fate determination

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asymmetric cell divisions (ACDs) generate two daughter cells with identical genetic information but distinct cell fates through epigenetic mechanisms. However, the process of partitioning different epigenetic information into daughter cells remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex is asymmetrically segregated into the surviving daughter cell rather than the apoptotic one during ACDs in Caenorhabditis elegans. The absence of NuRD triggers apoptosis via the EGL-1-CED-9-CED-4-CED-3 pathway, while an ectopic gain of NuRD enables apoptotic daughter cells to survive. We identify the vacuolar H+-adenosine triphosphatase (V-ATPase) complex as a crucial regulator of NuRD\'s asymmetric segregation. V-ATPase interacts with NuRD and is asymmetrically segregated into the surviving daughter cell. Inhibition of V-ATPase disrupts cytosolic pH asymmetry and NuRD asymmetry. We suggest that asymmetric segregation of V-ATPase may cause distinct acidification levels in the two daughter cells, enabling asymmetric epigenetic inheritance that specifies their respective life-versus-death fates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) is essential for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal; however, the mechanism by which mitochondrial metabolism controls HSC fate remains unknown. Here, we show that within the hematopoietic lineage, HSCs have the largest mitochondrial NADPH pools, which are required for proper HSC cell fate and homeostasis. Bioinformatic analysis of the HSC transcriptome, biochemical assays, and genetic inactivation of FAO all indicate that FAO-generated NADPH fuels cholesterol synthesis in HSCs. Interference with FAO disturbs the segregation of mitochondrial NADPH toward corresponding daughter cells upon single HSC division. Importantly, we have found that the FAO-NADPH-cholesterol axis drives extracellular vesicle (EV) biogenesis and release in HSCs, while inhibition of EV signaling impairs HSC self-renewal. These data reveal the existence of a mitochondrial NADPH-cholesterol axis for EV biogenesis that is required for hematopoietic homeostasis and highlight the non-stochastic nature of HSC fate determination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male and female reproductive tracts develop from anterior intermediate mesoderm with similar differentiation processes. The anterior intermediate mesoderm develops into the mesonephros, and the Wolffian duct initiates by epithelialization in the mesonephros. The Müllerian duct invaginates from the coelomic epithelium of the cranial mesonephros for ductal formation and is then regionalized into proximal to caudal female reproductive tracts. In this study, we focused on the epithelialization of the Wolffian duct, initiation of the Müllerian duct, and the regionalization step of the Müllerian ducts as a continuous process. By using intermediate mesodermal cells from mouse pluripotent stem cells, we identified that inhibition of SMAD2/3 signaling might be involved in the differentiation into mesenchymal cells, after which mesonephric cells might be then epithelialized during differentiation of the Wolffian duct. Aggregation of coelomic epithelial cells might be related to initiation of the Müllerian duct. Transcriptomic analysis predicted that consensus sequences of SMAD3/4 were enriched among highly expressed genes in the proximal Müllerian duct. SMAD2/3 signaling to regulate differentiation of the Wolffian duct was continuously activated in the proximal Müllerian duct and was involved in proximal and oviductal regionalization. Therefore, SMAD2/3 signaling may be finely tuned to regulate differentiation from initiation to regionalization steps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have previously shown that human and murine breast extracellular matrix (ECM) can significantly impact cellular behavior, including stem cell fate determination. It has been established that tissue-specific extracellular matrix from the central nervous system has the capacity to support neuronal survival. However, the characterization of its influence on stem cell differentiation and its adaptation to robust 3D culture models is underdeveloped. To address these issues, we combined our 3D bioprinter with hydrogels containing porcine brain extracellular matrix (BMX) to test the influence of the extracellular matrix on stem cell differentiation. Our 3D bioprinting system generated reproducible 3D neural structures derived from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). We demonstrate that the addition of BMX preferentially influences 3D bioprinted mESCs towards neural lineages compared to standard basement membrane (Geltrex/Matrigel) hydrogels alone. Furthermore, we demonstrate that we can transplant these 3D bioprinted neural cellular structures into a mouse\'s cleared mammary fat pad, where they continue to grow into larger neural outgrowths. Finally, we demonstrate that direct injection of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCS) and neural stem cells (NSCs) suspended in pure BMX formed neural structures in vivo. Combined, these findings describe a unique system for studying brain ECM/stem cell interactions and demonstrate that BMX can direct pluripotent stem cells to differentiate down a neural cellular lineage without any additional specific differentiation stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nuclear factor one (NFI) transcription factor genes Nfia, Nfib, and Nfix are all enriched in late-stage retinal progenitor cells, and their loss has been shown to retain these progenitors at the expense of later-generated retinal cell types. Whether they play any role in the specification of those later-generated fates is unknown, but the expression of one of these, Nfia, in a specific amacrine cell type may intimate such a role. Here, Nfia conditional knockout (Nfia-CKO) mice (both sexes) were assessed, finding a massive and largely selective absence of AII amacrine cells. There was, however, a partial reduction in type 2 cone bipolar cells (CBCs), being richly interconnected to AII cells. Counts of dying cells showed a significant increase in Nfia-CKO retinas at postnatal day (P)7, after AII cell numbers were already reduced but in advance of the loss of type 2 CBCs detected by P10. Those results suggest a role for Nfia in the specification of the AII amacrine cell fate and a dependency of the type 2 CBCs on them. Delaying the conditional loss of Nfia to the first postnatal week did not alter AII cell number nor differentiation, further suggesting that its role in AII cells is solely associated with their production. The physiological consequences of their loss were assessed using the ERG, finding the oscillatory potentials to be profoundly diminished. A slight reduction in the b-wave was also detected, attributed to an altered distribution of the terminals of rod bipolar cells, implicating a role of the AII amacrine cells in constraining their stratification.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The transcription factor NFIA is shown to play a critical role in the specification of a single type of retinal amacrine cell, the AII cell. Using an Nfia-conditional knockout mouse to eliminate this population of retinal neurons, we demonstrate two selective bipolar cell dependencies on the AII cells; the terminals of rod bipolar cells become mis-stratified in the inner plexiform layer, and one type of cone bipolar cell undergoes enhanced cell death. The physiological consequence of this loss of the AII cells was also assessed, finding the cells to be a major contributor to the oscillatory potentials in the electroretinogram.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During embryonic development, the inductive molecules produced by local origins normally arrive at their target tissues in a nondirectional, diffusion manner. The target organ precursor cells must correctly interpret these inductive signals to ensure proper specification/differentiation, which is dependent on two prerequisites: (i) obtaining cell-intrinsic competence; and (ii) receiving correct inductive signals while resisting incorrect ones. Gain of intrinsic competence could avoid a large number of misinductions because the incompetent cells are nonresponsive to inductive signals. However, in cases of different precursor cells with similar competence and located in close proximity, resistance to incorrect inductive signals is essential for accurate determination of cell fate. Here we outline the mechanisms of how organ precursors respond to correct and incorrect inductive signals.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many of the pathways that underlie the diversification of naive T cells into effector and memory subsets, and the maintenance of these populations, remain controversial. In recent years a variety of experimental tools have been developed that allow us to follow the fates of cells and their descendants. In this review we describe how mathematical models provide a natural language for describing the growth, loss, and differentiation of cell populations. By encoding mechanistic descriptions of cell behavior, models can help us interpret these new datasets and reveal the rules underpinning T cell fate decisions, both at steady state and during immune responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Progress has been made in identifying stem cell aging as a pathological manifestation of a variety of diseases, including obesity. Adipose stem cells (ASCs) play a core role in adipocyte turnover, which maintains tissue homeostasis. Given aberrant lineage determination as a feature of stem cell aging, failure in adipogenesis is a culprit of adipose hypertrophy, resulting in adiposopathy and related complications. In this review, we elucidate how ASC fails in entering adipogenic lineage, with a specific focus on extracellular signaling pathways, epigenetic drift, metabolic reprogramming, and mechanical stretch. Nonetheless, such detrimental alternations can be reversed by guiding ASCs towards adipogenesis. Considering the pathological role of ASC aging in obesity, targeting adipogenesis as an anti-obesity treatment will be a key area of future research, and a strategy to rejuvenate tissue stem cell will be capable of alleviating metabolic syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One-leaf plants in the Gesneriaceae family initially have two cotyledons of identical size; one cotyledon stops growing shortly after germination, whereas the other continues indeterminate growth. Factors involved in the unequal growth have been investigated, and a competitive relationship between the two cotyledons was previously proposed. However, questions regarding the fate determination of the two cotyledons remain: Why does only one cotyledon grow indeterminately while the other stops; is the fate of the cotyledons reversible; and what role does light quality play in the fate determination of the cotyledons? In this study, physiological experiments using the one-leaf plant species Monophyllaea glabra suggest that a biased auxin concentration between the two cotyledons and subsequent cytokinin levels may determine the fate of the cotyledons. In addition, observation of relatively mature individuals without hormone treatment and younger individuals with cytokinin treatment under laboratory growth conditions revealed that the fate determination of the microcotyledon is reversible. Although light quality has been suggested to be important for the determination of cotyledon fate in Streptocarpus rexii, an anisocotylous species, we conclude that light quality is not important in M. glabra.





