external assistance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics is a global project that strengthens surgical ecosystems through partnership with country institutions. In Nigeria, the project implements in Bauchi, Ebonyi, Kebbi and Sokoto states and the Federal Capital Territory, focusing on surgical obstetrics, holistic fistula care and female genital mutilation/cutting prevention and care. The project utilized participatory approaches during its design, planning and early implementation phases. During the design phase, the project employed a co-creation process featuring a desk review, key informant interviews and stakeholder workshops at community, facility, and government levels to actively listen to, identify and incorporate local perspectives on surgical ecosystem gaps and priorities. Initial findings, shared at state- and national-level workshops, helped collectively identify and prioritize context-specific interventions. The resulting co-created workplan features interventions to strengthen surgical services based on the National Surgical, Obstetrics, Anaesthesia and Nursing Plan (NSOANP). Upon workplan approval, the planning phase involved meeting with each State Ministry of Health (MOH) to prioritize workplan interventions for implementation and to define the finer details needed to drive early implementation processes. Preliminary achievements during early implementation include state commitments to include a costed facility NSOANP in 2023 annual operational plans, mitigation of health facility staffing shortages and review of national fistula and surgical Health Management Information System indicator data flow and advocacy to the Federal MOH resulting in improved fistula data quality and availability. Well-established state and national systems, structures, policies and guidelines enable this programming approach. Since communication between institutional actors is often limited, these approaches necessitate building and maintaining relationships and knowledge-sharing, which requires a significant up-front time investment that must be balanced with donor/partner desires for rapid deliverables. Linking different actors within the health system together through co-creation/co-implementation represents a crucial step in building sustainable country ownership and oversight for surgical ecosystems strengthening interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although not reliant on donor funding for health, the external assistance that Sri Lanka receives contributes to the improvement of the health system and health outcomes. In this study, we evaluated transition experiences of the expanded programme on immunization (EPI) that received Gavi funding to expand the vaccine portfolio and the Anti-Malaria Campaign (AMC) that received funding from the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to scale-up interventions to target and achieve malaria elimination. We assessed if EPI and AMC programmes were able to sustain coverage of previously donor-funded interventions post-transition and explain the facilitators and barriers that contribute to this. We used a mixed methods approach using quantitative data to assess coverage indicators and the financing mix of the health programmes and qualitative analysis guided by a framework informed by the Walt and Gilson policy triangle that brought together document review and in-depth interviews to identify facilitators and barriers to transition success. The EPI programme showed sustained coverage of Gavi-funded vaccines post-transition and the funding gap was bridged by mobilizing domestic financing facilitated by the Gavi co-financing mechanism, full integration within existing service delivery structures, well-established and favourable pharmaceutical procurement processes for the public sector and stewardship and financial advocacy by technically competent managers. Although the absence of indigenous cases of malaria since 2012 suggests overall programme success, the AMC showed mixed transition success in relation to its different programme components. Donor-supported programme components requiring mobilization of operational expenses, facilitated by early financial planning, were successfully transitioned (e.g. entomological and parasitological surveillance) given COVID-19-related constraints. Other key programme components, such as research, training, education and awareness that are dependent on non-operational expenses are lagging behind. Additionally, concerns of AMC\'s future financial sustainability within the current structure remain in the context of low malaria burden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the establishment of a new transitional government in Sudan with rejuvenated relations with the international community paved the way for external assistance to the EU COVID-19 response project, a project with a pioneering design within the region. The project sought to operationalize the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, perceiving the nexus as a continuum rather than sequential due to the protracted nature of emergencies in Sudan and their multiplicity and contextual complexity. It went further into enhancing peace through engaging with conflict and post-conflict-affected states and communities and empowering local actors. Learning from this experience, external assistance models to low- or middle-income countries (LMICs) should apply principles of flexibility and adaptability, while maintaining trust through transparency in exchange, to ensure sustainable and responsive action to domestic needs within changing contexts. Careful selection and diverse project team skills, early and continuous engagement with stakeholders, and robust planning, monitoring and evaluation processes were the project highlights. Yet, the challenges of political turmoil, changing Ministry of Health leadership, competing priorities and inactive coordination mechanisms had to be dealt with. While applying such an approach of a health system lens to health emergencies in LMICs is thought to be a success factor in this case, more robust technical guidance to the nexus implementation is crucial and can be best attained through encouraging further case reports analysing context-specific practices.





