exotic species

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine species raft on floating litter, including various plastics, potentially spreading non-native species and threatening global marine habitats. Despite limited attention, Didemnum vexillum, an invasive colonial tunicate in Europe, colonised coasts of southwest Scotland (2009) and northeast Ireland (2012), likely transported via rafting. We studied D. vexillum survival and performance on three plastic types (Polyethylene, Polypropylene and Polystyrene) finding high survival rates over 42 days, with colonies thriving best on PS. Using these data, hydrodynamic and particle tracking models simulated dispersal from existing Irish Sea colonies, projecting potential rafting distances of up to ∼150 km for surface particles influenced by tide and wind, and half that for neutrally-buoyant mid-depth particles driven by tidal currents alone. Hence, the modelling supports the potential for dispersion of this species within the Irish Sea via rafting. This study highlights marine plastics as a vector that may facilitate widespread dispersal of non-native species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rivers are crucial ecosystems supporting biodiversity and human well-being, yet they face increasing degradation globally. Traditional river biomonitoring methods based on morphological identification of macroinvertebrates present challenges in terms of taxonomic resolution and scalability. This study explores the application of DNA metabarcoding analysis in both bulk and environmental DNA (eDNA) samples for comprehensive assessment of macrozoobenthic biodiversity, detection of invasive and endangered species, and evaluation of river ecological status in northwestern Spain. DNA metabarcoding of homogenized bulk samples and water eDNA revealed a mean of 100 and 87 macrozoobenthos species per sample respectively. However, the specific composition was significantly different with only 27.3% of the total species being shared. It was not possible to identify all the OTUs to species level; only 17.43% and 49.4% of the OTUs generated could be identified to species level in the bulk and eDNA samples, respectively. Additionally, a total of 11 exotic species (two first records for the Iberian Peninsula and another three first records for Asturias region) and one endangered species were detected by molecular tools. Molecular methods showed significant correlations with morphological identification for EQR values (Ecological Quality Ratio) of IBMWP index, yet differences in inferred river ecological status were noted, with bulk samples tending to indicate higher status. Overall, DNA metabarcoding offers a promising approach for river biomonitoring, providing insights into biodiversity, invasive species, and ecological status within a single analysis. Further optimization and intercalibration are required for its implementation in routine biomonitoring programmes, but its scalability and multi-tasking capabilities position it as a valuable tool for integrated monitoring of river ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural native forests are rapidly being replaced by anthropogenic forests often with a strong presence of invasive alien plant species. Eucalypt species are widely planted worldwide, with Eucalyptus globulus plantations being particularly expressive in Portugal. Poor forestry practices often lead to the associated expansion of invasive species, such as Acacia dealbata. However, we still know relatively little about the functioning of anthropogenic forests, such as seed and pollen dispersal services. Here, we compared bird abundance and richness and the seed and pollen dispersal networks in both forest types. Anthropogenic forests presented lower bird abundance, and smaller, more simplified, and more random (abundance-based) seed dispersal services than those of natural forests. Interestingly, the pollen dispersal network was more similar than the seed dispersal network for both forest types and dominated by opportunistic and neutral processes, given the absence of specialized nectarivorous. The proportion of birds transporting seeds decreased, while those carrying pollen significantly increased in the anthropogenic forest compared to the native forest. Our work highlights the impact of anthropogenic forests on bird abundance, with consequences for seed dispersal services and forest regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Mediterranean Sea is a highly susceptible area to climate change, that facilitates the introduction of warm-affinity exotic species, contributing to the expansion of their biogeographical range. One such thermophilic species is the Atlantic fish Seriola fasciata, which has colonised this area over the past three decades. The present study analyzed its spatial distribution in the Mediterranean Sea to identify aggregation areas and dynamics over time, and the environmental predictors influencing its presence. The utilized statistical tools and the Species Distribution Model proved effective in identifying specific spatial and temporal distribution patterns, as well as discerning some environmental variables influencing the species presence, with distinctions recorded between juveniles and adults. S. fasciata was observed to be established in the central Mediterranean, with Fishing Aggregating Devices potentially influencing its presence, particularly of juveniles. Sea floor temperature and habitats emerged as the primary factors driving species distribution. An aggregation area in the Levant Sea, conducive mainly for the adults, was identified and is expected to intensify over time. These findings contribute valuable insights into a relatively understudied species and its presence in the Mediterranean Sea, where climate change is affecting marine biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Biological invasions pose an increasing risk to nature, social security and the economy, being ranked amongst the top five threats to biodiversity. Managing alien and invasive species is a priority for the European Union, as outlined in the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Alien plant species are acknowledged to impact the economy and biodiversity; thus, analysing the distribution of such species provides valuable inputs for the management and decision-making processes. The database presented in the current study is the first consolidated checklist of alien plant species that are present in Romania, both of European Union concern and of national interest. This database complements a prior published distribution, based only on records from literature, bringing new information regarding the occurrence of alien plants in Romania, as revealed by a nationwide field survey. We consider this database a valuable instrument for managing biological invasions at both national and regional levels, as it can be utilised in further research studies and in drafting management and action plans, assisting stakeholders in making informed decisions and implementing management actions.
    UNASSIGNED: We present the results of the first nationwide survey of alien plant species in Romania, conducted between 2019 and 2022, in the framework of a national project coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests and the University of Bucharest. The present database complements and updates the database published by Sirbu et. al (2022), which included occurrence records published until 2019. The new database includes 98323 occurrence records for 396 alien plant species in 77 families, with most species belonging to the Asteraceae family. One alien plant species in our database, the black locust Robiniapseudoacacia L., had more than 10,000 occurrence records. The distribution database also includes information on newly-reported invasive alien plant species of European Union concern in Romania (i.e. the floating primrose-willow Ludwigiapeploides (Kunth) P.H.Raven) and documents the presence of plants in 44 additional families compared to Sirbu et al. (2022). Each entry includes information on species taxonomy, location, year, person who recorded and identified the alien plant, geographical coordinates and taxon rank.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Atlantic croaker Micropogoniasundulatus, a sciaenid fish native to the North Atlantic American coast, holds importance in recreational and commercial fisheries. Moreover, its potential as an invasive species should be noted, given its expansion and establishment in Atlantic European waters. This study reports its southernmost occurrence in Europe, in the Gulf of Cadiz. Morphological and molecular analysis confirmed its identity, revealing genetic similarities to US sequences. A comprehensive review of historical non-native distribution records underscored the species\' expansion throughout European waters, suggesting human-mediated introduction. The escalating frequency of such arrivals emphasises the critical need for effective monitoring and management efforts in order to control non-native species in this region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus, L. 1766, native to West Africa, was introduced to the Cabo Verde Archipelago in the 16th century. Historical sources suggest that, due to the importance of Cabo Verde as a commercial entrepôt in the Atlantic slave trade, establishing the precise place of origin of this introduced species is challenging. Non-invasive fecal samples were collected from feral and captive green monkey individuals in Cabo Verde. Two mitochondrial fragments, HVRI and cyt b, were used to confirm the taxonomic identification of the species and to tentatively determine the geographic origin of introduction to the archipelago from the African continent. By comparing the new sequences of this study to previously published ones, it was shown that Cabo Verde individuals have unique haplotypes in the HVRI, while also showing affinities to several populations from north-western coastal Africa in the cyt b, suggesting probable multiple sources of introduction and an undetermined most probable origin. The latter is consistent with historical information, but may also have resulted from solely using mtDNA as a genetic marker and the dispersal characteristics of the species. The limitations of the methodology are discussed and future directions of research are suggested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The wild pig (Sus scrofa) is an exotic species that has been present in the southeastern United States for centuries yet continues to expand into new areas dominated by bottomland and upland forests, the latter of which are less commonly associated with wild pigs. Here, we aimed to investigate wild pig movement and space use attributes typically used to guide wild pig management among multiple spatiotemporal scales. Our investigation focused on a newly invaded landscape dominated by bottomland and upland forests.
    METHODS: We examined (1) core and total space use using an autocorrelated kernel density estimator; (2) resource selection patterns and hot spots of space use in relation to various landscape features using step-selection analysis; and (3) daily and hourly differences in movement patterns between non-hunting and hunting seasons using generalized additive mixed models.
    RESULTS: Estimates of total space use among wild pigs (n = 9) were smaller at calculated core (1.2 ± 0.3 km2) and 90% (5.2 ± 1.5 km2) isopleths than estimates reported in other landscapes in the southeastern United States, suggesting that wild pigs were able to meet foraging, cover, and thermoregulatory needs within smaller areas. Generally, wild pigs selected areas closer to herbaceous, woody wetlands, fields, and perennial streams, creating corridors of use along these features. However, selection strength varied among individuals, reinforcing the generalist, adaptive nature of wild pigs. Wild pigs also showed a tendency to increase movement from fall to winter, possibly paralleling increases in hard mast availability. During this time, there were also increases in anthropogenic pressures (e.g. hunting), causing movements to become less diurnal as pressure increased.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our work demonstrates that movement patterns by exotic generalists must be understood across individuals, the breadth of landscapes they can invade, and multiple spatiotemporal scales. This improved understanding will better inform management strategies focused on curbing emerging invasions in novel landscapes, while also protecting native natural resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The potential toxic effects of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), widely used in commercial detergents and cleaners, on submerged macrophytes remain unclear. We conducted a two-week exposure experiment to investigate LAS toxicity on five submerged macrophytes (four native and one exotic), focusing on their growth and physiological responses. The results showed that lower concentrations of LAS (< 5 mg/L) slightly stimulated the growth of submerged macrophytes, while higher doses inhibited it. Increasing LAS concentration resulted in decreased chlorophyll content, increased MDA content and POD activity, and initially increased SOD and CAT activities before declining. Moreover, Elodea nuttallii required a higher effective concentration for growth compared to native macrophytes. These findings suggest that different species of submerged macrophytes exhibited specific responses to LAS, with high doses (exceeding 5 ∼ 10 mg/L) inhibited plant growth and physiology. However, LAS may promote the dominance of surfactant-tolerant exotic submerged macrophytes in polluted aquatic environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although native species diversity is frequently reported to enhance invasion resistance, within-species diversity of native plants can also moderate invasions. While the positive diversity-invasion resistance relationship is often attributed to competition, indirect effects mediated through plant-soil feedbacks can also influence the relationship. We manipulated the genotypic diversity of an endemic species, Scirpus mariqueter, and evaluated the effects of abiotic versus biotic feedbacks on the performance of a global invader, Spartina alterniflora. We found that invader performance on live soils decreased non-additively with genotypic diversity of the native plant that trained the soils, but this reversed when soils were sterilized to eliminate feedbacks through soil biota. The influence of soil biota on the feedback was primarily associated with increased levels of microbial biomass and fungal diversity in soils trained by multiple-genotype populations. Our findings highlight the importance of plant-soil feedbacks mediating the positive relationship between genotypic diversity and invasion resistance.





