fed state

fed 状态
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mathematical models that treat the fed stomach content as a uniform entity emptied with a constant rate may not suffice to explain pharmacokinetic profiles recorded in clinical trials. In reality, phenomena such as the Magenstrasse or chyme areas of different pH and viscosity, play an important role in the intragastric drug dissolution and its transfer to the intestine. In this study, we investigated the data gathered in the bioequivalence trial between an immediate-release tablet (Reference) and an orally dispersible tablet (Test) with a poorly soluble weak base drug administered with or without water after a high-fat high-calorie breakfast. Maximum concentrations (Cmax) were significantly greater after administering the Reference product than the Test tablets, despite similar in vitro dissolution profiles. To explain this difference, we constructed a novel semi-mechanistic IVIVP model including a heterogeneous gastric chyme. The drug dissolution in vivo was modeled from the in vitro experiments in biorelevant media simulating gastric and intestinal fluids in the fed state (FEDGAS and FeSSIF). The key novelty of the model was separating the stomach contents into two compartments: isolated chyme (the viscous food content) that carries the drug slowly, and aq_chyme open for rapid Magenstrasse-like routes of drug transit. Drug distribution between these two compartments was both formulation- and administration-dependent, and recognized the respective drug fractions from the clinical pharmacokinetic data. The model\'s assumption about the nonuniform mixing of the API with the chyme, influencing differential drug dissolution and transit kinetics, led to simulating plasma concentration profiles that reflected well the variability observed in the clinical trial. The model indicated that, after administration, the Reference product mixes to a greater extent with aq_chyme, where the released drug dissolves better and transfers faster to the intestine. In conclusion, this novel approach underlines that diverse gastric emptying of different oral dosage forms may significantly impact pharmacokinetics and affect the outcomes of bioequivalence trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: 1) Identify processes limiting the arrival of itraconazole at the intestinal epithelium when Sporanox® amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) pellets are transferred from the stomach through the upper small intestine, after a high-calorie, high-fat meal. 2) Evaluate whether itraconazole concentrations in the colloidal phase of aqueous contents of the upper small intestine are useful for the assessment of dose effects in the fed state and food effects on plasma levels.
    METHODS: Itraconazole concentrations, apparent viscosity, and solubilization capacity were measured in aspirates from the upper gastrointestinal lumen collected during a recently performed clinical study in healthy adults. Published itraconazole concentrations in plasma, after a high-calorie high-fat meal and Sporanox® ASD pellets, and in contents of the upper small intestine of healthy adults, after administration of Sporanox® ASD pellets in the fasted state, were used to achieve the second objective.
    RESULTS: When Sporanox® ASD pellets (up to 200 mg) are transferred from the stomach through the upper small intestine, after a high-calorie, high-fat meal, itraconazole concentrations in the colloidal phase or the micellar phase of aqueous contents of the upper small intestine are unsaturated, in most cases. During the first 3 h post-dosing after a high-calorie, high-fat meal, the impact of dose (200 mg vs. 100 mg) on itraconazole concentrations in the colloidal phase of aqueous contents of the upper small intestine seems to underestimate the impact of dose on plasma levels. When Sporanox® ASD pellets are administered after a high-calorie, high-fat meal at the 200 mg dose level, itraconazole concentrations in the colloidal phase of aqueous contents of the upper small intestine are, on average, lower than those achieved in fasted state.
    CONCLUSIONS: When Sporanox® ASD pellets are transferred from the stomach to the upper small intestine after a high-calorie, high-fat meal, itraconazole\'s arrival at the intestinal epithelium seems to be limited by its arrival at the colloidal phase of aqueous contents of the upper small intestine. The impact of dose (100 mg vs. 200 mg) on plasma levels after a high-calorie, high-fat meal and during the gastrointestinal transfer of Sporanox® pellets requires consideration of pre-systemic itraconazole metabolism. At the 200 mg dose level, after taking into consideration differences in the volume of the contents of the upper small intestine between the fasted and the fed state during the gastrointestinal transfer of Sporanox® ASD pellets, itraconazole concentrations in the colloidal phase of aqueous contents of the upper small intestine suggest a mild negative food effect on average plasma levels; published clinical data are inconclusive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models can help to understand the effects of gastric emptying on pharmacokinetics and in particular also provide a platform for understanding mechanisms of food effects, as well as extrapolation between different postprandial conditions, whether standardized clinical or patient-oriented, non-clinical conditions. By integrating biorelevant dissolution data from the GastroDuo dissolution model into a previously described mechanistic model of fed-state gastric emptying, we simulated the effects of a high-calorie high-fat meal on the pharmacokinetics of sildenafil, febuxostat, acetylsalicylic acid, theobromine and caffeine. The model was able to simulate the variability in Cmax and tmax caused by the presence of the stomach road. The main influences investigated to affect the gastric emptying process were drug solubility (theobromine and caffeine), tablet dissolution rate (acetylsalicylic acid) and sensitivity to gastric motility (sildenafil and febuxostat). Finally, we showed how PBPK models can be used to extrapolate pharmacokinetics between different prandial states using theobromine as an example with results from a clinical study being presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selumetinib is clinically used for pediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 and symptomatic, inoperable plexiform neurofibromas. Until recently, selumetinib had to be taken twice daily, after 2 hours of fasting and followed by 1 hour of fasting, which could be inconvenient. This population analysis evaluated the effect of low- and high-fat meals on the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of selumetinib and its active metabolite N-desmethyl selumetinib. The dataset comprised 511 subjects from 15 clinical trials who received ≥1 dose of selumetinib and provided ≥1 measurable postdose concentration of selumetinib and N-desmethyl selumetinib. A 2-compartment model with sequential 0- and 1st-order delayed absorption and 1st-order elimination adequately described selumetinib PK characteristics. A 1-compartment model reasonably described N-desmethyl selumetinib PK characteristics over time simultaneously with selumetinib. Selumetinib geometric mean area under the concentration-time curve ratio (1-sided 90% confidence interval [CI] lower bound) was 76.9% (73.3%) with a low-fat meal and 79.3% (76.3%) with a high-fat meal versus fasting. The lower bound of the 1-sided 90% CI demonstrated a difference of <30% between fed and fasted states. Considering the flat exposure-response relationship within the dose range (20-30 mg/m2), the observed range of exposure, and the variability in the SPRINT trial, this was not considered clinically relevant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Being overweight is already considered a metabolic risk factor, which can be overcome by increasing cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Acute exercise is known to induce changes in plasma hormones and heat shock proteins release. However, there is a lack of studies investigating the impact of body composition and CRF on these variables following acute aerobic exercise. To assess the influence of body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness on plasma heat shock protein 72 kDa (HSP72), norepinephrine (NE), insulin, and glucose responses to an acute aerobic exercise bout in the fed state. Twenty-four healthy male adults were recruited and allocated into three groups: overweight sedentary (n = 8), normal weight sedentary (n = 8), and normal weight active (n = 8). The volunteers performed an acute moderate exercise session on a treadmill at 70% of VO2 peak. Blood samples were drawn at baseline, immediately post-exercise, and at 1-h post-exercise. The exercise session did not induce changes in HSP72 nor NE but changes in glucose and insulin were affected by body mass index. Also, subjects with elevated CRF maintain reduced NE through exercise. At baseline, the overweight sedentary group showed elevated NE, insulin, and glucose; these last two impacting the HOMA-IR index. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise at 70% VO2 peak, in the fed state, did not change the levels of plasma NE and HSP72. Elevated body composition seems to impact metabolic profile and increase sympathetic activity. Conversely, subjects with increased cardiorespiratory fitness seem to have attenuated sympathetic activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Information on the conditions under which drugs are transferred from the stomach through the upper small intestine after a high-calorie, high-fat meal is very limited. To simulate the drug presence after disintegration and arrival in the antral region, paracetamol solution and Sporanox® amorphous solid dispersion pellets at two dose levels were administered to the antrum of 8 healthy adults 30 min after administration of a high-calorie, high-fat meal on a crossover basis. The overall median buffer capacity of antral contents was estimated to be 18.0 and 24.0 mmol/ml/ΔpH when titrating with NaOH and HCl, respectively. The corresponding values for the contents of upper the small intestine were 14.0 and 16.8 mmol/ml/ΔpH, respectively. The drug transfer process from the antrum through the upper small intestine occurred with apparent first-order kinetics. The best estimate for the antral emptying half-life was 39min and 45min for paracetamol and itraconazole, respectively, the apparent volume of contents of the upper small intestine was more than double compared with previously reported values in the fasted state, the half-life of drug elimination from the upper small intestine was similar to recent estimates for highly permeable drugs in the fasted state, and the apparent volume of antral contents during the first couple of hours post drug administration was 303mL. Information collected in this study could increase the reliability of in silico and/or in vitro modelling approaches applied in clinical drug development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ready-to-fill enteric hard capsule shells are an evolving field of oral drug and nutraceutical products. Lonza Capsugel® Enprotect® capsules were recently proven to provide reliable release in the small intestine after fasted intake, but robustness against postprandial intake needed to be proven. In this study, the capsules were administered to 16 healthy young subjects after intake of a light meal. The Enprotect® capsules were labelled with 5 mg black iron oxide and 25 mg 13C3-caffeine. Magnetic Resonance Imaging was used to identify the localization and visual dispersion of the capsule filling. The salivary appearance of caffeine was considered a second independent and sensitive marker for the initial release. Whereas the fasted gastric residence time of the capsules amounted to 43 ± 32 min, it was increased to 158 ± 36 min after postprandial intake. Therefore, the mean dispersion time according to MRI and the mean caffeine appearance time were increased to 196 ± 37 min and 189 ± 37 min, respectively. But, similar to fasted administration, no capsule disintegration or leakage was observed in the stomach and 38% of the capsules disintegrated in the jejunum and 62% in the ileum. The mean dispersion time after gastric emptying and the mean caffeine appearance time after gastric emptying amounted to 38 ± 21 min and 31 ± 17 min, respectively. Both did not relevantly change compared to the fasted intake. Only the absolute dispersion time and caffeine appearance were prolonged due to the increased gastric residence and no relevant influence of the light meal was observed on the disintegration or release behavior of Enprotect® capsules after gastric emptying. The capsules also showed robust enteric properties after postprandial administration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A direct oral anticoagulant rivaroxaban fails to prevent stroke and systemic embolism in one-to-several percent of patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), but the reasons are unknown. The study used semi-mechanistic in vitro-in vivo prediction (IVIVP) modeling to explore the reasons for ineffective thrombosis prevention in NVAF patients. Steady-state drug concentrations in plasma were measured at 0 h (Ctrough), 3 h (C3h), and 12 h post-dosing in thirty-four patients treated with 20 mg rivaroxaban daily. The clinical data were compared against \"virtual twins\" generated with a novel IVIVP model that combined drug dissolution modeling, mechanistic description of gastric drug transit, and population pharmacokinetics defining the variability of drug disposition. The nonresponders had significantly lower C3h and Ctrough than the responders (p < 0.001) and the covariates included in the population pharmacokinetic submodel did not fully explain this difference. Simulations involving varied gastrointestinal parameters in the \"virtual twins\" revealed that lower small intestinal effective permeability (Peff), rather than a slower stomach emptying rate, could explain low rivaroxaban exposure in the nonresponders. IVIVP modeling was effectively used for exploring pharmacotherapy failure. Low Peff, found as a major determinant of ineffective rivaroxaban treatment, encourages further research to find (pato)physiological factors influencing suboptimal absorption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Being overweight is already considered a metabolic risk factor, which can be overcome by increasing cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Acute exercise is known to induce changes in plasma hormones and heat shock proteins release. However, there is a lack of studies investigating the impact of body composition and CRF on these variables following acute aerobic exercise. To assess the influence of body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness on plasma heat shock protein 72 kDa (HSP72), norepinephrine (NE), insulin, and glucose responses to an acute aerobic exercise bout in the fed state. Twenty-four healthy male adults were recruited and allocated into three groups: overweight sedentary (n = 8), normal weight sedentary (n = 8), and normal weight active (n = 8). The volunteers performed an acute moderate exercise session on a treadmill at 70% of VO2 peak. Blood samples were drawn at baseline, immediately post-exercise, and at 1-h post-exercise. The exercise session did not induce changes in HSP72 nor NE but changes in glucose and insulin were affected by body mass index. Also, subjects with elevated CRF maintain reduced NE through exercise. At baseline, the overweight sedentary group showed elevated NE, insulin, and glucose; these last two impacting the HOMA-IR index. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise at 70% VO2 peak, in the fed state, did not change the levels of plasma NE and HSP72. Elevated body composition seems to impact metabolic profile and increase sympathetic activity. Conversely, subjects with increased cardiorespiratory fitness seem to have attenuated sympathetic activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Weakly acid polymers with pH-responsive solubility are being used with increasing frequency in amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) formulations of drugs with low aqueous solubility. However, drug release and crystallization in a pH environment where the polymer is insoluble are not well understood. The aim of the current study was to develop ASD formulations optimized for release and supersaturation longevity of a rapidly crystallizing drug, pretomanid (PTM), and to evaluate a subset of these formulations in vivo. Following screening of several polymers for their ability to inhibit crystallization, hypromellose acetate succinate HF grade (HPMCAS-HF; HF) was selected to prepare PTM ASDs. In vitro release studies were conducted in simulated fasted- and fed-state media. Drug crystallization in ASDs following exposure to dissolution media was evaluated by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and polarized light microscopy. In vivo oral pharmacokinetic evaluation was conducted in male cynomolgus monkeys (n = 4) given 30 mg PTM under both fasted and fed conditions in a crossover design. Three HPMCAS-based ASDs of PTM were selected for fasted-state animal studies based on their in vitro release performance. Enhanced bioavailability was observed for each of these formulations relative to the reference product that contained crystalline drug. The 20% drug loading PTM-HF ASD gave the best performance in the fasted state, with subsequent dosing in the fed state. Interestingly, while food improved drug absorption of the crystalline reference product, the exposure of the ASD formulation was negatively impacted. The failure of the HPMCAS-HF ASD to enhance absorption in the fed state was hypothesized to result from poor release in the reduced pH intestinal environment resulting from the fed state. In vitro experiments confirmed a reduced release rate under lower pH conditions, which was attributed to reduced polymer solubility and an enhanced crystallization tendency of the drug. These findings emphasize the limitations of in vitro assessment of ASD performance using standardized media conditions. Future studies are needed for improved understanding of food effects on ASD release and how this variability can be captured by in vitro testing methodologies for better prediction of in vivo outcomes, in particular for ASDs formulated with enteric polymers.





