face processing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with developmental prosopagnosia (DP) experience severe face memory deficits that are often accompanied by impairments in face perception. Images of human facial features are better discriminated between when they are presented in the locations on the visual field that they typically appear in while viewing human faces in daily life, than in locations which they do not typically appear (i.e., better performance for eyes in the upper visual field, and better performance for mouths in the lower visual field). These feature-to-location tuning effects (FLEs) can be explained by a retinotopically organised visual statistical learning mechanism. We had a large group of DP participants (N = 64), a control group (N = 74) and a group of individuals with a mild form of DP (N = 58) complete a single-feature discrimination task to determine whether face perception deficits in DP can be accounted for by an impairment in face feature-to-location tuning. The results showed that individuals with DP did not have significant FLEs, suggesting a marked impairment in the underlying visual statistical learning mechanism. In contrast, the mild DP group showed normal FLE effects which did not differ from the control group. Both DP groups had impaired single-feature processing (SFP) as compared to the control group. We also examined the effects of age on FLEs and SFP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) perceive distortions in their appearance, which could be due to imbalances in global and local visual processing. The vertical occipital fasciculus connects dorsal and ventral visual stream regions, integrating global and local information, yet the role of this structural connection in BDD has not been explored. Here, we investigated the vertical occipital fasciculus\'s white matter microstructure in those with BDD and healthy controls and tested associations with psychometric measures and effective connectivity while viewing their face during fMRI.
    UNASSIGNED: We analyzed diffusion MRI and fMRI data in 17 unmedicated adults with BDD and 21 healthy controls. For diffusion MRI, bundle-specific analysis was performed, enabling quantitative estimation of neurite density and orientation dispersion of the vertical occipital fasciculus. For task fMRI, participants naturalistically viewed photos of their own face, from which we computed effective connectivity from dorsal to ventral visual regions.
    UNASSIGNED: In BDD, neurite density was negatively correlated with appearance dissatisfaction and negatively correlated with effective connectivity. Further, those with weaker effective connectivity while viewing their face had worse BDD symptoms and worse insight. In controls, no significant relationships were found between any of the measures. There were no significant group differences in neurite density or orientation dispersion.
    UNASSIGNED: Those with BDD with worse appearance dissatisfaction have a lower fraction of tissue having axons or dendrites along the vertical occipital fasciculus bundle, possibly reflecting impacting the degree of integration of global and local visual information between the dorsal and ventral visual streams. These results provide early insights into how the vertical occipital fasciculus\'s microstructure relates to the subjective experience of one\'s appearance, as well as the possibility of distinct functional-structural relationships in BDD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: If neuroscientists were asked which brain area is responsible for object recognition in primates, most would probably answer infero-temporal (IT) cortex. While IT is likely responsible for fine discriminations, and it is accordingly dominated by foveal visual inputs, there is more to object recognition than fine discrimination. Importantly, foveation of an object of interest usually requires recognizing, with reasonable confidence, its presence in the periphery. Arguably, IT plays a secondary role in such peripheral recognition, and other visual areas might instead be more critical.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate how signals carried by early visual processing areas (such as LGN and V1) could be used for object recognition in the periphery, we focused here on the task of distinguishing faces from non-faces. We tested how sensitive various models were to nuisance parameters, such as changes in scale and orientation of the image, and the type of image background.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that a model of V1 simple or complex cells could provide quite reliable information, resulting in performance better than 80% in realistic scenarios. An LGN model performed considerably worse.
    UNASSIGNED: Because peripheral recognition is both crucial to enable fine recognition (by bringing an object of interest on the fovea), and probably sufficient to account for a considerable fraction of our daily recognition-guided behavior, we think that the current focus on area IT and foveal processing is too narrow. We propose that rather than a hierarchical system with IT-like properties as its primary aim, object recognition should be seen as a parallel process, with high-accuracy foveal modules operating in parallel with lower-accuracy and faster modules that can operate across the visual field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Face processing dominates the right hemisphere. This lateralization can be affected by co-lateralization within the same system and influence between different systems, such as neural competition from reading acquisition. Yet, how the relationship pattern changes through development remains unknown. This study examined the lateralization of core face processing and word processing in different age groups. By comparing fMRI data from 36 school-aged children and 40 young adults, we investigated whether there are age and regional effects on lateralization, and how relationships between lateralization within and between systems change across development. Our results showed significant right hemispheric lateralization in the core face system and left hemispheric lateralization in reading-related areas for both age groups when viewing faces and texts passively. While all participants showed stronger lateralization in brain regions of higher functional hierarchy when viewing faces, only adults exhibited this lateralization when viewing texts. In both age cohorts, there was intra-system co-lateralization for face processing, whereas an inter-system relationship was only found in adults. Specifically, functional lateralization of Broca\'s area during reading negatively predicted functional asymmetry in the FFA during face perception. This study initially provides neuroimaging evidence for the reading-induced neural competition theory from a maturational perspective in Chinese cohorts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The LUMINA (Linguistic Unified Multimodal Indonesian Natural Audio-Visual) Dataset is a carefully curated constrained audio-visual dataset designed to support research in the field of speech perception. Spoken exclusively in Indonesian, LUMINA contains high-quality audio-visual recordings featuring 14 native speakers, including 9 males and 5 females. Each speaker contributes approximately 1,000 sentences, producing a rich and diverse data collection. The recorded videos focus on facial recordings, capturing essential visual cues and expressions that accompany speech. This extensive dataset provides a valuable resource for understanding how humans perceive and process spoken language, paving the way for speech recognition and synthesis technology advancements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition associated with increased risk for social anxiety and avoidance. Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), we previously demonstrated aberrant neural activity responding to faces in young girls with FXS cross-sectionally. Here, we tested the hypothesis that abnormalities in neural activation and sensitization would increase with age in 65 girls with FXS (ages 6-16 years) relative to an age-matched control group of 52 girls who had comparable cognitive function and clinical symptoms.
    METHODS: fNIRS data were collected at 2 time points (mean [SD] = 2.8 [0.6] years apart) during a face processing task. Linear mixed-effect models examined longitudinal neural profiles in girls with FXS and control participants. Correlational analysis was performed to examine associations between neural sensitization (increasing neural response to repeated stimuli) and clinical ratings.
    RESULTS: In the FXS group, 24 participants had 1 fNIRS scan, and 32 had 2 scans. In the control group, 28 participants had 1 fNIRS scan, and 22 had 2 scans. Brain activations in the superior frontal gyrus were higher in girls with FXS than control participants at both time points. Neural sensitization also increased in girls with FXS at a higher rate than control participants in the superior frontal gyrus when responding to upright faces. For the FXS group, sensitization in the superior frontal gyrus positively correlated with longitudinal increases in anxiety and social avoidance scores.
    CONCLUSIONS: Girls with FXS show increasingly abnormal neural activation and sensitization responding to faces over time. Aberrant neural sensitization in girls with FXS is associated with longitudinal changes in anxiety and social skills.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Face recognition shows a long trajectory of development and is known to be closely associated with the development of social skills. However, it is still debated whether this long trajectory is perceptually based and what the role is of experience-based refinements of face representations throughout development. We examined the effects of short and long-term experienced stimulus history on face processing, using regression biases of face representations towards the experienced mean. Children and adults performed same-different judgments in a serial discrimination task where two consecutive faces were drawn from a distribution of morphed faces. The results show that face recognition continues to improve after 9 years of age, with more pronounced improvements for own-race faces. This increased narrowing with age is also indicated by similar use of stimulus statistics for own-race and other-race faces in children, contrary to the different use of the overall stimulus history for these two face types in adults. Increased face proficiency in adulthood renders the perceptual system less tuned to other-race face statistics. Altogether, the results demonstrate associations between levels of specialization and the extent to which perceptual representations become narrowly tuned with age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An attentional bias toward infant versus adult faces has been detected in parents and positively associated with sensitive caregiving behaviors. In previous research, the attentional bias has been measured as the difference in attention, in terms of reaction times, captured by infant versus adult faces; the larger the difference, the greater the cognitive engagement that adults deployed to infant faces. However, research so far has been mostly confined to samples of mothers, who have been more represented than fathers. Moreover, new family forms, especially same-sex families of men, have been left out of research. To clarify potential sex differences and extend previous findings to diverse family forms, we implemented a modified Go/no-Go attentional task measuring attentional bias to infant faces in parents with children aged from 2 to 36 months. The sample (N = 86) was matched and included 22 fathers and 22 mothers from different-sex families and 20 fathers and 22 mothers from same-sex families. Overall, the results confirmed that infant faces induced a greater attentional bias compared to adult faces. Moreover, we found that neither the type of family nor parents\' sex modulated the attentional bias toward infant faces. The findings are discussed in relation to the importance of understanding the correlates of parental response to infant cues going beyond a heteronormative perspective on parenting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different dimensions of visual attention to social (human faces) and non-social stimuli (objects) were assessed in 19 preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and 19 typically developing (TD) age, gender, and IQ-matched controls through an original paired preference eye-tracking paradigm. The present study found a significantly reduced attentional bias toward human faces in children with ASD compared to TD controls. The analysis of the total fixation time showed a significantly reduced preference for faces in children with ASD compared to TD children. Moreover, while TD children showed a significant preference for the face over the object, children in the ASD group observed the two paired pictures for a similar amount of time, thus showing no preference. Besides, children with ASD paid significantly more sustained attention to the objects than TD children. Children in the TD group paid greater sustained attention to the faces over the objects, while children in the ASD group did not differentiate between objects and faces. Finally, an age effect was found in ASD, as younger children in the group tended to prefer objects and to show more sustained attention towards them. Overall, these findings add to the literature on anomalies in attention toward social and non-social stimuli in young children with ASD compared to their TD counterparts. These results are discussed in the light of previous studies and suggest possible directions for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primates can recognize objects despite 3D geometric variations such as in-depth rotations. The computational mechanisms that give rise to such invariances are yet to be fully understood. A curious case of partial invariance occurs in the macaque face-patch AL and in fully connected layers of deep convolutional networks in which neurons respond similarly to mirror-symmetric views (e.g. left and right profiles). Why does this tuning develop? Here, we propose a simple learning-driven explanation for mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning. We show that mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning for faces emerges in the fully connected layers of convolutional deep neural networks trained on object recognition tasks, even when the training dataset does not include faces. First, using 3D objects rendered from multiple views as test stimuli, we demonstrate that mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning in convolutional neural network models is not unique to faces: it emerges for multiple object categories with bilateral symmetry. Second, we show why this invariance emerges in the models. Learning to discriminate among bilaterally symmetric object categories induces reflection-equivariant intermediate representations. AL-like mirror-symmetric tuning is achieved when such equivariant responses are spatially pooled by downstream units with sufficiently large receptive fields. These results explain how mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning can emerge in neural networks, providing a theory of how they might emerge in the primate brain. Our theory predicts that mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning can emerge as a consequence of exposure to bilaterally symmetric objects beyond the category of faces, and that it can generalize beyond previously experienced object categories.





