face inversion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bias in perceptual decision making can have both sensory and decisional origins. These distinct sources of bias are typically seen as static and stable over time. However, human behavior is dynamic and constantly adapting. Yet it remains unclear how sensory and decisional biases progress in distinct ways over time. We addressed this question by tracking the dynamics of sensory and decisional biases during a task that involves a visual illusion. Observers saw multiple pairs of peripherally presented faces that induce a strong illusion making the faces appear distorted and grotesque. The task was to judge whether one of the last two faces had true physical distortion (experimentally introduced in half of the trials). Initially, participants classified most faces as distorted as exemplified by a liberal response bias. However, over the course of the experiment, this response bias gradually disappeared even though the distortion illusion remained equally strong, as demonstrated by a separate subjective rating task without artificially distorted faces. The results suggest that the sensory bias was progressively countered by an opposite decisional bias. This transition was accompanied by an increase in reaction times and a decrease in confidence relative to a condition that does not induce the visual illusion. All results were replicated in a second experiment with inverted faces. These findings demonstrate that participants dynamically adjust their decisional bias to compensate for sensory biases, and that these two biases together determine how humans make perceptual decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectively quantifying subjective phenomena like visual illusions is challenging. We address this issue in the context of the Flashed Face Distortion Effect (FFDE), where faces presented in succession appear distorted and grotesque. We first show that the traditional method of quantifying FFDE - via subjective ratings of the level of distortion - is subject to substantial biases. Motivated by this finding, we develop an objective method for quantifying FFDE by introducing two design innovations. First, we create artificially distorted faces and ask subjects to discriminate between undistorted and objectively distorted faces. Second, we employ both an illusion condition, which includes a succession of 15 face flashes, and a control condition, which includes a single face flash and does not induce an illusion. Using these innovations, we quantify the strength of the face distortion illusion by comparing the response bias for identifying distorted faces between the illusion and control conditions. We find that our method successfully quantifies the face distortion, with subjects exhibiting a more liberal response bias in the illusion condition. Finally, we apply our new method to evaluate how the face distortion illusion is modulated by face eccentricity, face inversion, the temporal frequency of the face flashes, and presence of temporal gaps between consecutive faces. Our results demonstrate the utility of our objective method in quantifying the subjective illusion of face distortion. Critically, the method is general and can be applied to other phenomena that are inherently subjective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Difficulties in global face processing have been associated with autism. However, autism is heterogenous, and it is not known which dimensions of autistic traits are implicated in face-processing difficulties. To address this gap in knowledge, we conducted two experiments to examine how identification of Mooney face stimuli (stylized, black-and-white images of faces without details) related to the six subscales of the Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory in young adults. In Experiment 1, regression analyses indicated that participants with poorer communication skills had lower task sensitivity when discriminating between face-present and face-absent images, whilst other autistic traits had no unique predictive value. Experiment 2 replicated these findings and additionally showed that autistic traits were linked to a reduced face inversion effect. Taken together, these results indicate autistic traits, especially communication difficulties, are associated with reduced configural processing of face stimuli. It follows that both reduced sensitivity for identifying upright faces amongst similar-looking distractors and reduced susceptibility to face inversion effects may be linked to relatively decreased reliance on configural processing of faces in autism. This study also reinforces the need to consider the different facets of autism independently.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Face identity recognition (FIR) in humans is supported by specialized neural processes whose function is spectacularly impaired when simply turning a face upside-down: the face inversion effect (FIE). While the FIE appears to have a slow developmental course, little is known about the plasticity of the neural processes involved in this effect-and in FIR in general-at adulthood. Here, we investigate whether extensive training (2 weeks, ~16 h) in young human adults discriminating a large set of unfamiliar inverted faces can reduce an implicit neural marker of the FIE for a set of entirely novel faces. In all, 28 adult observers were trained to individuate 30 inverted face identities presented under different depth-rotated views. Following training, we replicate previous behavioral reports of a significant reduction (56% relative accuracy rate) in the behavioral FIE as measured with a challenging four-alternative delayed-match-to-sample task for individual faces across depth-rotated views. Most importantly, using EEG together with a validated frequency tagging approach to isolate a neural index of FIR, we observe the same substantial (56%) reduction in the neural FIE at the expected occipito-temporal channels. The reduction in the neural FIE correlates with the reduction in the behavioral FIE at the individual participant level. Overall, we provide novel evidence suggesting a substantial degree of plasticity in processes that are key for face identity recognition in the adult human brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The center-periphery visual field axis guides early visual system organization with enhanced resources devoted to central vision leading to reduced peripheral performance relative to that of central vision (i.e., behavioral eccentricity effect) for many visual functions. The center-periphery organization extends to high-order visual cortex where, for example, the well-studied face-sensitive fusiform face area (FFA) shows sensitivity to central vision and the place-sensitive parahippocampal place area (PPA) shows sensitivity to peripheral vision. As we have recently found that face perception is more sensitive to eccentricity than place perception, here we examined whether these behavioral findings reflect differences in FFA\'s and PPA\'s sensitivities to eccentricity. We assumed FFA would show higher sensitivity to eccentricity than PPA would, but that both regions\' modulation by eccentricity would be invariant to the viewed category. We parametrically investigated (fMRI, n = 32) how FFA\'s and PPA\'s activations are modulated by eccentricity (≤8°) and category (upright/inverted faces/houses) while keeping stimulus size constant. As expected, FFA showed an overall higher sensitivity to eccentricity than PPA. However, both regions\' activation modulations by eccentricity were dependent on the viewed category. In FFA, a reduction of activation with growing eccentricity (\"BOLD eccentricity effect\") was found (with different amplitudes) for all categories. In PPA however, qualitatively different BOLD eccentricity effect modulations were found (e.g., at 8° mild BOLD eccentricity effect for houses but a reverse BOLD eccentricity effect for faces and no modulation for inverted faces). Our results emphasize that peripheral vision investigations are critical to further our understanding of visual processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research explores early Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) sensitivity to facial stimuli, investigating various facial features aimed to unveil underlying neural mechanisms. Two experiments, each involving 15 undergraduate students, utilized a multidimensional stimulus set incorporating race, gender, age, emotional expression, face masks, and stimulus orientation. Findings highlight significant modulations in N170 and P200 amplitudes and latencies for specific attributes, replicating prior research and revealing novel insights. Notably, age-related facial feature variations, facial inversion, and the presence of face masks significantly impact neural responses. Several speculative explanations are proposed to elucidate these results: First, the findings lend support to the idea that the increased N170 amplitude observed with facial inversion is closely tied to the activation of object-sensitive neurons. This is further bolstered by a similar amplitude increase noted when masks (effective objects) are added to faces. Second, the absence of an additional amplitude increase, when inverting face images with face masks suggests that neural populations may have reached a saturation point, limiting further enhancement. Third, the study reveals that the latency deficit in N170 induced by facial inversion is even more pronounced in the subsequent ERP component, the P200, indicating that face inversion may impact multiple stages of face processing. Lastly, the significant increase in P200 amplitude, typically associated with face typicality, for masked faces in this study aligns with previous research that demonstrated elevated P200 amplitudes for scrambled faces. This suggests that obscured faces may be processed as typical, potentially representing a default state in face processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neural basis of configural processing has been extensively studied by exploiting face inversion during recognition, and growing evidence has revealed that word inversion also involves changes in configuration. However, the neural dynamics of face-like inversion effects remain unclear. Here, we tracked the temporal dynamics of neural responses that were sensitive to inversion during Chinese character recognition as they occurred during face recognition using multivariate decoding and temporal generalization analyses. We recorded magnetoencephalography while participants performed a one-back task for faces, compound characters, and simple characters with upright and inverted orientations. We showed that the inversion effect (inverted versus upright) can be decoded at occipitotemporal sensors for all stimulus types over and across time points, with a stronger impact on faces and compound characters than on simple characters. The inversion effect occurred earlier and lasted longer for faces than for characters, and the effect was also stronger for compound characters than for simple characters. Finally, we demonstrated inversion effects in the event-related field for all stimulus types and identified their sources in the ventral occipitotemporal areas. Overall, this study provides novel evidence for the temporal dynamics of the face-like inversion effect occurring during Chinese character recognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atypical visual and social attention has often been associated with clinically diagnosed autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and with the broader autism phenotype. Atypical social attention is of particular research interest given the importance of facial expressions for social communication, with faces tending to attract and hold attention in neurotypical individuals. In autism, this is not necessarily so, where there is debate about the temporal differences in the ability to disengage attention from a face.
    Thus, we have used eye-tracking to record saccadic latencies as a measure of time to disengage attention from a central task-irrelevant face before orienting to a newly presented peripheral nonsocial target during a gap-overlap task. Neurotypical participants with higher or lower autism-like traits (AT) completed the task that included central stimuli with varied expressions of facial emotion as well as an inverted face.
    High AT participants demonstrated faster saccadic responses to detect the nonsocial target than low AT participants when disengaging attention from a face. Furthermore, faster saccadic responses were recorded when comparing disengagement from upright to inverted faces in low AT but not in high AT participants.
    Together, these results extend findings of atypical social attention disengagement in autism and highlight how differences in attention to faces in the broader autism phenotype can lead to apparently superior task performance under certain conditions. Specifically, autism traits were linked to faster attention orienting to a nonsocial target due to the reduced attentional hold of the task irrelevant face stimuli. The absence of an inversion effect in high AT participants also reinforces the suggestion that they process upright or inverted faces similarly, unlike low AT participants for whom inverted faces are thought to be less socially engaging, thus allowing faster disengagement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inversion of a picture of a face hampers the accuracy and speed at which observers can perceptually process it. Event-related potentials and pupillary responses, successfully used as biomarkers of face inversion in the past, suggest that the perception of visual features, that are organized in an unfamiliar manner, recruits demanding additional processes. However, it remains unclear whether such inversion effects generalize beyond face stimuli and whether indeed more mental effort is needed to process inverted images. Here we aimed to study the effects of natural scene inversion on visual evoked potentials and pupil dilations. We simultaneously measured responses of 47 human participants to presentations of images showing upright or inverted natural scenes. For inverted scenes, we observed relatively stronger occipito-temporo-parietal N1 peak amplitudes and larger pupil dilations (on top of an initial orienting response) than for upright scenes. This study revealed neural and physiological markers of natural scene inversion that are in line with inversion effects of other stimulus types and demonstrates the robustness and generalizability of the phenomenon that unfamiliar configurations of visual content require increased processing effort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated whether patients with MDD (major depressive disorder) have deficits in emotional face classification as well as the perceptual mechanism. We found that, compared with the control group, MDD patients exhibited slower speed and lower accuracy in emotional face classification. In normal controls, happy faces were classified faster than sad faces, i.e., positive classification advantage (PCA), which disappeared under the inverted condition. MDD patients showed PCA similar to the control group, although the inversion effects of happy and sad faces were more evident. These data suggest that the dysfunction of categorizing emotional faces in MDD patients could be due to general impairment in decoding facial expressions, reflecting the more common perceptual motion defects in face expression classification.





