
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    STriatal-Enriched protein tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP) is a brain-specific tyrosine phosphatase that is associated with numerous neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. STEP dephosphorylates and inactivates various kinases and phosphatases critical for neuronal function and health including Fyn, Pyk2, ERK1/2, p38, and PTPα. Importantly, STEP dephosphorylates NMDA and AMPA receptors, two major glutamate receptors that mediate fast excitatory synaptic transmission. This STEP-mediated dephosphorylation leads to their internalization and inhibits both Hebbian synaptic potentiation and homeostatic synaptic scaling. Hence, STEP has been widely accepted to weaken excitatory synaptic strength. However, emerging evidence implicates a novel role of STEP in neuronal hyperexcitability and seizure disorders. Genetic deletion and pharmacological blockade of STEP reduces seizure susceptibility in acute seizure mouse models and audiogenic seizures in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. Pharmacologic inhibition of STEP also decreases hippocampal activity and neuronal intrinsic excitability. Here, we will highlight the divergent roles of STEP in excitatory synaptic transmission and neuronal intrinsic excitability, present the potential underlying mechanisms, and discuss their impact on STEP-associated neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cytoarchitecture of the striatum is remarkably homogeneous, in contrast to the regional variation in striatal functions. Whether differences in the intrinsic membrane properties of striatal neurons contribute to regional heterogeneity has not been addressed systematically. We made recordings throughout the young adult mouse striatum under identical conditions, with synaptic input blocked, from four major striatal neuron types, namely, the two subtypes of spiny projection neurons (SPNs), cholinergic interneurons (ChIs), and fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons (FSIs), sampling at least 100 cells per cell type. Regional variation manifested across all cell types. All cell types in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell had higher input impedance and increased excitability. Cells in the NAc core were differentiated from the caudate-putamen (CPu) for both SPN subtypes by smaller action potentials and increased excitability. Similarity between the two SPN subtypes showed regional variation, differing more in the NAc than in the CPu. So, in the Str, both the intrinsic properties of interneurons and projection neurons are regionally heterogeneous, with the greatest difference between the NAc and CPu; greater excitability of NAc shell neurons may make the region more susceptible to activity-dependent plasticity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synaptic connectivity defines groups of neurons that engage in correlated activity during specific functional tasks. These co-active groups of neurons form ensembles, the operational units involved in, for example, sensory perception, motor coordination and memory (then called an engram). Traditionally, ensemble formation has been thought to occur via strengthening of synaptic connections via long-term potentiation (LTP) as a plasticity mechanism. This synaptic theory of memory arises from the learning rules formulated by Hebb and is consistent with many experimental observations. Here, we propose, as an alternative, that the intrinsic excitability of neurons and its plasticity constitute a second, non-synaptic mechanism that could be important for the initial formation of ensembles. Indeed, enhanced neural excitability is widely observed in multiple brain areas subsequent to behavioral learning. In cortical structures and the amygdala, excitability changes are often reported as transient, even though they can last tens of minutes to a few days. Perhaps it is for this reason that they have been traditionally considered as modulatory, merely supporting ensemble formation by facilitating LTP induction, without further involvement in memory function (memory allocation hypothesis). We here suggest-based on two lines of evidence-that beyond modulating LTP allocation, enhanced excitability plays a more fundamental role in learning. First, enhanced excitability constitutes a signature of active ensembles and, due to it, subthreshold synaptic connections become suprathreshold in the absence of synaptic plasticity (iceberg model). Second, enhanced excitability promotes the propagation of dendritic potentials toward the soma and allows for enhanced coupling of EPSP amplitude (LTP) to the spike output (and thus ensemble participation). This permissive gate model describes a need for permanently increased excitability, which seems at odds with its traditional consideration as a short-lived mechanism. We propose that longer modifications in excitability are made possible by a low threshold for intrinsic plasticity induction, suggesting that excitability might be on/off-modulated at short intervals. Consistent with this, in cerebellar Purkinje cells, excitability lasts days to weeks, which shows that in some circuits the duration of the phenomenon is not a limiting factor in the first place. In our model, synaptic plasticity defines the information content received by neurons through the connectivity network that they are embedded in. However, the plasticity of cell-autonomous excitability could dynamically regulate the ensemble participation of individual neurons as well as the overall activity state of an ensemble.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrical excitability-the ability to fire and propagate action potentials-is a signature feature of neurons. How neurons become excitable during development and whether excitability is an intrinsic property of neurons remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Schwann cells, the most abundant glia in the peripheral nervous system, promote somatosensory neuron excitability during development. We find that Schwann cells secrete prostaglandin E2, which is necessary and sufficient to induce developing somatosensory neurons to express normal levels of genes required for neuronal function, including voltage-gated sodium channels, and to fire action potential trains. Inactivating this signaling pathway in Schwann cells impairs somatosensory neuron maturation, causing multimodal sensory defects that persist into adulthood. Collectively, our studies uncover a neurodevelopmental role for prostaglandin E2 distinct from its established role in inflammation, revealing a cell non-autonomous mechanism by which glia regulate neuronal excitability to enable the development of normal sensory functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurostimulation employing photoactive organic semiconductors offers an appealing alternative to conventional techniques, enabling targeted action and wireless control through light. In this study, organic electrolytic photocapacitors (OEPC) are employed to investigate the effects of light-controlled electric stimulation on neuronal networks in vitro and in vivo. The interactions between the devices and biological systems are characterized. Stimulation of primary rat cortical neurons results in an elevated expression of c-Fos within a mature neuronal network. OEPC implantation for three weeks and subsequent stimulation of the somatosensory cortex leads to an increase of c-Fos in neurons at the stimulation site and in connected brain regions (entorhinal cortex, hippocampus), both in the ipsi- and contralateral hemispheres. Reactivity of glial and immune cells after semi-chronic implantation of OEPC in the rat brain is comparable to that of surgical controls, indicating minimal foreign body response. Device functionality is further substantiated through retained charging dynamics following explantation. OEPC-based, light-controlled electric stimulation has a significant impact on neural responsiveness. The absence of detrimental effects on both the brain and device encourages further use of OEPC as cortical implants. These findings highlight its potential as a novel mode of neurostimulation and instigate further exploration into applications in fundamental neuroscience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modulation of input from primary afferent fibres has long been examined at the level of the first relays of these fibres. However, recent studies reveal that input to the spinal cord may also be modulated at the level of the very entry of afferent fibres to the spinal grey matter before action potentials in intraspinal collaterals of afferent fibres reach their target neurons. Such modulation greatly depends on the actions of GABA via extrasynaptic membrane receptors. In the reported study we hypothesized that the increase in excitability of afferent fibres following epidural polarization close to the site where collaterals of afferent fibres leave the dorsal columns is due to the release of GABA from two sources: not only GABAergic interneurons but also glial cells. We present evidence, primo, that GABA released from both these sources contributes to a long-lasting increase in the excitability and a shortening of the refractory period of epidurally stimulated afferent fibres and, secondo, that effects of epidural polarization on the release of GABA are more critical for these changes than direct effects of DC on the stimulated fibres. The experiments were carried out in deeply anaesthetized rats in which changes in compound action potentials evoked in hindlimb peripheral nerves by dorsal column stimulation were used as a measure of the excitability of afferent fibres. The study throws new light on the modulation of input to spinal networks but also on mechanisms underlying the restoration of spinal functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Stress and trauma are significant risk factors for many neuropsychiatric disorders and diseases, including anxiety disorders. Stress-induced anxiety symptoms have been attributed to enhanced excitability in circuits controlling fear, anxiety, and aversion. A growing body of evidence has implicated GABAergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in aversion processing and affective behavior.
    UNASSIGNED: We used an unpredictable footshock (uFS) model, together with electrophysiological and behavioral approaches, to investigate the role of VTA GABA neurons in anxiety-related behavior in mice.
    UNASSIGNED: One day after a single uFS session, C57BL/6J mice exhibited elevated anxiety-related behavior and VTA GABA neuron excitability. The enhanced excitability of VTA GABA neurons was correlated with increased glutamatergic input and a reduction in postsynaptic signaling mediated via GABAA and GABAB receptors. Chemogenetic activation of VTA GABA neurons was sufficient to increase anxiety-related behavior in stress-naïve mice. In addition, chemogenetic inhibition of VTA GABA neurons suppressed anxiety-related behavior in mice exposed to uFS.
    UNASSIGNED: These data show that VTA GABA neurons are an early substrate for stress-induced anxiety-related behavior in mice and suggest that approaches mitigating enhanced excitability of VTA GABA neurons may hold promise for the treatment of anxiety provoked by stress and trauma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Timely and efficient contractions of the smooth muscle of the uterus - the myometrium - are crucial to a successful pregnancy outcome. These episodic contractions are regulated by spontaneous action potentials changing cell and tissue electrical excitability. In this short review we will document and discuss current knowledge of these processes. Those seeking a conclusive account of myometrial pacemaking mechanisms, or indeed a definitive description of the anatomical site of uterine pacemaking, may be disappointed. Rather, after almost a century of investigation, and in spite of promising studies in the last decade or so, there remain many gaps in our knowledge. We review the progress that has been made using recent technologies including in vivo and ex vivo imaging and electrophysiology and computational modelling, taking evidence from studies of animal and human myometrium, with particular emphasis on what may occur in the latter. We have prioritized physiological studies that bring us closer to understanding function. From our analyses we suggest that in human myometrium there is no fixed pacemaking site, but rather mobile, initiation sites produce the connectivity for synchronizing electrical and contractile activity. We call for more studies and funding, as physiological understanding of pacemaking gives hope to being better able to treat clinical conditions such as preterm and dysfunctional labours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Persistent hyperactivity of nociceptors is known to contribute significantly to long-lasting sensitization and ongoing pain in many clinical conditions. It is often assumed that nociceptor hyperactivity is mainly driven by continuing stimulation from inflammatory mediators. We have tested an additional possibility: that persistent increases in excitability promoting hyperactivity can be induced by a prototypical cellular signaling pathway long known to induce late-phase long-term potentiation (LTP) of synapses in brain regions involved in memory formation. This cAMP-PKA-CREB-gene transcription-protein synthesis pathway was tested using whole-cell current clamp methods on small dissociated sensory neurons (primarily nociceptors) from dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) excised from previously uninjured (\"naïve\") rats. Six-hour treatment with the specific Gαs-coupled 5-HT4 receptor agonist, prucalopride, or with the adenylyl cyclase activator, forskolin, induced long-term hyperexcitability (LTH) in DRG neurons that manifested 12-24 hours later as action potential (AP) discharge (ongoing activity, OA) during artificial depolarization to -45 mV, a membrane potential that is normally subthreshold for AP generation. Prucalopride treatment also induced significant long-lasting depolarization of resting membrane potential (from -69 to -66 mV), enhanced depolarizing spontaneous fluctuations (DSFs) of membrane potential, and indications of reduced AP threshold and rheobase. LTH was prevented by co-treatment of prucalopride with inhibitors of PKA, CREB, gene transcription, and protein synthesis. As in the induction of synaptic memory, many other cellular signals are likely to be involved. However, the discovery that this prototypical memory induction pathway can induce nociceptor LTH, along with reports that cAMP signaling and CREB activity in DRGs can induce hyperalgesic priming, suggest that early, temporary, cAMP-induced transcriptional and translational mechanisms can induce nociceptor LTH that might last for long periods. An interesting possibility is that these mechanisms can also be reactivated by re-exposure to inflammatory mediators such as serotonin during subsequent challenges to bodily integrity, \"reconsolidating\" the cellular memory and thereby extending the duration of persistent nociceptor hyperexcitability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The transition from childhood to adulthood, or adolescence, a developmental stage, is characterized by psychosocial and biological changes. The nucleus accumbens (NAc), a striatal brain region composed of the core (NAcC) and shell (NAcSh), has been linked to risk-taking behavior and implicated in reward seeking and evaluation. Most neurons in the NAc are medium spiny neurons (MSNs) that express dopamine D1 receptors (D1R +) and/or dopamine D2 receptors (D2R +). Changes in dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems occur during adolescence and converge in the NAc. While there are previous investigations into sex differences in membrane excitability and synaptic glutamate transmission in both subdivisions of the NAc, to our knowledge, none have specified NAcSh D1R + MSNs from mice during pre- and mid-adolescence.
    METHODS: Sagittal brain slices containing the NAc were prepared from B6.Cg-Tg(Drd1a-tdTomato)6Calak/J mice of both sexes from postnatal days 21-25 and 35-47, representing pre- and mid-adolescence, respectively. Whole-cell electrophysiology recordings were collected from NAcSh D1R + MSNs in the form of membrane-voltage responses to current injections, to assess membrane properties and action potential waveform characteristics, and spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) to assess glutamatergic synaptic activity.
    RESULTS: Relative to pre-adolescent males, pre-adolescent female NAcSh D1R + MSNs exhibited a less hyperpolarized resting membrane potential, increased input resistance, and smaller action potential afterhyperpolarization amplitudes. During mid-adolescence, decreased input resistance and a shorter action potential duration in females were the only sex differences observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results indicate that NAcSh D1R + MSNs in mice exhibit sex differences in membrane properties and AP waveform during pre-adolescence that are overall indicative of increased cellular excitability in females and are suggestive of possible sex differences in glycine receptors, inwardly-rectifying potassium channels, and large conductance voltage-gated potassium channels. These differences do not appear to persist into mid-adolescence, when sex was observed to affect input resistance oppositely to that of pre-adolescence and AP waveform in a manner suggestive of differences in voltage-gated potassium channels.
    Adolescence marks a period of substantial changes in both the mind and body, where alterations in the brain’s structure can influence behavior. One change in behavior exhibited by many adolescents is an increased tendency to take risks, particularly in males. While taking risks can result in positive outcomes, like learning new skills, it can also lead to reckless behaviors that may result in negative outcomes. The nucleus accumbens, a brain region tied to risk-taking and reward perception, is not well-studied during the transition from childhood to adulthood, particularly in terms of sex differences. To fill this gap in understanding, this study examined a specific type of brain cell in the nucleus accumbens of pre- and mid-adolescent male and female mice. We measured the electrical properties of these cells and assessed how they responded to manipulation of their electrical state. We also measured how much and how often excitatory electrical information is sent to these cells from other brain regions. Our results suggest that in pre-adolescent females, these brain cells are more excited by manipulations of their electrical state and that these brain cells in mid-adolescent males may take longer to communicate information to other brain regions than in similarly aged females. Understanding these intricacies of brain cell communication sheds light on potential sex-specific vulnerabilities during the transition from childhood to adulthood.





