cellular processes of the endometrium; specifically, they can bind to PPAR and ER-α and activate TGF-β, promoting different signaling cascades that regulate the expression of specific target genes. This may lead to inflammation, invasion, cytokine alteration, increased oxidative stress, and impaired cell viability and proliferation, culminating in endometriosis. Nevertheless, future research is important to curb the progression and development of endometriosis, and strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are a priority. In this regard, public policies and recommendations to reduce exposure to phthalates and other endocrine disruptors should be promptly implemented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagy, an evolutionarily conserved cellular mechanism essential for maintaining internal stability, plays a crucial function in female reproductive ability. In this review, we discuss the complex interplay between autophagy and several facets of female reproductive health, encompassing pregnancy, ovarian functions, gynecologic malignancies, endometriosis, and infertility. Existing research emphasizes the crucial significance of autophagy in embryo implantation, specifically in the endometrium, highlighting its necessity in ensuring proper fetal development. Although some knowledge has been gained, there is still a lack of research on the specific molecular impacts of autophagy on the quality of oocytes, the growth of follicles, and general reproductive health. Autophagy plays a role in the maturation, quality, and development of oocytes. It is also involved in reproductive aging, contributing to reductions in reproductive function that occur with age. This review explores the physiological functions of autophagy in the female reproductive system, its participation in reproductive toxicity, and its important connections with the endometrium and embryo. In addition, this study investigates the possibility of emerging treatment approaches that aim to modify autophagy, using both natural substances and synthetic molecules, to improve female fertility and reproductive outcomes. Additionally, this review intends to inspire future exploration into the intricate role of autophagy in female reproductive health by reviewing recent studies and pinpointing areas where current knowledge is lacking. Subsequent investigations should prioritize the conversion of these discoveries into practical uses in the medical field, which could potentially result in groundbreaking therapies for infertility and other difficulties related to reproduction. Therefore, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the many effects of autophagy on female fertility would not only further the field of reproductive biology but also open new possibilities for diagnostic and treatment methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The interleukin-17 (IL-17) family includes pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-17A-F with important roles in mucosal defence, barrier integrity and tissue regeneration. IL-17A can be dysregulated in fertility complications, including pre-eclampsia, endometriosis and miscarriage. Because mammalian subclasses (eutherian, metatherian, and prototherian) have different related reproductive strategies, IL-17 genes and proteins were investigated in the three mammalian classes to explore their involvement in female fertility.
    METHODS: Gene and protein sequences for IL-17s are found in eutherian, metatherian and prototherian mammals. Through synteny and multiple sequence protein alignment, the relationships among mammalian IL-17s were inferred. Publicly available datasets of early pregnancy stages and female fertility in therian mammals were collected and analysed to retrieve information on IL-17 expression.
    RESULTS: Synteny mapping and phylogenetic analyses allowed the classification of mammalian IL-17 family orthologs of human IL-17. Despite differences in their primary amino acid sequence, metatherian and prototherian IL-17s share the same tertiary structure as human IL-17s, suggesting similar functions. The analysis of available datasets for female fertility in therian mammals shows up-regulation of IL-17A and IL-17D during placentation. IL-17B and IL-17D are also found to be over-expressed in human fertility complication datasets, such as endometriosis or recurrent implantation failure.
    CONCLUSIONS: The conservation of the IL-17 gene and protein across mammals suggests similar functions in all the analysed species. Despite significant differences, the upregulation of IL-17 expression is associated with the establishment of pregnancy in eutherian and metatherian mammals. The dysregulation of IL-17s in human reproductive disorders suggests them as a potential therapeutic target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Normal reproductive function and fertility is considered a \"sixth vital sign\" because disruptions to this sensitive physiological system can forewarn other health issues, including exposure to environmental toxicants. We found that female mice exhibited profound loss of embryos during pre-implantation and fetal development coincident with a change to the source of their drinking water. When female mice were provided with tap water from the building in which they were housed (Water 2), instead of tap water from a neighboring building which was their previous supply (Water 1), ovulated oocytes were degenerated or had impaired meiotic maturation, and failed to form embryos. The harmful effects of Water 2 exposure were not reversible even following a recovery period; however, carbon-filtration of Water 2 removed the toxic contaminant. Water composition analysis to identify the responsible toxicant(s) found that trace elements were present at expected levels and phthalates were undetectable. Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), a family of persistent organic pollutants were detected at ∼4 ng/L. To investigate further, female mice were given drinking water categorized by level of PFAS contamination (0.6 ng/L, 2.8 ng/L, or 4.4 ng/L) for 9 weeks. Compared to mice consuming purified MilliQ water, mice consuming PFAS-contaminated water had decreased oocyte quality, impaired embryogenesis and reduced cell numbers in blastocysts. PFAS concentration in the drinking water was negatively correlated with oocyte viability. Importantly, the levels of PFAS detected in the tap water are within current \"safe level\" guidelines, and further research is needed to determine whether PFAS are responsible for the observed reproductive toxicity. However, this research demonstrating that water deemed suitable for human consumption has detrimental effects on mammalian embryo development has important implications for public health and water quality policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salt-inducible kinases (SIKs), a family of serine/threonine kinases, were found to be critical determinants of female fertility. SIK2 silencing results in increased ovulatory response to gonadotropins. In contrast, SIK3 knockout results in infertility, gonadotropin insensitivity, and ovaries devoid of antral and preovulatory follicles. This study hypothesizes that SIK2 and SIK3 differentially regulate follicle growth and fertility via contrasting actions in the granulosa cells (GCs), the somatic cells of the follicle. Therefore, SIK2 or SIK3 GC-specific knockdown (SIK2GCKD and SIK3GCKD, respectively) mice were generated by crossing SIK floxed mice with Cyp19a1pII-Cre mice. Fertility studies revealed that pup accumulation over 6 months and the average litter size of SIK2GCKD mice were similar to controls, although in SIK3GCKD mice were significantly lower compared to controls. Compared to controls, gonadotropin stimulation of prepubertal SIK2GCKD mice resulted in significantly higher serum estradiol levels, whereas SIK3GCKD mice produced significantly less estradiol. Cyp11a1, Cyp19a1, and StAR were significantly increased in the GCs of gonadotropin-stimulated SIK2GCKD mice. However, Cyp11a1 and StAR remained significantly lower than controls in SIK3GCKD mice. Interestingly, Cyp19a1 stimulation in SIK3GCKD was not statistically different compared to controls. Superovulation resulted in SIK2GCKD mice ovulating significantly more oocytes, whereas SIK3GCKD mice ovulated significantly fewer oocytes than controls. Remarkably, SIK3GCKD superovulated ovaries contained significantly more preantral follicles than controls. SIK3GCKD ovaries contained significantly more apoptotic cells and fewer proliferating cells than controls. These data point to the differential regulation of GC function and follicle development by SIK2 and SIK3 and supports the therapeutic potential of targeting these kinases for treating infertility or developing new contraceptives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Throughout the individual\'s reproductive period of life the ovary undergoes continues changes, including cyclic processes of cell death, tissue regeneration, proliferation, and vascularization. Tissue-resident leucocytes particularly macrophages, play a crucial role in shaping ovarian function and maintaining homeostasis. Macrophages crucially promote angiogenesis in the follicles and corpora lutea, thereby supporting steroidogenesis. Recent research on macrophage origins and early tissue seeding has unveiled significant insights into their role in early organogenesis, e.g. in the testis. Here, we review evidence about the prenatal ovarian seeding of leucocytes, primarily macrophages with angiogenic profiles, and its connection to gametogenesis. In the prenatal ovary, germ cells proliferate, form cysts, and undergo changes that, following waves of apoptosis, give rice to the oocytes contained in primordial follicles. These follicles constitute the ovarian reserve that lasts throughout the female\'s reproductive life. Simultaneously, yolk-sac-derived primitive macrophages colonizing the early ovary are gradually replaced or outnumbered by monocyte-derived fetal macrophages. However, the cues indicating how macrophage colonization and follicle assembly are related are elusive. Macrophages may contribute to organogenesis by promoting early vasculogenesis. Whether macrophages contribute to ovarian lymphangiogenesis or innervation is still unknown. Ovarian organogenesis and gametogenesis are vulnerable to prenatal insults, potentially programming dysfunction in later life, as observed in polycystic ovary syndrome. Experimental and, more sparsely, epidemiological evidence suggest that adverse stimuli during pregnancy can program defective folliculogenesis or a diminished follicle reserve in the offspring. While the ovary is highly sensitive to inflammation, the involvement of local immune responses in programming ovarian health and disease remains to be thoroughly investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To date, not many studies have presented evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infecting the female reproductive system. Furthermore, so far, no effect of the administration of anti-COVID 19 vaccines has been reported to affect the quality of oocytes retrieved from women who resorted to assisted reproduction technology (ART). The FF metabolic profiles of women who had been infected by SARS-CoV-2 before IVF treatments or after COVID-19 vaccination were examined by 1H NMR. Immunochemical characterization of proteins and cytokines involved in the redox and inflammatory pathways was performed. The increased expression of SOD2 and NQO1, the lack of alteration of IL-6 and CXCL10 levels, as well as the increased expression of CD39, suggested that, both sharing similar molecular mechanisms or proceeding along different routes, the redox balance is controlled in the FF of both vaccinated and recovered women compared to controls. The lower amount of metabolites known to have proinflammatory activity, i.e., TMAO and lipids, further supported the biochemical results, suggesting that the FF microenvironment is controlled so as to guarantee oocyte quality and does not compromise the outcome of ART. In terms of the number of blastocysts obtained after ICSI and the pregnancy rate, the results are also comforting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitamin D, besides its crucial role in bone health and immune function, has received increased attention in recent years due to its possible impact on many processes related to female reproductive health. Recent research has tried to explain the role played by vitamin D in maintaining adequate hormonal status, fertility, and pregnancy outcomes. Our aim for this narrative literature review was to highlight and explain the mechanisms through which vitamin D status impacts female reproductive health. We believe this represents a very important subject of research, especially due to the increased incidence of infertility nowadays. Further studies are necessary on the association between vitamin D status and female reproductive health in order to fully understand its effects and to reach a consensus regarding vitamin D supplementation as a method to improve fertility status.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phthalates are endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in common consumer products such as soft plastics and cosmetics. Although the knowledge regarding the adverse effects of phthalates on female fertility are accumulating, information on the hormone sensitive endometrium is still scarce. Here, we studied the effects of phthalates on endometrial cell proliferation and gene expression. Human endometrial primary epithelial and stromal cells were isolated from healthy fertile-aged women (n=3), and were compared to endometrial cell lines T-HESC and Ishikawa. Three different epidemiologically relevant phthalate mixtures were used, defined by urine samples in the Midlife Women Health Study (MWHS) cohort. Mono (2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) was used as a single phthalate control. Cells were harvested for proliferation testing and transcriptomic analyses after 24 h exposure. Even though all cell models responded differently to the phthalate exposures, many overlapping differentially expressed genes (DEGs, FDR<0.1), related to cell adhesion, cytoskeleton and mitochondria were found in all cell types. The qPCR analysis confirmed that MEHHP significantly affected cell adhesion gene vinculin (VCL) and NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B7 (NDUFB7), important for oxidative phosphorylation. Benchmark dose modelling showed that MEHHP had significant concentration-dependent effects on cytoskeleton gene actin-beta (ACTB). In conclusion, short 24 h phthalate exposures significantly altered gene expression cell-specifically in human endometrial cells, with six shared DEGs. The mixture effects were similar to those of MEHHP, suggesting MEHHP could be the main driver in the mixture. Impact of phthalate exposures on endometrial functions including receptivity should be addressed.





