fasted state

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selumetinib is clinically used for pediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 and symptomatic, inoperable plexiform neurofibromas. Until recently, selumetinib had to be taken twice daily, after 2 hours of fasting and followed by 1 hour of fasting, which could be inconvenient. This population analysis evaluated the effect of low- and high-fat meals on the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of selumetinib and its active metabolite N-desmethyl selumetinib. The dataset comprised 511 subjects from 15 clinical trials who received ≥1 dose of selumetinib and provided ≥1 measurable postdose concentration of selumetinib and N-desmethyl selumetinib. A 2-compartment model with sequential 0- and 1st-order delayed absorption and 1st-order elimination adequately described selumetinib PK characteristics. A 1-compartment model reasonably described N-desmethyl selumetinib PK characteristics over time simultaneously with selumetinib. Selumetinib geometric mean area under the concentration-time curve ratio (1-sided 90% confidence interval [CI] lower bound) was 76.9% (73.3%) with a low-fat meal and 79.3% (76.3%) with a high-fat meal versus fasting. The lower bound of the 1-sided 90% CI demonstrated a difference of <30% between fed and fasted states. Considering the flat exposure-response relationship within the dose range (20-30 mg/m2), the observed range of exposure, and the variability in the SPRINT trial, this was not considered clinically relevant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Weakly acid polymers with pH-responsive solubility are being used with increasing frequency in amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) formulations of drugs with low aqueous solubility. However, drug release and crystallization in a pH environment where the polymer is insoluble are not well understood. The aim of the current study was to develop ASD formulations optimized for release and supersaturation longevity of a rapidly crystallizing drug, pretomanid (PTM), and to evaluate a subset of these formulations in vivo. Following screening of several polymers for their ability to inhibit crystallization, hypromellose acetate succinate HF grade (HPMCAS-HF; HF) was selected to prepare PTM ASDs. In vitro release studies were conducted in simulated fasted- and fed-state media. Drug crystallization in ASDs following exposure to dissolution media was evaluated by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and polarized light microscopy. In vivo oral pharmacokinetic evaluation was conducted in male cynomolgus monkeys (n = 4) given 30 mg PTM under both fasted and fed conditions in a crossover design. Three HPMCAS-based ASDs of PTM were selected for fasted-state animal studies based on their in vitro release performance. Enhanced bioavailability was observed for each of these formulations relative to the reference product that contained crystalline drug. The 20% drug loading PTM-HF ASD gave the best performance in the fasted state, with subsequent dosing in the fed state. Interestingly, while food improved drug absorption of the crystalline reference product, the exposure of the ASD formulation was negatively impacted. The failure of the HPMCAS-HF ASD to enhance absorption in the fed state was hypothesized to result from poor release in the reduced pH intestinal environment resulting from the fed state. In vitro experiments confirmed a reduced release rate under lower pH conditions, which was attributed to reduced polymer solubility and an enhanced crystallization tendency of the drug. These findings emphasize the limitations of in vitro assessment of ASD performance using standardized media conditions. Future studies are needed for improved understanding of food effects on ASD release and how this variability can be captured by in vitro testing methodologies for better prediction of in vivo outcomes, in particular for ASDs formulated with enteric polymers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article reviews the impacts on the in vivo prediction of oral bioavailability (BA) and bioequivalence (BE) based on Biopharmaceutical classification systems (BCS) by the food-drug interaction (food effect) and the gastrointestinal (GI) environmental change. Various in vitro and in silico predictive methodologies have been used to expect the BA and BE of the test oral formulation. Food intake changes the GI physiology and environment, which affect oral drug absorption and its BE evaluation. Even though the pHs and bile acids in the GI tract would have significant influence on drug dissolution and, hence, oral drug absorption, those impacts largely depend on the physicochemical properties of oral medicine, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). BCS class I and III drugs are high soluble drugs in the physiological pH range, food-drug interaction may not affect their BA. On the other hand, BCS class II and IV drugs have pH-dependent solubility, and the more bile acid secretion and the pH changes by food intake might affect their BA. In this report, the GI physiological changes between the fasted and fed states are described and the prediction on the oral drug absorption by food-drug interaction have been introduced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of fasting and different exercise intensities on lipid metabolism were investigated in 12 male students aged 19.9 ± 1.4 years, with maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) of 50.33 ± 4.0 mL/kg/min, using a counterbalanced design. Each participant ran on a treadmill at 45% and 65% VO2max continuously for 20 min, followed by running at 85% VO2max for 20 min (or until exhaustion) under a fed or fasted state (6 h). The respiratory exchange ratio (RER), blood glucose (BGLU), blood lactate (BLA), and blood triglyceride (TG) were analyzed during exercise. The results showed that the intensity of exercise did not significantly affect the BGLU and TG in the fed state. The levels of both RER and BLA increased as the intensity of exercise increased from low to high (45, 65, and 85% VO2max), and more energy was converted from fat into glucose at a high intensity of exercise. In the fasted state of 6 h, the BGLU level increased parallel to the intensity of exercise. The RER was close to 1.0 at a high intensity of exercise, indicating that more energy was converted from glycogen. At the intensities of 45 and 65% VO2max, the RER and concentration of TG were both lower in the fasted than in the fed state, showing that a higher percentage of energy comes from fat than in the fed state at 45 and 65% VO2max. When running at 85% VO2max, the BGLU concentration was higher in the fasted than in the fed state, indicating that the liver tissues release more BGLU for energy in the fasted state. Therefore, in the fasted state, running at 45% and 65% of VO2max significantly affects lipid metabolism. On the contrary, the higher RER and BGLU concentrations when running at 85% VO2max revealed no significant difference between the two probes. This study suggests that medium- and low-intensity exercise (45 and 65% VO2max) in the fasted state enhances lipid metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human gut microbiome is crucial in modulating host health mostly through bacterial metabolites. Chemical exposure is typical external stress which alters its composition and functionality. To date, very few studies have investigated the effect of feeding state on chemical-induced gut microbial metabolic dysregulations. Here, we set up an in vitro human gut microbiome and incorporated a metabolomics approach to investigate the effect of tetracycline (TET) at multiple doses (i.e., 10, 1, and 0.01 mg/L) on gut microbiome under the fed and fasted states. Overall, the metabolome was highly responsive at the fed state with 62 metabolites dysregulated while only 14 were altered at the fasted state under 10 mg/L (clinical TET dose). As expected, nutrient consumption was significantly inhibited under clinical TET dose at the fed state accumulating nutrients such as glutamate and leucine. Interestingly, at the fed state, TET could increase the synthesis of indole and phenyl derivatives including indole-3-aldehyde and hydrocinnamate, while inhibiting indoxyl, tryptamine, and vitamin B production, all of which have host health implications. Furthermore, metabolites like indoxyl and xanthurenic acid were still responsive at 0.01 mg/L (dietary TET dose). Collectively, results demonstrated that the feeding state greatly modulates the chemical-induced gut microbial metabolic alterations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forkhead box O class proteins (FoxOs) are expressed nearly in all tissues and are involved in different functions such as energy metabolism, redox homeostasis, differentiation, and cell cycle arrest. The plasticity of FoxOs is demonstrated by post-translational modifications that determine diverse levels of transcriptional regulations also controlled by their subcellular localization. Among the different members of the FoxO family, we will focus on FoxO1 in adipose tissue, where it is abundantly expressed and is involved in differentiation and transdifferentiation processes. The capability of FoxO1 to respond differently in dependence of adipose tissue subtype underlines the specific involvement of the transcription factor in energy metabolism and the \"browning\" process of adipocytes. FoxO1 can localize to nuclear, cytoplasm, and mitochondrial compartments of adipocytes responding to different availability of nutrients and source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Specifically, fasted state produced-ROS enhance the nuclear activity of FoxO1, triggering the transcription of lipid catabolism and antioxidant response genes. The enhancement of lipid catabolism, in combination with ROS buffering, allows systemic energetic homeostasis and metabolic adaptation of white/beige adipocytes. On the contrary, a fed state induces FoxO1 to accumulate in the cytoplasm, but also in the mitochondria where it affects mitochondrial DNA gene expression. The importance of ROS-mediated signaling in FoxO1 subcellular localization and retrograde communication will be discussed, highlighting key aspects of FoxO1 multifaceted regulation in adipocytes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This is the first study to examine whether training before breakfast in the overnight-fasted state is more effective in improving the health of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) than after breakfast in the fed state. Thirty T2DM patients (60 ± 8 years, 33.7 ± 4.6 kg/m2 ) were randomly assigned to the F group (training in the overnight-fasted state (n = 15)) and to the C group (training in the fed state (control group, n = 15)). All patients completed an 8-week combined endurance/strength training program. Physical training significantly increased time to physical exhaustion during an endurance test (+10.4%), power output during strength tests (chest presses: +36.7% and seated rows: +37.8%), and fat-free mass (+1.7 kg). Body fat mass (-1.9 kg), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) values (absolute change: -0.3%), serum insulin values (-2.5 microU/mL), the homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index (-1.1), and circulating triglyceride levels (-31 mg/dL) decreased significantly from pre- to post-training. The training had no effect on body mass index, serum fasting glucose, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein/high-density lipoprotein ratio or interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α levels. Analyses of variance revealed no time × group interaction for any variable (P > .05). The training was effective in improving the health of T2DM patients. However, the preliminary study\'s data do not provide any evidence that the nutritional state (overnight-fasted or fed) in regular physical training plays a significant role for training-induced adaptations in T2DM patients. Full trials (using other training protocols as well) should be conducted to gain further knowledge about the relevance of pre-exercise breakfast ingestion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oral administration is the most common route of drug delivery. The absorption of a drug from the gut into the bloodstream involves disintegration of the solid dosage form, dissolution of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and its transport across the gut wall. The efficiency of these processes is determined by highly complex and dynamic interplay between the gastrointestinal tract, the dosage form and the API. The European Network on Understanding Gastrointestinal Absorption-related Processes (UNGAP) aims to improve our understanding of intestinal drug absorption by creating a multidisciplinary Network of researchers from academia and industry engaging in scientific discussions. As part of the basis for the UNGAP project, this review aims to summarize the current knowledge on anatomy and physiology of the human gastrointestinal tract with emphasis on human studies for the evaluation of the regional drug absorption and the prediction of oral dosage form performance. A range of factors and methods will be considered, including imaging methods, intraluminal sampling and, models for predicting segmental/regional absorption. In addition, in vitro and in silico methods to evaluate regional drug absorption will be discussed. This will provide the basis for further work on improving predictions for the in vivo behavior of drug products in the gastrointestinal tract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The process of disintegration is a crucial step in oral drug delivery with immediate release dosage forms. In this work, the salivary tracer technique was applied as a simple and inexpensive method for the investigation of the in vivo disintegration time of hard gelatin capsules filled with caffeine. The disintegration times observed with the salivary tracer technique were verified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After an overnight fast of at least 10 h and caffeine abstinence of minimum 72 h, conventional hard gelatin capsules containing 50 mg caffeine and 5 mg iron oxide were administered to 8 healthy volunteers. For the period of 1 h after capsule intake, subjects were placed in supine position in the MRI scanner, and scans were performed in short time intervals. Each MRI measurement was directly followed by saliva sampling by drooling. Salivary caffeine concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography followed by mass spectrometric detection (LC/MS-MS). The time point of capsule disintegration was determined by visual inspection of the MR images as well as by an increase in the salivary caffeine concentration. The results indicated that the difference in mean disintegration times of the capsules as determined by the two in vivo methods was around 4 min (8.8 min for MRI vs 12.5 min for saliva). All disintegration times determined by the salivary tracer technique were slightly higher. This delay could be explained by the fact that the appearance of caffeine in saliva required drug absorption in the small intestine. Because capsule disintegration happened mainly in the stomach, the exact site of disintegration as well as the processes of gastric mixing and gastric emptying contributed to the delay between the two methods. This work demonstrated the feasibility of the salivary tracer technique to investigate the in vivo disintegration of immediate release dosage forms in a simple and reliable manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to investigate the transfer behavior of the weakly acidic BCS class II drug valsartan from the stomach to the small intestine during fasted and fed states. An in vitro transfer model previously introduced by Kostewicz et al. (J Pharm Pharmacol 56(1):43-51, 2004) based on a syringe pump and a USP paddle apparatus was used to determine the concentration profiles of valsartan in the small intestine. Donor phases of simulated gastric fluid during fasted (FaSSGF) and fed (FeSSGF) states were used to predisperse Diovan® tablets (160 mg valsartan). The initial concentrations of valsartan in FaSSGF and FeSSGF were 6.2 and 91.8%, respectively. Valsartan dispersions were then transferred to acceptor phases that simulate intestinal fluid and cover the physiological properties (pH, buffer capacity, and ionic strength) of the gastrointestinal fluid at a flow rate of 2 mL/min. The pH measurements were reported at time intervals corresponded to those of the transfer experiments to investigate the effect of percent dissolved of valsartan in the donor phase on lowering the pH of the acceptor phases. The f2 similarity test was used to compare the concentration profiles in the acceptor phases. In fasted state, the concentration of valsartan in the acceptor phases ranged between 33.1 and 89.4% after 240 min. Whereas in fed state, valsartan was fully dissolved in all acceptor phases within a range of 94.5-104.9% after 240 min. Therefore, the transfer model provides a useful screen for the concentrations of valsartan in the small intestine during fasted and fed states.





