fatigue failure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Based on our recent study, which showed that cartilage fatigue failure in reciprocating sliding contact results from cyclical compressive forces, not from cyclical frictional forces, we hypothesize that a major functional role for synovial fluid (SF) is to reduce the rate of articular cartilage fatigue failure from cyclical compressive loading.
    METHODS: The rate of cartilage fatigue failure due to repetitive compressive loading was measured by sliding a glass lens against an immature bovine cartilage tibial plateau strip immersed in mature bovine SF, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), or SF/PBS dilutions (50% SF and 25% SF; n = 8 for all four bath conditions). After 24 h of reciprocating sliding (5400 cycles), samples were visually assessed, and if damage was observed, the test was terminated; otherwise, testing was continued for 72 h (16,200 cycles), with solution refreshed daily.
    RESULTS: All eight samples in the PBS group exhibited physical damage after 24 h, with an average final surface roughness of Rq= 0.210 ± 0.067 mm. The SF group showed no damage after 24 h; however, two of eight samples became damaged after 72 h, producing a significantly lower average surface roughness than the PBS group (Rq=0.059 ± 0.030 mm; p < 10-4). For the remaining groups, at 72 h, one of eight samples was damaged in the 50% SF group, and five of eight samples were damaged in the 25% SF group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results strongly support our hypothesis, showing that decreased amounts of SF in the testing bath produce increased rates of fatigue failure in cartilage that was subjected to reciprocating sliding contact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Due to the dynamic character of the stomatognathic system, fatigue life experiments simulating the cyclic loading experienced by implant-supported restorations are critical consideration. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of different crown and abutment materials on fatigue failure of single implant-supported crowns.
    METHODS: Models were created for 10 different designs of implant-supported single crowns including two zirconia-reinforced lithium silicates (crystallized and precrystallized), monolithic lithium disilicate, polymer-infiltrated ceramic networks, and polyetheretherketone supported by zirconia and titanium abutments. A cyclic load of 179 N with a frequency of 1 Hz was applied on palatal cusp of a maxillary first premolar at a 30° angle in a buccolingual direction.
    RESULTS: In the models with titanium abutments, the polymer-infiltrated ceramic network model had a lower number of cycles to fatigue failure values in the implant (5.07), abutment (2.30), and screw (1.07) compared to others. In the models with zirconia abutments, the crystallized zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate model had a higher number of cycles to fatigue failure values in the abutment (8.52) compared to others. Depending on the fatigue criteria, polyetheretherketone implant crown could fail in less than five year while the other implant crowns exhibits an infinite life on all models.
    CONCLUSIONS: The type of abutment material had an effect on the number of cycles to fatigue failure values for implants, abutments, and screws, but had no effect on crown materials. The zirconia abutment proved longer fatigue lifetime, and should thus be considered for implant-supported single crowns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditional ACSR overhead wires, which consist of a high-strength steel core and several layers of aluminium wires, are currently the most popular overhead line conductor (OHL) design globally. Operating conditions, particularly operating under varying stresses from Karman vortices, lead to the fatigue cracking of wires of the outer layer, followed by wires of the inner layers. Karman vortices are formed by the detachment of a laminar wind stream flowing around the conductor, which causes vibrations in the conductor called wind or aeolian oscillations. Aluminium wires are manufactured using standard batch material drawing technology. Although the fatigue strength of such wires is not standardised, there are various criteria for evaluating this characteristic, as well as established limits on the number of cycles needed to break the first wires of the outer layer. Fatigue strength also strongly depends on the geometric structure of the wire and its operating conditions. The article analyses the influence of the mechanical condition of aluminium wires used in ACSR cables on their fatigue strength. We then present results from aluminium wire fatigue tests conducted on a specially constructed test rig. In addition, fatigue cracks were interpreted using scanning microscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Wear of articular cartilage is not well understood. We hypothesize that cartilage wears due to fatigue failure in repetitive compression instead of reciprocating friction.
    METHODS: This study compares reciprocating sliding of immature bovine articular cartilage against glass in two testing configurations: (1) a stationary contact area configuration (SCA), which results in static compression, interstitial fluid depressurization, and increasing friction coefficient during reciprocating sliding, and (2) a migrating contact area configuration (MCA), which maintains pressurization and low friction while producing repetitive compressive loading in addition to reciprocating sliding. Contact pressure, sliding duration, and sliding distance were controlled to be similar between test groups.
    RESULTS: SCA tests exhibited an average friction coefficient of μ=0.084±0.032, while MCA tests exhibited a lower average friction coefficient of μ=0.020±0.008 (p<10-4). Despite the lower friction, MCA cartilage samples exhibited clear surface damage with a significantly greater average surface deviation from a fitted plane after wear testing (Rq=0.125±0.095 mm) than cartilage samples slid in a SCA configuration (Rq=0.044±0.017 mm, p=0.002), which showed minimal signs of wear. Polarized light microscopy confirmed that delamination damage occurred between the superficial and middle zones of the articular cartilage in MCA samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: The greatest wear was observed in the group with lowest friction coefficient, subjected to cyclical instead of static compression, implying that friction is not the primary driver of cartilage wear. Delamination between superficial and middle zones implies the main mode of wear is fatigue failure under cyclical compression, not fatigue or abrasion due to reciprocating frictional sliding.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This article reports a rare case of a total knee arthroplasty femoral component fracture. Fractures of early knee systems were attributed to design flaws. Modern design failures have been attributed to poor surgical technique or underlying osteolysis. Here, we report a fracture in the Vanguard prosthesis (Zimmer Biomet, Warsaw, IN) 12 years after implantation in a patient with a persistent flexion contracture. The fracture likely occurred due to fatigue failure of the anterior flange secondary to increased stress from a high riding patella. Although femoral component fractures are rare, they should be considered as a potential complication, especially in patients with special load considerations. For these patients, it is essential that the prosthesis be properly supported with clean cuts and an adequate cement mantle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Failure by fatigue can be sudden and catastrophic. Therefore, ensuring that dental implants, which are under constant cyclic loading, do not fail to fatigue is imperative. The majority of the studies about the topic only performed in vitro tests, which are expensive and time-consuming. The Finite Element (FE) method is less costly and it allows the simulation of several different loading scenarios. Nonetheless, there are only a few studies analysing fatigue in dental prostheses using FE models, and the few available did not include all the relevant parameters, such as geometry effect, surface finishing, etc. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the fatigue behaviour of a single-unit dental implant with two screws using a combination of the numerical results and the traditional fatigue criteria - a combination that was not yet fully and correctly explored. A finite element model comprising a single implant, one abutment, one abutment screw, one fixation screw and one prosthetic crown was developed. Material properties were assigned based on literature data. A 100 N load was applied to mimic the mastication forces and fatigue analysis was conducted using the Gerber, Goodman and Soderberg fatigue criteria. The fatigue analysis demonstrated that the abutment screw could fail in less than 1 year, depending on the criteria, while the fixation screw exhibits an infinite life. The results illustrated the importance of analysing the fatigue behaviour of dental implants and highlighted the potential of finite element models to simulate the biomechanical behaviour of dental implants.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    To evaluate the effects of different pedicle screw augmentation strategies on screw loosening and adjacent segment collapse at the proximal end of long-segment instrumentation.
    Eighteen osteoporotic (9 male, 9 female donors; mean age: 74.7 ± 10.9 [SD] years) thoracolumbar multi-segmental motion segments (Th11 - L1) were assigned as follows: control, one-level augmented screws (marginally), and two-level augmented screws (fully augmented) groups (3 × 6). Pedicle screw placement was performed in Th12 and L1. Cyclic loading in flexion started with 100-500 N (4 Hz) and was increased by 5 N every 500 cycles. Standardized lateral fluoroscopy images with 7.5 Nm loading were obtained periodically during loading. The global alignment angle was measured to evaluate the overall alignment and proximal junctional kyphosis. The intra-instrumental angle was used to evaluate screw fixation.
    Considering screw fixation as a failure criterion, the failure loads of the control (683 N), and marginally (858 N) and fully augmented (1050 N) constructs were significantly different (ANOVA p = 0.032).Taking the overall specimen alignment as failure criteria, failure loads of the three groups (control 933 ± 271.4 N, marginally 858 N ± 196 N, and full 933 ± 246.3 N were in the same range and did not show any significance (p = 0.825).
    Global failure loads were comparable among the three groups and unchanged with augmentation because the adjacent segment and not the instrumentation failed first. Augmentation of all screws showed significant improved in screw anchorage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adhesive joints possess a number of advantages over traditional joining methods and are widely used in composite structures. Conventional non-destructive examination techniques do not readily reveal joint degradation before the formation of explicit defects. Embedded fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors and the resistance of carbon nanotube (CNT)-doped conductive joints have been proposed to monitor the structural integrity of adhesive joints. Both techniques will be employed and compared in the current work to monitor damage development in adhesive joints under tensile and cyclic fatigue loading. Most of the previous works took measurements under an applied load, which by itself will affect the monitoring signals without the presence of any damage. Moreover, most FBG works primarily relied on the peak shifting phenomenon for sensing. Degradation of adhesive and inter-facial defects will lead to non-uniform strain that may chirp the FBG spectrum, causing complications in the peak shifting measurement. In view of the above shortfalls, measurements are made at some low and fixed loads to preclude any unwanted effect due to the applied load. The whole FBG spectrum, instead of a single peak, will be used, and a quantitative parameter to describe spectrum changes is proposed for monitoring purposes. The extent of damage is revealed by a fluorescent penetrant and correlated with the monitoring signals. With these refined techniques, we hope to shed some light on the relative merits and limitations of the two techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the fatigue behavior of strength-graded zirconia polycrystals used as monolithic three-unit implant-supported prosthesis; complementarily, crystalline phase and micromorphology were also assessed. Fixed prostheses with 3 elements supported by 2 implants were confectioned, as follows: Group 3Y/5Y - monolithic structures of a graded 3Y-TZP/5Y-TZP zirconia (IPS e.max® ZirCAD PRIME); Group 4Y/5Y - monolithic structures of a graded 4Y-TZP/5Y-TZP zirconia (IPS e.max® ZirCAD MT Multi); Group Bilayer - framework of a 3Y-TZP zirconia (Zenostar T) veneered with porcelain (IPS e.max Ceram). The samples were tested for fatigue performance with step-stress analysis. The fatigue failure load (FFL), the number of cycles required until failure (CFF), and the survival rates in each cycle were recorded. The Weibull module was calculated and the fractography analyzed. The crystalline structural content via Micro-Raman spectroscopy and the crystalline grain size via Scanning Electron microscopy were also assessed for graded structures. Group 3Y/5Y showed the highest FFL, CFF, probability of survival, and reliability (based on Weibull modulus). Group 4Y/5Y showed significantly superior FFL and probability of survival than group bilayer. Fractographic analysis revealed catastrophic flaws in the monolithic structure and cohesive fracture of porcelain in bilayer prostheses, all originating from the occlusal contact point. The graded zirconia presented small grain size (≤0.61 μm), with the smallest values at the cervical region. The main composition of graded zirconia was of grains at tetragonal phase. The strength-graded monolithic zirconia, especially the 3Y-TZP/5Y-TZP, showed to be promising for use as monolithic three-unit implant-supported prosthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of the remaining tooth structure and different CAD/CAM materials on the fatigue performance and failure mode of endodontically treated premolars restored with endocrowns.
    METHODS: Ninety maxillary premolars were endodontically treated and assigned into 6 groups (n = 15) according to the number of remaining axial walls (four, three, and two) and restorative materials (ultra-translucent zirconia 5Y-PSZ [KATANA UTML] and lithium disilicate [IPS e.max-CAD]). The specimens were subjected to cyclic fatigue loading test (initial load 200 N; 20 Hz). An incremental step load of 100 N per 10,000 cycles was applied until failure. The fatigue failure load (FFL) and number of failure cycles (CFFs) data were statistically analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Kaplan-Meier test (α = 0.05). Failed specimens were examined under a stereomicroscope 25 × and failure modes were determined.
    RESULTS: FFL and CFF were significantly influenced by restorative material (p < 0.05). 5Y-PSZ endocrowns showed significantly higher FFL when compared with lithium disilicate. The number of remaining walls did not affect the fatigue behavior or failure mode of the specimens. Of the lithium disilicate restorations, 51% had repairable failures, while 95% 5Y-PSZ restorations had non-repairable failures.
    CONCLUSIONS: Zirconia endocrowns showed better FFL than lithium disilicate endocrowns, regardless of the number of remaining axis walls. Lithium disilicate and 5Y-PSZ endocrowns showed FFL higher than the normal masticatory loads.
    CONCLUSIONS: Restoring endodontically treated premolars with endocrown could be a promising treatment, regardless of the remaining axial walls. However, precaution should be taken in material selection since it affects the fatigue resistance and failure mode.





