exploitative competition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elucidating complex interactions between bacteria and fungi that determine microbial community structure, composition, and functions in soil, as well as regulate carbon (C) and nutrient fluxes, is crucial to understand biogeochemical cycles. Among the various interactions, competition for resources is the main factor determining the adaptation and niche differentiation between these two big microbial groups in soil. This is because C and energy limitations for microbial growth are a rule rather than an exception. Here, we review the C and energy demands of bacteria and fungi-the two major kingdoms in soil-the mechanisms of their competition for these and other resources, leading to niche differentiation, and the global change impacts on this competition. The normalized microbial utilization preference showed that bacteria are 1.4-5 times more efficient in the uptake of simple organic compounds as substrates, whereas fungi are 1.1-4.1 times more effective in utilizing complex compounds. Accordingly, bacteria strongly outcompete fungi for simple substrates, while fungi take advantage of complex compounds. Bacteria also compete with fungi for the products released during the degradation of complex substrates. Based on these specifics, we differentiated spatial, temporal, and chemical niches for these two groups in soil. The competition will increase under the main five global changes including elevated CO2, N deposition, soil acidification, global warming, and drought. Elevated CO2, N deposition, and warming increase bacterial dominance, whereas soil acidification and drought increase fungal competitiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploitative competition and interference competition differ in the way access to resources is modulated by a competitor. Exploitative competition implies resource depletion and usually produces spatial segregation, while interference competition is independent from resource availability and can result in temporal niche partitioning. Our aim is to infer the presence of spatial or temporal niche partitioning on a two-species system of terrestrial salamanders in Northern Italy: Speleomantes strinatii and Salamandrina perspicillata. We conducted 3 repeated surveys on 26 plots in spring 2018, on a sampling site where both species are present. We modelled count data with N-mixture models accounting for directional interactions on both abundance and detection process. In this way we were able to disentangle the effect of competitive interaction on the spatial scale, i.e., local abundance, and from the temporal scale, i.e., surface activity. We found strong evidence supporting the presence of temporal niche partitioning, consistent with interference competition. At the same time, no evidence of spatial segregation has been observed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the competition and coexistence of flagship carnivores is key to creating strategies for their conservation in the face of global carnivore declines. Although studies exploring the dynamics and competition between tigers (Panthera tigris) and leopards (P. pardus) span decades, there is a lack of understanding regarding the factors that influence their coexistence mechanisms on a broad scale, as well as the drivers determining their exploitative and interference competition. We gathered a comprehensive list of research papers among which 36 papers explored the interspecific interactions between tigers and leopards and tested the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the coexistence mechanisms along three dimensions using multiple response variables regression models; we also tested the influence of ecological drivers determining the exploitative or interference competition between tigers and leopards. Elevation and ungulate density were the most important predictors in regulating the coexistence mechanisms. Tigers and leopards exhibited more positive relations/higher overlaps as elevation increased in the spatial niche. In addition, they showed a higher dietary overlap in the prey-rich regions. We determined that interference competition between tigers and leopards was less frequently observed in habitats with dense tree cover and homogeneous vegetation structures. Meanwhile, studies with multiple metrics would promote the detection of interference competition. Our study provides new insight into the competitive interactions and coexistence mechanisms of tigers and leopards on a broad scale. Policy-makers and managers should pay more attention to the factors of elevation, prey abundance, and habitat structures for the conservation of tigers and leopards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spatial heterogeneity of urban landscapes, relatively low agrochemical use, and species-rich floral communities often support a surprising diversity of wild pollinators in cities. However, the management of Western honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) in urban areas may represent a new threat to wild bee communities. Urban beekeeping is commonly perceived as an environmentally friendly practice or a way to combat pollinator declines, when high-density beekeeping operations may actually have a negative influence on native and wild bee populations through floral resource competition and pathogen transmission. On the Island of Montréal, Canada there has been a particularly large increase in beekeeping across the city. Over the years following a large bee diversity survey ending in 2013, there was an influx of almost three thousand honey bee colonies to the city. In this study, we examined the wild bee communities and floral resources across a gradient of honey bee abundances in urban greenspaces in 2020, and compared the bee communities at the same sites before and after the large influx of honey bees. Overall, we found a negative relationship between urban beekeeping, pollen availability, and wild bee species richness. We also found that honey bee abundance had the strongest negative effect on small (inter-tegular span <2.25 mm) wild bee species richness. Small bee species may be at higher risk in areas with abundant honey bee populations as their limited foraging range may reduce their access to floral resources in times of increased competition. Further research on the influence of urban beekeeping on native and wild pollinators, coupled with evidence-based beekeeping regulations, is essential to ensure cities contain sufficient resources to support wild bee diversity alongside managed honey bees.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Species exhibit various trade-offs that can result in stable coexistence of competitors. The gleaner-opportunist trade-off to fluctuations in resource abundance is one of the most intuitive, yet also misunderstood, coexistence-promoting trade-offs. Here, we review its history as an ecological concept, discuss extensions to the classical theory and outline opportunities to advance its understanding. The mechanism of coexistence between species that grow relatively faster than their competitors in a low-resource environment (i.e. a gleaner) versus a high-resource environment (i.e. an opportunist) was first proposed in the 1970s. Stable coexistence could emerge between gleaners and opportunists if the opportunist species (dominant in unstable environments) dampens resource fluctuations via relatively convex functional responses, while the gleaner species (dominant in stable environments) promotes fluctuations, or diminishes them less than the opportunist does, via relatively saturating functional responses. This fluctuation-dependent coexistence mechanism has since been referred to by various names, including the Armstrong-McGehee mechanism and relative nonlinearity of competition. Several researchers have argued this mechanism likely plays a relatively minor role in species coexistence owing in part to the restricted range of conditions that allow it to operate. More recent theoretical research, however, suggests that relative nonlinearity can operate over wider conditions than previously thought. Here, we identify several novel, or little explored, extensions to the gleaner-opportunist trade-off that can yield species coexistence under phenomena as diverse as fluctuations in predation/pathogen pressure, multiple resources, phenotypic plasticity and rapid evolution, amongst other phenomena. While the original definition of the gleaner-opportunist trade-off may be imperfect as a collective for these extensions, we argue that a subtle reframing of the trade-off focusing on species\' performance in equilibrium versus fluctuating conditions (irrespective of preferences for high or low resources, predation pressure or other competitive factors) reveals their fundamental commonality in stable coexistence via relative nonlinearity. An extended framing shines a light on the potential ubiquity of this canonical trade-off in nature and on the breadth of theoretical and empirical terrain that remains to be trodden.
    生物は、競争者の安定共存をもたらすさまざまなトレードオフを示す。資源量の変動に対する落ち穂拾いと日和見主義者のトレードオフは、もっとも直感的であるが、同時に誤解されている共存促進トレードオフの一つである。ここでは、その生態学的概念としての歴史を振り返り、古典的な理論の拡張を議論し、理解を深めるための機会を説明する。 資源が少ない環境で競争相手よりも速く増える種(落ち穂拾い)と、資源が多い環境で競争相手よりも速く増える種(日和見主義者)の共存機構は、1970 年代に初めて提唱された。不安定な環境で優占する日和見主義の種が、相対的に下に凸の機能的反応によって資源の変動を抑える一方で、安定環境で優占する落ち穂拾いの種が、相対的に飽和する機能的反応によって変動を促進するか、日和見主義者よりも変動を抑制しない場合に、落ち穂拾いと日和見主義者は安定的に共存する。 この変動に依存した共存機構は、その後、アームストロング・マギー機構や、競争の相対的非線形性など、さまざまな名前で呼ばれてきた。この機構が働く条件が限定的なこともあって、種の共存に果たす役割はそれほど大きくないと主張する研究者もいた。しかし最近の理論研究は、相対的非線形性がこれまで考えられてきたよりも幅広い条件で作用しうることを示唆している。 ここでは、捕食・病害圧の変動、複数の資源、表現型可塑性、迅速な進化といった多様な現象のもとで種の共存をもたらす、落ち穂拾いと日和見主義者のトレードオフの新しい(あるいはほとんど調べられていない)拡張を明らかにした。 このような拡張に対して、落ち穂拾いと日和見主義者のトレードオフの本来の定義は不完全であるかもしれない。しかし、資源量、捕食圧やその他の競争要因の多寡への好みに関係なく、平衡・変動状態における種のパフォーマンスに焦点を当てたトレードオフとして微妙に再定義することで、相対的非線形性を介した安定共存における基本的な特徴が明らかになるだろう。この標準的なトレードオフが、自然界に普遍的に存在している可能性があり、理論的・実証的に解明されるべき領域が大きく広がっていることが、拡張された枠組みによって照らし出されている。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a commentary on our paper (Renner et al., Oecologia 195:825-831, 2021), Harder and Miksha lay out why they think that our finding of higher honeybee abundances reducing wild bee abundances in an urban botanical garden is not statistically supported. Here, we explain the statistical test provided in our paper, which took advantage of a natural experiment offered by 2019 being a poorer year for bee keeping than 2020.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different species of scavengers may compete for the same food in an ecosystem. This case study considers the competition between jackals and vultures in Etosha National Park in Namibia. While jackals are facultative scavengers, able to hunt for food if necessary, vultures are obligate scavengers wholly dependent on carcasses of animals like zebras for persistence. This competition may be further affected by outbreaks of infections such as anthrax, which temporarily increase the number of carcasses but lower the zebra population, acting in some ways as a third competitor. We use a dynamical system to model the interplay between competition dynamics and infection dynamics, and how it is affected by the nature of the competition: indirect (exploitative) or direct (interference). A bifurcation analysis using reproduction numbers shows how vultures\' survival may depend on their direct competitive edge in reaching carcasses faster than jackals, and how the infection and the scavengers complicate each other\'s persistence. Vultures\' interference causes a backward bifurcation which enables them to persist. One possible outcome is a \"strange bedfellows\" bistability in which anthrax and vultures persist only together, not apart, despite being competitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resource competition is an important interaction that can structure ecological communities, but is difficult to demonstrate in nature, and rarely demonstrated for large mammals including marsupials. We analysed 10 years of population survey data to investigate resource competition between bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) and eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) at two sites to assess whether resource competition is occurring. At one site, wombat abundance was reduced by increased mortality from mange disease, whereas at the other site, kangaroo abundance was reduced primarily by culling. We used the modified Lotka-Volterra competition (LVC) models to describe the mechanism of resource competition and fitted those models to the empirical data by maximum likelihood estimation. We found strong negative relationships between the abundance of wombats and kangaroos at each site, and resource competition was also mechanistically supported by the modified LVC models. The estimated competition coefficients indicate that bare-nosed wombats are a slightly superior competitor of eastern grey kangaroos than vice versa, and that intraspecific competition is almost twice as strong as interspecific competition. In addition, this study facilitated the calculation of the transmission rate associated with mange disease at one site (0.011), and the removal rate owing to culling, the introduction of a predator species, and drought at the other site (0.0006). Collectively, this research represents a rare empirical demonstration of resource competition between large mammals and contributes new insight into the ecology of two of Australia\'s largest grazing marsupials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Community scientists have illustrated rapid declines of several aphidophagous lady beetle (Coccinellidae) species. These declines coincide with the establishment of alien coccinellids. We established the Buckeye Lady Beetle Blitz program to measure the seasonal occupancy of coccinellids within gardens across a wide range of landscape contexts. Following the Habitat Compression Hypothesis, we predicted that gardens within agricultural landscapes would be alien-dominated, whereas captures of natives would be higher within landscapes encompassing a high concentration of natural habitat.Within the state of Ohio, USA, community scientists collected lady beetles for a 7-day period across 4 years in June and August using yellow sticky card traps. All identifications were verified by professional scientists and beetles were classified by three traits: status (alien or native), mean body length, and primary diet. We compared the relative abundance and diversity of coccinellids seasonally and determined if the distribution of beetles by size, status, and diet was related to landscape features.Alien species dominated the aphidophagous fauna. Native aphidophagous coccinellid abundance was positively correlated with forest habitat while alien species were more common when gardens were embedded within agricultural landscapes. Urbanization was negatively associated with both aphidophagous alien and native coccinellids. Synthesis and Applications: Our census of native coccinellid species within residential gardens-a widespread and understudied habitat-was enabled by volunteers. These data will serve as an important baseline to track future changes within coccinellid communities within this region. We found that native coccinellid species richness and native aphidophagous coccinellid abundance in gardens were positively associated with forest habitat at a landscape scale of 2 km. However, our understanding of when and why (overwintering, summer foraging, or both) forest habitats are important remains unclear. Our findings highlight the need to understand how declining aphidophagous native species utilize forest habitats as a conservation priority.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To better understand the environmental factors and ecological processes underlying the evolution of the irreversible transition from a free-swimming state to an immobile sessile state as seen in many aquatic invertebrates, we study the adaptive dynamics of the settling rate of a hypothetical microorganism onto the wall of a chemostat. The two states, floating or settled, differ in their nutrient ingestion, reproduction and death rate. We consider three different settling mechanisms involving competition for space on the wall: (i) purely exploitative competition where free-swimming individuals settle in vacant space only, (ii) mixed exploitative and interference competition where individuals attempt to settle in any place but fail and die if the space is already occupied, and (iii) mixed exploitative and interference competition, but now settling in occupied space is successful and the former occupant dies. In the simplified environment of the chemostat, the input concentration of nutrients and the dilution rate of the tank are the main environmental control variables. Using the theory of adaptive dynamics, we find that the settling mechanisms and environmental control variables have qualitatively different effects on the evolution of the settling rate in terms of the direction of evolution as well as on species diversity. In the case of purely exploitative competition a small change in the settings of the environmental control variables can lead to an abrupt reversal of the direction of evolution, while in the case of mixed exploitative and interference competition the effect is gradual. For all three settling mechanisms, periodic fluctuations in the nutrient input open the possibility of evolutionary branching leading to the long-term coexistence of an intermediate and an infinitely high settling rates (in the case of low-frequency fluctuations), and an intermediate and a zero settling rates (in the case of high-frequency fluctuations).





